See also: IRC log
<jamesn> Happy New Year everyone
<jongund> thnaks
<scribe> scribe: AnnAbbott
<jamesn> scribe: annabbott
<MichielBijl> Teleconference cheat sheet:
<LJWatson> Fragment ID for 2. Landmark design patterns
Matt thinks widgets should come first, then landmarks
Ann does not agree
Matt: start with an example
... refer to Section 4
<jamesn> rrsq+
JF: questions whether all content must be within appropriate landmark
Ann: guidance per RSchwerdtfeger
<Zakim> LJWatson, you wanted to ask about clarity of advice regarding HTML5.
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask about editorial of the content, specifically "it is imperative that all content reside in a semantically meaningful landmark or content will be orphaned and
Matt: browsers and screen readers all handle landmarks differently
<mck> Without landmark roles, keyboard navigation is limited to form controls and anchor elements via "endless" tab navigation. The use of landmarks roles support
JamesN: all content musts be in landmarks IF using landmarks
Matt: landmarks don't help kbd nav except for screen reader users
JGund: landmarks should not be
... landmarks do not solve kbd issues
... desire for something simple about landmarks - how to
LWatson: what complexity?
JGund: test tools have lots of rules re: landmarks and HTML 5 has added to complexity
JF: problem is difference betwen
rule and best practice
... difference between MUST and SHOULD
Matt: no MUST in APG tho required
is loosely used
... pivot point is with ARIA 1.1 and our goal is publish APG
with ARIA 1.1
... APG is guidance, not rules
... Jon/Ann make bulleted list of proposed items as basis of
next discussion
JGund: rework current so there is something for others to comment/review
JF: not table of contents, but table of structure
Matt: lead with examples where ever possible
JGund: example pages is good idea
Matt: no meeting on Jan 18
... review landmarks on Jan 25
JGund: doesn't think we want to be in business of listing/cataloging tools
Ann: agrees
JGund: instead rely on/propose to W3C tools group
Matt: would recommend getting rid of toolkit references
<JF> +1 to BRyan's suggestion
Bryan: simply include URL to W3C tools group
<JF> Bryan, shadi's email is:
<JF> ACTION: bgaraventa1979 to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'bgaraventa1979'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<JF> ACTION: Brian Garaventa to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Brian'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
zachim, take up item 3
zachim, take up agenda item 3
<JF> ACTION: garaventa to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1764 - Reach out to shadi to establish a link for aria tools to be included in the apg due in 2 weeks [on Bryan Garaventa - due 2016-01-11].
<bgaraventa1979> John, I think my nick is bgaraventa
JGund: Jemma isn't here today so hasn't had a chance to meet
Matt: look at menu and radio group next week (1/11)
JGund: will work with Jemma on Friday
Matt: Michiel - will you be ready to review alert next week?
Michiel: yes
<jamesn> 1
Matt: next week toolbar review
Michiel: should we have breadcrumb design pattern?
JamesN: yes
<JF> Matt asked about "toolbar" - I don't see a reference in WCAG, but UAAG references it as a single word: 2.3.4 Present Direct Commands in User Interface: The user can have any direct commands in the UA user interface (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) be presented with their associated user interface controls (e.g. "Ctrl+S" displayed on the "Save" menu item and toolbar button). (Level AA)
<MichielBijl> Here is a link to the GitHub issue for bread crumbs:
<JF> [discussion] editorial is to use "toolbar" (all one word)
<MichielBijl> rssagent, make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: AnnAbbott Found Scribe: annabbott Inferring ScribeNick: annabbott Default Present: Michael_Cooper, jongund, JF, AnnAbbott, Bryan_Garaventa Present: AnnAbbott Bryan_Garaventa JF James_Nurthen Jon_Gunderson Leonie_Watson Matt_King Michael_Cooper Michiel_Bijl Got date from IRC log name: 04 Jan 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: bgaraventa1979 brian garaventa WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]