WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

28 Aug 2019


Joanmarie_Diggs, janina, Sharron, CharlesL, George, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Rachael, CharlesL1
janina, Rachael


<janina> scribe: janina

jb: Next Wednesday 11 September -- Any conflicts?


jb: Noting the W3C offices are in the midst of a move

Upcoming announcements & publications

janina: CAPTCHA published, needs more announcing

Sharron: EO about to publish media resource ...
... Called "Accessible Media Guide"

<Sharron> The resource is called "Making Audio and Video Media Accessible" and is found here:

<Sharron> https://wai-media-guide.netlify.com/design-develop/media/

janina: Strong possibility to kill off interactive CAPTCHA via emerging blockchain
... Conversation scheduled at TPAC
... I will ask Roy to help find someone to translate to Chinese

TPAC break-outs all set? (Rechecking by popular demand)

Judy: We agreed to touch on this at this meeting
... Understand several joint mtgs being scheduled

James: Joint with Publishing, and with CSS

<Judy> Janina: CSS joing meeting is on. Decentralized identifiers may be. [@@@ is on.] AOM meeting request is being revised to be more specific.

<Judy> Janina: May be one with Immersive Web XR.

APA Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2019

Judy: Reminding everyone of APA's wide scope, so feel welcome in that agenda!

Janina: Silver is being expressly invited

Judy: Reminding people to make thorough plans for travel if traveling with a disability

Did the follow-ups happen on details, longdesc, etc

Judy: Noting our longdesc discussion; Have w followed up?

mc: On my plh list

Judy: We should make sure we communicate

mc: Believe I'm scheduled Friday

Judy: Excellent
... Looking to Janina to make sure we don't lose existing longdesc encoded content

Katie: Suggests TPAC conversation with Dpub

Janina: Joint APA Dpub scheduled after lunch Thursday

CL: Haven't seen it used recently
... People using ARIA-Describedby
... We have deprecated longdesc

GK: Believe one publisher may still be using
... Is it flagged in AX?

Katie: Will look

<Ryladog> Does Deque's aXe check for longdesc? Katie will follow-up

Janina: Suggests a script to transform old content to Summary/Details

FYI on scope of applications in AGWG charter discussion

Judy: Series of discussions to clarify scope
... A request to restrict "applications" to web
... Believe it may out in the next day or so; Comments welcome

gk: Assuming dpub web viewers would be included?

Judy: Unsure how to answer -- Michael?

mc: If I understand, agwg has dependency on non web tech, so spills over a bit, but we won't do normative on nonweb

Judy: What about web viewers?

mc: It's an example that can be used on or off web; So is scoped when used on web

gk: Assume Google docs, etc are in scope? They're apps living on the web

Katie: I used to be concerned about this, but if it's clearly software only ...

Janina: Suggest off-line viewing of web content really is still web

Judy: W3C working on better defining this kind of scoping
... e.g. much of XR is applicable off web as well
... Recalling one of dom's graphics ... what percentage is web content, hybrid, etc
... Had represented it clearly as a continuum

<Zakim> janina, you wanted to ask about off-line viewing?

gk: Major discussion re service workers taking an online pub and packaging for off line
... That will need to be a11y

Judy: Packaging is the correct term here
... Who's tracking?

gk: Not Dpub; we have a spec for audio, but not a web publication to offline use

[discussion on who owns packaging]

<Rachael> scribe: Rachael

Janina: Assigned as an action item to someone reliable but sometimes events interfered. We did, in APA, in between assigning action and taking up the outcome, was to look at last year's minutes to see what the complaints were last year.

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to comment on hybridization

Community Groups check-in?

Janina: we will be better prepared to answer the questions (who, what skills, etc)
... I think we'll have a report by the 11th.

Judy: It sounds like you have it under control but can I help at all?

Janina: Attend the call?

Judy: Lets try. May be hard due to timing w/ TPAC. May want to invite Josh but I will try to attend.

Upcoming Inclusive Web workshop to be announced shortly

<janina> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2019Aug/0067.html

Judy: Workshop we are expecting.

Janina: The announcement went out.

