<scribe> scribe: Irfan
janina: few additional items in
agenda today
... need to determine if we are accepting them
... anyone have anything to add in agenda?
janina: need to plan agenda. got
the details from pronunciation task force
... if you have topics, please share so hat w ecan cover
... APA tooling... we want to talk more about it.. I am
concerned about tracking outcomes.
... need to track and update the group. need to do better job
for updates.
JF: didnt capture the idea of tracking
janina: there is no real tracking mechanism... need to work on it. there is no way to follow up after commenting
JF: are we discussing it to day to resolve
janina: nope, we talk about it at TPAC
JF: lot of working groups are tracking in gitHub. we could perhaps track the response on wiki based upon email address
janina: those are options
janina: Thanks Matthew! its going to impact on our agenda at TPAC.
<Matthew_Atkinson> Here's my technical summary of the web games workshop - http://matatk.agrip.org.uk/articles/w3c-workshop-on-web-games/ - as mentioned in RQTF, thanks to everyone for your help with the paper and to The Paciello Group for funding my trip :-).
Irfan will create a ticket in ARIA issue tracker and will add it to the agenda to discuss at TPAC
JF: markup is not a role but an intent. it feels that <strong> and <em> can be styling. Its not really role.
joanie: I want a new issue in aria working group github
JF: I will add the things that we are looking to do at personalization. something like intent.. feels there is cross check between aria working group and personalization.
joanie: em and strong has semantic meaning.... we are not doing it for presentation but semantic. please file an issue.
jf: will file a bug
... Irfan and JF will file new issues.
jf: updates from personalization.
didn't have enough ppl to have a meeting. there are 5800
different symbol. we will use the basic taxonomy where each
symbol has a meaning.
... in past two weeks we are getting close to have a resolution
is next couple of weeks
... we are getting a predefined list.
janina: licensing is not a problem
mc: web authetication working
group has a new charter. we dont know where it is.
... they filled the issue requesting horizontal issue but we
cant find it
... cant find the charter. need to keep the radar to look into
janina: we want to consider authentication is important.
mc: cant find it in mailing list
... tracking mechanism is not working well.
... no other horizontal review
... XR workshop?
janina: we just concluded
... is there any charter?
mc: there is a draft workshop
called inclusive XR.
... we dont need to review it but I will ask for opinion on
... if there is anything we need to do on it.
janina: dont think so
janina: this is the added agenda where we have comment from response. it came via github. asking MC to forward. asking people to look at that and if they are satisfied with the response
jf: reading the response from
Daniel, transaction identifier is randomly generated. they are
saying that while the possibility is user finger printing is
possible but this spec seems a tunnel. data is basically
capturing the end user server.
... its a pen and paper and not context. this is what I am
reading. not sure about other people
janina: any privacy finger printing issue?
jf: have concerns with browsers finger printing but it is happening on recipient server and not on browser
janina: inclining to accept the
... anybody is agree with that?
mc: I am responding.
mc: got an issue from CSS working group.
<MichaelC> CSS Display Module Level 3
<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3040
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/CSS_Display_Module_Level_3
mc: display:contents breaks accessibility #24
<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/24
mc: I filed an issue on august
1st 2018 in CSS task force and Jonny filed another at CSS
working group.
... issue is still open.
janina: we noticed that its is fixed in ff and chrome
mc: we dont have formal response yet
jf: last comment was on may
... we need either trust their testing or do some verification
testing to confirm
janina: this is task force issue
mc: do we need to ask task force to look into it?
janina: may be we can bring it up next week and talk to Ian.
<JF> https://caniuse.com/#search=display%3A%20contents%3B
<MichaelC> CSS Syntax Module Level 3
mc: dont know if we have any comment how to parse CSS.
becky: came late.. as long as it is parsing and not behavior
jf: it has impact on output but I guess it should not be a concern
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/files/filled/ Succeeded: s/authoentication/authetication/ Default Present: janina, MichaelC, Joanmarie_Diggs, Matthew_Atkinson, Irfan, JF, JonnyJames, Becka11y Present: janina MichaelC Joanmarie_Diggs Matthew_Atkinson Irfan JF JonnyJames Becka11y Regrets: Gottfried Found Scribe: Irfan Inferring ScribeNick: Irfan Found Date: 17 Jul 2019 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]