23 Nov 2015

See also: IRC log


Jaeun_Jemma_Ku, James, Jon, Matt, Michiel_Bijl


Review example of mixed checkbox group that uses role group https://rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/checkbox/checkbox-3.html

<scribe> scribe: jamesn


JN: this has the changes we talked about last week?

JK: yes

MK: maybe should say how the group semantics are being exposed
... then have a consistent way of saying what you are doing across all 3
... group semantics for the set of checkboxes are exposed to screen readers...
... 1) Using fieldset containing the set, labelled by a legend
... 2) using an aria group with a label on the group, containing the checkoxes
... 3) using aria-labelledby on each checkbox to refer to its own label as well as the label for the set

JN: I like what is written already about the grouping label

JG: 3rd example the group label is defined in the checkbox label

MK: interesting to me that all condiments is inside the group

JG: think it should be

MK: with virtual cursor jaws exposes the group
... with tab it doesn't

JG: the first 2 the screen reader decides when to announce
... the 3rd we force it
... still a label but doesn't effect APIs for No 3
... maybe that needs to be a little more tweaked

MK: everything looks good w/ JAWS

JK: what would we say for No 3

MK: delete 1st bullet
... 2nd needs to be more explicitly worded
... trying to figure out how to refer to the different parts of the label

JG: maybe talk about that at the beginning

JN: big improvement over what we had previously

JG: need a big discussion over non-interactive roles
... talk nexy monday

Review and update pattern work assignments and status https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Aria-Authoring-Practices-Patterns-Status

Review APG section 2.10 Dialog (Modal) https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/practices/aria-practices.html#dialog_modal

MK: some editorial things that need fixing

JN: tab and shift tab should allow moving to address bar before going bACK TO THE top/bottom of the dialog

MK: justification for this is weak IMO
... don't feel that that is an actual justification
... staying in context, especially for a screen reader or magnifier user is strong
... enter key should not always be the case

remove - if the purpose of the dialog is to gather information

click behaviours outside the dialog. Should we be addressing this in APG?

should we remove the line "Even if the user clicks outside of the dialog on the application which invoked the dialog, focus remains in the dialog. "

MK: is this just a design choice?
... should this just be deleted?

MB: to me it is the same as the escape keyt
... I think we can mention it - to me it is the same kind of thing as the escape key to close the dialog

MK: I am wondering if it is somethign the APG should be talking about at all

JN: moving to me depends on why the move is available.

MK: our guidance and notes needs to be understandable why it is there in relation to a11y

<jongund> OK with me

JN: anyone disagree with removing the thing about mouse moving the dialog

MK: from a best practices standpoint it seems we should scratch the part about what to do when the dialog has no focusable item
... also nothing about large dialogs which may involve scrolling

JN: classic example would be a license agreement

MB: clicking outside a modal equals wanting to close it
... many lightboxes do this

JN: very much disagree - many dialogs require entry
... but think there are 2 types of dialogs. for lighboxzes i agree

MK: think this is a general UX issue
... not sure whether clicking outside the dialog is a severe accessibility issue.
... think the APG should be silent on the matter
... last bullet seems to be not useful

JN: "make sure your interface works"

MK: remove last bullet
... do we want the extra alertfialog stuff in the roles and properties section
... add aria-desribedby in the roles states and properties section


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/11/23 19:40:23 $

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Succeeded: s/MB: I am/MK: I am/
Succeeded: s/mullet/bullet/
Found Scribe: jamesn
Inferring ScribeNick: jamesn
Present: Jaeun_Jemma_Ku James Jon Matt Michiel_Bijl
Got date from IRC log name: 23 Nov 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/11/23-aria-apg-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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