15:46:41 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:46:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-irc 15:46:47 rrsagent, set log public 15:46:58 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 15:47:27 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/356774EA-905E-4161-9B52-4B5A40A035BF@ingramcontent.com 15:47:34 Chair: Rick 15:47:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:47:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-minutes.html ivan 15:49:06 Regrets: Nick_Ruffilo, Cristina 15:51:18 Julian_Calderazi has joined #pbg 15:51:39 BillMcCoy has joined #pbg 15:54:40 Present+ ivan 15:54:52 laudrain has joined #pbg 15:54:54 present+ dauwhe 15:55:02 print + karen 15:55:04 present+ Luc 15:55:07 present+ karen 15:55:29 present+ wolfgang_schindler 15:56:26 mteixeira has joined #pbg 15:56:30 Schindler has joined #pbg 15:56:35 pbelfanti has joined #pbg 15:56:36 present+ julian_Calderazi 15:57:00 present+ paul_belfanti 15:57:04 rkwright has joined #pbg 15:57:10 Julian Calderazi - Team Leader @ DigitalBe 15:57:29 RickJ has joined #pbg 15:57:37 present+ Wolfgang Schindler 15:58:32 present+ RickJ 15:59:00 tzviya has joined #pbg 15:59:01 Brian has joined #pbg 15:59:04 George has joined #PBG 15:59:25 present+ George 16:00:19 Avneesh has joined #pbg 16:00:52 present+ Ric 16:00:53 also present 16:01:03 present+ brian 16:01:12 present+ makoto 16:01:25 present+ Bill_Kasdorff 16:01:29 Scribenick: Karen 16:01:32 gregdavis has joined #pbg 16:01:32 present+ Avneesh 16:01:37 Rick: Let's get started 16:01:47 …Welcome everyone 16:01:48 https://www.w3.org/2017/04/25-pbg-minutes.html 16:01:55 present+ berhard_heinser 16:02:02 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:02:12 Me too 16:02:13 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:02:14 present+ junko_kamata 16:02:18 rpug has joined #pbg 16:02:22 garth has joined #pbg 16:02:36 present+ jens_klingelhöfer 16:02:41 Rick: minutes from last meeting are in irc 16:02:46 present+ laurent 16:02:51 …any comments or changes; if not, assume they are approved 16:02:54 present+ 16:02:56 …second point on agenda 16:02:57 present+ Garth 16:02:58 present+ mateus 16:02:58 mattg has joined #pbg 16:03:04 laurentlemeur has joined #pbg 16:03:10 …Per our previous discussions, to take advantage of W3C focus and the honeymoon period 16:03:16 present+ 16:03:18 present+ Ryan_Pugatch 16:03:18 present+ 16:03:27 …and the work we are doing to elevate to a higher level, I have submitted my name to the AB [Advisory Board] election 16:03:33 rick++ 16:03:37 Go Rick Go 16:03:40 …encourage you to have your AC Rep vote for me, to encourage everyone that this is happening 16:03:45 +1 16:03:47 present+ mateus-teixeira 16:03:49 …Charter update; Ivan, where do we stand? 16:04:03 Ivan: We have 43 or 45 votes in in favor of the charter 16:04:06 …it's a great number 16:04:17 …We have the necessary numbers; the more the merrier but it's really good 16:04:19 …Out of those 16:04:24 …Nine TPI members 16:04:45 liisamk has joined #pbg 16:04:45 …Something I reported on two weeks ago, there were two comments with objections on the charter 16:04:53 …One of two we discussed and we have an alternative proposal that works 16:05:03 …We have another one [objection] that we are working on 16:05:12 …Looking to find a consensus; if not, W3M will have to decide on that one 16:05:18 …We also have some comments in favor of the charter 16:05:32 …but asking us to look at text and improve the English and stylistic changes 16:05:44 …Something that Tzviya, who is back by the way, has taken up to do 16:05:46 …So this week 16:05:54 …The voting period ends on 14 May, end of this week 16:05:56 MURATA has joined #pbg 16:06:02 Welcome back, Tzviya! 