IRC log of aria-apg on 2016-01-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:58:06 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
- 17:58:06 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:58:22 [Michiel]
- present+ Michiel_Bijl
- 18:00:43 [jongund]
- jongund has joined #aria-apg
- 18:00:48 [LJWatson]
- LJWatson has joined #aria-apg
- 18:01:24 [annabbott]
- annabbott has joined #aria-apg
- 18:02:50 [jamesn]
- jamesn has joined #aria-apg
- 18:02:57 [LJWatson]
- present+ LJWatson
- 18:03:00 [MichielBijl]
- present+ Jon_Gunderson Leonie_Watson Matt_King James_Nurthen Michael Cooper
- 18:03:01 [jamesn]
- agenda?
- 18:03:09 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #aria-apg
- 18:03:14 [jamesn]
- agenda?
- 18:03:16 [MichielBijl]
- present- Michael Cooper
- 18:03:17 [annabbott]
- present +AnnAbbott
- 18:03:25 [MichielBijl]
- present+ Michael_Cooper
- 18:03:27 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Review example of radio group pattern
- 18:03:27 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Continue review of sections 2.12 Dialog (Tooltip) and 2.22 Popup Help (aka Bubble Help)
- 18:03:27 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Update pattern work assignments and status
- 18:03:40 [mck]
- mck has joined #aria-apg
- 18:03:47 [jamesn]
- Meeting: WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce
- 18:04:02 [jamesn]
- Happy New Year everyone
- 18:05:24 [jongund]
- present +jongund
- 18:05:36 [jongund]
- present+ jongund
- 18:06:13 [jongund]
- thnaks
- 18:06:54 [jamesn]
- agenda?
- 18:07:30 [annabbott]
- scribe: AnnAbbott
- 18:07:30 [jamesn]
- scribe: annabbott
- 18:09:40 [annabbott]
- zakim, next item
- 18:09:40 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Review example of radio group pattern" taken up [from jamesn]
- 18:09:42 [MichielBijl]
- Teleconference cheat sheet:
- 18:09:58 [LJWatson]
- zakim, agenda?
- 18:09:58 [Zakim]
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda:
- 18:09:59 [Zakim]
- 1. Review example of radio group pattern [from jamesn]
- 18:09:59 [Zakim]
- 2. Continue review of sections 2.12 Dialog (Tooltip) and 2.22 Popup Help (aka Bubble Help) [from jamesn]
- 18:09:59 [Zakim]
- 3. Update pattern work assignments and status [from jamesn]
- 18:10:26 [JF]
- JF has joined #aria-apg
- 18:10:32 [jamesn]
- zakim, clear agenda
- 18:10:32 [Zakim]
- agenda cleared
- 18:10:34 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Review draft of landmark design pattern (John/Ann)
- 18:10:34 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Review text of section 2.32 Tool Bar
- 18:10:34 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Discuss example development work in progress
- 18:10:34 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Update pattern work assignments and status
- 18:10:42 [jamesn]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 18:10:42 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Review draft of landmark design pattern (John/Ann)" taken up [from jamesn]
- 18:10:53 [Birkir]
- Birkir has joined #aria-apg
- 18:11:18 [JF]
- Present+ JF
- 18:12:42 [jamesn]
- present+ AnnAbbott
- 18:12:54 [jongund]
- 18:13:43 [bgaraventa1979]
- bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria-apg
- 18:14:07 [bgaraventa1979]
- present+ Bryan_Garaventa
- 18:15:37 [LJWatson]
- Fragment ID for 2. Landmark design patterns
- 18:17:19 [annabbott]
- Matt thinks widgets should come first, then landmarks
- 18:18:10 [annabbott]
- Ann does not agree
- 18:20:15 [annabbott]
- Matt: start with an example page
- 18:22:17 [LJWatson]
- q?
- 18:22:17 [annabbott]
- Matt: refer to Section 4
- 18:22:38 [JF]
- Q+ to ask about editorial of the content, specifically "it is imperative that all content reside in a semantically meaningful landmark or content will be orphaned and missed by the user."
- 18:22:58 [LJWatson]
- q+ to ask about clarity of advice regarding HTML5.
- 18:29:10 [mck]
- q?
- 18:30:18 [jamesn]
- rrsq+
- 18:30:21 [jamesn]
- q+
- 18:31:58 [annabbott]
- JF: questions whether all content must be within appropriate landmark
- 18:32:14 [annabbott]
- Ann: guidance per RSchwerdtfeger
- 18:34:49 [jamesn]
- q?
- 18:35:05 [LJWatson]
- ack me
- 18:35:05 [Zakim]
- LJWatson, you wanted to ask about clarity of advice regarding HTML5.
- 18:35:14 [LJWatson]
- ack JF
- 18:35:14 [Zakim]
- JF, you wanted to ask about editorial of the content, specifically "it is imperative that all content reside in a semantically meaningful landmark or content will be orphaned and
- 18:35:17 [Zakim]
- ... missed by the user."
- 18:35:36 [annabbott]
- Matt: browsers and screen readers all handle landmarks differently
- 18:35:47 [mck]
- q?
