See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 October 2014
<scribe> Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea
trackbot, start telcon
<trackbot> Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 27 October 2014
<scribe> Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea
<scribe> ScribeNick: Ryladog
<scribe> Meeting: IndieUi Working Group F2F and teleconference
JS: Summary so far
... We will discover where the Events is when we meet wit
WebApps and Content editing TF this afternoon
Buy only WAI Indie UI will be interested in finishing the Use Context Module
So the suggestion is to focus on that and do what we nee to do to get us to last cal
RS: So what is here mostly Apple focus. Subtitles was altered because that is what is used in Apple. I am just wondering is quite enough for what we want o do
and I am not sure. We have the screenreader, what happens if the magnifier is running
They have something that is limited on iOS. They have a zoom feature. If we are going to do this- can we get other things in here that the user is going to be ale to us
Do we release this as a last call. Right now I see what is in here that are featues that CURRENTLY are in the OS that get turned on
Are there any Keyboard features that need to be turned on that we need to capture
Enabling StickyKeys - thise are not anything that are going to effect web content
Joanie: Maybe a control that tells the app to swithch to web
RS: You mght have a low vision reader that doent need a screen reader turned out to perserve the performance
Schema dot org has some good things. Magnifiers , accessibility test tools all the thongs like that. You need the aria semantics to position things for focus
For accessibility test tools I want to turn on the features so I can test.
We are going to need some of the other things
We are going to need a little bit more than is in here.
<kurosawa> Latest Editors Draft of User Context
AH: I am looking at my iPhone - there are tons of things in here that we dont have in our document
RS: We wanted a small set
initially that will egt widely implemented
... I think it would be good to have the interoperability for Do you recall the name Andy?
... It is going to - the OLD terms were AT interoperable and
API interoperable
AH: The elephant in the room - I need this an it is not avaible
JS: The they are not using IndieUI
AH: The business arguements are
quite difficlut
... For preferences with eBooks
JS: Let add and tak about the User Profile
AH: If we could establish that then we are good to go
JS: You could pass it around and everyone on all devices
RS: I want Accessibility API is a term and has the values aAPI the form is text, (this is from
<richardschwerdtfeger> AndroidAccessibility
<richardschwerdtfeger> ARIA
<richardschwerdtfeger> ATK
<richardschwerdtfeger> AT-SPI
<richardschwerdtfeger> BlackberryAccessibility
<richardschwerdtfeger> iAccessible2
<richardschwerdtfeger> iOSAccessibility
<richardschwerdtfeger> JavaAccessibility
<richardschwerdtfeger> MacOSXAccessibility
<richardschwerdtfeger> MSAA
<richardschwerdtfeger> UIAutomation
KHS: The search engines are all using this - we had called it API interoprrable
JS: If obe of these thing s is
turned on then we know that we have to turn on the ARIA
... There is no reason why you cant pass this. We could have it
delimited it should be WAI ARIA> I think this is good and it
is what browsers man are using
the user doesnt have to identify that they are using AT - obe coukd also be using a test tool
we hae MSAA and iAccessible 2 and WAI ARI would be togther. I would like top Propsoe that we dd
RESOLUTION: propose that we inlude the Accessibility API stiing from as a space delimited set of values in the form of text
RS: because this is being used by search and providers we need to include this. Unrelated: do we want to include the saftey hazzard stuff in hear
KHS: Yes
... I am thinking this would be a good sellbecause governements
would want to push inplementation for saftey reasons
RS: We need to involve who Browser manufacturers in here. If you have any .Accessibility Inspector (MAC) - you could get it trigger it in the settings
JS: They are actually looking for content with Accessibility Feature in
<richardschwerdtfeger> alternativeText
<richardschwerdtfeger> annotations
<richardschwerdtfeger> audioDescription
<richardschwerdtfeger> bookmarks
<richardschwerdtfeger> braille
<richardschwerdtfeger> captions
<richardschwerdtfeger> ChemML
<richardschwerdtfeger> describedMath
<richardschwerdtfeger> displayTransformability
<richardschwerdtfeger> highContrastAudio
<richardschwerdtfeger> highContrastDisplay
<richardschwerdtfeger> largePrint
<richardschwerdtfeger> latex
<richardschwerdtfeger> longDescription
<richardschwerdtfeger> MathML
<richardschwerdtfeger> none
<richardschwerdtfeger> printPageNumbers
<richardschwerdtfeger> readingOrder
<richardschwerdtfeger> signLanguage
<richardschwerdtfeger> structuralNavigation
<richardschwerdtfeger> tableOfContents
<richardschwerdtfeger> taggedPDF
<richardschwerdtfeger> tactileGraphic
<richardschwerdtfeger> tactileObject
<richardschwerdtfeger> timingControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> transcript
<richardschwerdtfeger> ttsMarkup
RS: This is where they are looking for content. We would have to write definitions and preferences.
