See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 25 November 2014
<clown> agenda: this
<davidb> looks good
<clown> scribenick: bgaraventa1979
<clown> issue-568?
<trackbot> issue-568 -- Introduce system modal attributes for dialogs -- open
<joanie> scribenick: joanie
JS: The spec already has aria-modal in it.
JS: Here it is (above)
... We need mappings for them. There are currently no actions.
I'd like to assign them.
... One for David for IA2, one for Joanie for ATK, etc.
... Is that ok?
All: Yes.
DB: It will be more than mapping.
JS: What else would it be?
DB: I guess... I bet James Craig is wondering if it will disallow user action outside the modal dialog.
JS: [Reads definition]
DB: We should try to scope ARIA
so that it has clearly defined boundaries.
... My thinking is that I would not change accessibility
... So if someone put aria-modal on something, I'd want them to
have already handled making it functionally modal.
JS: It was my assumption that authors would have created a modal user experience.
DB: As we've discovered over the years, we need to be explicity about that.
JS: [Reads more text]
<clown> ACTION: David Bolter to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for IA2 and/or MSAA. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1538 - Bolter to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for ia2 and/or msaa. [on David Bolter - due 2014-12-02].
JS: So HTML has an inert attribute so they (authors) should mark the rest of the document inert. Though it's not required.
DB: Ok.
<clown> ACTION: Joanie to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for ATK/AT-SPI [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1539 - Investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for atk/at-spi [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2014-12-02].
<trackbot> action-1539 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for atk/at-spi -- due 2014-12-02 -- OPEN
<clown> ACTION: Cythia to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for UIA. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Cythia'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<clown> ACTION: Cynthia to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for UIA. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1540 - Investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for uia. [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2014-12-02].
<clown> ACTION: James Craig to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for AXAPI. [recorded in]
<trackbot> 'James' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., jcraig, jhawkins2, jnurthen).
JS: Warning, because this is
already in the spec, I'm going to propose something soon if no
one else does.
... I think David was the only one who replied (to my
DB: Sounds right.
<clown> ACTION: jcraig to investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for AXAPI. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1541 - Investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for axapi. [on James Craig - due 2014-12-02].
JD: I just did my action and transfered it to you (Joseph)
JS: I think there is already an
IA2 one.
... [Looks for email on mailing list]
JS: There it is [reads from above
... I stand corrected, nobody replied to me.
<clown> action-1528?
<trackbot> action-1528 -- Alexander Surkov to Bolter to investigate the proper ia2 mappings for aria-current -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: aria-current is not in the
spec yet.
... This is about the MSAA-IA2 mapping for aria-current.
... Since it's not in the spec yet, there's no rush on
DB: I filed a bug about this
earlier today.
... We were talking about it a few days ago.
... Whatever ATK does, we'll do in IA2.
DB: We filed the bug and CCed James Teh.
JS: But there's still discussion on the mailing list regarding this versus selected versus focused.
JD: [Points out that Dominic suggested aria-active]
DB: Question, what if the user changes the browser tabs. Should we attempt to put focus there?
JS: No.
... When they come back, they should go back to where they were
BG: That makes sense to me.
DB: I just asked because it would be a handy thing.
JS: I actually found that our own
website [link above]. If you look on the left, there's a table
of contents on the left. It's not a tree view; it's just a list
of links.
... [Describes blue arrow showing current item in
... That's aria-current
DB: When does it matter wrt the screen reader?
JS: "Screen reader, tell me what's current?"
BG: It shouldn't be anything complicated. When you're arrowing or tabbing through it. The screen reader should speak what's current.
JS: Would you want a gesture for "what's current?"
BG: You could do that, but you don't have to.
DB: That makes sense to me.
JS: Also, if you're on the main
page and there's a next button that takes you to something
else, making the current change, I think you should get an
... And you will in a proper implementation of ATK.
BG: Sounds good to me.
<clown> action-1531?
<trackbot> action-1531 -- David Bolter to Bolter to investigate ia2 mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
DB: aria-active could be confused for aria-activedescendant
JS: And I take it you're warning that the name aria-active might not be a good one.
DB: Maybe
... I also think the aria-current idea in my head is
overlapping with aria-activedescendant
... But I understand they are different
JS: aria-activedescendant is
about focus.
... aria-current is not about focus.
[group makes fun of the scribe]
DB: The main thing for me is Alex has to be ok with whatever we have planned.
<trackbot> action-1531 -- David Bolter to Bolter to investigate ia2 mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
DB: So where is the group? What do you want from me.
JS: ATK/AT-SPI2 has a new role:
... They even created the documentation for it.
DB: This seems to mirror the spec
text well, at least not contradict it.
... What do we have in IA2 currently?
... This should ... Alex had a stronger opinion on this than I
... I can say the spec text looks good and the ATK text looks
good, but I cannot give you an answer for IA2 today.
[DB departs]
JS: I'll mark it as TBD in the spec.
