See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 19 February 2015
<scribe> scribeNick: nigel
nigel: Summarises agenda. AOB?
group: no AOB
nigel: Note that on the agenda
the timeline for the next TTML2 WD is marked 'AT RISK'.
... One mitigation to that resource-constrained risk would be
for other members to contribute.
glenn: That's certainly possible,
either by contributing spec ready text or directly in
... It would need some coordination and post processing by me
to ensure editorial consistency.
nigel: If anyone's interested in
contributing in this way I suggest you contact me and/or
... offline.
<trackbot> action-361 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to Update liaisons table to include arib -- due 2015-02-20 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<Frans> apologies for being late Frans
<Frans> (phone problems)
close action-361
<trackbot> Closed action-361.
<trackbot> action-368 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Update publication timeline diagram -- due 2015-01-29 -- PENDINGREVIEW
nigel: Thank you Pierre - that's now uploaded to the Publications page.
pal: I noticed that we moved the FPWD back but not the CR date - is that intentional and realistic?
glenn: I plan to do a second WD.
pal: We seem to have dropped an
intermediate WD before CR.
... It's useful for people who plan to comment to understand
when is the best time to do so.
... If the March 24th WD is the equivalent to LC then that's
useful - it indicates how much work
... needs to be done.
nigel: I see what you mean - also
we have an F2F on 9th and 10th April now which we didn't
... in the calendar before we put this plan together. It would
seem odd to prevent ourselves from
... discussing our largest deliverable because we've already
gone to a WD for wide review!
... I think we should move the WD for wide review to after our
F2F now. Thoughts anyone?
glenn: +1
jdsmith: +1
tmichel: Under the new process
the important date is when we move to CR as WDs are quick
... publish.
nigel: In our experience though
the last WD is important because it's when we explicitly
... wide review.
pal: So the Mar 24 would be a WD
but without seeking wide review, then another one in late
... or early May for the equivalent to LC?
nigel: Any other constraints on dates for the final WD?
glenn: When we go to CR we have
to make sure that there's some material on every feature
... we want to include in the spec - we can't add any new
features after CR without going back
... for wide review again. We can always mark CR features as
'at risk' though.
... I prefer to have the CR version clear. Right now there are
two areas that are underspecified:
... 1) the HTML mapping - I've been creating material for that
based on my implementation work.
... 2) validation processing - some of the semantics around the
newer profiling system.
... More material is needed on conditional expression features
and on the media offset semantics
... issue. Those are the ones that come to mind as needing
nigel: I propose May 4th for the WD for wide review, for the diagram, for the time being.
action-368: This needs an update again, to move the WD on TTML2 to May 5th/7th.
<trackbot> Notes added to action-368 Update publication timeline diagram.
reopen action-368
<trackbot> Re-opened action-368.
<trackbot> action-369 -- Nigel Megitt to Collate smpte issues and draft dispositions and circulate on reflector as a precursor to a liaison -- due 2015-02-05 -- PENDINGREVIEW
action-369: nigel to update based on responses from last week
<trackbot> Notes added to action-369 Collate smpte issues and draft dispositions and circulate on reflector as a precursor to a liaison.
reopen action-369
<trackbot> Re-opened action-369.
<trackbot> action-373 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Consider how to process and make available the dece test criteria provided -- due 2015-02-19 -- PENDINGREVIEW
nigel: I think pal has added these to the IMSC 1 test suite.
pal: I've started doing this - I wanted to make sure folk were happy with the approach.
pal: If you follow this link it
shows the expected output - it's a copy/paste from the
... contribution.
... I plan to do that for every single one.
nigel: LGTM
action-373: [meeting 2015-02-19] Pierre has considered how, and the approach looks good.
<trackbot> Notes added to action-373 Consider how to process and make available the dece test criteria provided.
close action-373
<trackbot> Closed action-373.
<scribe> ACTION: pal Complete processing of DECE test criteria as per action-373 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-375 - Complete processing of dece test criteria as per action-373 [on Pierre-Anthony Lemieux - due 2015-02-26].
<trackbot> action-374 -- Glenn Adams to Confirm f2f location and update wiki and send details to the reflector. -- due 2015-02-19 -- PENDINGREVIEW
glenn: I just checked at Harrah's and booked - it was $103 per night on Expedia.
nigel: You can book direct on their website too.
glenn: There's a more up to date
hotel next door called Linq and there's also the
... There are lots of hotels round there.