16:06:05 …from that point on, we will have our discussions with W3M [W3C Management Team] 16:06:17 …At this moment I am cautiously optimistic it will happen without problems 16:06:19 q? 16:06:28 …So plan to have group start end of June is probably happening 16:06:35 present+ gregdavis 16:06:42 Rick: For those of us who have not been involved, is 45 a high or low number for these types of votes? 16:06:55 Ivan: It's a high number; requirement is to have 5% of membership to vote 16:07:02 …so that's around 22-23 votes without TPI members 16:07:06 …with TPI it's a bit higher 16:07:15 …so it's 47 taking into account the objections 16:07:24 …It's a nice number; we may reach the 50 number this week 16:07:34 q+ 16:07:35 …Comparatively to other proposals for other charters it's a high number 16:07:41 jkamata has joined #pbg 16:07:50 Rick: We are getting background noises from some people; please mute unless you are speaking 16:08:03 …Any questions on the charter 16:08:10 I voted just before this meeting, so it may not have registered yet 16:08:25 Tzvivya: Better? 16:08:37 s/Tzviya 16:08:49 [I will type it in] 16:09:02 Tzviya: I will call in 16:09:13 Ivan: Garth and Bill were also part of the discussion; is Bill on the call? 16:09:18 …Maybe they have something to add? 16:09:28 Bill: I am on call but nothing to add 16:09:31 Garth: you did fine 16:09:34 present+ BillMcCoy 16:09:36 …I can touch on the next agenda item 16:09:45 …the Interest Group, which is largely a repeat 16:09:52 jensklingelhoefer has joined #pbg 16:10:00 …We are doing updates to charter, every other week meetings as we await kick-off of the Publishing Working Group 16:10:07 …Now working on the agenda for that meeting 16:10:12 …here is the link 16:10:17 PUB WG Agenda & RSVP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J0VlZbMFj-33tfhZe0EK543NWFlx6dyDHauqkPwMeEI/edit# 16:10:30 Garth: Feel free to contribute or comment on that 16:10:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:10:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-minutes.html ivan 16:10:38 …advance planning for the Working Group kick-off meeting 16:10:49 …Very likely to be a Working Group meeting in New York a month from now 16:10:54 Rick: I have a question for you, Garth 16:11:02 …There were a number of open items to sum up 16:11:07 …having a place for comments to land 16:11:12 …any concerns or open items? 16:11:21 Garth: we did discuss and either resolved, or did not think of all of them 16:11:27 …CSS Accessibility being top of mind 16:11:35 …we either reflected in charter where they woudl land 16:11:40 …we published the two documents as Notes 16:11:44 …Ivan did it 16:11:54 q+ 16:12:00 …Either we are in very good shape, or there are items the Pub IG is handling and has not yet found homes for 16:12:03 Rick: No red flags 16:12:04 q? 16:12:06 Garth: right 16:12:09 ack Tzviya 16:12:33 Tzviya: I was going to say about the number of comments 16:12:39 …if I took advice 16:12:46 …am I correct in assuming @@ 16:12:55 Tzviya we really can’t hear you… please type. 16:12:56 I cannot hear her. 16:13:49 Tzviya: Better? 16:13:51 YEAH! 16:13:53 clap clap! 16:13:54 Great! 16:13:54 Woohoo! 16:14:10 Tzviya: The comments we received from many people, not just the formal objections 16:14:23 …a lot of comments on the charter were you have a lot of words; keep it brief and too the point 16:14:41 …I could probably boil this down to a few bullets; but if I do that, then we have to send it back to members to vote again, is that correct? 