See also: IRC log
Shawn: Let's look at the status of research projects.
Sarah: Stanley Lam - no new
information. He is working on deciding his project.
... he is on track. He has decided on his project and he is
deciding on the plan details
... Peter McNally. He is doing surveys. We are talking
Shawn: Which researchers have not yet been added to the project tracker.
Sarah: The researchers in the tracker have decided on their project are in the project tracker. The ones that have not are in the Intentions tab.
Shawn: What about Eleanor Loiacano?
Jemma: She has set up a flier for the students, and she is in the process of recruiting students.
Jeanne: I saw her brochure! I loved it. Please send it to the general Silver list. It might inspire other researchers with ideas for student outreach.
Jemma: Takayuki Watanabe - I need
to call him.
... Satil is on the call
Sukil: I can share my experience in mobile accessibility and I try to give Korean opinion to WCAG 2.1.
Jemma: Did David originally contact you?
Sukil: Yes. If you have any special suggestions, please let me know. My experience is mobile app accessibility checking, and also web content accessibility checking. I have worked on the Korean standards.
Jeanne: We would welcome your experience in standards development especially with Korean standards, and mobile and web accessibility checking.
Sukil: I will share the Korean Mobile Accessibility Standards.
Jeanne: We are not working on WCAG 2.1 here, we are working on what will be an equivalent of WCAG 3.0.
Sukil: We have already developed
Korean WCAG 2.1 that includes mobile touch sizes, for
... the Korean 2.1 is similar to WCAG, but includes small
screen size issues. It will be translated to ENglish as soon as
Jemma: Can you share any research behind the Korean Mobile Accessibility Guidelines?
Sukil: I will have to look into what is publicly available.
Jeanne: Jemma has also set up the means for research conclusions to be shared with the Silver project, and still protect copyrighted and private research.
Sarah: I think Jan has taken a lot of researchers to support, and let's discuss on Friday how I can help distribute that support so she doesn't have so many researchers to support.
<SarahHorton> Jeanne: Met to review materials that would be helpful to put on Community Group website to help new people join group
<SarahHorton> Jeanne: Pages to communicate current activities underway so people can get information they need
Sarah: I think it looks good. And
I like the idea.
... I'm not sure what is the question that people would arrive
... I would be more inclined to separate it by project so the
researchers could use it as a hub for their own activity.
Jemma: I like the idea of the
hub. I have to finish my post on Literature Review.
... I shared by interview with Andrew Arch on writing my
literature review, and he suggested posting one or two research
questions each week.
Sarah: I'll post the first
... Does everyone in the Community Group have access to post
Jeanne: I believe so. The only
restriction seems to be in making changes to the home page, and
Michael Cooper has access to to that.
... I wanted to ask Ruth if she could manage some of the
onboard process, because she has recent experience of being new
and discovering what information is essential.
Sarah: Once we have it set up, I
think we should post on WebAIM.
... I can talk with Pete tomorrow about posting to the CG
... many people are asking if they can talk aobut this
Shawn: Who can reach out to Ruth?
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to reach to Ruth and ask her to work on Onboarding [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-79 - Reach to ruth and ask her to work on onboarding [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-04-04].
<scribe> scribe: Jeanne, SarahHorton
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Present: Sarah jeanne Shawn Jemma Sukil Regrets: Jan Dave Ruth No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jeanne Found Scribe: Jeanne, SarahHorton Found Date: 28 Mar 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]