... The meeting room is at Harrah's though. It's an older hotel
so we'll see how it is.
pal: That hotel has two towers, I
recommend getting a room in the renovated one. If you
... somewhere nice I'd recommend the Paris that's next
... It's got a good restaurant too.
glenn: For purposes of landmarks,
there's a new 550ft ferris wheel just behind Harrah's, so
... for that if you're lost.
nigel: Thanks for the great tips - might be good to put them on the wiki page!
nigel: If you're able to attend
please add your name to the wiki page. I can create a WBS
... but I think the wiki page is probably enough.
close action-374
<trackbot> Closed action-374.
[as just discussed!]
nigel: If you want any specific
agenda items please let me know. The default at the
... is to look at IMSC 1 implementation reports and TTML2 next
WD in the absence of any other
... requests.
<trackbot> action-365 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Review change proposal 21 in the light of closure of issue-229. -- due 2015-01-22 -- OPEN
pal: There's a bunch of other
related ones because for CP21 some of
... the issues are still open. Issue-231 for example.
... This is the one where the current TTML2 draft does
something differently to what SMPTE
... had suggested. I'm not sure where we ended up. We wanted to
inform SMPTE of our current
... plan.
nigel: That was action-369, which I need to update and resend based on last week's conversation.
<scribe> ACTION: nigel update CP21 to check current status of all issues [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-376 - Update cp21 to check current status of all issues [on Nigel Megitt - due 2015-02-26].
Action-365: [meeting 2015-02-19] See also action-369 and the SMPTE liaison.
<trackbot> Notes added to Action-365 Review change proposal 21 in the light of closure of issue-229..
pal: Two issues have been closed,
raised by nigel. In the process of doing that I found a
... of bugs in the test vectors and have also corrected
<trackbot> issue-371 -- linePadding test needs to apply the background color to the line areas only -- pending review
nigel: In this you addressed the issue.
pal: I literally copied the proposed text.
<trackbot> issue-372 -- multiRowAlign test applies style via region -- pending review
atai: Just a comment on the
issues, multiRowAlign especially. There's a difference in the
... styles apply in EBU-TT-D and IMSC 1. Nonetheless
semantically it's still possible to reference
... a style from a region. There's no problem semantically I
think. I'm not sure how to deal with
... that in general for IMSC - if it should be allowed to use
the ebuttd attribute on region or inline.
glenn: Just a reminder that if
the property is not applicable to region then it can still
... specified on region and participate in region inheritance.
If it's not applicable to region
... directly then content will inherit from it.
atai: For multiRowAlign the
applicability is the same as for textAlign, in terms of
applicability to
... region.
pal: In EBU Tech3380 it isn't
clear exactly what multiRowAlign is applicable to. I'd
recommend to
... clarify that.
... With linePadding there's specific language about which
elements it is applicable to, in contrast
... to multiRowAlign.
... The way I interpreted it is there are two levels of
constraint in EBU-TT-D. First, what elements
... the attributes are applicable to, and secondly, on what
elements they may be specified.
... IMSC 1 doesn't constrain inline styles in the way that
EBU-TT-D does. As I read it you're
... permitted more latitude in IMSC 1 in where you can specify
the attributes than in EBU-TT-D.
atai: I agree with that.
pal: What's missing in EBU-TT-D is what elements multiRowAlign is applicable to.
atai: I have to check that it
states that it can apply to the same elements as
... Regarding the comments from nigel, to be more consistent
with what IMSC is doing it would
... be odd not to allow it to be specified like the other style
attributes. Nigel's comments re
... EBU-TT-D about not adding styling inline is correct.
nigel: I think if we want to
allow the ebutts style attributes in other locations in IMSC 1
then the
... expansion relative to EBU-TT-D needs to be explicitly
glenn: In TTML2 the style
attribute must be specified on the span directly for padding
and can
... not be inherited.
pal: Maybe, ideally, IMSC 1
should only reference the annexes in EBU Tech3380. Then if
... annexes could include the constraints on which elements
each of those attributes apply
... then it would work perfectly.
atai: At the moment we don't plan any updates other than for big errors.
pal: okay I'll update only IMSC 1 then.
atai: The applicability of those
elements is maybe clear to us, but the other issue of where
... can be specified on content may be different. If we want to
allow specification of the attributes
... inline for example then we need to specify that in IMSC
pal: yes.
... If we agree that this is reasonable then I'm happy to
clarify that.
<scribe> ACTION: atai2 Capture the EBU-TT-D style attributes issue on IMSC 1 and raise an issue [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-377 - Capture the ebu-tt-d style attributes issue on imsc 1 and raise an issue [on Andreas Tai - due 2015-02-26].
nigel: We're out of time! Meet again same time next week. Thanks very much everyone. [adjourns meeting]
close issue-371
<trackbot> Closed issue-371.
close issue-372
<trackbot> Closed issue-372.