Automotive WebPlatform Business Group Face to Face

23 Oct 2018 Business Group F2F

25 Oct 2018 Auto Working Group F2F

26 Oct 2018 Auto Working Group F2F



Henrik, Ulf, Daniel, Arnaud(Orange), Magnus, Dave_Singer, PatrickL, Ted, Michel_Mayslich(Canton), Harjot, Glenn, Armin, Changjin(html5_forum), Arnaud_Braud, Hyojin, Song, Guru, Hira, Adam, DanielF, Jinkyu_Seong, Sebastian(Seimens), Toru_Kawaguchi(Panasonic), Benjamin, mmayslich, Gregg_Kellog, Tim, Pieter_Pauwels, Urata
Glenn, Benjamin


<scribe> scribenick: ted

<scribe> Scribe: Ted

<scribe> Meeting: Auto BG F2F


Data marketplace

Ted: what do people envision for an automotive data market place?

PatrickL: it is more a question to those who want to use that data
... yes, we want to use it too and be able to share with partners provided permission is given
... more common the model the better
... the way a how such a marketplace is structure, whether it is standardized and well understood, will be influenced by the market

Glenn: from a fleet perspective a common dataset is useful, silo approach is problematic
... depending on the end user, their uses vary. to be able to formulate it before it is transmitted is highly valuable
... for example if you take all the available signals and send to cloud that is not necessarily useful for specific purposes
... you need to take a purpose specific approach. commercial fleets have become accustomed for things like predictive maintenance
... having that consistent across manufacturers is something they have become accustomed to

Ted: curious how many vehicles are part of commecial fleets

Harjot: we have 1.3M devices and have more vehicles through other telemetics services

<Harjot> Video mentioned by Glenn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vxsyJLygws

Glenn: there is a short video on how we handle data sampling with a curve algorithm
... we can determine within a few weeks when a battery will fail for example, and send that information to the cloud but not needed otherwise
... Geotab has reverse engineered every vehicle used in commercial fleets to be able to provide commonality, we are looking forward to the standard providing that

Daniel: as you said we have thousands of signals, the private parts are less important

Data task force recap

Guru: see email for CCC's similar work


PatrickL: they are working on infrastructure, transmission and authentication
... they are not working on datasets itself
... they were willing to allow vehicles to deliver whatever it had
... it has been a few years since I was involved with them
... skimming the whitepaper...
... it might be great to align and leverage their experience for backend plus identification, authorization parts

[discussion of experiences and synching with CCC. University of Colorada joining for Neutral Vehicle interests]

Glenn summarizes NV, mix of academia, government, telematics experts to demonstrate interoperability

Glenn: having government involvement gives us large number of vehicles, their fleet to draw data from
... we have a couple of projects in place
... we proposed to EU parliament concept of secure, accessible data


Ted: clearly we should sync with CCC

[review of who has current and past experiences/relationships to draw from]

[Guru and Patrick to reach out]

Glenn: another thought on CCC, a phone is an individual's device (unlike shared vehicle) and consent can be prompted when a new phone is being paired with

[break until 10:30]

<AdamC> Hi everyone :)

<AdamC> Hi Ted. Have we resumed yet? I'm getting no audio on webex


[slide overview of automotive ontology work]

Benjamin: I wanted to make the signals understandable to me and machines as well
... there are approximately 1k signals in VSS (Genivi, what W3C VISS uses)
... it makes sense in having labels/descriptions, min/max value ranges, units etc
... from this I started my ontology. I am creating RDF triples (W3C OGC) instead of a tree using SOSA/SSN
... speed for example maps to sosa.ObservableProperty from a sensor
... and encapsulation time, location and other parameters available. speed is an observable signal based on other data points or provided by the vehicle [actually vehicle provides that element in multiple places]
... there are some weird things in VSS that need to be worked out. need for unique names. i removed location (front, right, left, rear) since you can instantiate eg mirror and distinguish which it is
... want to be able to extend and add new sensor or other data
... as mentioned you can measure the same information from multiple paths
... you should not need to know which component is handling it and filter by component/branch that is producing it
... you only care how fast the vehicle is going instead of how you attained that information
... from a IoT/WoT point of view this (slide 14) is how you can describe a vehicle
... we want to allow you to create instances of the same concept (door, mirror, etc) and not be confined to how it is outlined in VSS
... tree is no longer relevant when we move to a graph model
... some other examples, I made a sparql simulator (similar to sql) for interacting with VSS data
... you can make quite complete queries without understanding workings of vehicle. this is more for off line use and some are interested in realtime vehicle information
... we liked the VSS extension mechanism

