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Detailed TPAC 2016 Agenda
From Digital Publishing Interest Group
Meeting with WCAG
DPUB Accessibility TF note and EPUB Accessibility Conformance & Discovery specifications
- How accessibility requirements for digital publishing differ from WCAG.
- How to work towards incorporation of accessibility requirements specific to digital publishing in WCAG
Information sharing for certification process and Accessibility checker
- Identify any concerns in the approach.
- explore possibilities of collaboration with W3C.
Meeting with CSS WG
Media Queries
- Media Queries for MathML (see glazou epub thread)
- Media Queries and ARIA (more info TK)
- Houdini Font Metrics?
- Input from MathJax on low-level features that would help?
- Could more be done via OpenType?
- character alignment: next steps
Pagination, Polyfills, and Houdini
- Might it be helpful to get some feedback from people who have implemented pagination (Vivliostyle, Readium, iBooks) on what low-level features could make this easier?
- Status of Page Floats spec?
- Are there extensions of fragmentation that could help (especially API stuff)? Fragment counters, which fragment am I in, etc.? Does this stuff actually help pagination polyfills?
- overflow: -webkit-paged-x with scroll snapping and box-decoration-break
- Is https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/ a useful document? If not, what info is needed? (added by Tzviya)
CSS vs XSL-FO: Gap Analysis
- Should there be an official project to document this, hopefully with Liam's help? The idea would be to only talk about the merits of the idea and how it might be organized, not to discuss technical details.
PWP-UCR Fundamental Issues
A number of non-editorial issues have been raised on the UCR which affects the whole of PWP. Some of them found closure during the discussion (http://bit.ly/2cyU4My), but others are still open (see http://bit.ly/2d06D1h) and they raise some general questions about PWP. These should be discussed. In particular (some issues fall into several buckets...):
- Concept of Publication (a.k.a. “document collection”), constituent resources
- mini summary: Justification for the concept of a publication as a document (or resource) collection seems to be weak, same for the differentiation of essential vs. non-essential resources
- relevant issues
- single resource unit #99 (NOTE: Let's look at out use of the word "package" and its implications a Web context)
- essential and non-essential resources #109
- constituent resources #107
- When is a PWP a single document, or a number of documents? #75
- Essential versus non-essential and fonts #77
- constituent resources #110
- Defining what needs to be archived #71
- retitle the document #118
- Section on Single Unit needs better use cases #81
- Relationship to Service Workers, the concepts of states (online/offline), relationship to packaged (ie, “zipped”) version
- mini summary: do we want to bring SW into the document (as a 'fundamental OWP feature'); if so, does it make sense at all to talk about separate online/offline states or can we simply state that this is just an existing feature (in the close future). Also, what is exactly the relationship to packaged (a.k.a. zipped) version of a publication, do we deal with it at all?
- relevant issues:
- Manifest as Requirement
- mini summary: The manifest section does not look like a use case collection. Related to this: who is the 'user' in terms of a UCR document: reader? author? implementer?
- relevant issues
- Security issues
- mini summary: does the PWP/online/offline/zipped approach work with the security model, including the exclusive usage of HTTPS, CORS...
- relevant issues:
- Filter existing requirements. Can we trim?
- mini summary: we should remove any req that is not very specific to PWP
- relevant issues
- PWP Document issues, time permitting
- The issue on the multiplicity of manifests is to be handled (see also the relevant issue on github)
- Contradictory requirements in distribution? #85
- Wherever possible the various technical solutions should link "back" to the requirements to answer a "why are we doing this?" type questions
- We should check whether the technical solutions are not in contradictions with the requirements
- Overall changes/improvements (eg., Issue 23 on the introduction)
planning changes on the PWP draft (time permitting...)
The publication of the UCR requires a number of a significant changes compared to the latest official editor's draft (let alone the latest official draft, which is grossly outdated by now). Some changes have already been addressed in a separate branch.
Toward a WG
Chair: Garth
- EPUB current & next [Markus]
- IDPF combination with W3C? [Garth, Bill M]
- PWP [Tzviya]
- Chartering [Ivan]
- Working Group Oversight and W3C Process
- Testing in the future
- Discussion Topics (Put your topic here)
- Market Analysis [Leonard]
- Relationship to EPUB, in particular to EPUB 3.1
- Relationship with BFF effort