IRC log of silver on 2016-09-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:31:15 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #silver
- 13:31:15 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:42:06 [jeanne]
- jeanne has joined #silver
- 13:43:00 [jeanne]
- [discussion of TPAC logistics of arrival and meeting times]
- 13:45:53 [Lauriat]
- 13:54:08 [jeanne]
- Topic: setting the agenda for WCAG TPAC
- 14:19:55 [jeanne]
- The goals for TPAC are not the goals for what will go into Silver, but how the process will be decided.
- 14:20:15 [jeanne]
- scribenick: jeanne
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Introductions - 30 min
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Individuals
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Silver
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Subgroup work
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Goals for TPAC - emphasis that it is our research/outreach plan for the process itself, and the process will decide what goes into Silver.
- 14:20:18 [jeanne]
- Overall timeline
- 14:31:35 [jeanne]
- Break! - 30 min
- 14:32:40 [jeanne]
- Guided discussion - 90 min
- 14:32:40 [jeanne]
- * Review of the goals in the poll - 10 min
- 14:32:40 [jeanne]
- *
- 14:32:40 [jeanne]
- * Informal anonymous vote on top preference to start discussion - 10 min
- 14:32:41 [jeanne]
- * Debates between the factions - 20 min
- 14:32:41 [jeanne]
- * Reporting back to the larger group - 10 min
- 14:32:41 [jeanne]
- * Delve into details of the top option - 30 min
- 14:32:42 [jeanne]
- * Statement of the winner - 10 min
- 14:34:49 [jeanne]
- * Review of reasoning for all options in context of decision
- 14:34:49 [jeanne]
- * We’ll then take the notes and results and turn into communication to the “outside” world for comments
- 14:36:24 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:36:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne
- 14:36:29 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 14:36:34 [jeanne]
- meeting: Silver
- 14:36:50 [jeanne]
- present+ AWK, jeanne, Shawn
- 14:36:55 [jeanne]
- regrets+ Sarah
- 14:37:02 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:37:02 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne
- 14:43:30 [jeanne]
- Topic: Revision of agenda
- 14:44:02 [jeanne]
- Jeanne messed up the copy paste, and discovered it when she sent the minutes, so here is the corrected version for the HTML minutes
- 14:47:21 [jeanne]
- Agenda for TPAC
- 14:47:21 [jeanne]
- Introductions - 30 min
- 14:47:21 [jeanne]
- * Individuals
- 14:47:21 [jeanne]
- * Silver
- 14:47:22 [jeanne]
- * Subgroup work
- 14:47:22 [jeanne]
- * Goals for TPAC - emphasis that it is our research/outreach plan for the process itself, and the process will decide what goes into Silver.
- 14:47:22 [jeanne]
- * Overall timeline
- 14:47:23 [jeanne]
- Walkthrough of each option - 1 hr
- 14:47:23 [jeanne]
- * Intro to phases and common structure - 10 min
- 14:47:23 [jeanne]
- * Design Driven Option (still being written)
- 14:47:24 [jeanne]
- - This is the group of methods best oriented toward producing the best research and data-driven decisions for the design of Silver.
- 14:47:24 [jeanne]
- * Faster Progress Option
- 14:47:24 [jeanne]
- - This is the group of methods best oriented toward producing Silver most expeditiously.
- 14:47:25 [jeanne]
- * Greatest Flexibility Option
- 14:47:25 [jeanne]
- - This is the group of methods that will provide a flexible design that will adapt to changing future needs.
- 14:47:25 [jeanne]
- * Lowest Cost/Minimum Resources Option
- 14:47:26 [jeanne]
- - This is the most constrained option, but may be the reality that we need to deal with.
- 14:47:26 [jeanne]
- Break! - 30 min
- 14:47:26 [jeanne]
- Guided discussion - 90 min
- 14:47:27 [jeanne]
- * Review of the goals in the poll - 10 min
- 14:47:27 [jeanne]
- -
- 14:47:27 [jeanne]
- * Informal anonymous vote on top preference to start discussion - 10 min
- 14:47:28 [jeanne]
- * Debates between the factions - 20 min
- 14:47:28 [jeanne]
- * Reporting back to the larger group - 10 min
- 14:47:28 [jeanne]
- Delve into details of the top option - 30 min
- 14:47:28 [jeanne]
- Statement of the winner - 10 min
- 14:47:29 [jeanne]
- Review of reasoning for all options in context of decision
- 14:47:29 [jeanne]
- We’ll then take the notes and results and turn into communication to the “outside” world for comments
- 14:47:33 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:47:33 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne