See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 01 October 2015
<scribe> Scribe: nigel
nigel: We'll cover TPAC, IMSC,
TTML and WebVTT mapping, short profile names registry,
... AOB?
mike: Can we cover IANA registration under the profile registry section?
nigel: Yes.
nigel: Opening up so people have the opportunity to raise questions, issues, agenda topic suggestions etc.
group: nothing for now
<trackbot> action-424 -- Thierry Michel to Download and upload to implementation report page the test render mp4 -- due 2015-10-01 -- OPEN
tmichel: That's done - it can be closed.
close action-424
<trackbot> Closed action-424.
<trackbot> action-425 -- Thierry Michel to Send a prompt/thank you to the potential test result contributors for imsc. -- due 2015-10-01 -- OPEN
tmichel: I've reminded all the
implementors that we pinged and thanked the implementor who
sent us the MP4 file.
... I think pal has a new implementor?
pal: I've asked them for the right contact so as soon as I know I'll let you know.
action-425: [meeting 2015-10-01] leaving open pending a new implementor - pal to tell tmichel when he knows
<trackbot> Notes added to action-425 Send a prompt/thank you to the potential test result contributors for imsc..
tmichel: I think the proposal for
the short name is ttml-webvtt-mapping
... It's not so short but its fine by me if everyone's okay
with that. We had agreement from David and Nigel proposed
<pal> ttw-map
Courtney: I think it's fine.
Andreas: I think so also.
nigel: I think we've got consensus!
plh: I think that's the best one otherwise it will be hard to remember.
tmichel: Now I need to ask plh to agree to it!
plh: I'm happy to agree but you still need to send an email to the chairs list. Consider it approved.
tmichel: Okay I'll send to you CC chairs.
plh: Thank you
<trackbot> action-427 -- Nigel Megitt to Write up an issue for webvtt for chapterisation etc. -- due 2015-10-01 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<trackbot> issue-447 -- Mapping is only for presentation, i.e. subtitle and captions, and other types of WebVTT document are possible -- raised
close action-427
<trackbot> Closed action-427.
nigel: I did this - it's issue-447. Is that okay Courtney and Andreas?
Andreas: I had a quick view on
this issue, as with others. For a lot of the mapping issues
... propose that we postpone the detailed discussion to TPAC
where we can have a closer look
... at the issues with time to think about them beforehand.
reopen issue-447
<trackbot> Re-opened issue-447.
<trackbot> action-426 -- Thierry Michel to Tmichel to work with courtney to get the ttml webvtt mapping to look right with respec -- due 2015-10-01 -- OPEN
Courtney: It's perfectly beautiful now!
close action-426
<trackbot> Closed action-426.
<trackbot> issue-415 -- TTML2 is confusing -- pending review
Courtney: We changed the mapping TTML profile name to TVTT to avoid the 2
mike: It's better. The 2 was my main concern. I wonder if people might be confused by the 'TV' in it.
Andreas: I think we should leave it for now and if we find a better name later we can still change to it.
mike: I'm good with this.
close issue-415
<trackbot> Closed issue-415.
Andreas: I want to thank everyone
who has looked at the document and raised feedback.
... I think all the issues are very valuable. I'd encourage
everyone to look at the complete
... document before TPAC. The TVTT profile has had a lot of
focus but it's only a part of it.
... I think it's really important to look at this as a complete
document and then discuss it and
... see the profile as one part of it only.
mike: I didn't file an issue on
this but there's been reflector traffic. I remained concerned
... when we're all done with this mapping activity then the
subset that results won't meet
... anyone's needs. I won't raise an issue until we're done.
But if the resulting profile doesn't
... for example allow us to create captions that meet FCC needs
then it won't get used.
Courtney: Mike, I understand and
share your concern but it's hard to address such a high
... statement. It would be good to have the analysis to show us
what's missing.
mike: Absolutely - and that's why I haven't filed an issue.
Courtney: When you talk about the
708 features, there may not be complete support for every
... 708 feature.
mike: IMSC is pretty tight on 708
and I thought WebVTT was too. The burden is on me to
... suggest any issues or raise specific concerns.
Andreas: The comment and pal's on
the reflector are very helpful. But the document has more
... as well - the profile is only there to be helpful for the
process of conversion. The document
... itself targets all kinds of TTML documents not just one
profile. If there are implications then
... we can discuss that at TPAC. At the moment we really
thought of all the TTML documents
... that are produced at the moment and how they can be
translated into WebVTT. Of course
... it's not the only mapping. We're also looking at the WebVTT
to TTML mapping. We should
... keep this in mind when we discuss the issue.
mike: I understand the exercise.
It's an important issue and it's good that this work has been
... I'd note that IMSC1 and EBU-TT have been getting the most
attention, so it's important to
... keep them in mind when we do this exercise.
pal: I understand the engineering
process but I'm also trying to anticipate what users
... see in the document, which could be different. They might
naturally try to follow the profile
... for authoring for ease of conversion. There may be options,
but I'm not super excited by
... the status quo.
