Publishing Business Group Telco

09 May 2017


See also: IRC log


ivan, dauwhe, Luc, karen, wolfgang_schindler, julian_Calderazi, paul_belfanti, Schindler, RickJ, George, brian, makoto, Bill_Kasdorff, Avneesh, berhard_heinser, Liisa
Nick_Ruffilo, Cristina


  1. Charter Update, IG status
  2. EPUB 3 CG Update
    1. EPUB Test, EPUB Check
  3. EPUB for Education

<ivan> print + karen

<Julian_Calderazi> Julian Calderazi - Team Leader @ DigitalBe

<Brian> also present

<scribe> Scribenick: Karen

Rick: Let's get started
... Welcome everyone

<RickJ> https://www.w3.org/2017/04/25-pbg-minutes.html

<laudrain> Me too

Rick: minutes from last meeting are in irc
... any comments or changes; if not, assume they are approved
... second point on agenda
... Per our previous discussions, to take advantage of W3C focus and the honeymoon period
... and the work we are doing to elevate to a higher level, I have submitted my name to the AB [Advisory Board] election

<ivan> rick++

<George> Go Rick Go

Rick: encourage you to have your AC Rep vote for me, to encourage everyone that this is happening

<laudrain> +1

Charter Update, IG status

Rick: Charter update; Ivan, where do we stand?

Ivan: We have 43 or 45 votes in in favor of the charter
... it's a great number
... We have the necessary numbers; the more the merrier but it's really good
... Out of those
... Nine TPI members
... Something I reported on two weeks ago, there were two comments with objections on the charter
... One of two we discussed and we have an alternative proposal that works
... We have another one [objection] that we are working on
... Looking to find a consensus; if not, W3M will have to decide on that one
... We also have some comments in favor of the charter
... but asking us to look at text and improve the English and stylistic changes
... Something that Tzviya, who is back by the way, has taken up to do
... So this week
... The voting period ends on 14 May, end of this week

<pbelfanti> Welcome back, Tzviya!

Ivan: from that point on, we will have our discussions with W3M [W3C Management Team]
... At this moment I am cautiously optimistic it will happen without problems
... So plan to have group start end of June is probably happening

Rick: For those of us who have not been involved, is 45 a high or low number for these types of votes?

Ivan: It's a high number; requirement is to have 5% of membership to vote
... so that's around 22-23 votes without TPI members
... with TPI it's a bit higher
... so it's 47 taking into account the objections
... It's a nice number; we may reach the 50 number this week
... Comparatively to other proposals for other charters it's a high number

Rick: We are getting background noises from some people; please mute unless you are speaking
... Any questions on the charter

<pbelfanti> I voted just before this meeting, so it may not have registered yet

Tzviya: Better?

[I will type it in]

Tzviya: I will call in

Ivan: Garth and Bill were also part of the discussion; is Bill on the call?
... Maybe they have something to add?

Bill: I am on call but nothing to add

Garth: you did fine
... I can touch on the next agenda item
... the Interest Group, which is largely a repeat
... We are doing updates to charter, every other week meetings as we await kick-off of the Publishing Working Group
... Now working on the agenda for that meeting
... here is the link

<garth> PUB WG Agenda & RSVP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J0VlZbMFj-33tfhZe0EK543NWFlx6dyDHauqkPwMeEI/edit#

Garth: Feel free to contribute or comment on that
... advance planning for the Working Group kick-off meeting
... Very likely to be a Working Group meeting in New York a month from now

Rick: I have a question for you, Garth
... There were a number of open items to sum up
... having a place for comments to land
... any concerns or open items?

Garth: we did discuss and either resolved, or did not think of all of them
... CSS Accessibility being top of mind
... we either reflected in charter where they woudl land
... we published the two documents as Notes
... Ivan did it
... Either we are in very good shape, or there are items the Pub IG is handling and has not yet found homes for

Rick: No red flags

Garth: right

Tzviya: I was going to say about the number of comments
... if I took advice
... am I correct in assuming @@

<garth> Tzviya we really can’t hear you… please type.

<MURATA> I cannot hear her.

Tzviya: Better?

<Julian_Calderazi> clap clap!

<MURATA> Great!

<garth> Woohoo!

Tzviya: The comments we received from many people, not just the formal objections
... a lot of comments on the charter were you have a lot of words; keep it brief and too the point
... I could probably boil this down to a few bullets; but if I do that, then we have to send it back to members to vote again, is that correct?