<richardschwerdtfeger> unlocked
AH: It wold be worded slightly different. "I NEED control..." and we should do the simpe ones anyhow
<richardschwerdtfeger> setting accessibilityHazard:
<richardschwerdtfeger> flashing
<richardschwerdtfeger> noFlashingHazard
<richardschwerdtfeger> motionSimulation
<richardschwerdtfeger> noMotionSimulationHazard
<richardschwerdtfeger> sound
<richardschwerdtfeger> noSoundHazard
<richardschwerdtfeger> accessibilityControl:
RS: How may of these do we want to put in there. They should be on a raodmap as for when we want toput eaach one we feel is relavant to our needs in to the spec
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullKeyboardControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullMouseControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullSwitchControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullTouchControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullVideoControl
<richardschwerdtfeger> fullVoiceControl
RS: They have some very good
... This might be..
<richardschwerdtfeger> accessMode
<richardschwerdtfeger> auditory
<richardschwerdtfeger> tactile
<richardschwerdtfeger> textual
<richardschwerdtfeger> visual
<richardschwerdtfeger> colorDependent
<richardschwerdtfeger> chartOnVisual
<richardschwerdtfeger> chemOnVisual
<richardschwerdtfeger> diagramOnVisual
<richardschwerdtfeger> mathOnVisual
<richardschwerdtfeger> musicOnVisual
<richardschwerdtfeger> textOnVisual
AH: We would want search control, and voice control - whtere we would want keyboard and mouse I amot sure
RS: These are less likely and oe controversial
<richardschwerdtfeger> hasAdaptationm text: Identifier of a resource that is an adaptation, for accessibility purposes, for this resource.
<richardschwerdtfeger> isAdaptationOf Text: Identifier of a resource for which this is an adaptation, for accessibility purposes.
JS: his is for
<richardschwerdtfeger> use of book extensions:
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/DAISY202
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/DAISY3
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/Mp3
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/EPUB2
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/EPUB3
<richardschwerdtfeger> Ebook/BRF
<richardschwerdtfeger> EBook/PDF and other formats, mobi, etc.
<richardschwerdtfeger> Paperback/Braille
trackbot, status?
RS: I think we should hold off on the book stuff. But I think the hazard stuff is areally big one
JS: What are we going to map hazards to?
AH: The vocabulary can be used
RS: The thing is audio description we would want - yes we do have it for version
JS: It should be called video description
AH: We just published a standards in SC35 that is audio description
JS: Can you send me that or file a bug Andy?
AH: Yes
JS: We have a whole range we would want
<janina_> i
<janina_> ackk j
Joanie: My question about hazards - who commuicates these values and communicatedsthose to developers. Is it browser oe OS settings
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to ask two basic questions should time permit
RS: It can be either one. It can come from OS system settings - they would easy to put in and have a first elease.
Joanie: If an OS environemnt does not currently have these hazard settings does an OS need to get them?
RS: Yes, or they need to use a browser that can provide them
JS: Lets picjk the hazard stuff and mark it AT risk
RS: I thnik it would be very good to do that
Joanie: With my gnome hat - these are not in gnome. We would want to do that
JS: We coud start them out as browser setting and the eventually to go the Gnome. Should I file bug?
Joanie: If we call this accessibility (and not for everybody) we can get this in to Gnome right now
RS: Let look at the rest of that
list.....high contrast audio, long descr...I dont knwo that we
tackle these now - maybe exceot MathML
... I would prefer to have teahcer deliver MathML
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to ask the second question which is why key echo and not any other screen reader settings?
Joanie: Looking at the screen reader setting it specifically mentions key-echo, if this os important to communicate it for developers - why are not the others there. So, it this actually important?
