W3C Statements about AB Nominees for 2015 Election

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This is the list of nominees for the 2015 Election to the W3C Advisory Board (AB). Each person has been nominated by at least one W3C Member according to the AB election process.

The W3C Membership elects the AB. For this election W3C will fill five seats.

Note: The deadline for votes is 23:59 ET, 31 May 2015.

The following statements were sent about the nominees (in alphabetical order by nominee family name):

  1. Tantek Çelik (Mozilla)*
  2. Michael Champion (Microsoft)*
  3. Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations)
  4. Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex)*
  5. Chris Wilson (Google)*
  6. Judy Zhu (Alibaba)

An asterisk (*) indicates that the nominee is a current participant.

Tantek Çelik (Mozilla)

Tantek Çelik is Mozilla's web standards lead, has been on the Advisory Board since July 2013, co-chair of the Social Web Working Group since 2014, and a 17 year participant and editor in various other W3C working groups, contributing to producing several key Recommendations for the open web platform including: CSS 2.1, Selectors, and CSS3 Color.

During his first term on the AB, Tantek pursued reforming both the Advisory Board and W3C as a whole through more openness, and more open licensing.

As part of that work, Tantek established various open AB resources and an increased culture of working in the open, from the informal @W3CAB Twitter to the AB's wiki home page where most AB projects are now documented, encouraging public review and contributions.

Tantek's contribution to open web standards began with leading the implementation of the Tasman rendering engine in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh, a watershed achievement of solid CSS1, HTML4, and PNG 1.0 support in the year 2000.

In addition to W3C activities, Tantek participated in the development of vCard4 at IETF, contributes to the WHATWG, and co-founded the microformats.org standards community and the IndieWebCamp personal website empowerment community.

If re-elected, Tantek hopes to continue bringing his practical experience working with (and helping evolve) a variety of standards organization models and processes to the Advisory Board, to improve and modernize W3C accordingly.

Tantek holds B.S. & M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University and shares his thoughts on his personal website: http://tantek.com/

Michael Champion (Microsoft)

Michael Champion has served on the Advisory Board since 2010, as Microsoft's representative on the Advisory Committee since 2007, and as a participant, editor, and co-chair in various working groups starting in 1997. Over these 18 years, he has represented several companies ranging from a small startup to large multinational corporations. This provides a diverse perspective on the value W3C provides to the larger web community, the mechanics of building useful and authoritative web standards, and the challenges of maintaining an effective organization.

During his term on the Advisory Board he has worked to build consensus on how to make W3C more agile and inclusive while retaining its stature as an effective producer of standards. If re-elected to the Advisory Board, he looks forward to:

Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations)

Daniel Glazman has been involved in W3C activities (HTML, CSS, ...) for the last nineteen years and has been the Advisory Committee representative for Disruptive Innovations for more than seven years. He was appointed co-chairman of the CSS Working Group in April 2008. He is also an implementor, author of the BlueGriffon Web editor (html5, CSS3, SVG, MathML, ..) and the BlueGriffon EPUB editor (EPUB 2 and 3) and is well known for his expertise in markup-based Wysiwyg editing environments.

He contributed numerous proposals to W3C Staff about, for instance, the relaunch of a HTML Working Group, a way to monetize the Validator services, the organization of a new series of W3C conferences, a new fee schema for the W3C Training sessions, Consulting activities to non-Members and has always been very interested in the strategy, management, process and even more the finances of the Consortium.

In the past, he was also the AC-Rep for Électricité de France, one the largest european Members of the Consortium at that time and hosted during his tenure there the very first W3C Working Group meeting outside of north America. He designed and implemented the first standalone file transfer utility over HTTP GET/PUT and one of the very first graphical Mail User Agents with full MIME support.

Prior to funding and leading Disruptive Innovations, Daniel was a member of the technical team of Netscape, working on the editor and the CSS engine of Mozilla, and before that the CTO of Amazon.fr, a technical team manager and researcher at Électricité de France, and a software engineer at Grif working on the rendering engine of their SGML Wysiwyg editor.