PatrickL: I have a question for WG on structuring query

subtopic hashing: different use cases for JSON on vehicle vs RDF, JSON-LD, power benefits of SemWeb, WoT/realtime interactions and hesitations

Gregg: JSON-LD is great at keeping things JSON based while masking some of the underlying SemWeb complexities
... it allows to specify and inline further context (also JSON-LD)
... auto for instance is a term that expands to its schema, similar for IoT
... a JSON-LD processor can use inline defined context to turn it into a URI, in thing description for instance
... just having a name in JSON does not have any grounding to reality
... the elements might come from different vocabularies
... another thing we can do is have expectations for the term base
... ideally a context is defined that allows the expression of JSON as a developer expects to see it without all the RDF behind it
... we might want to transform from JSON to alternate formats
... you will notice some elements are link identifiers. this can be flattened out
... we can take this information and convert to RDF and other formats

Sebastian: I like it especially as you represent the "thing" description as of a few days ago
... allowing to skip media type and default to JSON
... you do not need to announce all the time
... writeable attribute
... using framing helps with semantic processing

DanielF: we started with JSON-LD 1.0 and got feedback from Mozilla

Gregg: there are multiple properties within an array in 1.0, in 1.1 we have ID maps which allows you to have a property as an object
... the keys are identifiers (ids)
... you can also index on a type, you might have multiple languages present

PatrickL: so it is possible to assign multiple types to a property?

Gregg: RDF type is property of resource that identifies a class for that resource
... yes you can have multiple types
... we can defer inference when going over subclasses, you can be representing a thing that is a car
... values can also have types such as datetime
... any XSD types are possible
... you can make inferences and query based on those values
... I expect basic classes of properties as a starting off point

PatrickL: so SPARQL is the way to query JSON-LD?

Gregg: it is one way to access this information. it is SQL like and maps to RDF subject predicate object triple
... you can serialize the results in JSON-LD or other formats

PatrickL: we have distinction between attributes and signals and not so action/event driven

Sebastian: request to open window is an action

PatrickL: yes

Benjamin: pushing the button triggers the window action

Sebastian: there are legacy property type approaches and the thing description allows how you control your system

PatrickL: looking at SPARQL it is quite powerful to ask for very specific information
... I received internal feedback that it is hard to comply with the W3C Member Submission (ViWi) we made previously
... it is possible to let someone know not to ask for eg long/latitude since we will not share with a given application

Gregg: the ontology defines the types of relationships that align with these properties. say you want to query door, you want to know all the properties that have door as part of its domain
... there are other technologies like shacl and shex
... to be a valid door it needs to have these values expressed. you could perform a sparql query but better would be one of these constraint languages
... you are not required to use SPARQL, you might just want to get back JSON when an event occurs
... it is not intuitive to some web developers who will prefer JSON

PatrickL: I would like access for developers to be harmonious. not sure we should offer multiple paths

Benjamin: SPARQL is the query language for RDF
... it is extremely powerful when merging data from additional domains
... I do not see it as mainstream

Gregg: there are people who use JSON-LD for crossing borders between programming paradigms
... you want uniform data
... the performance can vary quite a bit based on dataset. there are also REST ways for accesssing
... what types of query mechanisms do WoT folks do?

Sebastian: we do not have guidelines, want RDF in background and you can use any
... we have a thing directory with a store to keep thing description
... each device automatically sends thing description to directory, it is just a SPARQL endpoint

PatrickL: so you define your thing directory outside of your ontology?

