Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

15 Feb 2018


(no_one), Detlev, Kathy, Marc, kim, Jake


review understanding

review understanding Concurrent Input Mechanisms

Kathy: word document sent on Saturday
... at 5:16 AM Eastern time

<Kathy> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#concurrent-input-mechanisms

Jake: I focused on the text already present – reshaped to make sentences a little simpler. Everything that was in there is still in there Except import agnostic we already explained in formal definition and making assumptions

Kathy: I would add clarification about what we meant by exception. Security exception example will help, do we need more text in the understanding as well

Detlev: what are the scenarios where the security concerns prevent certain input – I agree with Kathy that we should add something on that. Maybe Patrick has ideas
... first example worded differently than the others – Maybe not an example or could be rephrased to make it a clear example of a particular mobile phone user
... second example "users" rather than singular user as in other examples

Kathy: a lot of it is originally Patrick's text, definitely resources and techniques
... for security – the whole notion around requiring signatures on a computer – requiring that to be on a device that has a touchscreen or a touchpad so you can draw signature – That might be an area where you have to have a touchscreen or something to draw on in order to meet security or requirements for something. I don't know whether that's a good example but that's the only thing I can think of that's come up for that.

Detlev: I wonder whether hardware limitations would come in – may be no USB ports for security reasons so can't attach a mouse – could this be relevant here

Kathy: yes, and I think that's where essential comes in. Another scenario is restricted for testing purposes

Detlev: this is user agent stuff – would it affect authors in some way

Kathy: I recommended changing the language to the web content doesn't restrict. I felt that was easier to write techniques for. But we wanted to keep in exceptions for that. The restrictions in my mind with the exception of doing an actual exception in the web content – I don't see that the others apply given the fact that we've changed the language upfront to be the web content doesn't restrict.
... Given this discussion it might be good to add clarity around the actual web content restricting input modalities rather than talking about devices, and maybe put a comment or question back to the working group into the understanding document – exceptions need to be clarified and we need to have information in understanding for them but because of the way That we've changed the beginning part of this the task force is questioning whether or not these are

actually still relevant exceptions

Jake: we didn't do the proper research to find where this exception applies – we will probably discover it after some research.

Kathy: I think we could put a question in to see if we need these examples because the exception may not apply. Testing and signature are the two things that I can think of that has impacted my clients that I've worked with
... as far as why we wouldn't want to have a particular input mechanism

Jake: a little bit of the same when you have packages delivered in front of your door and you have to sign – example of hardware limitations

Detlev: might be other ways to authenticate a transaction that would require you to move a pointer – doesn't do any harm, except might allow authors to justify

Jake: will ask Steve if he has clear examples

Kathy: any other feedback for Jake?
... restriction would be that signature is essential
... within device can turn on and off certain input mechanisms, but that does not apply anymore

Detlev: needs clarification

<Kathy> https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/pointer-gestures/understanding/21/pointer-gestures.html

Pointer gestures understanding

Detlev: I was more specific on multipoint and path gestures
... just to make sure people have a clear understanding of what is path based
... emphasize that this applies to author-created gestures
... added a few examples – two slider control examples
... related that I've found some examples in the wild – dots underneath or buttons to the left orr the right of the slider
... I put these on the implementations page.
... I put a call out on twitter for examples of shaking and alternative means to do that

Kathy: Patrick responded to that – the technology is quite new

Detlev: he also said tilting in games – if anybody knows of tilting in browser-based games, add those examples

Kathy: Andrews comments on that is we can have a site that doesn't do it but we want to have at least one where they are doing something different – having a fallback so we are showing there are scenarios where This is being done in their doing something different to show one by omission and one that's actually there

Detlev: shake to undo you media by virtue of the operating system, kind of pointless to list those because it's a general behavior. But I haven't found anything in content where you would be able to replicate gesture input in some other way – so I think it's a theoretical thing at the moment
... I haven't done work on techniques yet
... planning on doing techniques this week

Kathy: I like the examples and thought the text read well

Marc: no changes or corrections – read well

<Kathy> https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/additional-sensor-inputs/understanding/21/additional-sensor-inputs.html

Kathy: The idea is just to get this done – Kickstarting process in the task force – when we are okay with it it will go to the larger group

Additional Sensor Inputs understanding

<Kathy> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#additional-sensor-inputs

Detlev: Hard to combine
... delineates focus from other sensors. This is making clear that this is on sensors triggered by moving the device or to the special case of the devices static and you move your hands or maybe face to communicate with the device
... I hope that is clear enough
... pointer actuation I found difficult – most common way easy but less common way, one example isn't a good example because it's a technical showcase for drag-and-drop, prevent the action by releasing it outside the target. Third way with dialog do you really want to do this – haven't found. If it exists somewhere in the wild that would be worth adding.

Kathy: also looking for examples in the wild for touch target size. Also looking for more mobile specific – other ideas – sites with large touch targets?

Detlev: maybe sites that focus on people with cognitive impairments – large targets

Marc: American Association for the blind site


label in name

<marcjohlic> https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/label-in-name/understanding/21/label-in-name.html

<Kathy> https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/navigation-mechanisms-descriptive.html

<Kathy> https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/minimize-error-cues.html

<Kathy> Descriptive labels help users identify specific components within the content.

<marcjohlic> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page

Assignments is first link on the main wiki page, next section is templates. If you want to start something in the wiki, use the next section, proposals.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Found Date: 15 Feb 2018
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