If elected to the Advisory Board, he looks forward to:

Daniel earned engineer diplomas form École Polytechnique (France) and École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (France).

Given his experience, Disruptive Innovations thinks Daniel Glazman would be a good addition to the AB and nominates him for the forthcoming AB election. If elected, Disruptive Innovations will provide the necessary financial support for his participation.

Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex)

Yandex is nominating me for re-election to the AB.

My basic goals are to make the AB more effective by getting work done, and make sure that it provides a real mechanism for the full range of members we have (and seek) to ensure W3C considers their objectives, needs and desires.

This includes

I've now been on the AB longer than any elected member. I have worked on a lot of things, from revising the Process document to getting that done in public, clarifying the process for what does or doesn't get minuted and published to the AC, pushing to clear up policy on unchartered groups and W3C statements on policy matters, and more. You're welcome to talk to me of course, but I suggest you ask people you trust for opinions on whether to vote for me. Which also saves me from privately spamming people to ask for votes, something I really don't like.

Chris Wilson (Google)

Chris Wilson has had a long career in the Web, from engineering the early NCSA Mosaic browser for Windows, through a 15-year career at Microsoft working on Internet Explorer, to his current role at Google working with Chrome and web developers. He's been a member of the W3C Advisory Board for the last two years, helping improve the W3C's strategy in openness and agility and charting the path for good standards production in the future.

Judy Zhu (Alibaba)

Judy Zhu is the Standardization Director of the Alibaba corporations, and is also a senior expert in security. She leads a team responsible for Alibaba's standardization-related activities, as well as e-commerce, security, mobile health, M2M security, automotive research etc. Judy has 14 years of professional experience in telecommunications development and standardization. She is currently the AD director of the operator area in the ONF, She has served as 3GPP TSG SA3 Vice Chairperson from 2013-2014, Vice Chairperson of the CCSA TC5 WG5 from 2002 to 2008, Vice Chairperson of the CCSA TC8 WG4 since the beginning of 2010, and was the NGMN P-SEC security project leader from 2008 to 2009. And also she has attended the IETF, ITU work before.

Judy joined Bell-labs in 2001 and worked there for seven years in lucent, Alcatel-lucent. From 2008-2014 she was employed by China Mobile. She recently joined Alibaba in 2014.

From 2001-2014, she had submitted more than 300 standard contributions, and 20 academic papers, and 30 patents in U.S and China by proven ability of creative thinking and innovation.

She is the author of the book “3rd Generation Mobile Telecommunication Security” (in Chinese). She has excellent project management, strategy, and market needs skills and rich experience in management and coordination of projects both internal and external. She is a passionate, proactive in various working projects, and like to take responsibility, confident person and has the ability to work independently, interact well with others, and she cares about her team growth and people growth.

After joining Alibaba, She has persistently promoted Alibaba Group to join W3C by recognizing the W3C value. In this period of her role as AC representative, she as the standardization director has taken the responsibility to lead to read, understand, and report to my company all of W3C's activities, to find where it effects our company from a strategy view. We see her standardization experience as being highly relevant to the work in W3C and make the W3C more effective voice. And she wants to bring the W3C Advisory Board her practical knowledge building web software, creating dialogue between developer communities and standards groups, and helping enterprises find the business value in Open Web standards.

So we believe she surely has the ability to use same logic to be as AB to help on W3C on its future development from coherent and comprehensive strategic decisions and her joining to the AB will surely bring a different valuable view from the biggest e commerce company to make W3C more widely used especially on the web community, applications, automotive, privacy, financial payment etc. and also she shall try her best to continually work closely with “Chinese community” members to reflect China market requirements. She shall have company support in necessary aspects to accomplish the duties and responsibilities of this area. We appreciate your support in the AB election.

Coralie Mercier
Last modified: $Id: 01-ab-nominations.html,v 1.4 2015/05/01 21:47:20 coralie Exp $