See also: IRC log
<allanj> scribe: wayne
RESOLUTION: 3.3.1 Text Size - GAP WCAG - 1.4.4 & 1.4.8 limits size to 200%, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.1 & 1.4.2
RESOLUTION: 3.3.2 Font - GAP WCAG no SC, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.1 & 1.4.2
RESOLUTION: 3.3.3 Style - GAP WCAG no SC, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.1 & 1.4.2
RESOLUTION: 3.3.4 Capitalization - GAP WCAG no SC, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.6
AJ: I wrote all the proposed gaps found when the full group was not present.
See this in the GAP chart
RESOLUTION: 3.4.6 Spacing - GAP WCAG 1.4.8 only covers <p>, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.2 and 1.4.3
RESOLUTION: 3.4.6 Spacing - GAP WCAG 1.4.8 only covers <p>, NOGAP UAAG met by 1.4.2 and 1.4.3
RESOLUTION: No SC in WCAG, UAAG covers in 14.2
and 1.4.6
... No SC in WCAG, UAAG covers in 14.2 and 1.4.6
... No SC in WCAG, UAAG covers in 14.2
<laura> Example: Point of Regard and Proximity of Controls:
RESOLUTION: GAP in WCAG, Covered in 1.8.6 and 1.8.9
<allanj> UAAG 1.8.6 and 1.8.9
<allanj> sm: problem in mobile, changing in orientation
<allanj> wd: focus in form is easy, tab, shift tab to regain focus
<allanj> ... if big text area, very disorienting
RESOLUTION: GAP in WCAG, UAAG GAP with partial 1.10.1
<allanj> last 3 bullets in use case not covered
<shawn> fyi, there is a pending edit on this wording -- on my To Do list
<allanj> User Need - All Elements: Users can see all interface elements that are intended for users to see, including when users have changed display settings such as text size.
<shawn> but that shouldn't hold up this gap analysis
<allanj> wd: perhaps include busy background image with text on top
RESOLUTION: GAP in WCAG, UAAG 2.71 covers UA items only, not content elements
<allanj> awk: partial coverage WCAG 1.4.4 upto 200%
<allanj> ... also 1.4.8
RESOLUTION: WCAG partial 1.44 and 1.48, UAAG 2.71 covers UA items only, not content elements
RESOLUTION: GAP in WCAG, Covered in UAAG 1.4.4
<allanj> deferred until the user need is completed
<ScottM> ...
AJ: There is a WCAG gap. 1.4.8
listed gives an upper limit (WCAG)
... It looks like we are done.
<allanj> sm: windows has settings that effect the browser (or some of them)
<shawn> 3.7.3. User Need - User Settings: Content picks up all relevant user settings, such as ...
<allanj> ... this could be a huge problem, change browser settings based on OS settings
Scott: This could be very difficult; only Windows does this;
<allanj> awk: what are the things that are needed. OS settings, browser settings, content authors might set.
AWK: We are talking of user need. We can take on what is possible.
<ScottM> Authors must account for custom: Fonts, CSS, Colors, Removal of background or all images, text size
AWK: We are talking about the user need.
Shawn: This does not list. If the user sets values in the OS or Browser then the content respects this.
<allanj> wd: this is in 508, but not in wcag stuff
<ScottM> Content must be interpretable with any custom settings
<allanj> sm: browsers don't always support OS settings
<shawn> ACTION: Shawn 3.7.3 for "picks up" -> "respects" ? [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-56 - 3.7.3 for "picks up" -> "respects" ? [on Shawn Henry - due 2016-05-26].
ScottM: Browsers don't respect OS settings, all kinds of things don't pass through; there are ways for pages to override; sites have there CSS.
Shawn: user agents respect OS settings; content respects UA and OS settings
<shawn> user agents use OS settings; content uses UA and OS settings
AJ: If i had all these settings I coule pop up my settings.
<allanj> wd: user profile in OS, transfer to UA
ScottM: In office removes color dependencies; in browsers using JS one could ask the rendered; you can write the page more generic; the user must be able to make custom settings; render the page so it is intelligible with thes preferences in place.
<ScottM> +1
<allanj> wd: users need a mechanism to propose presentation setting and UA will respect these.
<allanj> ja: and transportable
<ScottM> ?
<allanj> ja: UA GL2.6 has 5 SC related to settings
<allanj> discussion of multiple configurations, transportable setting
<allanj> sh: we want to focus on specific needs related to low vision
<ScottM> You could jump the fence with a pony!
<allanj> ... expanding needs to include advanced settings - transportable, multiple settings, etc...seems concocted
<allanj> wd: create profile, and transport it.
<allanj> sh: perhaps add to gap analysis - is this a need, or just a gap
<allanj> ... start a github issues about 2.6 - is it a need
Shawn: we can still do the gap analysis for our rough 3.7.3
<allanj> 3.7.3 user agents respect OS settings; content respects UA and OS settings
<allanj> 3.7.3 user agents uses OS settings; content uses UA and OS settings
RESOLUTION: 3.7.3 user agents uses OS settings; content uses UA and OS settings
<allanj> NOGAP UAAG GL 2.6 and 5.1.3
RESOLUTION: Absent in WCAG; NOGAP UAAG GL 2.6 and 5.1.3
<ScottM> Yep
<laura> bye
<ScottM> Bye
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/gpa analysis/gap analysis/ Succeeded: s/don't/done./ Succeeded: s/user agents user OS settings/user agents use OS settings/ Succeeded: s/Content and User Agents respect the user's operating system settings./user agents respect OS settings; content respects UA and OS settings/ Found Scribe: wayne Inferring ScribeNick: Wayne Default Present: wayne, Jim, Laura, shawn, awk Present: wayne Jim Laura shawn awk Regrets: Andrew Jeanne JohnR Found Date: 19 May 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: shawn[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]