See also: IRC log
<zcorpan> Simon Pieters, Opera
<gregwhitworth> gregwhitworth, Microsoft
<yoav> Yoav Weiss, Akamai
<nigel> scribenick: nigel
<dsinger> …is David Singer (Apple)
<cyril> Cyril Concolato, Telecom ParisTech & GPAC
<jihye> Jihye Hong, LG elec.
nigel: Nigel Megitt, BBC
yoav: Responsive Images is
something we worked on and implemented - it's awesome.
... but we still see people advocating fixed width and height
in the HTML because the browser
... does not know the image's aspect ratio and height for
performing layout unless the authors
... perform hacks to get the aspect ratio in place. So this is
a problem that needs solving that we want
... to discuss. We have some emails this morning on the
responsive images mailing lists proposing
... various declarative markup ways to do that; there are also
proposals for a CSS based solution to replace
... the existing hacks to specify aspect ratio for images and
other elements. Discuss.
<zcorpan> example in the spec for how to solve this issue with css today,
zcorpan: This works - it's
annoying to have to use CSS I guess, and you have to specify
both width and height
... for each break point in the CSS.
gregwhitworth: I would prefer not
to propagate layout based thing inside HTML, primarily because
... are other reasons to specify aspect ratio than
... I would like to see it in CSS.
... I loved seeing a spec for this and also that you guys are
tackling sizes.
... To me defining another aspect ratio is an additional
constraint. I would prefer to set a width+height or
... a width or a height, and set aspect ratio = true|false and
use max/min constraints to allow flex
... I'm not a huge fan of specifying an aspect ratio
jkt: The reason for adding sizes to the CSS spec was so that you could clearly define either size being absent
jkt: e.g. missing height or width and that would be calculated from the aspect ratio
gregwhitworth: So you could technically still have a missing height or width without having the sizes shorthand
yoav: The point is that people
are recommending fixed width and height to avoid reflows while
the page is loading.
... They're not using image also so that's a particular case. I
want people to be able to define images
... with aspect ratios so that they won't reflow when the image
reloads - bouncing around is awful on mobile.
... You could say that css aspect ratio is enough, but still
people advocate html width and height because
... it is easy to verify. I'm in favour of a CSS based proposal
but we may need an equivalent in markup
... as an alternative to width and height.
gregwhitworth: That feels redundant.
yoav: It is in a way
dbaron: I wonder if we want
something that does what HTML height and width were perhaps
originally intended
... to do, which is indicate the expected image size but not
override if the height and width are actually wrong.
... Also if you set one of the height and width properties then
you only scale in one dimension rather than
... in both according to the aspect ratio.
<zcorpan> inside the srcset microsyntax
<dbaron> saying that perhaps we could have something (maybe inside the srcset microsyntax, ugh), that could describe the intrinsice width/height/aspect-ratio of the resource being pointed to, but only be used while the image is loading, and not override the resource nor set any CSS properties
yoav: Currently it only sets width...
zcorpan: ... but it has no effect until the image is loaded.
yoav: I guess with CSS it would also be applicable to non-image elements, which would be good enough from a loading perspective.
gregwhitworth: Setting dimensions
of a box is usually CSS's job, that's why I want to do it
... Then we also get the benefits of doing it on other
... It would be worth seeing a proposal on the html side
... The main use case is to see where these are being
... I know there are more use cases to understand not just in
... I'd like to set some actions.
<Zakim> dsinger, you wanted to talk about measurements, and about resolution
dsinger: It's rare to want non
isotropic scaling of images so it does seem to make sense to be
able to specify
... either height or width but not both.
... I would dispute that a pixel count is a visual size. All
screens are not 72dpi anymore.
... I'm not comfortable with the idea that pixel counts
indicate actual size.
yoav: The srcset sizes syntax in
html tackles that and allows the browser to use the density of
the entity as
... well as the dimensions and take both into account.
... The aspect ratio part is not necessarily tightly related to
intrinsic dimensions.
gregwhitworth: That said if it
does have an intrinsic aspect ratio then it should be
... you need to decide whether to care about that and then meet
height or width constraints.
... We already have this problem with video and players.
cyril: I agree that it would be
good to preserve aspect ratio of divs and other things not just
images. But
... I understood the responsive images solutions were in HTML
so that CSS is not needed to make requests,
... so how does it work if you solve it in CSS.
yoav: The responsive images syntax allows the width of the resource to be defined then you don't need the
<jkt> << is a demo of the above proposal, if anyone has not seen that (it uses an image but I didn't initially)
yoav: height from the aspect
ratio until layout actually happens. So you can start your
request just based on
... the width info and maybe in the future height as well. We
reserved this part for v2 of the spec.