16:14:46 Ivan: that is correct 16:14:54 Tzviya: that makes my editing job easier then 16:15:00 q? 16:15:00 Ivan: The comments are under the heading in the review 16:15:06 q+ 16:15:19 …we are ok with the charter and the WG; we are in favor of WG even if you do not take the comments into account 16:15:37 …If we do things which are clearly wrong, mistakes, that is fine, but radically re-writing the charter would be too much 16:15:47 Garth: If we were to do that, we may risk losing the 45 positive votes 16:15:58 …let's do the word smithing to make things work 16:16:02 …but not go back for a vote 16:16:05 q? 16:16:06 q? 16:16:07 Rick: Ivan, you are in the queue 16:16:10 ack ivan 16:16:19 ack BillMcCoy 16:16:40 BillMcCoy: as person who will be defending the charter in the W3M senior management meeting 16:16:48 …I think we should err on the side of minimal edits 16:16:57 …so that Tim or others do not suggest we go back for another pass 16:17:06 …Jeff indicated as much to me and Ralph last week 16:17:20 …Bending over backwards to address a few number of objections could boomerang 16:17:31 …If we can make a few edits and make everyone happy, that's fantastic 16:17:43 …But even if charter is not perfect, we really don't want to go back to another voting cycle 16:17:47 …So that's my two cents 16:17:56 Garth: Be nice for Ivan for to answer Dave's question 16:18:10 …My response is if it's non-substantive, W3M stays cool 16:18:20 …but look to Ivan's response 16:18:24 Ivan: that's true 16:18:29 …you can believe Garth 16:18:37 …Two more comments 16:18:39 q? 16:18:48 …One is not minor thing I forgot to say for the vote 16:19:11 …Among the 45 we have 33 commenters who have said that they intend to participate in the Working Group; that's good. We need that. 16:19:19 q+ 16:19:23 …One of them is Apple. That is good; they were not active in the IG 16:19:33 …The other thing back to Garth's report on the Interest Group 16:19:43 …there is one area where there has been no action in the past period 16:19:59 …Not sure if it's something the BG should look at…it's MathML 16:20:05 …anything with mathematics 16:20:09 …still an open issue 16:20:17 q+ 16:20:20 …that has not fundamentally improved in the past year; that is still a problem 16:20:26 Rick: Are you suggesting this is a topic to handle? 16:20:32 Ivan: Not sure what I'm suggesting 16:20:38 Note that the Math CG is active 16:20:40 …where we want to go with it at some point in time 16:20:48 …Discuss at some point and what are the possible avenues 16:20:58 Rick: I put myself in the queue about the 33 people who want to participate 16:21:15 …Garth, do we know that these 33 people have the information about the Working Group meeting in June? 16:21:24 Ivan: Charter references the F2F in June, but not the logistics 16:21:27 …that's a good point 16:21:50 …Once the group is finalized then Garth, Tzviya and I will need to contact the AC Reps of those companies in case they are not yet in the Interest Group 16:22:06 Rick: Would it behoove us to start that outreach earlier, given flight expenses; make sure they want to come 16:22:11 Ivan: Formally it's a bit awkward 16:22:16 …makes me a bit uneasy 16:22:26 …Let's not open up the can of worms; let's wait a week 16:22:45 Garth: Ivan, one idea is because we have many member of the CG, we could send something to them 16:22:51 …or is that a bad idea? 16:22:58 Ivan: No, we can send out what we are planning 16:23:02 q+ 16:23:03 …the information about the place and the dates 16:23:05 q+ 16:23:15 ack rickj 16:23:16 BillK: Don't you have to be a member to be part of the WG? 16:23:18 Ivan: Yes 16:23:29 …people must be in the WG for the F2F historically 16:23:41 Garth: we do have to enforce that piece, but hope to have more members 16:23:53 q- 16:23:54 Rick: Come Monday, let's copy email addresses and send them the logistics 16:23:59 Garth: I think that's a good idea 16:24:02 ack George 16:24:10 