Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

24 Apr 2019


janina, Fazio, Matthew_Atkinson, Joanmarie_Diggs, MichaelC, irfan, JF, IanPouncey, Becka11y, Joshue108_, Gottfried
Chris, Jonny
JF, becka11y


<JF> scribe: JF

Agenda Review & Announcements

<Becka11y> scribe: becka11y

Janina: hearing no edits for the agenda nor any news will move forward with agenda
... zakim, next item

TPAC 2019

Janina: initial calendar published; we have a request to switch dates with ARIA; no other TPAC news at this time

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2019

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to add feedback from Pronunciation TF

JF: on pronounciation TF call discussed getting together with CSS, I18N, mayby media and entertainment and json LD at TPAC; maybe APA can help facilitate that

<JF> CSS and i18n is "critical", and perhaps M&E and JSON LD if possible

JF: CSS and I18N input is critical for pronounciation TF

Janina: may want to include webapps as well

Michael: I have created a TPAC meeting page and have added JF info above to it

Gaming Workshop Draft https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Web_Games_Workshop_Position_Paper

Matthew: draft of position paper based on feedback sent to Francois who is co-organizing the gaming workshop; idea is to stimulate discussion that will lead to concrete outcomes. Some info is exploratory but there is also plenty that is acheivable in the short run; will submit as a position paper and hope to be accepted to present at the workshop

Janina: since deadline for submission is May 10 - the group has two weeks to review and tweak;

Michael: generally submissions come from individuals; I think this paper goes a bit beyond the recommended 2 paragraphs long; also needs some background info about accessibility

Matthew: I realize it is relatively long but the examples I used vary widely in length and detail. Agree it can be trimmed down a bit.

<Matthew_Atkinson> Was given some examples from a prior workshop: https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/papers.html

Michael: still want to front load with some basic a11y info since many people will have little idea about what a11y means

Janina: are there EO resources that we can point to rather than having to front load all of our paper submissions with basic a11y info?

Michael: I think we still need to tie the a11y info to the actual topic

Janina: Jason asked people participating in RQTF to review this paper for the next call; it would be great if Matthew can attend; will forward theinfo

Matthew: am happy to have people make edits to streamline this and make it shorter
... would like to review this again next week

Task Force Updates

Janina: captcha - we are getting there lots of activity and a list of comments that need response

<janina> http://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/#title

Janina: latest draft at above link: want security and privacy groups a chance to review since a11y dovetails with these groups; We also want i18n to review due to assumptions about character sets and non-English speakers; want to publish for a second wide review by end of May

new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html

<MichaelC> CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1

Michael: general model for navigating focus using arrow keys; CSS; JS
... appear to have done zero interaction with accessibility and no mention of accessibility; thus, believe we need to get a task force involved with it

JF: does this attempt to solve the flexbox problem

Michael: it seems to from a quick read; agree with JF that we need to get involved;

Janina: yes, totally agree

Gottfried: this would be good to be able to control navigation via CSS

JF: yes - although may have the same issues as with positivie tab index where they can mess with the logical flow

Janina: begs the question of what is logical flow

Gottfied: I think this is spatial which is different than logical; probably helpful for people who can see the screen and navigate with the keyboard

JF: do we have the resources to embed a person? Ian already partitpates but hate to dump on him all the time
... should add to TPAC meetings

Janina: agree; also may be people who aren’t currently active that will likely be interested in this; perhaps we can ge them re-engaged; this is a big deal
... could be really useful but also really problemmatic

Janina; challenge to logical order is probably the larger question

Michael: will file an issue in CSS TF github

Janina: I will ping Ian about it; would be good to include pointer to Sapporo minutes were this was discussed

<MichaelC> Review CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1 in CSS Github

Michael: suspect we will have to push this

Actions Checkin (Specs) https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/products/8

JF: was looking at i18n spec on specifying text direction on string-text; anything that doesn’t show up in viewport is screen text ; draft seems to address the direction via meta info; I attended pronounciation call to make sure they are aware of the issue
... the spec does lightly refer to a11y; suggest that we keep on eye on this
... example: can’t add lang attribute on title element - and thus can’t specify the direction. This is just string text. can’t provide direction info; proposed solution is that meta data is the way to address but no specifics provided on how to implement

Janina: need to make sure it works with AT

JF: believe the pronounciation task force is the best fit for following this

Janina: WEBRTC happy to have Josh address this

Michael: agree it makes sense to assign that action item to Josh

<MichaelC> action-2187?

<trackbot> action-2187 -- Joshue O Connor to Review webrtc next version use cases -- due 2018-12-19 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/2187

Web Fingerprinting https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Mitigating_Browser_Fingerprinting_in_Web_Specifications

Janina: any further thoughts on this topic?

JF: I think we need to make a distinction between digital fingerprinting and meta data fingerprinting
... believe we should be talking more about digital fingerprinting vs physical fingerprinting

<JF> Suggest we make a specific distinction between "physical" fingerprints and digital fingerprints

Janina: I beleive that the doc. is concerned with digital fingerprinting as a means to identify people

JF: actually identifying aspects of people - for example, figuring out that someone is blind or screen reader user

Janina: identifying behavioral characteristics of users - creates security /privacy concerns
... not sure of the best way to address

JF: biggest problem I see in the doc it is recognizing privacy impacts but it also needs to include a section on the impacts to accessibility
... the docs seems to be a collection of research and is a gap that they have not addressed that this can be an issue for PWD

JF; perhaps the RQTF can look at how this affects PWD and document

Janina: I’ll take it to RQTF

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/04/24 16:58:54 $

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Present: janina Fazio Matthew_Atkinson Joanmarie_Diggs MichaelC irfan JF IanPouncey Becka11y Joshue108_ Gottfried
Regrets: Chris Jonny
Found Scribe: JF
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Found Scribe: becka11y
Inferring ScribeNick: Becka11y
Scribes: JF, becka11y
ScribeNicks: JF, Becka11y
Found Date: 24 Apr 2019
People with action items: 

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