Sebastian: yeah the thing description itself is an RDF store
... you return a thing description, answers you can send is a triple

Gregg: if you have a car you might have a thousand things within it, would each register itself within the thing directory so I could query it?

DanielF: you would not register everything for a device. you want to know street lamps and vehicles around you can interact with
... each sensor hasn't registered

Sebastian: up to you to setup your system
... depends on who is doing it for what purpose. backend or vehicle

<Zakim> ted, you wanted to comment on JSON-LD coniderations within VSS and to segue to Linked Building CG

Ted: as I mentioned, I think for on-board apps we may want to stick with JSON. I was seeing JSON-LD more for writing to cloud but the added structure should be considered even for consistency

Linked Buildings CG

Pieter: we have similar ontology for describing building using SNN
... we industry and research input working on these topics
... our model is purely RDF, we haven't looked into JSON-LD but you can produce multiple syntaxes and support multiple query mechanisms
... we have a full 3D geometry model, external and internal eg by room and you can get back various information by room such as temperature
... the core of the work is focusing on the RDF ontology for the building itself
... it makes sense to align, at least our approaches
... WoT, Building both should be aligned
... about thing repository for discovery, that will be important for us as well for representation of buildings within a geographical area and building interactions

Ted: we are not doing standards work on V2i/V2x but could see how having common data model and means to access it that we are working on could facilitate generic applications that run across different manufacturer vehicles to communicate with the underlying vehicle.
... We can also see vehicle/building interactions through the WoT not to mention being able to bring together these related but disparaging datasets together for multitude of purposes.

Michel: there are certainly information points you will want to gather/query across vehicles, understanding state but also vehicle/building interactions for things like parking

Pieter: we have been restricting ourselves to buildings only, not interacting with infrastructure
... traffic agencies and other companies are looking at the same technologies
... there is a huge potential in connecting automobiles, infrastructures and buildings
... apart from garage parking it is somewhat dodgy

Daniel: true but there are a number of similarities dealing with legacy building/vehicles and different capabilities

Pieter: we are drafting a charter to move forward as a W3C working group for standardizing
... we have not been aligning adequately with WoT but clearly should

Sebastian: we have some experiences from some participants on smart appliance perspectives

Ted: what sort of vehicle/building interactions do people see besides interactions through WoT? Parking capacity and availability is the most obvious

Pieter: we get granular in properties such as down to window manufacturer
... whether or not a building has parking spots available, you would need to query an active building. so far we have only been doing that for temperature

Policy Language


Armin: LPL is a sticky policy. you present the user in some manner the privacy policy and through this UI provide consent and personalize aspects
... when the data will be accessed for some specific purpose, they will be authenticated and dataset returned from the query may have some filtering/sanitation (eg anonymization) applied for that specific party
... big question of course is what is consent, GDPR defines several aspects

[slide 4]

Armin: you need to validate someone checked a particular box
... it should not be mixed with any conditions for services
... no legal text should be present
... use clear language, provide use cases for how the data would be used
... the user has the right to revoke their permissions at any point and it needs to be equally as easy to revoke
... it is not valid to say a condition of buying this car is to accept a specific policy

Ted: previously we discussed how an owner might have consented to sharing data with their insurance company for example. Should a different driver use the vehicle they should be informed this consent exists and is immutable or potentially prompt them to make granular distinctions on how the data can be used.

Armin: that is probably accurate or it could be possible to provide granular override

Guru: say a rental agency owns a car, how would consent work, what is the expectation?

PatrickL: handling of the data is often combined with the rental contract with the consumer
... if personal data is generated while the vehicle is rented, the agency needs to abide by GDPR
... it becomes more complicated

Guru: based on feasibility...