Judy: Has there been a message from W3C staff? I want to make sure it went out.
... there is a workshop in Seattle in November 5th and 6th in inclusive XR
... there was an XR symposium that had good turnout. We expect this one to be more focused on standards issues and opportunities.
... if you know of people who are interested in, or if your workforce/taskforce has intersection with this (virtual reality or expanded reality space) get someone to the meeting. Any questions?

<Judy> https://w3c.github.io/inclusive-xr-workshop/

Judy: There has been a fair amount of discussion in the research taskforce. We are noticing there is a cluster of technology that apply across XR and games. We may end up tracking it all together.

Are there intersections we are missing with other groups such as ARIA or Silver? Publishing?

James: Useful if someone from ARIA

<janina> Look for XAUR at https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Main_Page

Judy: Would you mind giving some examples of things that ARIA needs to handle in that space?

James: I can envision people looking at things and extending roles into VR space. Things that you want to interact with. Not sure if its good or not at this time.

Judy: Any other comments on relevance?

Charles: From other groups that may be interested, APA tasksforce on personalization may be relevant. I can talk to Janina about that.

Ryladog: About the XR workshop. I was previously talking about having captions within the XR experience.
... I recommended people who were not developers to go to the workshop. Can I go to this workshop without having something to present?

Judy: Usually the workshops have a proposal requirement. You don't have to present but put in a position. There are ways to go without presenting.

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to ask Charles about AR overlays on geography, landmarks etc and to also remind people upcoming Immersive Web CG

Judy: Charles, I was envisioning another application that was an intersection between publishing and VR. For example, a published tour book. You want the augmented reality projections on the landmarks. That capability needs to be built into the use cases.
... we need to know which standards would support that.
... Josh OConnor is developing a collection of XR user requirements. That type of thing isn't in there yet.

Can someone on the call drop in the link for that?

<Ryladog> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Xaur_draft

<janina> See this email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2019Feb/0032.htmlhttps://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Main_Page

George: Watching the Read 2.0 list, it seems ther eis quite a lot of activity around publishing using VR and AR. We don't have any activities in the publishing group that deal with this but I see it on the list. But I see its big and centered in Seattle.
... amazon is in Seattle?

Janina: Amazon is also the cochair for the immersive tech group.

Judy: Janina, can you remind people of your role on this call?

Janina: Here, I am an invited expert as the chair of APA. In Silver I am an Amazon rep.

Judy: You are able though to provide informative information to Amazon.

Janina: Yes.

Judy: Good to clarify.
... I'm thinking about what you are saying George that publishing does not yet have any organized activities around AR/VR but that it is coming at you.

George: Its a bandwidth issue. People don't have the time to explore these things.

Judy: Can W3C help with this? The upcoming workshop is still being shaped. Should we include a container that intesects with all the W3C groups it should.
... what is most helpful to people?

Janina: Key is that people working in this tech are aware there are people with disabilities who will want to use it.
... It woudl be good to have a post that I can point people to. Invite them to think about what their doing in terms of accessibility

Judy: I will find the workshop announcement and forward it to this list.

George: I can craft it from there.

<CharlesL1> FYI, I spoke at the last VR conference in San Jose back in 2016 on accessibility not being an afterthought.

Janina: There are a couple of URIs that you will find useful.
... 360 degree captioning. Where we are thinking about this deeply is in RTF. Link to that.
... today's APA minutes as well. Those will show up at TPAC

<CharlesL1> Here is that lightning talk I did for that conference Lightning talks

<CharlesL1> https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/slides/VR-Accessibility.pdf, https://youtu.be/VHLg9z9muvI

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to remind people about immersive captions

Judy: Is there anything on the infoshare item that needs to be shared now?
... the link above is the lightning talk.

trackbot end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/28 19:40:33 $

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Succeeded: s/Sharon/Sharron/
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Succeeded: s/take an action to write something and forward it/find the workshop announcement and forward it to this list/
Default Present: Joanmarie_Diggs, janina, Sharron, CharlesL, George, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Rachael
Present: Joanmarie_Diggs janina Sharron CharlesL George Katie_Haritos-Shea Rachael CharlesL1
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Found Scribe: Rachael
Inferring ScribeNick: Rachael
Scribes: janina, Rachael
ScribeNicks: janina, Rachael
Found Date: 28 Aug 2019
People with action items: 

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