See also: IRC log
<scribe> Scribe: Sarah
Jan: Had two meetings, Nancy
Alajarmeh and Bob Dodd
... Nancy working on education, going to fill out three bullets
to define research interests, did research questions, meeting
again next Monday
... Bob has four projects underway, interested in matching
Silver questions with current projects
<jemma> who is here
Jan: Meeting again on Thursday,
meeting with other partners this week
... Needs to update project tracking
<jemma> sarah: had the follow up with pete about the survey
<jemma> sarah: we need to solidify some thinking and we will be ready to go
<jemma> sarah: in regards to David Swallow, he is going to join May2 call - working on diary studies, specific questions for his own studies
<jemma> sarah: regarding to compensation for diary participants, jeann will look into that issue
<jemma> sarah: we will also figure out detailed survey questions, need access to stakeholder list to send out survey.
<jemma> sarah: he will do kick off of his study on may 22
Jan: Wondering about stakeholder list, how to share with researchers
Shawn: Check in again once Jeanne
and Michael are able to attend, also email thread
... Jan can start email thread
Jan: Wants to be able to explain
stakeholder list and groups that are represented in stakeholder
... Communicate with stakeholders about their role, and
communicate with researcher about how to use stakeholders
Sarah: Stakeholder map is available for people to look at
Shawn: Jennison will take on outreach for next six months
Sarah: These are questions that
we would include on all surveys and stakeholder
... These are starting with questions from Pete's survey
Jan: Will follow up with Dr Butler to get input
Jemma: Can add comments
Sarah: Best thing if you have specific ideas is to add to the questions, but comments are okay, too
Shawn: Sarah will propose setting a date on collecting feedback on the mailing list
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/peopel/people/ Present: Sarah Shawn Jemma Jan JaEunJemmaKu Regrets: Jeanne Dave Jennison No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: SarahHorton Found Scribe: Sarah Found Date: 25 Apr 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]