... You should be able to load the resource based on one of
those dimensions.
... I'm assuming all the resources in the srcset have the same
aspect ratio.
zcorpan: We're trying to solve
the problem of jumpy layout during page load. When the page
starts to render
... at that point the stylesheets are loaded so you could make
the request before layout.
... You can load the image knowing the layout before having the
image. I still think it would be nice to have
... an attribute or something in HTML because when a CMS drops
an image into a document they may
... not want to change the markup.
yoav: It's easier to verify and therefore some performance projects are using HTML.
dsinger: MPEG recently
standardised a new image file format that may be related. It's
codec neutral.
... The concern was about expressing how to package an image
collection together and specifying which
... to use for printing, or non destructive edits etc. This is
called the High Efficiency Image File Format.
... This could be related to the same use case.
yoav: That's extremely interesting. Does it say in the headers the different image resolutions?
dsinger: Yes.
gregwhitworth: That's awesome
dsinger: Images are stored mp4 style with a structure at the beginning with byte range offsets etc. and you
<cyril> you can inspect examle images with
dsinger: could put mp4 tracks in the same file if you wanted. You would want to profile it down for some scenarios.
yoav: Can you have low and higher resolutions compounded with scalable coding? And cropping?
dsinger: Yes to both.
cyril: I have examples of scalable in art directions.
gregwhitworth: Have you spoken with browser vendors and about OS support etc?
dsinger: Not yet but I'm happy to do tutorials and chat more with people.
<scribe> ACTION: gregwhitworth Get use case data on basic elements that would need to preserve aspect ratio [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
<scribe> ACTION: yoav Get the loading use case [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
<scribe> scribenick: gregwhitworth
<scribe> scribenick: gregwhitworth
yoav: currently you can't state
the height via height restrictions
... the current syntax doesn't allow this
... do we want to discuss the various options we had
zcorpan: I think the syntax is
not the important part, but we need to figure out what people
are trying to do with height based images
... we need usecases
... once we understand that we can get a syntax
<scribe> ACTION: zcorpan with the getting height restricted use cases [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
nigel: you mentioned earlier
about the video player
... the player can have one size, and the video that's playing
might have a different aspect ratio
... so you need to know the reference area
... specifiying a box with an AR and then positioning a box
inside of that
... you all remember 4:3 tv and you are watching a 16:9 video,
do you scale or do you center cut
... one you're preserving the AR but you're cropping it
zcorpan: there is a property in
CSS called object-fit where you can control this
... the default for video is object-fit: contain
... and images are set to preserve AR
... however there is no way of knowing how big the rendered
image is if you preserve AR
... nah, you could...
... there are properties to get the width/height of the
resource once it's loaded
... you do know the size of it
... you can render things on top of it, but you would need to
use other things than CSS to accomplish it
nigel: that's interesting. That's the point of it, we need to work out what area you have. Sure, I guess we can do that in JS, but it may be worth looking into whether we want to somehow solve that before loading
zcorpan: anything else
yoav: what level of effort do you
... to help out
jkt: I'm willing to look into
getting use cases as well
... other than that, I can work with the syntax but that's not
something we need to do early on
yoav: cool
<zcorpan> 👍
cyril: what's the responsiveness in the video element
zcorpan: it's in there, but
implementers aren't jumping for it, and haven't gotten a lot of
feedback from devs for it either
... you can put a high res in for a poster
yoav: do you see a use case for an art directed poster
cyril: could you put picture
inside as the poster?
... any reason why the video element is not able to play
yoav: I would ask the opposite question, why can't you play the video in the image?
<yoav> An early prototype I wrote down in 2013 for something like HEIF:
zcorpan: on a theoretical level, it's possible but on an architectural level it's hard
<yoav> ^^ dsinger cyril
zcorpan: there is an interest I believe
yoav: animated gifs are a good use case, we should get rid of this
???: one thing that struck me is that this may be a problem for a11y if you put a video inside of image
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/>/./ Succeeded: s/.../jkt:/ Succeeded: s/all/art/ FAILED: s/in all directions/and art directions/ Succeeded: s/???/nigel/ Succeeded: s/action zc/Action: zc/ Succeeded: s|s/in all directions/and art directions/|| Found ScribeNick: nigel Found ScribeNick: gregwhitworth Found ScribeNick: gregwhitworth Inferring Scribes: nigel, gregwhitworth Scribes: nigel, gregwhitworth ScribeNicks: nigel, gregwhitworth Present: nigel nikos jkt Joshue108 dsinger cyril yoav kirkwood dbaron jihye SteveZ WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 21 Sep 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: gregwhitworth yoav zcorpan[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]