See also: IRC log
[discussion of TPAC logistics of arrival and meeting times]
The goals for TPAC are not the goals for what will go into Silver, but how the process will be decided.
<scribe> scribenick: jeanne
Introductions - 30 min
Subgroup work
Goals for TPAC - emphasis that it is our research/outreach plan for the process itself, and the process will decide what goes into Silver.
Overall timeline
Break! - 30 min
Guided discussion - 90 min
* Review of the goals in the poll - 10 min
* Informal anonymous vote on top preference to start discussion - 10 min
* Debates between the factions - 20 min
* Reporting back to the larger group - 10 min
* Delve into details of the top option - 30 min
* Statement of the winner - 10 min
* Review of reasoning for all options in context of decision
* We’ll then take the notes and results and turn into communication to the “outside” world for comments
Jeanne messed up the copy paste, and discovered it when she sent the minutes, so here is the corrected version for the HTML minutes
Agenda for TPAC
Introductions - 30 min
* Individuals
* Silver
* Subgroup work
* Goals for TPAC - emphasis that it is our research/outreach plan for the process itself, and the process will decide what goes into Silver.
* Overall timeline
Walkthrough of each option - 1 hr
* Intro to phases and common structure - 10 min
* Design Driven Option (still being written)
- This is the group of methods best oriented toward producing the best research and data-driven decisions for the design of Silver.
* Faster Progress Option
- This is the group of methods best oriented toward producing Silver most expeditiously.
* Greatest Flexibility Option
- This is the group of methods that will provide a flexible design that will adapt to changing future needs.
* Lowest Cost/Minimum Resources Option
- This is the most constrained option, but may be the reality that we need to deal with.
Break! - 30 min
Guided discussion - 90 min
* Review of the goals in the poll - 10 min
* Informal anonymous vote on top preference to start discussion - 10 min
* Debates between the factions - 20 min
* Reporting back to the larger group - 10 min
Delve into details of the top option - 30 min
Statement of the winner - 10 min
Review of reasoning for all options in context of decision
We’ll then take the notes and results and turn into communication to the “outside” world for comments
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: jeanne Inferring Scribes: jeanne Present: AWK jeanne Shawn Regrets: Sarah WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 16 Sep 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]