12 Sep 2016

See also: IRC log


jongund, JamesNurthen, JaEunKu, AnnAbbott, JaeunJemmaKu, matt_king, Bryan_Garaventa


<mck> /invite RRSAgent #aria-apg

<jemma> thanks, James

<mck> Chair matt_king

<scribe> scribe: jamesn

Issue #54: Draft Alert Dialog or Message Dialog design pattern (Matt) https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/54

MK: believe i haver this in master



<bgaraventa1979> +q

MK: tried to give a reason why need the role - a bit weak but best could do
... " The <a href="#alertdialog" class="role-reference">alertdialog</a> role enables assistive technologies and browsers to distinguish alert dialogs from other dialogs so they have the option of giving them special treatment, such as playing a system alert sound."
... any feedback on the description section before moving on?

JN: pretty weak - not really a disaster if people use a dialog

MK: just refer to the dialog pattern
... roles states and properties section - only reason is to make it clean that has the alertdialog role and that it has a label. Just really did to bring it up to editorial standards

BG: general question. do you know if any change was made on dialog to say focus moves into dialog rather than on the dialog itself

"When a modal dialog opens focus goes to the first focusable item in the dialog. Determining the first focusable item must take into account elements which receive focus by default (form fields and links) as well as items which may have a tabindex attribute with a positive value."

MK: one of the primary things was to get rid of the role=document thing that used to be there

Issue 67: Develop example Accordion (CSS changes by James) https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/67

JN: no update

issue 104: Develop examples of data grids using the grid design pattern https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/104

<mck> http://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/grid/dataGrids.html

code is done for 1st 3 examples

JN: simplicity is a worry

MK: 1st is most bare-bones grid example you can have
... 2nd has sort - and the ability to edit the description

<jemma> minor - clicking arrow does not sort

JN: I would like to see a more realistic editable grid

MK: the idea was to do the kind of things that are more common across the web

JN: another thing that is needed is a cell with more than 1 interactive control in it

MK: things with scrollable regions
... last one is also good for people who want infinite scroll

BG: IHAC enterprise app - building something for universities. want a datagrid that is naviagble which supports drag and drop, selectable rows.... the ability to expand rows into another grid. supports multiple controls inside each cell
... literally impossible to code

MK: hope they can work hard to avoid having multiple interactive elements in 1 cell
... 16/17/18 JAWS have gone backwards... only time will read something in focus mode is when the element that gets focus is not a gridcell

if the element that gets focus is a linl/button etc works great

MK: Mac is better - best in safari... chrome reads the element that gets focus

chrome never gives the row/col information

MK: when navigating - not in quicknav mode... safari and VO do everything except read the column headers
... want to raise bugs if needed

JN: listviews having moved to grids requires multiple interactive items in a cell
... we have to be able to support multiple interactive items in a single cell
... getting nothing is insane

BG: if moving focus between them - if use activedescendent - not best practice or anything but it is possible when focus is on the gridcell

MK: believe you get a simpler interface if you seperate interactive elements

BG: some grids have some active elements in some cells and not in others

<jemma> +q

JN: we have a bunch of different grid requiremewnts.... multiple items in a cell, multiple scrollable areas,


MK: after TPAC will have rest of content ready

Jemma: arrow needs a fix... have to click on the label

Issue 109: Develop example of the tree view design pattern (Jon/Jemma) https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/109

MK: last week was reviewing a PR

the page that shows all the files - was crashing everything

simplified a lot of it

JG: no aria-owns examples for tree... is that something we need

MK: would be a good place to have it

JG: need to have some examples that are as simple as possible

MK: menu menubar are on the next agenda - after TPAC

if we have a meeting on the 26th....

JG: menubar - if have a pulldown menu, with a submenu... is that a flyout?

MK: would prefer to call it a submenu

JG: seperators get focus?

MK: no
... design pattern makes that clear

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/09/12 18:33:34 $

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Found Scribe: jamesn
Inferring ScribeNick: jamesn
Default Present: jongund, JamesNurthen, JaEunKu, AnnAbbott, JaeunJemmaKu, matt_king, Bryan_Garaventa
Present: jongund JamesNurthen JaEunKu AnnAbbott JaeunJemmaKu matt_king Bryan_Garaventa
Regrets: IanPouncey

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Got date from IRC log name: 12 Sep 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/09/12-aria-apg-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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