George: On the Math side of things 16:24:28 …with the Accessibility folks, we are working on a way to include math in that 16:24:39 …it involves an SVG image for math and a mechanism to have the math in there as well 16:24:43 …kind of off screen 16:24:47 …so that AT could get at it 16:24:58 …We are a couple weeks away from having a technique to recommend 16:25:20 …Not sure if we have a long-term solution, but expect to send the solution to our publisher friends for feedback about whether they can do this in their production processes 16:25:23 ack billm 16:25:26 ack BillMcCoy 16:25:40 BillMcCoy: About half of TPI members have not done their paperwork yet 16:25:49 …I think we should reach out to the EPUB 3 CG 16:25:54 …and the TPI eligible 16:26:00 …because they may not have seen information 16:26:06 @george - Pearson does a lot of MathML, we’d be glad to look at the SVG workflow 16:26:13 …some people who did the TPI did not realize they also have to press the button to join 16:26:19 …Whoever reaches out once vote is completed 16:26:30 …If you are TPI eligible, please complete the paperwork and point them to me 16:26:37 …Veronica is person for the agreement and payment 16:26:47 …We really want to get TPI eligible people into the fold 16:26:50 …It's a good incentive 16:27:05 …People in CG who want to join the WG, welcome for them to join as members 16:27:16 …Anyone not a member or TPI member, I'm happy to discuss with them 16:27:24 Rick: A perfect transition for the EPUB 3 CG update 16:27:35 …Lisa, Dave or Rachel, do you want to give an update? 16:27:45 Dave: We have our first conference call with 25 attendees which was great 16:27:50 …set up infrastructure on GitHub 16:28:02 …set up task forces to address issues we need to delve into 16:28:11 …we already have 12 issues in the GitHub repo 16:28:16 …strong interest in Accessibility 16:28:26 …Lots of people interested in working on education 16:28:35 …and discussions on what to do about EDUPUB on lists 16:28:46 …Ivan and Matt have managed to transfer EPUB 3 spec docs to a W3C repo 16:28:51 …It feels like progress to me 16:28:56 Rick: Is it a valid assumption 16:29:07 …that you'll take on the contact that Bill McCoy just mentioned? 16:29:23 Dave: yes, we can say that if you have the resources to become a W3C member, we would love to have you at the W3C F2F 16:29:30 BillMcCoy: one more part of it 16:29:41 …about half of TPI members have not yet taken part of it; get them all in the fold 16:29:50 …I am happy to craft a message for me to do 16:30:03 Dave: yes, that sounds more like a Team activity; more busdev, not work of the CG 16:30:11 BillMcCoy: yes, I will do that; understood 16:30:15 Rick: Any more questions for the CG 16:30:23 …Bill K, your favorite agenda item 16:30:32 …Can you and Brian update us on EPUB Test.org 16:30:51 BillK: We want to keep this front and center, but we don't yet have a solution for how this should go forward yet 16:30:59 …Three organizations, BISG, W3C and DAISY 16:31:15 …while Accessibility testing George and his team have been conducting which should continue 16:31:23 …the mainstream testing needs a radical overhaul 16:31:31 …This is a fundamental resource for the publishing industry 16:31:37 …but it's so out of date that it's not good 16:31:45 …We have to figure out how to do this 16:31:49 q+ 16:31:56 …So I'll turn it over the Brian and George 16:32:02 …In terms of W3C, where does it fall? 16:32:09 …Is it in the CG along with EPUB check? 16:32:23 …Maybe Dave, do you want to make a comment on the way of approaching the mainstream testing? 