<clown> action-1529
<trackbot> action-1529 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Investigate the proper atk/at-spi mappings for aria-current -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: I think I'm ready to go on
... Yes, I'm ready to write everything that needs to be. I just
haven't done it yet. I'll do it sometime this week.
BG: I'll catch up on that.
JS: There's a lot of notes.
... Oh this is for aria-current. I guess I should wait until
the spec text is there.
... Usually the mapping points back to the spec where the
property is defined.
... So I may wait until the next heartbeat.
BG: Does it matter if it's called aria-current or aria-active?
JS: I would have said 'no' until
David mentioned the potential confusion with
... We're trying to make it easy for the author.
[Jokes about Matt's aria-youarehere]
<clown> action-1527
<trackbot> action-1527 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate the proper uia mappings for aria-current -- due 2015-01-31 -- OPEN
JS: We'll check the action to see
if she made any notes. But she's not here.
... She says in her latest note [reads].
... My vote is get something like aria-current added to
BG: That's my vote. I never liked the idea of them being the same thing.
The text from action-1527 under discussion is: "selectionitem pattern can't be used on images. It looks like there is not a good mapping to UIA for this. Now the question is whether to update both ARIA and UIA to allow selection on any role/control type, or to try to get something like aria-current added to uia."
JS: I guess we'll address this
when she's back.
... Thank you Cynthia for adding that note.
<clown> action-1530?
<trackbot> action-1530 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate uia mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: [Looks for note for this action]
Cynthia's note on action-1530 is: "The best mapping would be the Text control type.
However, I the inheritance model of the text role described in the draft makes me very uncomfortable. I think it will be used in error and remove a lot of semantics and behavior from children.
(end of quote)
JS: That sounds right, but
there's a "However".
... It has events too.
... That does make me a little.... I wouldn't expect something
that has role="text" to spawn any events.
... Is offscreen an event?
BG: I guess.
JS: It's a property. If it moves
offscreen... text can move/scroll offscreen.
... I guess I need to talk to her to see what this means.
BG: That could be useful.
JS: I'm not planning on adding
any events for role="text"
... So wait until she gets back. I think that's a topic for the
Monday group.
BG: Sounds good to me.
JS: I'll just do the role mapping part for now; nothing new to the events table.
<clown> action-1532?
<trackbot> action-1532 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Investigate atk/at-spi mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: I think that's going to be
nothing more than... I know what I need to do here. Yes.
... I have the mappings for ATK/AT-SPI2 and will use that.
<clown> action-1104?
<trackbot> action-1104 -- Cynthia Shelly to Define what the accessibility API mapping is for UIA on aria-describedby in section 5.5.1 table when the element does not exist in the accessibility tree such as when css: display:none applies -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: Another Cynthia one. Is there
a note?
... No.
... This is the one where when you use aria-describedby with
UIA it actually creates a pointer to the description.
... If the description has CSS display:none, it's not in the
accessibility tree and there's nothing to point to.
... Everyone else just grabs the string so there's no need for
... So there's been this question since 2012 about how do you
handle this in UIA.
... At one point, Cynthia suggested fallback to legacy
description, but then stated that is not really the right thing
to do.
BG: Unless and until something does get added, there's nothing else available.
<clown> action-1445?
<trackbot> action-1445 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate the ideal uai mapping for role presentation in tables and lists. -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
JS: No note on action-1445
... I don't think I'll get how to handle role="presentation"
for tables and lists into the mapping guide.
... But I'll think about it. There might be something general I
can say.
... I know we have this resolved for ATK and I think IA2.
<clown> scribenick: clown
JD: I created a bug against FF
that said to map, say, a gridcell with role presentation to the
same thing as a div.
... But, they recently closed that bug, and maybe something
similar was done with IA2.
... <looks up bug>
... My point is it may have been resolved for IA2 as well.
s/scribenick: clown/scribenic: clown/
<joanie> ACTION: Joanie to verify the commit for mozilla bug 1013584 and report the ATK role to Joseph. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1542 - Verify the commit for mozilla bug 1013584 and report the atk role to joseph. [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2014-12-02].
<joanie> scribenick: joanie
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/James/James Craig/ Succeeded: s/the MSAA mapping for aria-current/the MSAA-IA2 mapping for aria-current/ FAILED: s/scribnick: clown/scribenic: clown/ Succeeded: s/scribnick/scribenick/ Succeeded: s/scribnick/scribenick/g Found ScribeNick: bgaraventa1979 Found ScribeNick: joanie Found ScribeNick: clown Found ScribeNick: joanie Inferring Scribes: bgaraventa1979, joanie, clown Scribes: bgaraventa1979, joanie, clown ScribeNicks: bgaraventa1979, joanie, clown Default Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, Bryan_Garaventa, +1.416.848.aaaa, David_Bolter Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer Joanmarie_Diggs Bryan_Garaventa +1.416.848.aaaa David_Bolter Regrets: Cynthia_Shelly Found Date: 25 Nov 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: bolter craig cynthia cythia david james jcraig joanie WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]