W3C Statements about AB Nominees for 2016 Election

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This is the list of nominees for the 2016 Election to the W3C Advisory Board (AB). Each person has been nominated by at least one W3C Member according to the AB election process.

The W3C Membership elects the AB. For this election W3C will fill five seats.

Note: The deadline for votes is 23:59 ET, 31 May 2016.

The following statements were sent about the nominees (in alphabetical order by nominee family name):

  1. Tantek Çelik (Mozilla)*
  2. Virginie Galindo (Gemalto)*
  3. Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations)
  4. Jay (Junichi) Kishigami (NTT)*
  5. David Singer (Apple)*
  6. Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group)

An asterisk (*) indicates that the nominee is a current participant.

Tantek Çelik (Mozilla)

Tantek Çelik is Mozilla's web standards lead, has been on the Advisory Board since July 2013, co-chair of the Social Web Working Group since 2014, and an 18 year participant and editor in various other W3C working groups, contributing to producing several key Recommendations for the open web platform including: CSS 2.1, Selectors, and CSS3 Color.

During his previous terms on the AB, Tantek pursued reforming both the Advisory Board and W3C as a whole through more openness, more open licensing, and making W3C more attractive for community standards contributions.

As part of that work, Tantek established various open AB resources and an increased culture of working in the open, from the informal @W3CAB Twitter to the AB's wiki home page where most AB projects are now documented, encouraging increased transparency, public review, and contributions.

Tantek's contribution to open web standards began with leading the implementation of the Tasman rendering engine in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh, a watershed achievement of solid CSS1,HTML4, and PNG 1.0 support in the year 2000.

In addition to W3C activities, Tantek co-founded the microformats.org standards community and the IndieWebCamp personal website empowerment community, participated in the development of vCard4 at IETF, and contributes to the WHATWG.

If re-elected, Tantek will bring his practical experience working with (and helping evolve) a variety of standards organization models and processes to the Advisory Board, continuing to improve and modernize W3C accordingly.

Tantek holds B.S. & M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University and shares his thoughts on his personal website: http://tantek.com/

Virginie Galindo (Gemalto)

Hello friends of the web and W3C members, here are few information about me and my experience in W3C. I hope those will encourage you to choose me to seat for another 2 years mandate as W3C Advisory Board member.

I dedicated my last 11 years in the area of standard, representing gemalto, a security company, covering domains such as mobile application, device security and web. I have been involved in W3C since 2011, as AC rep for gemalto, but also as chair for the Web Crypto Working Group, Web Security Interest Group and the recently created Hardware-Based Secure Services Community Group. In addition to my W3C dedication, I am involved in FIDO Alliance and GlobalPlatform standardization bodies, and developping the strategy for gemalto open innovation, with the startup ecosystem.

I was elected as AB member in June 2014 for a two years mandate. During these 2 years, in collaboration with other AB members, I have contributed to all governance and strategic decisions. I had a special passion for actions dedicated to improve W3C visibility and consistency favoring dialog with the “doers” of the web, like chairs, editors and TAG. Among the concrete deliverables, I have created a training, giving guidance to the W3C WG chairs and editors, on reviews for accessibility, internationalization, security and privacy. I have also supported the development of modern tooling, with the W3C Sys Team. In addition, I have offered my energy to build a consistent and dynamic security strategy in W3C.

As a board member in the coming two years, I will definitely follow up on those topics to support the W3C community. Nevertheless there are other area that deserves special care for the coming years. Key items are : increasing group and W3C resource focus, developing readability of W3C activities (with deployment of dashboards for members and public), having debates related to the impact of technology on society and last but not least, integrating the new industries in the W3C roadmap. I believe those topics all together are required to maintain W3C, in its special position of leader on web standard.

Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations)

Daniel Glazman has been involved in W3C activities (HTML, CSS, ...) for the last twenty years and has been the Advisory Committee representative for Disruptive Innovations for almost ten years. He co-chaired the CSS Working Group from April 2008 to November 2015. He is also an implementor, author of the BlueGriffon Web editor (html5, CSS3, SVG, MathML, ..) and the BlueGriffon EPUB editor (EPUB 2 and 3) and is well known for his expertise in markup-based Wysiwyg editing environments.

He contributed numerous proposals to W3C Staff about, for instance, the relaunch of a HTML Working Group, a way to monetize the Validator services, the organization of a new series of W3C conferences, a new fee schema for the W3C Training sessions, Consulting activities to non-Members and has always been very interested in the strategy, management, process and even more the finances of the Consortium.

In the past, he was also the AC-Rep for Électricité de France, one the largest european Members of the Consortium at that time and hosted during his tenure there the very first W3C Working Group meeting outside of north America. He designed and implemented the first standalone file transfer utility over HTTP GET/PUT and one of the very first graphical Mail User Agents with full MIME support.

