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W3C Workshop on Privacy and User–Centric Controls
20–21 November 2014, Berlin, Germany


W3C gratefully acknowledges Deutsche Telekom, for hosting this workshop.

Deutsche Telekom

Thanks also to the Mozilla Foundation for their Support


Expression of Interest:

Christos Perentis — Univeristy of Trento, SKIL-Telecom Italia, FBK

Currently, I am a PhD student at the ICT Doctoral School at the University of Trento in Italy. I am conducting my research activities in collaboration with the Semantics & Knowledge Innovation Lab (SKIL) of Telecom Italia and FBK research center, from which I have a joint grant. My work focuses on investigating various aspects of new user-centric paradigm in privacy and personal data management by performing behavioral analysis in a real setting of user perception and data management tools usage. Specifically, Telecom Italia and FBK, in collaboration with MIT Media Lab and Telefonica, created the Mobile Territorial Lab (http://www.mobileterritoriallab.eu/). In this project real users are equipped with an Android mobile phone where a wide range of personal data types are being collected and gathered in a secured space. Users are in control during the whole data life-cycle of their data: from the collection, to the deletion and disclosure/sharing, they receive informative feedback concerning their individual behavior and also compare their activity with the rest of the community. This personal data management user-centric paradigm aims at increasing users awareness and control over their personal data, helping them in understanding the opportunities and the risks arising from sharing their personal information, further than promoting transparency in data privacy and exploitation. Our final goal is to build a basis for the next user-centric personal data management tools, understanding user behavior and trust/risk perception in this new context, within different stimuli. My participation to the workshop is a great opportunity for me and the lab to acquire valuable feedback for our research tasks, participate into a wide discussion about user-centric approaches in personal data management and also take into account the concerns of the different engaged research communities.

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