PatrickL: yes and based on what data

Armin: if there is a contract you do not need explicit consent
... if you ask lawyers they would prefer to err on the side of caution

[back to presentation]

[slide 5]

Armin: consent can be captured by various technical means, no pre-checked boxes as that is not a deliberate act to give consent

[slide 6]

Armin: there has to be a differentiation between processing purposes
... for each purpose, consent needs to be given

[slide 7]

Armin: article 12-14 of GDPR contain the required consent information
... basically you have to show them data, due process, duration it will be stored, recipients, withdraw option... etc
... the main and important thing is that in needs to be conveyed in a clear and understandable way
... if the consent is not valid you are suscept to 20M EUR lawsuit

[slide 8]

Armin: I represent this in LPL
... what we have is a root element for the policy, set of purposes defined and under them the information required
... the legal basis for consent, automatic decision making, who is the data protection officer etc
... with this information we can make the required information availabe in a structured, human readable (allowing for internationalization), support for privacy icons
... differentiating between purposes, required or optional, whether you can opt in or out and then all the data points, recipients, retention etc
... it is important to distinguish that this prototype is not fully vetted legally but a prototype </disclaimer>

[slide 10]

Armin: 1st iterations, VISM... Privacy icons

[slide 11]

Armin: there is a legal requirement to provide icons and I propose specific icons for purposes
... you need to provide link to privacy policy
... for consent we just use check boxes based on legal basis

[slide 13]

Armin: how will it be processed, anonymized, stored, who will receive it
... what we will do in future work is implement this information more granularly
... psedonymization, audit log capability
... we want to prevent inference detection so information cannot be used to fingerprint an individual

Daniel: regarding stickiness, as a recipient of the data how can I assert I have the right to use it, revokation etc. you just a portal on permissions?

Armin: it should not be hard with encryption and signature to impose

Arnaud: the law forces us to do that
... the tool should not create the policy
... capture the consent

Daniel: the WoT people are having the same conversation. If I drive up to my garage, my car requests the door opens and door in turn requests lights go on, consent would need to be collected by car to give permission to share with the house

Armin: you are allowed to define which person or controller can access and that is part of the policy language

PatrickL: I am wondering how to embed this information in the protocol in a good way
... as a developer if the purpose I have in mind for using the data is ok
... I need to make sure I am acting in the right way. use cases (purposes) can be open to some interpretation

Armin: I made it to represent high and low level purposes. individuals will not understand the thousand+ signals in the car

Ulf: I was wondering how this can relate to our access mechanism - tokens to access signals
... maybe they could be used together
... it would be advantageous to link token to these policies

Ted: I believe I can share with the group some details on a proposed Ford-MIT_alliance project. It involves enforcing policies for accessing information on-vehicle and sending it off board

PatrickL: service implementation could translate to permissions - a consent manager

Glenn: consent is more granular and contract could be broader

[slide 18 - Why layers?]

Armin: between manufacturer and you. we would define some sort of API to verify consent for a given purpose

Daniel: is there a protocol you have defined?

Ulf: user gives consent and it would be possible to invalidate a token thereby revoking application's access to information

Ted: two use cases, on and off-board and we need to also cover how to convey to data warehouses

Daniel: if I set a climate control preference for my Uber rides, I need for that to be able to follow

Ted: we will need to have this queryable to apps on the vehicle, to know what it case use on the car and what it can send off

Armin: I want to differentiate between in-vehicle and external processing

Glenn: a fleet example, a fleet buys a number of vehicles and given permission to data. fleet in turn arranges terms with driver

Ted: that should be doable outside scope of a consent system or perhaps within and could handle more complex cases. You may for example to allow a contracted driver to bring their insurance with them for a trip within a fleet owned vehicle, usage based insurance that would also want certain signals.

PatrickL: we should be able to handle additional parties such as what Ted described receiving additional information

Ted: we need to allow multiple apps to run concurrently to collect different information for different purposes to share with different parties, some might last for ownership of vehicle and others just duration of a trip

Daniel: problem will be UI to convey the scenarios
... the communication flow gets complicated
... duration of how long that access can last and whether there is revokation will vary

Armin: this architecture can handle that

Policy language considerations:

* understanding of need for ideally *one* policy language, mix will be interop/integration hell

* criteria for selection, any requires customization for given,

* defined needs

Ulf: not sure I agree, tokens can solve our needs without bringing this into specification

Ted: this does not need to be in the main signals specification[s] at all. What checks a given token is allowed to access is independent of the spec but worth looking into it. This is exploratory within the Business Group and could be a complimentary spec or maybe more of a guideline.

