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Wednesday at 8:00am US Eastern time for 120 minutes
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- 1 Admin
- 2 Working Draft
- 3 ISSUE-92: additive repeated properties
- 4 ISSUE-94: separate syntax and semantics
- 5 ISSUE-170: EXISTS blank nodes
- 6 ISSUE-203: Constraint components
- 7 ISSUE-204: Constraint node
- 8 ISSUE-181: partial validation
- 9 ISSUE-217: Path vs predicate clean up
- 10 ISSUE-68: Pre-binding
- 11 AOB
- Chair: Irene Polikoff
- Scribe: First available on the scribe list.
Minutes of last meeting
PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 11 Jan 2017 Telecon: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/11-shapes-minutes.html
Next meeting
- Wednesday 2017.01.25
Disposal of Raised Issues
• ISSUE-218: Should we move SPARQL Annotations mechanism into the WG Note?
Working Draft
Discuss current working draft and next steps (e.g., publication of last editor's draft in a week from now).
ISSUE-92: additive repeated properties
Discuss ISSUE-92
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-92, removing sh:partition
as explained here: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2017Jan/0028.html
ISSUE-94: separate syntax and semantics
Discuss ISSUE-94
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-94 as obsolete
ISSUE-170: EXISTS blank nodes
Discuss ISSUE-170
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-170 since EXISTS has been removed, see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2017Jan/0021.html
ISSUE-203: Constraint components
Discuss ISSUE-203
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-203 as addressed by https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2016Nov/0112.html
ISSUE-204: Constraint node
Discuss ISSUE-204
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-204 as addressed by https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2016Nov/0113.html and a number of subsequent edits that make the issue obsolete
ISSUE-181: partial validation
Discuss ISSUE-181
ISSUE-217: Path vs predicate clean up
Discuss ISSUE-217
ISSUE-68: Pre-binding
Discuss ISSUE-68
PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-68 defining pre-binding using eval(D(G), Replace(PrjMap(X), μ))
as described in https://w3c.github.io/sparql-exists/docs/sparql-exists.html