16:32:29 Dave: I want to update on EPUB Check 16:32:38 …some people in CG have volunteered to do this 16:32:45 …Rick Wright volunteered to do this 16:32:52 …People are finding out what needs to be done 16:33:01 …Some hope of a few volunteers to do it 16:33:10 BillK: what about EPUB Test, different from EPUB Check? 16:33:13 Dave: That is a large issue 16:33:31 …Good idea to have some dedicated time to talk about this with all the various stakeholders 16:33:35 ack dauwhe 16:33:38 Brian: BISG is interested in taking the lead on this 16:33:45 …we had a call two and a half months ago 16:34:00 …I volunteered to put together a problem statement as there is not a clear statement of what we want this to do 16:34:14 Ric Wright 16:34:19 …On an earlier call, we agreed we want to improve implementation of EPUB across multiple devices 16:34:22 …not sure it does that 16:34:30 Ric Wright's epubcheck roadmap: https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/WorkPlan 16:34:30 …I will create a problem statement for this group to review 16:34:48 …Then we will take it apart and see if W3C should solve; see if George and I should work on it jointly 16:34:54 …but let's first agree what the problem is 16:35:04 q+ 16:35:08 q+ 16:35:13 q+ 16:35:16 BillK: by product of grid; original goal was to be a resource for publishers to know what features work in what reading systems 16:35:20 …be a source 16:35:32 …the fact we don't have effective pressure on reading system developers is one thing 16:35:46 …but having publishers looking at grid and getting incorrect info is my problem 16:35:55 …But I don't want to unplug the accessibility testing 16:36:07 …Fundamental goal of looking up a reading system and see if it's supported 16:36:15 …it has been dysfunctional for months 16:36:36 Brian: This conversation is why it's important to do the problem statement 16:36:42 …not sure I agree that's the main goal 16:36:49 …but we should come to agreement 16:36:51 ack Tzviya 16:36:59 Tzviya: Brian is making a good point 16:37:13 …may be missing things 16:37:19 q+ 16:37:23 …We have said EPUB Test.org is meant to mimic 16:37:27 q- 16:37:37 …and W3C can help can I use, but W3C does not support testing internally 16:37:50 BillK: Am I hearing you say publishing industry has given up on it as an informational resource? 16:38:04 Tzviya: not sure to go down path right now; but just saying it's not as robust 16:38:14 BillK: We have some stats that it was being used 16:38:20 Tzviya: But we need professional testers 16:38:28 BillK: scaled up to mechanism that did not work well 16:38:39 …Dave had more of a crowd source strategy that would work better 16:38:48 Brian: We need to come to agreement as the problem we are solving 16:38:58 zakim, who is here? 16:38:58 Present: ivan, dauwhe, Luc, karen, wolfgang_schindler, julian_Calderazi, paul_belfanti, Schindler, RickJ, George, brian, makoto, Bill_Kasdorff, Avneesh, berhard_heinser, 16:39:02 ... junko_kamata, jens_klingelhöfer, laurent, tzviya, Garth, mateus, mattg, Ryan_Pugatch, rpug, mateus-teixeira, gregdavis, BillMcCoy 16:39:02 On IRC I see jensklingelhoefer, jkamata, MURATA, liisamk, laurentlemeur, mattg, garth, rpug, Bill_Kasdorf, gregdavis, Avneesh, George, Brian, tzviya, RickJ, rkwright, pbelfanti, 16:39:02 ... Schindler, mteixeira, laudrain, BillMcCoy, Julian_Calderazi, RRSAgent, Zakim, Karen, ivan, dauwhe, bigbluehat 16:39:02 …provide better info to publishing industry or change the way EPUB is used on reading systems 16:39:10 …review is different; which to emphasize 16:39:20 ..put together a coherent statement of what this is doing 16:39:36 …If we go down the road of Dave's suggestion for crowd-sourcing, I still want to know where we want to end up 16:39:49 …it's consistent with what I am trying to do; figure out the problem we are trying to solve 16:39:57 …I don't understand why EPUB Test rests