Prior to funding and leading Disruptive Innovations, Daniel was a member of the technical team of Netscape, working on the editor and the CSS engine of Mozilla, and before that the CTO of Amazon.fr, a technical team manager and researcher at Électricité de France, and a software engineer at Grif working on the rendering engine of their SGML Wysiwyg editor.

If elected to the Advisory Board, he looks forward to:

- increasing agility in the W3C to maintain the Consortium as the natural host of all Web Standards.
- increasing collaboration between W3C and IDPF.
- focusing on W3C finances.
- helping the current AB efforts on SuperGroups.
- representing the interests of not only his parent company but of all W3C Members and more generally the interests of Web Standards.

Daniel earned engineer diplomas form École Polytechnique (France) and École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (France). Given his experience, Disruptive Innovations thinks Daniel Glazman would be a good addition to the AB and nominates him for the forthcoming AB election. If elected, Disruptive Innovations will provide the necessary financial support for his participation.

Jay (Junichi) Kishigami (NTT)

Jay (Junichi) Kishigami has been a member of the W3C Advisory Board for two year and his re-election to the AB would nicely coincide with this year also being the 20th anniversary of Keio University as the first W3C host established in Asia.

Jay brings a unique set of insights to the AB that comes from having been involved in senior leadership positions in the industry and in academia (as as university professor in both Japan and Malaysia) as well as being, along with Takeshi Natsuno, one of the pioneering members of the W3C Advisory Board from Asia.

Jay was formerly Executive Director of NTT Cyber Solution Laboratories as well as Vice President of NTT's Strategic Business Development Division and NTT America's IP (Internet Protocol) Headquarters, and is currently a senior adviser for standardization strategy at NTT, a Professor of Muroran Institute of Technology, and a Senior Visiting Researcher at Keio University.

He has been involved in a very wide range of technologies as a researcher at NTT, including work on innovative technologies for high-capacity information storage, IPTV, RFID(IOT), and interdisciplinary regions between privacy or security issues, business issues, and technology. He continues to work to maintain expertise in still-rapidly evolving areas such blockchain technologies and data-mining technologies (two specific fields where some of his current university activity is concentrated).

He has a wide range of experience in standards development through close participation not only in the W3C but also in SDOs such as the TV Anytime Forum, IPTV Forum Japan, the Japan Standards Association, and the ITU-T - where he was a Rapporteur for ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia coding, systems and applications).

Jay has also worked extensively with the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) as a chair and member of a number of committees in areas including digital content distribution and Web archiving.

Given his previous two years of successful participation in the AB, along with his deep background in the industry and his professional history in standards development, we believe that Jay's continued participation in the AB would be highly valuable to the W3C as the W3C continues to seek closer alignment with the industry and user needs worldwide.

We believe Jay can contribute substantially to helping make the W3C remain the leading organization for developing new Internet standards - standards that work together to ensure the Web continues to grow and mature as the optimal platform for businesses, governments, and other organizations of all kinds to build successful services and applications for their users.

David Singer (Apple)

Apple is pleased to nominate David Singer for re-election to the Advisory Board. His personal statement follows.

I am the manager for standards activities in the software engineering group at Apple, with more than 15 years of experience in standards and the governance of standards bodies. This experience includes working in the W3C (Advisory Committee, Advisory Board, and various working and community groups), MPEG (ISO), and Blu-Ray (Director), among others.

I believe that infrastructure – tools, process, policies etc. – exist to enable us to do our best work. In my time on the AB so far, I have helped address some long-standing problems, such as the 'liberal license' issue, the invited expert agreement, and currently one significant aspect of the long-standing 'supergroups' question. I am passionate about making the web work for all – accessibility and internationalization, privacy and security.

If re-elected, I will continue to address areas where the infrastructure is not enabling our best work – improved tooling, process improvements, and in general addressing 'governance' questions – so that the W3C can continue to be a place where the industry as a whole can congregate, debate, and build the specifications that advance the web to the benefit of all.

Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group)

I began using the web in 1993, turned it into a career in 1997, and despite losing my sight somewhere along the way have been enjoying myself thoroughly ever since.

I've been cheerfully contributing to W3C activities for several years. Initially an invited expert to PF (now known as APA WG), I was responsible for my then employer Nomensa joining the W3C, and represented them on the AC until 2013. Now the first AC rep for The Paciello Group (TPG), I am also co-chair of the Web Platform WG, and an active participant in the ARIA, APA and SVG WGs.

I'm a firm believer in the spirit and values of the W3C, but recognise that for the web to reach its full potential, the W3C must also do the same. With this somewhat "hand wavey" goal in mind, and if elected, I hope to:

- Represent the W3C's smaller member organisations
- Encourage even greater inclusion and equality across W3C
- Bring perspectives from the fast-paced world of consulting agencies
- Help continue the effort to make the W3C process more usable.

Coralie Mercier
Last modified: $Id: 02-ab-nominations.html,v 1.3 2016/04/29 09:08:09 xueyuan Exp $