Ivan: that is correct

Tzviya: that makes my editing job easier then

Ivan: The comments are under the heading in the review
... we are ok with the charter and the WG; we are in favor of WG even if you do not take the comments into account
... If we do things which are clearly wrong, mistakes, that is fine, but radically re-writing the charter would be too much

Garth: If we were to do that, we may risk losing the 45 positive votes
... let's do the word smithing to make things work
... but not go back for a vote

Rick: Ivan, you are in the queue

BillMcCoy: as person who will be defending the charter in the W3M senior management meeting
... I think we should err on the side of minimal edits
... so that Tim or others do not suggest we go back for another pass
... Jeff indicated as much to me and Ralph last week
... Bending over backwards to address a few number of objections could boomerang
... If we can make a few edits and make everyone happy, that's fantastic
... But even if charter is not perfect, we really don't want to go back to another voting cycle
... So that's my two cents

Garth: Be nice for Ivan for to answer Dave's question
... My response is if it's non-substantive, W3M stays cool
... but look to Ivan's response

Ivan: that's true
... you can believe Garth
... Two more comments
... One is not minor thing I forgot to say for the vote
... Among the 45 we have 33 commenters who have said that they intend to participate in the Working Group; that's good. We need that.
... One of them is Apple. That is good; they were not active in the IG
... The other thing back to Garth's report on the Interest Group
... there is one area where there has been no action in the past period
... Not sure if it's something the BG should look at…it's MathML
... anything with mathematics
... still an open issue
... that has not fundamentally improved in the past year; that is still a problem

Rick: Are you suggesting this is a topic to handle?

Ivan: Not sure what I'm suggesting

<dauwhe> Note that the Math CG is active

Ivan: where we want to go with it at some point in time
... Discuss at some point and what are the possible avenues

Rick: I put myself in the queue about the 33 people who want to participate
... Garth, do we know that these 33 people have the information about the Working Group meeting in June?

Ivan: Charter references the F2F in June, but not the logistics
... that's a good point
... Once the group is finalized then Garth, Tzviya and I will need to contact the AC Reps of those companies in case they are not yet in the Interest Group

Rick: Would it behoove us to start that outreach earlier, given flight expenses; make sure they want to come

Ivan: Formally it's a bit awkward
... makes me a bit uneasy
... Let's not open up the can of worms; let's wait a week

Garth: Ivan, one idea is because we have many member of the CG, we could send something to them
... or is that a bad idea?

Ivan: No, we can send out what we are planning
... the information about the place and the dates

BillK: Don't you have to be a member to be part of the WG?

Ivan: Yes
... people must be in the WG for the F2F historically

Garth: we do have to enforce that piece, but hope to have more members

Rick: Come Monday, let's copy email addresses and send them the logistics

Garth: I think that's a good idea

George: On the Math side of things
... with the Accessibility folks, we are working on a way to include math in that
... it involves an SVG image for math and a mechanism to have the math in there as well
... kind of off screen
... so that AT could get at it
... We are a couple weeks away from having a technique to recommend
... Not sure if we have a long-term solution, but expect to send the solution to our publisher friends for feedback about whether they can do this in their production processes

BillMcCoy: About half of TPI members have not done their paperwork yet
... I think we should reach out to the EPUB 3 CG
... and the TPI eligible
... because they may not have seen information

<gregdavis> @george - Pearson does a lot of MathML, we’d be glad to look at the SVG workflow

BillMcCoy: some people who did the TPI did not realize they also have to press the button to join
... Whoever reaches out once vote is completed
... If you are TPI eligible, please complete the paperwork and point them to me
... Veronica is person for the agreement and payment
... We really want to get TPI eligible people into the fold
... It's a good incentive
... People in CG who want to join the WG, welcome for them to join as members
... Anyone not a member or TPI member, I'm happy to discuss with them

EPUB 3 CG Update

Rick: A perfect transition for the EPUB 3 CG update
... Lisa, Dave or Rachel, do you want to give an update?

Dave: We have our first conference call with 25 attendees which was great
... set up infrastructure on GitHub
... set up task forces to address issues we need to delve into
... we already have 12 issues in the GitHub repo
... strong interest in Accessibility
... Lots of people interested in working on education
... and discussions on what to do about EDUPUB on lists
... Ivan and Matt have managed to transfer EPUB 3 spec docs to a W3C repo
... It feels like progress to me

Rick: Is it a valid assumption
... that you'll take on the contact that Bill McCoy just mentioned?

