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Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
From Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
- Bulleted list item
Workspace Documents
- how to work with GitHub for ssn
- SSN Tasks
- SSN References
- SSN Wish List
- Wide Review
- Response to Requirements
- Issue Tracker -- Open Issues -- Terms
- New Ontology Design Pattern
- SSO replaced by SOSA Ontology
- Integration issues
- Ontology metadata
- voaf vocabulary -- Resolved
- ontology titles
- ontology description
- ontology creator
- ontology contributor
- ontology rights and licence -- Partially resolved 28/02
- ontology versionInfo -- Resolved
- vann vocabulary -- Resolved
- General axioms and metadata for terms
- Extension to Actuating / Sampling
- FeatureOfInterest
- Property
- Property and Observable Property -- Resolved 21/02
- naming of xxxProperty -- Resolved 21/02
- Link between FeatureOfInterest and xxxProperty
- Devices that implement procedures
- Execution of a procedure
- Link between Actuation and Actuator -- Resolved 21/02
- Link between Observation and Sensor
- Link between Actuation and ActuatableProperty -- Resolved 21/02
- Link between Observation and ObservableProperty
- Link between Actuation and FeatureOfInterest
- Link between Observation and FeatureOfInterest
- Naming of isObservedBy vs madeObservation in SOSA
- Result
- Procedure
- Platform
- Measurement and Operating Properties
- Deployment
- Conditions
- Alignments
- Implicit Implementations entailed by Axioms
- Generic vs Specific Modeling
- IoT-Device-Example
- New Ontology Design Pattern