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Response to Requirements

From Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
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Compatibility with existing practices Addressed - Several mappings provided to existing standards cf. Vertical Segmentation
CRS definition Out of scope - Reference to external vocabularies and an example how to use them cf. Location & Units of Measurement
Dynamic sensor data Partially addressed - Lightweight SOSA core allows the modelling of observations using minimal metadata, new sosa:hasSimpleResult allows to attach values directly to Observations
Ex-situ sampling Addressed - New sampling terms
Georeferenced spatial data Out of scope
Humans as sensors Addressed - sosa:Platforms can also be Humans
Independence on reference systems Out of scope
Lightweight API Partially addressed - Lightweight SOSA core allows modelling of sampling, observations and actuations using minimal metadata. Web of Things WG is taking SOSA core as input to their ThingID description model.
Linkability Out of Scope - Data is by the virtue of using RDF linkable
Machine to machine Addressed - Ontologies are provided in several machine-readable formats (i.e. RDF/XML and Turtle)
Mobile sensors Out of scope - SSN does not provide explicit relations for georeferencing but relies on other vocabularies that provide such modelling (cf. Location section). Observations can be observed by a sensor that changes its location, i.e. the multiple instances of the sensor, each with different Geo-coordinates would need to be modeled.
Model actuation Addressed - Actuation
Moving features Out of scope - SSN does not provide explicit relations for georeferencing but relies on other vocabularies that provide such modelling (cf. Location section). FeaturesOfInterest can have multiple locations for each different Observation, i.e. the multiple instances of a FeatureOfInterest, each with different Geo-coordinates would need to be modeled.
Multilingual support Addressed - All labels and other annotations in the ontology have correct language tags. Multiple translations of the ontology (German, French, Swedish etc.) will be provided.
Nominal observations Addressed - Observations can have a sosa:hasSimpleResult that can take nominal values
Observation aggregations Out of scope - Other vocabularies such as the RDF DataCube can be used for that, cf. http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/acorn-sat-linked-climate-dataset-0
Provenance Addressed - Vertical Module Mapping to PROV-O
Sampling topology Addressed - Sample Relationships
Sensor metadata Out of scope - Addressed by the ThingID descriptions of the WoT WG
Sensing procedure Addressed - Procedures
Space-time multi-scale Out of scope
Spatial vagueness Out of scope
SSN profiles Addressed - Horizontal Modules and Vertical Modules
SSN usage examples Addressed - Vertical Modules
Support for 3D Out of scope
Time series Out of scope
Uncertainty in observations Addressed
Virtual observations Addressed - Addressed - sosa:Sensors can be virtual, e.g. software simulations