here 16:39:58 ack Rick 16:40:12 Rick: Comments to make as a vendor who participated very actively in the early versions 16:40:22 …there were three clear different goals that may not now be the same weight 16:40:31 …there was a clear Accessibility goal that has needs of its own 16:40:38 BillK: yes and a methodology that is different 16:40:50 Rick: Yes, and as Tzviya said, a clear "can I use" methodology 16:41:00 …and in its infant stages, that drove the usage decisions 16:41:04 …to prove itself 16:41:07 …not so much validating 16:41:24 …in light of what we are doing for next generation EPUB we should design with this in mind 16:41:29 BillK: great point, Rick 16:41:37 …was not working everywhere; was one of the goals 16:41:42 …maybe not 100 percent of features 16:41:50 …but that is historical aspect that has gotten out of date 16:41:55 q? 16:42:01 …it may no longer be a priority or necessary at all 16:42:10 Brian: EPUB Test as a grid pre-dates EPUB 3 16:42:15 …probably evolved within that 16:42:21 …agree with the segmentation 16:42:45 …Liisa McCloy-Kelley made the point that there are plenty of instances where publishers are choosing solutions 16:42:58 …that may or may not be EPUB or a proprietary path 16:43:04 …not sure what we are doing gets to that 16:43:08 q+ 16:43:14 …have standard be used; not nec in exclusion 16:43:16 ack George 16:43:18 ack geo 16:43:34 George: strategically the DAISY Consortium wanted to integrate with mainstream 16:43:40 …previously was stand-alone 16:43:51 …we are here to support whatever direction we decide to go in 16:44:06 …Marissa maintaining site; Matt working on features 16:44:08 +1 on communicating spec better. There is always someone within Pearson who is trying to say “move away from ePub to a walled garden”… 16:44:16 …If we did a complete revamp, we don't have the resources to do oursleves 16:44:36 …we do have a community manager for the Accessibility work we are doing, along with Avneesh and my participation 16:44:44 q? 16:44:47 …Love to see if go forward and be integrated with whatever happens in the future 16:44:49 ack liisa 16:44:56 Liisamk: I think it could be a usable resource 16:45:04 present+ liisamk 16:45:05 …and I could see where it could be supported 16:45:13 …Content creators are not @ 16:45:24 …and Ereaders not necess doing it 16:45:31 …have not seen it adopted across all systems 16:45:34 zakim, who is here? 16:45:34 Present: ivan, dauwhe, Luc, karen, wolfgang_schindler, julian_Calderazi, paul_belfanti, Schindler, RickJ, George, brian, makoto, Bill_Kasdorff, Avneesh, berhard_heinser, 16:45:38 ... junko_kamata, jens_klingelhöfer, laurent, tzviya, Garth, mateus, mattg, Ryan_Pugatch, rpug, mateus-teixeira, gregdavis, BillMcCoy, liisamk 16:45:38 On IRC I see jensklingelhoefer, jkamata, MURATA, liisamk, laurentlemeur, mattg, garth, rpug, Bill_Kasdorf, gregdavis, Avneesh, George, Brian, tzviya, RickJ, rkwright, pbelfanti, 16:45:38 ... Schindler, mteixeira, laudrain, BillMcCoy, Julian_Calderazi, RRSAgent, Zakim, Karen, ivan, dauwhe, bigbluehat 16:45:41 …maybe a simpler way to make it updated and be usable 16:45:49 …As Tzviya pointed out right now no one uses it 16:46:00 Rick: Brian, are you still planning to bring forth a proposal? 