See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribenick: dauwhe
all: daisy format scribing would be awesome
ivan: brings reality crashing down on our heads
<cmaden2> We’ve all agreed to be recorded; check the WebEx terms of use.
George: you get a complete navigable document!
ivan: we've thought about a recording on the 2nd session after lunch on Tuesday
tzviya: we can work it out (beatles music playing in the background)
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: let's look at the minutes
ivan: they were perfect
tzviya: we talked about Markus leaving,
which makes us all infinitely sad
... minutes approved.
<ivan> Agenda:
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: some meetings require a detailed agenda
tzviya: you might find your name in the agenda, with a request for more detail
Tzviya: we have a meeting with WCAG
... we could talk about the note charles and deborah put together
... the work on the automated checker, the work EPUB is doing
... we have an hour or so
... if other people have specific things, talk to Avneesh
Avneesh: we want to talk about starting points. An hour will be fine.
ivan: we have fifteen minutes doing nothing
tzviya: the morning meetings can run over
tzviya: the next detailed agenda is the
meeting with the CSS Working Group
... we might want to narrow the scope
... most important topic is how to successfully collaborate
... we have some new members with experience in this area
... please contribute to the agenda!
brady_duga: Dave sent me an email. For me the important thing is Houdini
dauwhe: I mentioned houdini quite a bit :)
tzviya: CSSWG wants proof of concept
ivan: I'm looking at CSS list
... many of these are related to Houdini work
... the one that seems to be separate is the media queries for MathML
... alan, is this worth discussing?
tzviya: the question of media queries is
an important one, also relates to ARIA
... using MQ for extended descriptions
... perhaps we could talk about the extensibility of MQs
astearns: that might be promising
... both MQ issues could be wrapped up into one
... where we talk about new approaches to MQs
... but knowing the interested players and who to bring into the
discussions would be helpful
tzviya: any other thoughts for css
ivan: what about FO?
various: we can have a very short conversation avoiding tech details
tzviya: someone added something about the pwp draft
ivan: that was me
tzviya: there were some tracker issues
ivan: I began to do a bunch of work on a
new version
... it's in a separate branch right now
tzviya: the other session is "towards a
working group"
... as y'all know, there's talk of an idpf+w3c merger
... there will probably be news early next week
garth: I did some updates to that document
... I used the word "combination"
... whoever put the testing thing in there, reveal thyself and lead the
tzviya: this group or some variation of
this group will become a working group; the question is next steps
... there's a testing discussion
... feel free to add things to the wiki
ivan: some IDPF board folks will be at
that meeting, and some from the strategic discussion at w3c
... emphasis should be on long-term where we want to go
tzviya: Ealph and Wendy will be there
... and most of the IDPF board will be there
Subtopic: Misc. meetings and
... there's the Thursday pub community meeting
... on Friday I'm presenting to POE
... ARIA on thursday and friday
ivan: brace yourselves; you will be
exhausted at the end of the week
... the Wednesday is big madness day
ivan: after a short morning intro, all kinds of sessions are proposed
<astearns> "big madness" = unconference
tzviya: there are lots of proposed
sessions; Dave and I proposed one about manifests and publishing
... lots of interesting proposals already
<astearns> for more details on how Wednesday is organized
tzviya: there will be one about
annotations and ASF (the Apache Software Foundation)
... and there will be one on Music and MusicML
... do people want to call in for TPAC?
deborah: I would like to call in
<david_stroup> Yes
ivan: it would be good to have more names, so I know if I have to set up US times only
tzviya: EPUB31 has been published as a public draft, with a formal call for review
tzviya: this similar to ... something.
... y'all can log issues in github
... there are hundreds of issues on Github, being dealt with by the
saintly Matt Garrish
tzviya: I skipped the most important thing
on the agenda
... Heather, can you update us on UCR?
HeatherF: go to link, you'll see
an edited version from last week
... section numbers etc did change
... there are 22 things I need to put in as issues
... some things don't come across as either requirements or use cases,
so need work
... I hope to get them into github issues, but I was making jam.
... fruit waits for no one.
<Karen> +1 jam making :)
<ivan> +1
HeatherF: feedback welcome
ivan: huge +1 to Heather, it's been
improved a lot!
... section headers and descriptions are now separated
... I have the green light from the webmaster who have checked the doc
... official publication will happen tomorrow during the euroday
tzviya: heather made some phenomenal major
... the fundamental use cases are broken into two sections,
author+reader and implementation
... we can work through some of the issues at tpac
HeatherF: if someone wants to do a diff, it probably won't work
ivan: there is an html output diff program, but the changes are probably too much
HeatherF: I think this is a perfectly good FPWD
tzviya: thank you Heather!
... comments? concerns?
... file issues. and let's get the word to the street that this is being
ivan: write a blog if you want!
tzviya: there's a link to epub that doesn't work
ivan: issue, please.
tzviya: we'll see many of you next week
<PeterK> bye!
<HeatherF> Safe travels, for all who are traveling!
<astearns> On the topic of diffing editorial changes - using semantic line feeds consistently helps *a lot*