See also: IRC log
<Lisa_Seeman> agenda: this
<Lisa_Seeman> /master/issue-papers/privacy-security.html
present Thaddeus
<Susann_Keohane> hi - whats the passcode on the phone line
<kirkwood> I believe that mine is ready to go.
<JohnRochford> Susann, I will send it to you via email. Hold on...
<Lisa_Seeman> scribe: thaddeus
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
waiting for issue papers from Janina and john kirkwood
next action item is the table
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
moving away from editorial items and into other items
will be sitting with other groups such as WCAG and ARIA and will be seeing what they are doing and who we should involve in COGA
John is likely to attend the conference debbie will be attending
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
discussing days to meet during the conference. Mike will not be able to attend the conference
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
if people can let Lisa know who is planning on attending after the meeting it would be helpful
looking at table 1 trying to zoom in on issue paper road maps
we have multiple tables that address a set of user needs
a group of user needs based on Privacy and Security and Online Safety
have users stories been accurately represented?
John knows the data well and can weigh in
1. look at user needs
2. look at how we are addressing in the extensions of COGA
Extensions can be expanded using the "expand" link
1. Extenstions of WCAG
2. Recommendations non-normative
Sorry Techniques not recommendations
co,un 3 is new semantics that are being suggested
column 3
Open conversation - do these address the correct user needs?
The question on the table is do you think all user needs are there on the first paper - Security
Disscussing the table - the user stories at the top of the table
Lisa feels like there probably is a user story that is missing
user needs are different from user stories but they should may
do we have the right user stories and the right user needs
next to user needs are WCAG extention for COGA
<Lisa_Seeman> (ยง expand)
It is suggested that the expand button be opened in a new window
currently it doesnt expand it is just a link. In the future it will expand
Does the success criteria meet the user need
some links may not be working because of the GitHub transfer
John will get back to Lisa after the call. If everyone could look at the table it would be useful
any comments on user needs from the group?
A question on the second one
everyone needs a safe way to interact not just COGA
the needs for people in this group are more pronounced because this group can be targeted first
these are the most vulnerable users and this needs visibility
People with impairments are being targeted and the group needs to mindful of this
<KurtM> Present KurtM
maybe replace the word user need with usage in this case as the user need is not unique to this group
maybe these is a possible clarification to the user need
we could possibly divide this into two user needs
examples: making a purchase automatically set the purchase number from one to two and this could go unnoticed
incrementing purchase quantities could be an issue for this group
you are not a COGA friendly site if you are using such practices
another example is downloading unwanted software along with a wanted download
possibly name the table authentication and safety
renaming theable authentication and safety would be more clear and add a user need
<Lisa_Seeman> As a user who has impairments I need to be able to use a site without being required to copy itemes in the correct sequence
the story lisa jsut entered could possibly be the story that is missing
we may already addressing in 3.4.4 however lisa is suggesting this as another user need
for simplicity we could wait for feedback instead of adding this - give the basics instead of more detailed needs
john has a worry that we could overload people with information and people will not pay attention
Lisa indicates that other groups need more information and the engineering side of these solutions. These are not for content authors they are for other groups within the w3c
<Lisa_Seeman> I need a method of secure website authentication that I find easy to use
<Lisa_Seeman> (Assume I have cognitive and memory impairments)
<Lisa_Seeman> I need a method of secure website authentication that I find easy to use
<Lisa_Seeman> (Assume I have cognitive and memory impairments)
adding "Assume I have" gives more context
<Zakim> ddahl, you wanted to ask if the second row is any different from safety for any user?
Debbie agrees that adding "Assume I have" may help
<Lisa_Seeman> (Assume I do not have the cognative function to identify all the risk)
It was suggested that there is a problem with the word "vulnerability" as this is an issue across groups including the elderly
<EA> I like it
Now looking at personalization
<EA> I meant cognitive function to identify all the risks
2 proposals in the extentions
do not expose user information ....
do not add mechanisms in a way that would do them harm
does this fullly cover the issue? or does something need to be added
John wonders where we define "harm"
"harm" can be defined through the WCAG extension
last time we discussed defining harm through the techniques
John suggests that the definition of "harm" is important to the context
Can we give examples without being exhaustive. This maybe a question for WCAG on the best place to define
discussing using deliberate harm vs accidental harm
no one will admit to deliberate harm
we are not saying that authors need to do anything active from causing harm and this could be a problem
we define known techniques so they are finite
need to clearly define the amount of harm. There is a lot of ambiguity
It is suggested that we need something before the word harm to provide more context
it feels like we are getting the hang of these tables and they will be of use
will finish this table next week
thank you
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