Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

14 Aug 2019


janina, Becka11y, Joshue108, Joanmarie_Diggs, Léonie, (tink), jasonjgw, MichaelC, JonnyJames, Irfan


<scribe> scribe: becka11y

Agenda Review & Announcements

TPAC 2019 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2019

Janina: asked for news or announcements - none
... TPAC - am sending out requests to other groups for joint meetings
... aria and CSS would be on top of agenda after pronounciation; but some of the key people may not be at TPAC

Joanie: There is still open issue with CSS text transform (how it is presented to Screen readers, etc); CSS wants to talk to ARIA/APA to discuss further

Janina: can make that the top item of discussion - definitely want to provide feedback to CSS on text transform
... may want to discuss why APA is concerned with CSS speech as well
... Joanie requests that Janina coordinate meetings with CSS at TPAC

Joanie: no issues from APA folks filed on new emphasis and strong roles (although was mentioned in previous calls that a JF and Irfan had concerns)

Community Groups Tracking Review https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Community_Groups

Janina: need someone to go through the new Community groups review - has to be done every now and then and identify the ones we care about

<scribe> ACTION: becka11y to review and update community groups, due August 28

<trackbot> Error finding 'becka11y'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/users>.

<scribe> ACTION: becky to review and update community groups, due August 28

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2206 - Review and update community groups, due august 28 [on Becky Gibson - due 2019-08-21].

Workshop Updates

Janina: not much here; met with Ted about data modeling for Transportation; my brief writeup was accepted and will be at the workshop in Palo Alto and will present

Task Force Updates

Janina: CAPTCHA cfc cleared will be posted soon; thanks to Jason for work on that (scribe adds: in addition to Janina)
... will take time at TPAC on VR/XR for discussioins; Silver will need to address

Jason: RQTF reviewed VR and Augmented reality for accessibility; more going on due to development of Web XR api; effort under way to develop use cases for XR applications - lead by Josh
... looking for gaps in a11y and guidance; want to concentrate on the issues specific to XR apps; also looking at W3C and non-W3c specs to see how they relate to each other - for example A11y object model, ARIA and intersection with XR

<Joshue108> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Xaur_draft

Joshue: working to some updates and tidying of above doc

<Joshue108> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Accessible_RTC_Use_Cases

Jason: acknowledging Joshue and others for work on the Accessible RTC use Cases, meetings, and discussions

Leonie: have been working with Dom on creating a W3C workshop on XR; will focus on many of the topics just discussed and that RQTF is working on

<Joshue108> Good work Dom (the person) and Léonie.

Janina: certainly appreciate organizing that - very much needed; suggests reviewing the RQTF minutes for more info

Leonie: will keep this group updated on the workshop; would really like APA or RQTF input at the workshop
... will be November 5-6 in Seattle; hopefully approved and announced soon

<Joshue108> Sounds interesting Gottfried.

<Gottfried> Pilar Orero, Spain

Gottfried: ISO IECJTC 1 working group(s) there is interest in including IR and VR into the specs. Driving person on one of the specs has ongoing projects

<Gottfried> Project about captioning in XR environments: http://www.imac-project.eu/

Pilar Orero is the driving person mentioned above

<Gottfried> SC 35 on user interfaces

Gottfried: Josh has been in touch with Pilar as well

Joshue: confirms that has had good conversations with Pilar and would be good to introduce her to Janina and this group

Janina: good to invite her to workshop in Seattle

<Zakim> Gottfried, you wanted to ask if Pilar Orero is involved in requirements related to captioning

Gottfried: would be good to have a meeting between this group and SC 35; SC 35 made a direct inquiry to W3C about including sign language into the language acronyms

Janina: believe there are ISO designations for sign languages; references are included in the MAUR
... this topic came up on personalization call - are there symbolic designations for AAC symbol sets?

Irfan: agreed on call today to make a request to APA for cfc for 2 pronounciation TF public working drafts - use scenarios and gap analysis
... use cases is still in progress

Janina: expecting to send cfc on Monday with responses by following Friday
... thinking pronounciation should meet with time text and CSS at TPAC

Leonie: HTML is not a W3C working group anymore but is reponsible for raising issues with WHAT WG
... wondering why pronounciation is not be incubated within HTML editors and browsers

Janina: I think we are preparing for that by creating user scenarios, use cases, etc and then we can go to that group

Leonie: suggest posting a thread on the WICG discourse forum to get the topic on their radar

<tink> https://discourse.wicg.io

Horizontal reviews https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22

Michael: CSS working group is proposing a new charter; I have commented to add back info about review with APA; does include req. for Accessibility consideration within specs
... WCAG WG - we don’t need to review their accessibility section - group agrees
... Web authentication - they have a liason statement to APA; some concern that their deliverables should include more about a11y - but APA needs to provide more guidance

Jason: seems like some of the details depended upon hardware and capabilities which was out of scope of specification; but we need to make sure there is hardware available to suit all user needs and offer any guidance; Might need to make sure authenticating agents list devices supported and include ones that work for all

Janina: would be good to meet with them at TPAC to address the question of providing an alternative to CAPTCHA; use biometris instead but without identifying user abilities

Michael: we signed off on Machine learning on the web

new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html

Michael: CSS display module - they are updating the CR but we have open comments; we need to coordinate with them ASAP
... don’t want to this to slip by without addressing our comment that was filed by JonnyJames

Janina: asks JonnyJames to follow up

<MichaelC> Timing Entry Names Registry

Michael: first public WD - as a registry we probably don’t need review

Janina: group agrees

Michael: Web of Things: we have a comment approved but haven’t sent it because I don’t fully understand it
... is very detailed;

Janina: will coordinate with Josh offline

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: becka11y to review and update community groups, due August 28
[NEW] ACTION: becky to review and update community groups, due August 28

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/14 17:00:56 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/present_//
Present: janina Becka11y Joshue108 Joanmarie_Diggs Léonie (tink) jasonjgw MichaelC JonnyJames Irfan
Regrets: Matthew
Found Scribe: becka11y
Inferring ScribeNick: Becka11y
Found Date: 14 Aug 2019
People with action items: becka11y becky

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