- 18:37:11 [mck]
- Without landmark roles, keyboard navigation is limited to form controls and anchor elements via "endless" tab navigation. The use of landmarks roles support
- 18:37:15 [annabbott]
- JamesN: all content musts be in landmarks IF using landmarks
- 18:37:52 [annabbott]
- Matt: landmarks don't help kbd nav except for screen reader users
- 18:39:59 [annabbott]
- JGund: landmarks should not be required
- 18:40:21 [annabbott]
- JGund: landmarks do not solve kbd issues
- 18:40:45 [annabbott]
- JGund: desire for something simple about landmarks - how to balance/support?
- 18:41:48 [annabbott]
- LWatson: what complexity?
- 18:42:33 [annabbott]
- JGund: test tools have lots of rules re: landmarks and HTML 5 has added to complexity
- 18:43:15 [jongund]
- 18:43:30 [annabbott]
- JF: problem is difference betwen rule and best practice
- 18:44:06 [annabbott]
- JF: difference between MUST and SHOULD
- 18:44:36 [annabbott]
- Matt: no MUST in APG tho required is loosely used
- 18:45:49 [annabbott]
- Matt: pivot point is with ARIA 1.1 and our goal is publish APG with ARIA 1.1
- 18:46:22 [annabbott]
- Matt: APG is guidance, not rules
- 18:47:22 [annabbott]
- Matt: Jon/Ann make bulleted list of proposed items as basis of next discussion
- 18:48:12 [annabbott]
- JGund: rework current so there is something for others to comment/review
- 18:49:47 [annabbott]
- JF: not table of contents, but table of structure
- 18:50:24 [annabbott]
- Matt: lead with examples where ever possible
- 18:53:37 [annabbott]
- JGund: example pages is good idea
- 18:55:52 [annabbott]
- Matt: no meeting on Jan 18
- 18:56:07 [annabbott]
- Matt: review landmarks on Jan 25
- 19:05:10 [annabbott]
- JGund: doesn't think we want to be in business of listing/cataloging tools
- 19:06:06 [annabbott]
- Ann: agrees
- 19:07:23 [annabbott]
- JGund: instead rely on/propose to W3C tools group
- 19:07:53 [annabbott]
- Matt: would recommend getting rid of toolkit references
- 19:08:11 [JF]
- +1 to BRyan's suggestion
- 19:09:12 [annabbott]
- Bryan: simply include URL to W3C tools group
- 19:10:02 [JF]
- Bryan, shadi's email is:
- 19:14:58 [JF]
- ACTION: bgaraventa1979 to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks
- 19:14:58 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'bgaraventa1979'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 19:15:27 [JF]
- ACTION: Brian Garaventa to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks
- 19:15:27 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'Brian'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 19:15:30 [annabbott]
- zachim, take up item 3
- 19:15:56 [Birkir]
- Birkir has joined #aria-apg
- 19:15:57 [annabbott]
- zachim, take up agenda item 3
- 19:16:00 [MichielBijl]
- Zakim, take up item 3
- 19:16:00 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Discuss example development work in progress" taken up [from jamesn]
- 19:16:07 [JF]
- ACTION: garaventa to reach out to Shadi to establish a link for ARIA tools to be included in the APG due in 2 weeks
- 19:16:08 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-1764 - Reach out to shadi to establish a link for aria tools to be included in the apg due in 2 weeks [on Bryan Garaventa - due 2016-01-11].
- 19:16:44 [bgaraventa1979]
- John, I think my nick is bgaraventa
- 19:17:34 [annabbott]
- JGund: Jemma isn't here today so hasn't had a chance to meet
- 19:19:13 [annabbott]
- Matt: look at menu and radio group next week (1/11)
- 19:19:44 [annabbott]
- JGund: will work with Jemma on Friday
- 19:21:16 [annabbott]
- Matt: Michiel - will you be ready to review alert next week?
- 19:21:29 [annabbott]
- Michiel: yes
- 19:21:58 [jamesn]
- 1
- 19:23:22 [annabbott]
- Matt: next week toolbar review
- 19:24:47 [annabbott]
- Michiel: should we have breadcrumb design pattern?
- 19:25:01 [annabbott]
- JamesN: yes
- 19:25:27 [JF]
- Matt asked about "toolbar" - I don't see a reference in WCAG, but UAAG references it as a single word: 2.3.4 Present Direct Commands in User Interface: The user can have any direct commands in the UA user interface (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) be presented with their associated user interface controls (e.g. "Ctrl+S" displayed on the "Save" menu item and toolbar button). (Level AA)
- 19:26:06 [MichielBijl]
- Here is a link to the GitHub issue for bread crumbs:
- 19:26:51 [mck]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:26:51 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mck
- 19:26:55 [JF]
- [discussion] editorial is to use "toolbar" (all one word)
- 19:26:59 [jamesn]
- rrsagent, make log world
- 19:27:07 [jamesn]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:27:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jamesn
- 19:28:31 [annabbott]
- zakim, bye
- 19:28:31 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Michael_Cooper, jongund, JF, AnnAbbott, Bryan_Garaventa
- 19:28:31 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #aria-apg
- 19:29:23 [MichielBijl]
- present- LJWatson
- 19:29:26 [mck]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:29:26 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mck
- 19:29:39 [MichielBijl]
- present- jongunf
- 19:29:41 [MichielBijl]
- present- jongund
- 19:29:56 [MichielBijl]
- chair: Matt_King
- 19:30:11 [MichielBijl]
- rssagent, make minutes
- 19:30:30 [MichielBijl]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:30:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MichielBijl