Andreas: I agree there are
several options. This is something we should discuss at
... One option is to bring the profile closer to an existing
one that will be used in practice.
... Another is to highlight that this possibly is not the right
starting profile, and you may still
... need to do mapping from e.g. EBU-TT-D and IMSC to this
... What we tried to achieve is to bring TTML document
structure as close as possible to WebVTT.
... That is of course much tighter than what is written in
pal: Another possibility is that
if we find out we're 90-95% there and the remaining 5-10%
... are found to be not relevant we may wish to rethink IMSC 1
or EBU-TT-D.
Andreas: Agreed.
mike: I second what pal said. If
we're really close and we can tweak other profiles to bring
... into alignment then we should bear that in mind.
Courtney: We should continue this
at TPAC. The charter deliverable doesn't focus on a
... profile.
mike: Sure. And please don't take
our concerns as a criticism of the work. It's really
... and we wouldn't be having this discussion without the work.
Let's work towards interoperability.
pal: I second that. If we'd found
that TTML and WebVTT could be converted losslessly then
... we wouldn't be having this conversation either.
Courtney: Right.
Andreas: I agree. I think this is
a good approach too. We did notice that IMSC is an
... reference. We did discuss that in Las Vegas. At the moment
we hope that the TVTT profile
... should be a subset of IMSC. As pal and mike both said it's
possible to do a bit of tweaking
... to get to alignment. I hope that at TPAC we can turn this
into concrete actions.
<trackbot> action-428 -- Thierry Michel to Check if we can update the ttml iana media registration in a standalone note or if we need to do it in a rec -- due 2015-10-01 -- OPEN
mike: I can summarise. A number
of W3C registrations have been done using WG Notes. About
... half a dozen. Clearly if it's a Rec then you want to follow
up. For reasons I don't know some
... groups have used Notes, so W3C can do that. It looks like
they are exceptions that need
... Director approval. The action would be to draft a note and
push up to the Director.
tmichel: Yes, that's what I understood from plh's email too.
mike: I think that email was
pretty clear. So the question is, unless there's an objection,
... draft a note and we'll follow the processes to get into a
publishable state.
... There are actually 2 things: the registry itself and the
media registration note.
nigel: I don't have a view - I
don't see why they shouldn't be in the same note - it may
... the process easier.
PROPOSAL: Draft a WG Note describing the profile short name registry and updating the IANA media registration, based on what's in the current profile registry wiki page plus the addition of the codec parameter to the existing TTML media type registration.
nigel: Does that address Cyril's concern about using the codec profile?
mike: Yes, without going into all
the details, the RFC is out of date, but we can
... proceed here with tidying up, to resolve any public use or
adoption. Cyril is concerned
... more globally about non-W3C infrastructure issues. We can
solve ours locally.
RESOLUTION: We will draft a WG Note describing the profile short name registry and updating the IANA media registration, based on what's in the current profile registry wiki page plus the addition of the codec parameter to the existing TTML media type registration.
<scribe> ACTION: mdolan draft a WG note for the profile short name registry and TTML media type registration [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-429 - Draft a wg note for the profile short name registry and ttml media type registration [on Mike Dolan - due 2015-10-08].
close action-428
<trackbot> Closed action-428.
nigel: I think the question is about the WebVTT editor's draft
Courtney: Which issue?
tmichel: It seems that the editors are not able to publish on W3C.
Courtney: I think this is
resolved. Simon Pieters is the new editor. He moved the spec to
... whatwg repository on github and we asked him to move it
back, which I believe he agreed
... to do, though he hasn't done it yet.
tmichel: It would be nice to have Simon call into a meeting.
nigel: I believe he's not a
participant in the TTWG.
... Does that cause us any difficulties?
Courtney: We're working on the spec regardless of its location.
nigel: Does it cause us any difficulties having an Editor who is a member of the WG?
plh: Not immediately - Opera is a
... So it's Opera who has made the commitment.
... The last draft was in 2014. Is it time to update it?
Courtney: I think we need to move
more aggressively on this spec. The goal is to get to CR
... November and PR by March 2016. As part of that I have
several action items. I need to update
... the diff against the FPWD, and we're also working through
~80 open issues. We closed 8 of
... them yesterday.
plh: My recommendation is don't
wait for all of that to be done before updating the
... I recommend you ask the TTWG to update the WD sooner rather
than later - it can be every
... week if you want! I don't know how many changes there have
been since the FPWD.
Courtney: That's why I was gathering the diffs.
plh: My other question is related to the repository. So you asked Simon to move it back? To the CVS server?
Courtney: I think they want to use github/w3c a bit like the media stream capture spec.
plh: That would be my recommendation too.
Courtney: Ok.
plh: If you need any help on that please let me know.
Courtney: Eric Carson proposed
doing that, and we thought we could do it without
... I'll check.
plh: You'll probably need me or tmichel to create the github/w3c/XXX repo
Courtney: Thank you
plh: We have tools now to keep
track of contributions into our github repositories for
... policy reasons.
nigel: We're out of time - I think we've covered everything. Thanks everyone! [adjourns meeting]