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<trackbot> Date: 12 February 2015
<scribe> scribe: allanj
open, Item 4
open item 4
perhaps live in WAI space, temporary doc
The Note will be a first PWD
close item 4
current wording:
4.1.6 Expose Additional Properties: For all user interface components, including the UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content, the user agent makes available the following, via a platform accessibility service, if the properties are supported by the service: (Level AA)
> Bounding dimensions and coordinates
> Font family of text
> Font size of text
> Foreground and background color for text
> Change state/value notifications
suggest moving "change state/value notifications" to 4.1.2
add references in message to Reference doc for 4.1.6
gl: wording of 4.1.2 and 4.1.6
are different. should the be aligned
... add "if the properties are supported by the service:" to
4.1.2 to align them
... this caveat, may limit accessibility, and can't comply
because of the platform limitations. is that appropriate.
jr: we have conformance language around the platform
<Jan> Platform: not applicable due constraints of the platform, per Paragraph 7 above (e.g. color handling on a monochrome device, video handling in a purely audio browser, or interprocess communication on an operating system that does not support multitasking). Describe the specific platform limitation.
<Greg> That is, without the explicit limitation a UA on a platform lacking the full platform accessibility API would fail due to the platform, with the limitation they would pass.
RESOLUTION: remove "if the properties are supported by the service:" from 4.1.6
discussion of notification
<Greg> I wish I could remember why notifications are not required for all of the things in 4.1.2.
does allof 4.1.2 need notification
<Greg> Is it because originally notifications were a separate SC?
gl: query and be notified when the following change
a platform accessibility service can query and be notified by the user agent when the following change
jr: accessibility service is in 508 and is a more generic term
RESOLUTION: change all occurrences of "accessibility API" to "accessibility service" in the document
<Greg> It's already such a tortured paragraph. Adding this just makes it even worse: 4.1.6 Expose Additional Properties: For all user interface components, including the UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content, the user agent makes available the following properties available and provides notification when they change, via a platform accessibility service, if the properties are...
<Greg> ...supported by the service: (Level AA)
perhaps put the change notification in the resource document
Expose Basic Properties: For all user interface components (including UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content) the user agent makes available, including change notifications, the following via a platform accessibility service:
<Jan> 4.1.6 Expose Additional Properties: For all user interface components (including the UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content), the user agent makes available the following, via a platform accessibility service
<Jan> Role (and role change notifications)
<Jan> State (and state change notifications)
gl: for every bullet:
<Greg> Ugly.
<jeanne> For all user interface components (e.g. the UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content) , the user agent makes available the following via a platform accessibility service provided the properties are supported by the service: (Level AA)
<Jan> Expose Basic Properties: For all user interface components (including UA user interface, rendered content, and generated content) the user agent makes available the following properties and any change notifications via a platform accessibility service:
4.1.2 to " Expose Basic Properties: For all user interface
components (including UA user interface, rendered content, and
generated content) the user agent makes available the following
properties and any change notifications via a platform
accessibility service:"
... remove "change state/value notifications" from 4.1.6
close item 1
<Greg> "Platform accessibility API" was changed to "Platform accessibility services" everywhere except (a) the Note for 4.1 and (b) the first example for 4.1.4
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to fix terms: Platform Accessibility API changes to Platform Accessibility Services [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1069 - Fix terms: platform accessibility api changes to platform accessibility services [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-19].
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to update 4.1.6 to parallel 4.1.2 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1070 - Update 4.1.6 to parallel 4.1.2 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-19].
PROPOSAL #1: In 1.4.1 Basic text formatting (Globally) - REMOVE the note:
Note: Any user settings from the platform for these characteristics are implemented.
PROPOSAL #2: 1.3.1 Distinguishable Highlighting - REMOVE the note:
Note: Any user settings from the platform for these characteristics are implemented.
rationale: ed. The rationale for removing them is twofold: (1) the notes are normative, meaning that any other implementation approach would be a FAIL. (2) the notes could really apply much more widely (e.g. 1.3.3 Highlighting Active Keyboard Focus). In fact, we already have a conformance applicability note:
- "Relationship with operating system or platform: The user agent does not need to implement every behavior itself. A required behavior can be provided by the platform, user agent, user agent extensions, or potentially other layers. All are acceptable, as long as they are enumerated in the conformance claim."
PROPOSAL #3: NEW SC 1.4.X: Default to platform text settings: The user can specify that platform text settings be used as the default values for text configuration. (Level AA)
gl: ff has a check box for use system color
<Greg> In Firefox, Tools menu, Options command, Content tab, Colors button, Use system colors checkbox.
IE has the same thing for color
<Greg> Unfortunately no equivalent for Fonts.
PROPOSAL #4: CONSIDER aligning 5.1.3 more with ATAG2 A.1.2.1:
5.1.3 Implement Accessibility Features of the Platform: If the user agent contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those user interfaces respect platform accessibility settings and follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform. (Level A)
A.1.2.1 Accessibility Guidelines: If the authoring tool contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform. (Level A)
PROPOSAL #5: REVIEW notes for GL 1.4:
Note 1 is incorrect: 1.4.5 included in both sentences
Note 3 should link to "Guideline 1.7 - Enable configuration of user stylesheets"
RESOLUTION: accept proposal 1,2,3 from
proposal 4 - aligning with ATAG will eliminate the need to hunt for any setting relevant to accessibility
ja: would make the wording simpler
<Greg> I suspect that taking out the phrase "respect platform accessibility settings" will probably have no effect because the equivalent will usually be covered by "follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform", where those guidelines say to follow the settings.
RESOLUTION: change to 5.1.3 Implement Accessibility Features of the Platform: If the user agent contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform. (Level A)
<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to add Jan's proposal for 1.4.x from [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1071 - Add jan's proposal for 1.4.x from [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-19].
<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to change 5.1.3 to 5.1.3 Implement Accessibility Features of the Platform: If the user agent contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform. (Level A) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1072 - Change 5.1.3 to 5.1.3 implement accessibility features of the platform: if the user agent contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform. (level a) [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-19].
gl: put 1.4 note 2 in the applicability notes
jr: +1
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to move 1.4 Note 2 to the Conformance Applicability Notes [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1073 - Move 1.4 note 2 to the conformance applicability notes [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-19].
gl: note 3 and 4 seem fine.
RESOLUTION: remove note 1 in 1.4
<jeanne> ACTION: remove 1.4 note 1 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'remove'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/ al / all/ Found Scribe: allanj Inferring ScribeNick: allanj Default Present: Jan, Jim_Allan, Jeanne, Greg_Lowney Present: Jan Jim_Allan Jeanne Greg_Lowney Regrets: kim Found Date: 12 Feb 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne remove WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]