16:46:02 Brian: yes 16:46:21 …I am committed to do it if the group feels it would be of value 16:46:24 q+ 16:46:36 Brian: I will commit to draft something with this group before the next PBG meeting in two weeks 16:46:44 Rick: yes, suggest you do something ahead of time on the list 16:46:47 …then we'll discuss it 16:46:49 Brian: Thatnks 16:46:57 …and I will think carefully about Dave's suggestion 16:47:02 …For the promise that this could have 16:47:13 …We are re-configuring our [BISG] annual meeting 16:47:25 …and say we have this standard like ONYX and here is the implementation 16:47:36 …and here are the challenges from reading systems and proprietary 16:47:44 q? 16:47:45 …the conversation and the selling is important for us 16:47:49 ack RKWright 16:48:02 rkwright: We use Readium all the time to do regression testing 16:48:12 …it does not go far enough and has all sorts of flaws, but we do use it 16:48:22 …I would be very interested in discussions about how to improve or replace 16:48:31 Brian: Can I contact you outside of this call for the details? 16:48:36 rkwright: yes, please do 16:48:46 BillK: even if we have concluded the publishers don't use it 16:48:52 …not nec because they don't need it 16:48:57 …but the reading system developers 16:49:05 …if we don't have as a publisher facing 16:49:15 …we have lots of developers using it privately to test software 16:49:25 …it provides a valuable service on that regard 16:49:35 Rick: Brian, I can send you the VitalSource resource 16:49:38 …Moving on 16:49:44 …There has been a robust discussion 16:50:04 Julian_Calderazi: I would like to make a comment 16:50:20 …I agree with Liisa about the partial adoption of EPUB 3 in different channels and reading apps 16:50:28 …there is a problem that it is not updated 16:50:36 s/Readium/epubtest.org 16:50:38 …we are providing not so useful information to visitors 16:50:48 …so we should think about information that is published now; that is an issue 16:50:52 Rick: Great comment, thank you 16:51:01 …Bill McCoy, the ISO submission discussion 16:51:10 BillMcCoy: We, the PBG and EPUB 3 CG 16:51:21 that was about Ric Wright's comment: they use epubtest.org to test Readium 16:51:23 …need to decide what stance to take on continuation of ISO specs 16:51:30 …upgrad TS T135 16:51:44 …or other opp to separately standardize accesibility in it's current version 16:52:03 BillmcCoy: what are benefits, costs, and how does it stack up against other priorities 16:52:18 …and it maybe premature to come to a recommendation but we should get everyone's input on the table 16:52:23 …and consider other implications 16:52:28 …role of EPUB 3 CG 16:52:44 …Don't want to get into all that, but the PBG SC will want to address 16:52:46 q+ 16:52:49 RIck: Any questions on this? 16:53:07 q? 16:53:08 ack Avneesh 16:53:22 Avneesh: To remind the accessibilty spec going into ISO; this was the plan at IDPF 16:53:27 …we started discussion in 2015 16:53:31 …under the belt of IDPF 16:53:37 …it was there to take to ISO once mature 16:53:46 …whether EPUB 3 will go to ISO we have to discuss 16:53:55 …there may not be much use if it supercedes the new spec 16:54:01 +1 16:54:08 …but on accessibility side, it is a high priority to take it into ISO 16:54:11 …that is the point 16:54:14 Rick: Great comment 16:54:15 +1 16:54:19 …any other comments? 16:54:34 …Doing a quick update on EPUB for Education 16:54:43 …to summarize the conversation as to where it is now 16:54:51 …EDUPUB is not a formal specification 16:54:59 …did not get out of the late draft phase at IDPF 16:55:07 …main goal is to find the right home for it 16:55:12 …it evolves around EPUB 3.1 16:55:18 …one of the things to make sure we discuss 16:55:32 …people have been doing interesting things with EPUB @ and special vocabs 16:55:45 …there is content in the marketplace that has to be supported 16:55:55 zakim, who is here? 16:55:55 Present: ivan, dauwhe, Luc, karen, wolfgang_schindler, julian_Calderazi, paul_belfanti, Schindler, RickJ, George, brian, makoto, Bill_Kasdorff, Avneesh, berhard_heinser, 16:55:58 ... junko_kamata, jens_klingelhöfer, laurent, tzviya, Garth, mateus, mattg, Ryan_Pugatch, rpug, mateus-teixeira, gregdavis, BillMcCoy, liisamk 