Dave: yes, we can say that if you have the resources to become a W3C member, we would love to have you at the W3C F2F

BillMcCoy: one more part of it
... about half of TPI members have not yet taken part of it; get them all in the fold
... I am happy to craft a message for me to do

Dave: yes, that sounds more like a Team activity; more busdev, not work of the CG

BillMcCoy: yes, I will do that; understood

Rick: Any more questions for the CG
... Bill K, your favorite agenda item
... Can you and Brian update us on EPUB Test.org

BillK: We want to keep this front and center, but we don't yet have a solution for how this should go forward yet
... Three organizations, BISG, W3C and DAISY
... while Accessibility testing George and his team have been conducting which should continue
... the mainstream testing needs a radical overhaul
... This is a fundamental resource for the publishing industry
... but it's so out of date that it's not good
... We have to figure out how to do this
... So I'll turn it over the Brian and George
... In terms of W3C, where does it fall?
... Is it in the CG along with EPUB check?
... Maybe Dave, do you want to make a comment on the way of approaching the mainstream testing?

EPUB Test, EPUB Check

Dave: I want to update on EPUB Check
... some people in CG have volunteered to do this
... Rick Wright volunteered to do this
... People are finding out what needs to be done
... Some hope of a few volunteers to do it

BillK: what about EPUB Test, different from EPUB Check?

Dave: That is a large issue
... Good idea to have some dedicated time to talk about this with all the various stakeholders

Brian: BISG is interested in taking the lead on this
... we had a call two and a half months ago
... I volunteered to put together a problem statement as there is not a clear statement of what we want this to do

<tzviya> Ric Wright

Brian: On an earlier call, we agreed we want to improve implementation of EPUB across multiple devices
... not sure it does that

<tzviya> Ric Wright's epubcheck roadmap: https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/WorkPlan

Brian: I will create a problem statement for this group to review
... Then we will take it apart and see if W3C should solve; see if George and I should work on it jointly
... but let's first agree what the problem is

BillK: by product of grid; original goal was to be a resource for publishers to know what features work in what reading systems
... be a source
... the fact we don't have effective pressure on reading system developers is one thing
... but having publishers looking at grid and getting incorrect info is my problem
... But I don't want to unplug the accessibility testing
... Fundamental goal of looking up a reading system and see if it's supported
... it has been dysfunctional for months

Brian: This conversation is why it's important to do the problem statement
... not sure I agree that's the main goal
... but we should come to agreement

Tzviya: Brian is making a good point
... may be missing things
... We have said EPUB Test.org is meant to mimic
... and W3C can help can I use, but W3C does not support testing internally

BillK: Am I hearing you say publishing industry has given up on it as an informational resource?

Tzviya: not sure to go down path right now; but just saying it's not as robust

BillK: We have some stats that it was being used

Tzviya: But we need professional testers

BillK: scaled up to mechanism that did not work well
... Dave had more of a crowd source strategy that would work better

Brian: We need to come to agreement as the problem we are solving
... provide better info to publishing industry or change the way EPUB is used on reading systems
... review is different; which to emphasize
... put together a coherent statement of what this is doing
... If we go down the road of Dave's suggestion for crowd-sourcing, I still want to know where we want to end up
... it's consistent with what I am trying to do; figure out the problem we are trying to solve
... I don't understand why EPUB Test rests here

Rick: Comments to make as a vendor who participated very actively in the early versions
... there were three clear different goals that may not now be the same weight
... there was a clear Accessibility goal that has needs of its own

BillK: yes and a methodology that is different

Rick: Yes, and as Tzviya said, a clear "can I use" methodology
... and in its infant stages, that drove the usage decisions
... to prove itself
... not so much validating
... in light of what we are doing for next generation EPUB we should design with this in mind

BillK: great point, Rick
... was not working everywhere; was one of the goals
... maybe not 100 percent of features
... but that is historical aspect that has gotten out of date
... it may no longer be a priority or necessary at all

Brian: EPUB Test as a grid pre-dates EPUB 3
... probably evolved within that
... agree with the segmentation
... Liisa McCloy-Kelley made the point that there are plenty of instances where publishers are choosing solutions
... that may or may not be EPUB or a proprietary path
... not sure what we are doing gets to that
... have standard be used; not nec in exclusion

George: strategically the DAISY Consortium wanted to integrate with mainstream
... previously was stand-alone
... we are here to support whatever direction we decide to go in
... Marissa maintaining site; Matt working on features

<gregdavis> +1 on communicating spec better. There is always someone within Pearson who is trying to say “move away from ePub to a walled garden”…

George: If we did a complete revamp, we don't have the resources to do ourselves
... we do have a community manager for the Accessibility work we are doing, along with Avneesh and my participation
... Love to see if go forward and be integrated with whatever happens in the future

Liisamk: I think it could be a usable resource
... and I could see where it could be supported
... Content creators are not @
... and Ereaders not necess doing it
... have not seen it adopted across all systems
... maybe a simpler way to make it updated and be usable
... As Tzviya pointed out right now no one uses it

Rick: Brian, are you still planning to bring forth a proposal?

