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<scribe> scribe:JaEunJemmaKu
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jon worked on this.
mck: one comment about context
... I would like to solicite context menu from the group
mb: I think context menu feedback only works on ff
Ann: we need to make that, context menu, optional.
brian: context menu through javascript window?
mck: we may want to open a
separate issue for this.
... I will take care of this after the meeting.
... issue 183 is done?
mb: I am done
ann: can we assign the reviewer?
mck: I will do that after the meeting
<MichielBijl> I have updated issue 187 to have a checkbox for the separators.
mck: do we need further discussion on content info?
mck: anything decorative should be silent
jongund: developers may not think about aria property like we do.
brian: developers use bg image or css content but it is not a deal breaker.
jongund: I would like to suggest
that we may want to add info for these different techniques to
show different states.
... there is separate issue for bg image - color contrast
<jamesn> does this work -
mck: the best practices are 1) content css property and 2) inline style image
james: text alternative for content image is working?
michiel: it is not implemented any where yet
brian: one way it can be done is using span tag with aria- hidden true and add css style
mck: we dont
mck: we don't know yet about that technique.
jongund: then what should be done to finish the example?
bijl: here is aria-hidden example with font awesome
mck: our discussion regarding
this landed on 1) content css property 2) aria -hidden
... I will create the issue for this.
jongundL it seems all the example with bg image to indicate state should be changed with css content property
james: yes
mck: yes
jongund: I would like to put all different techniques into a table with advantage vs disadvantages
+1 for Jon's suggestion
brian: there is another technique using pseudo Classes to update states.
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mck: michiel suggested use <pre> in html source code for APG example page
michiel: browser issues
mck: can you fix example.js, Michiel?
mb: yes
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mck: in the menu pattern, see the potential confusion 'pop up' vs 'submenu'
<jongund> JG: I think we should be consistent
brian: we should use the word 'submenu' if it is used for menu
mck: good point, brian - I did
not think about pop up widget.
... so I will make it consistent to use "submenu"
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agenda 4
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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/context menu/ context menu feedback/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jemma Found Scribe: JaEunJemmaKu Present: AnnAbbott JamesNurthen MattKing Shirisha Balusani JaeunJemmaKu Bryan Garaventa MichielBijl jongund WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 06 Feb 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]