16:55:58 On IRC I see jensklingelhoefer, jkamata, MURATA, liisamk, laurentlemeur, mattg, garth, rpug, Bill_Kasdorf, gregdavis, Avneesh, George, Brian, tzviya, RickJ, rkwright, pbelfanti, 16:55:58 ... Schindler, mteixeira, laudrain, BillMcCoy, Julian_Calderazi, RRSAgent, Zakim, Karen, ivan, dauwhe, bigbluehat 16:56:01 …as we look at Role; EPUB Type does not exists; we should be mindful of that 16:56:14 …and propose a way to find a home in the CG and provide a way to move forward 16:56:26 q? 16:56:30 …I will send an email out clarifying what I mean by Role and EPUB Type 16:56:34 q+ 16:56:36 …wanted to invite any questions 16:56:39 ack George 16:56:48 George: It seems that the semantics needed in education 16:57:12 …is a big piece of EPUB for Education plus accessibility and the anlalytics from IMS being separate 16:57:15 q+ 16:57:25 q+ to ask about HTML structure 16:57:28 …seems like those chunks would go a long way to creating what we have called a profile in the past 16:57:39 …expect those semantics will be needed until we have a W3C Rec 16:57:43 ack avne 16:57:47 …and will also be needed in that W3C Rec 16:58:06 Avneesh: We have two channels; one about future and one about supporting the existing infrastructure of EPUB 3 16:58:14 …wonder if we need to have such a radical change to depricate 16:58:21 …if main focus is to support EPUB 3 16:58:27 q+ 16:58:29 …and more the more radical change in the WG rather than in the CG 16:58:32 ack pbelfanti 16:58:36 ack pbelfan 16:58:45 pbelfanti: I wanted to add onto what George said 16:58:54 …Seems to me it can be boiled down to the semantics 16:59:18 …Accessibility will be in 3.1 but where do we preserve the semantics to describe the complexity of the content on the education side 16:59:25 ack tzviy 16:59:25 tzviya, you wanted to ask about HTML structure 16:59:31 Rick: and there is accessibility you get by default 16:59:49 Tzviya: Are we doing away with @ or are they an extension from ARIA? 16:59:58 Rick: Question implies a decision, but there has not been one 17:00:11 …we are discussing questions and who should be making decisions and where 17:00:21 Tzviya: I do have thoughts but not make decisions today 17:00:23 s/@/structural semantics 17:00:24 ack Schindler 17:00:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-minutes.html ivan 17:00:46 Schindler: It is decisive who controls the attributes and whether we save our structural semantics 17:00:51 …for the future so it does not get lost 17:01:02 …we invested a lot of time and energy to define as IDPF specs 17:01:09 …so we should keep it in the HTML language 17:01:22 present+ Liisa 17:01:25 Rick: Since I initiated this, I'll break it into parts and address by email 17:01:27 +1 to Schindler re dictionary, indexes, and education semantics needing to be preserved 17:01:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-minutes.html ivan 17:01:35 q? 17:01:37 …I will add up EPUB Check into the last conversation 17:01:41 …anything urgent to bring up? 17:01:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-pbg-minutes.html ivan 17:02:01 …Thank you all for attending. We will continue conversations by email and in two weeks 17:02:02 zakim, bye 17:02:02 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been ivan, dauwhe, Luc, karen, wolfgang_schindler, julian_Calderazi, paul_belfanti, Schindler, RickJ, George, brian, makoto, 17:02:02 Zakim has left #pbg 17:02:05 ... Bill_Kasdorff, Avneesh, berhard_heinser, junko_kamata, jens_klingelhöfer, laurent, tzviya, Garth, mateus, mattg, Ryan_Pugatch, rpug, mateus-teixeira, gregdavis, BillMcCoy, 17:02:05 ... liisamk 17:02:07 jkamata has left #pbg 17:02:10 rrsagent, bye 17:02:10 I see no action items 17:02:10 [meeting adjourned]