Spatial Data on the Web SSN Sub Group Teleconference

06 Sep 2016

See also: IRC log


kerry, DanhLePhuoc, JRamsay, roba, SimonCox, ClausStadler, ChrisLittle
phil, Krzysztof


<kerry> scribe: rob

<kerry> scribenick: roba

scribenick roba

<kerry> proposed: approve minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/08/23-sdwssn-minutes

<SimonCox> +1


<DanhLePhuoc> +1

<kerry> +1

<SimonCox> present?

<ClausStadler> +1

RESOLUTION: minutes accepted https://www.w3.org/2016/08/23-sdwssn-minutes

patent call https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call

<SimonCox> who is here?

SSN/SOSA/O&M: is an observation an event, activity, or information object? see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2016Aug/0144.html

kerry - simon has put background on list, some folloups

simon: refs AGU paper as per link in email - exploring PROV as an upper ontology?

<SimonCox> https://goo.gl/TKlX1l

<kerry> https://goo.gl/TKlX1l

simon: 'punchine on slide 14 "CorePROV– allalignments"

OED: [MASS NOUN] The action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone:

ChrisLittle: where does Event fit - works with Time ontologies

simon: PROV Activity matches 'occurent'

roba: who has looked at this and who has issue/ supports?

kerry: where is om-lite?

simon: see slides 4,5 - not updated to SOSA work
... SOSA had Activity as super-class - people unhappy with subclassing hierarchy

kerry: use Observing etc?

simon: want to use a Noun - eg ActivityOf

<SimonCox> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/index.php?title=SOSA_Ontology&oldid=2342

ChrisLittle: forecasting under procedure?

simon: ObservingProcedure -> EstimatingProcedure ?

roba: what is the entailment regime supported by core (RDFS? if not then SKOS?)

kerry: RDFS was originally agreed - Krystof backed off - inverseProperties snuck back in.

simon: as per OED example should choose terms that match natural language as far as possible

kerry: concerns that SSNX proposal adds extra complexity

simon: BP work - discussion on HTTP range-14 - is this related - ssn:observation is an "information object"
... re rules forn Kerrys paper - support and back up idea of rule - mutiple paths - this is the "art" - make useful paths

kerry: fill in missing bits using the rules - more reasoning on the back end

simon: reflects on O&M
... terms matched broad community

roba: modularity and encapusalation preferred way to handle complexity - want modules with specific entailment rules

DanhLePhuoc: performance is an issue - sensors generate a lot of data - cant afford to force 3-store to do a lot of work

<ChrisLittle> S/encapusalation/encapsulation/

DanhLePhuoc: focus somewhere between RDFS and OWL-EL perhaps?
... problems database trying to solve now
... need to address logic load in parallel with design
... commen on Simon's paper - concerned it requires OWL-DL - not well supported from performance

simon: on modularisation - should the core be the supr-classes, the most common use subclasses (hit the 80%)

kerry: my concern is what goes in core.
... what is it supposed to be for

simon: armin and jano may have different ideas

kerry: core is what IoT , schema.org etc
... needs?

<SimonCox> Apologies for jumping the queue several times. Wanted to catch the discussion, but bad process, sorry

roba: wants core to introduce common terms, superclasses and establish patterns - and support RDFS entailment explicitly.

DanhLePhuoc: supports explicit entailment regime for core - RDFS - maybe extend to OWL-QL

SSN Agenda for Lisbon meeting see https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:F2F4

roba: whats the plan here?

kerry: wanted to air the issues - cant resolve yet - need to bear in mind.

<SimonCox> Two issues on the table:

<SimonCox> 1. Observation - record or activity

<SimonCox> 2. SOSA-Core goals

<SimonCox> Options for SOSA-core: superclasses, vs. most-used classes (for IoT)

Kerry: moving on F2F at TPAC - describes agenda - proposes trying to put resolutions re core design - contribute via email.

<SimonCox> Implications: entailment regime?

<SimonCox> Which day is the meeting at TPAC?

<SimonCox> @Chris 'RecordOfObservation' vs 'ActivityOfObserving'

<kerry> +1+1

<kerry> q/

<ChrisLittle> +1 to Simon's terminology

kerry: something concrete on modularisation would be worthwhile if possible

<kerry> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Attending_F2F4

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. minutes accepted https://www.w3.org/2016/08/23-sdwssn-minutes
[End of minutes]