Brian: yes
... I am committed to do it if the group feels it would be of value
... I will commit to draft something with this group before the next PBG meeting in two weeks

Rick: yes, suggest you do something ahead of time on the list
... then we'll discuss it

Brian: Thanks
... and I will think carefully about Dave's suggestion
... For the promise that this could have
... We are re-configuring our [BISG] annual meeting
... and say we have this standard like ONYX and here is the implementation
... and here are the challenges from reading systems and proprietary
... the conversation and the selling is important for us

rkwright: We use epubtest.org all the time to do regression testing
... it does not go far enough and has all sorts of flaws, but we do use it
... I would be very interested in discussions about how to improve or replace

Brian: Can I contact you outside of this call for the details?

rkwright: yes, please do

BillK: even if we have concluded the publishers don't use it
... not nec because they don't need it
... but the reading system developers
... if we don't have as a publisher facing
... we have lots of developers using it privately to test software
... it provides a valuable service on that regard

Rick: Brian, I can send you the VitalSource resource
... Moving on
... There has been a robust discussion

Julian_Calderazi: I would like to make a comment
... I agree with Liisa about the partial adoption of EPUB 3 in different channels and reading apps
... there is a problem that it is not updated
... we are providing not so useful information to visitors
... so we should think about information that is published now; that is an issue

Rick: Great comment, thank you
... Bill McCoy, the ISO submission discussion

BillMcCoy: We, the PBG and EPUB 3 CG

<Bill_Kasdorf> that was about Ric Wright's comment: they use epubtest.org to test Readium

BillMcCoy: need to decide what stance to take on continuation of ISO specs
... upgrad TS T135
... or other opp to separately standardize accesibility in it's current version
... what are benefits, costs, and how does it stack up against other priorities
... and it maybe premature to come to a recommendation but we should get everyone's input on the table
... and consider other implications
... role of EPUB 3 CG
... Don't want to get into all that, but the PBG SC will want to address

RIck: Any questions on this?

Avneesh: To remind the accessibilty spec going into ISO; this was the plan at IDPF
... we started discussion in 2015
... under the belt of IDPF
... it was there to take to ISO once mature
... whether EPUB 3 will go to ISO we have to discuss
... there may not be much use if it supercedes the new spec


Avneesh: but on accessibility side, it is a high priority to take it into ISO
... that is the point

Rick: Great comment

<laudrain> +1

EPUB for Education

Rick: any other comments?
... Doing a quick update on EPUB for Education
... to summarize the conversation as to where it is now
... EDUPUB is not a formal specification
... did not get out of the late draft phase at IDPF
... main goal is to find the right home for it
... it evolves around EPUB 3.1
... one of the things to make sure we discuss
... people have been doing interesting things with EPUB @ and special vocabs
... there is content in the marketplace that has to be supported
... as we look at Role; EPUB Type does not exists; we should be mindful of that
... and propose a way to find a home in the CG and provide a way to move forward
... I will send an email out clarifying what I mean by Role and EPUB Type
... wanted to invite any questions

George: It seems that the semantics needed in education
... is a big piece of EPUB for Education plus accessibility and the anlalytics from IMS being separate
... seems like those chunks would go a long way to creating what we have called a profile in the past
... expect those semantics will be needed until we have a W3C Rec
... and will also be needed in that W3C Rec

Avneesh: We have two channels; one about future and one about supporting the existing infrastructure of EPUB 3
... wonder if we need to have such a radical change to depricate
... if main focus is to support EPUB 3
... and more the more radical change in the WG rather than in the CG

pbelfanti: I wanted to add onto what George said
... Seems to me it can be boiled down to the semantics
... Accessibility will be in 3.1 but where do we preserve the semantics to describe the complexity of the content on the education side

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to ask about HTML structure

Rick: and there is accessibility you get by default

Tzviya: Are we doing away with structural semantics or are they an extension from ARIA?

Rick: Question implies a decision, but there has not been one
... we are discussing questions and who should be making decisions and where

Tzviya: I do have thoughts but not make decisions today

Schindler: It is decisive who controls the attributes and whether we save our structural semantics
... for the future so it does not get lost
... we invested a lot of time and energy to define as IDPF specs
... so we should keep it in the HTML language

Rick: Since I initiated this, I'll break it into parts and address by email

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1 to Schindler re dictionary, indexes, and education semantics needing to be preserved

Rick: I will add up EPUB Check into the last conversation
... anything urgent to bring up?

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/05/10 08:11:08 $