PatrickL: I can see it as part of the application registry ecosystem

Daniel: we want cross domain capability, take WoT for example. they have distributed registry

Tim: you cannot necessarily see clear to adopting a policy language that is less than domain specific
... what we can fall back to is what annotations make sense and sent downstream and provide hooks
... yes it is complicated to capture consent but you need to know how that data is collected in order to use it
... different policies might apply based on different situations such as which driver
... need to differentiate between owner, manufacturer, driver..
... there are ways to hang off of data model, JSON-LD facilitates this

Benjamin: provided we can come up with a digital identity for driver
... there are interesting edge cases with renters/usage
... we are maybe looking more from commercial side
... schema.org defines a number of classes and properties with nice annotations. JSON-LD+ontologies

Michel: any thought on using eg LDAP for identifying the party accessing the information

PatrickL: so far we have been focused with in-vehicle access of applications based on tokens

Verifiable claims

Allen: what the Verifiable Claims does is very similar to permissions
... another thing to understand is that it indeed verifiable. it could be as simple as a digital signature or as complicated as a proof
... there are various related services, issuer (eg passport), verifier (border control)
... verifiable claims has a notion of portfolio, we use the term profile
... there may be numerous activities you want proofs for
... the draft specification describes the types of permissions you are discussing

Armin: is there architecture behind how you issue a claim?

Allen: yes, the spec covers issuing and verification

Armin: seems like something that can be solved with blockchain

Allen: yes, definitely possible

Ulf: this could handle security tokens as well

Allen: indeed
... you can imagine a world of tokens with verifiable claims


Ted: I have seen this as how to revoke permissions either tokens or private key to ensure parties no longer have access

PatrickL: I am not sure I want to restrict access to the data or only inform directory that governs controlling of data

<PatrickLue> We will have a break till 16:00

Permissions UI workshop


Why I was interested from our perspecitve - localization, UX, A11y

general purpose permissions UI that could be tuned to our purposes

Why a semi-common/consistent UX would be so beneficial - usage and mixed fleets

friendlier more intuitive UI will be a major distinguishing feature in

usage models. OEM legal departments would be pleased

bleak on expections of users' capacity to handle complicated/nuanced permissions regardles of UI

\emphasis alt means to follow up in more detail at later date

prompting - pertinent and action specific not blanket and not weeks/months in advance

Harjot: the majority of the individuals were from browser vendors
... also major websites like NY Times
... there was optimism from them as well
... they are putting themselves in a worse condition of not getting more granular consent to be able to generate ad or other revenue
... you need to identify yourself for web services which is a challenge for them. in vehicles you already have a license plate and driver's license
... they want something akin to a password manager to represent all the website relations and permission you have given them

Armin: was this based on an architecture, policy language or other?

Harjot: influenced by GDPR
... this isn't related to automotive explicitly
... they were discussing if someone has a VR setup at home that needs to analyze their environment
... did they give consent for location? if not and you can deduce where they are then you need to
... much can be inferred from different sensors eg accelometer

Next steps

* JSON-LD for VSS: Ulf, Benjamin and Gregg - potentially others

* Policy Language exploration, leverage

* Consent - largely defer look at any PoC from LPL prototype, Caruso or other

* Liaisons/consults - passive with WoT, Linked Building CG, Verifiable Claims, JSON-LD

Daniel: quality of data is another important topic

Ted: agree

Daniel: are you getting it directly from sensor, ECU, VSS...
... how about versioning and contributions?

Ted: versioning for VSS?

Daniel: yes and speeding up the process

PatrickL: for Thursday v2 I have an outline to bring forward based on the last half year of discussions
... with that I think we can put times down. goal should be discussable and less fuzzy

<PatrickLue> adjourned

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/11/14 13:39:25 $