JS: Now you are going to get the semantics
Joanie: I am just confused about
why typing-echo belong here?
... My question is why is it here at all? If it is important,
why isnt for other things?
JS: Let remember we have to
impmements a spec here
... Status: for typing-echo is at Risk
... Cogn TF
Joanie: I though I saw a setting for a verbosity setting on my MAC
AH: We need some principle - those that are needed y the market NOW. We also need to strongly say is getting these things into and out of the device developers are working on
JS: That would ut the impetus behind everything else
AH: We can see that they are useable on other devices
JS: We realy care about being
... 2 things will push succuss - portability of user
preferences and the other is support for testing
... Do we wnt a proposal?
... The stocking horse is HAZARD - how can they say no to
RS: Safari they have an
accessibility setting - never use font size smaller than 9 - I
can see them easily adding - click if you want flashing to be
abled/disable. You can actally pass these things with out any
... Some of the other stuff like TTS matkup - that will take
alot more effort.
... Do we want to go for Hazard and the Accessibility API
Kurosawa: Web content does not need to know the AAPI
RS: I would agree but if you had
a java applcation you might have a deofferent version of a plug
in that cant get turned on
... In those cases you might want to know it. Beyond plugins -
I agree with you
... Do we want to go for Hazard and the Accessibility API?
KHS: Yes
RS: I think it would be good to get these two in for a start.
Joanie: Who needs to know that you support UIAutomation?
RS: If you are a plugin manufacture
trackbot, status?
<janina__> ii/msg michael, When does WCAG plan to break?
<janina__> ii
RS: We might want to have a
certain level general the browser amnufactures are
getting away from plugins
... I ccant think of many reasons why you need to know the
native platform
JS: We want to try tomake it easier for people to do the right thing
RS; I figure if I am running an accessibility test tool, the broswer would throught he API and the IndieUi Context - and I was running JavaMonkety or AccProbe I would want to cnvey that Ineed this kind of information because I am using this tool
AH: But we just had a binary control for this is ..
RS: Example, "I am looking for an app, here is my setting" we can expose that through the browser
KHS: It is a user preference that the user maynot even know about - and know that they need to - to get an app that meets the needs they have set
AH: OK, I acept that as a use case now
RS: The API provides a greater degree of specificity that can eb used by search engines and content providers
JS; We stop for break in 10 minutes
RS: I am looking at the
Accessibility features in - it is really rich
... We do have some of them, this is alot to put into the OS. I
dont think we would get an arguement form James if we wanted
include MathML
AH: I thinkwe would hear screamng if we try to include it all nw
RS: MathML for accessibilty it is
good for screenreading, cognituve, navigaton, a study showed
Math complhemsion 10 to 15 % for every user
... We could alos state that if we have the ability to suport
... Abd the digital publishing has an interest in supporting
... Yes.
RS; Let takes a look at the list for things for content that we have today; audio description, captions, high contrast audio, high contrast display, MathML, long description,
<richardschwerdtfeger> printPageNumbers
RS: continues...., sign language, tagged PDF, timing control, transcript, unlocked,
JS: Breaktime for 1/2 an hour
RS: When do we want to deliver
RS: For the next version lets look at Reflow
AH: Lets do a plan and actions now a mini road map
RS: OK, Do you know if james is
here today?
... He is not in IRC
JS: I expect he will be here this afternoon
Katie: I just tried pinging James
JS: He may not be here
... Do we want to see if James agrees with our list or do we
just assign peices of this
AH: I think we should do the later
JS; He had been recently moved and changed positions
Joanie: How is the AT disclosure being indicated in the spec?
/ says everyone is searching the spc for Joanies question
JS: Lets divy up and start drafting text
RS: I have to cycles at the moment
JS: Reccomendation in the fall??
RS: If you can give me a couple of months I cam take the Action item to
<scribe> ACTION: Rich to draft accessibility preferences from the two for accessibilityFeature and accessibilityHazard, and accessibiltyAPI - based on today meeting [recorded in]
<trackbot> 'Rich' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., rschwer, rsimpson3).
<scribe> ACTION: rschwer to draft accessibility preferences from the two for accessibilityFeature and accessibilityHazard, and accessibiltyAPI - based on today meeting [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Draft accessibility preferences from the two for accessibilityfeature and accessibilityhazard, and accessibiltyapi - based on today meeting [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2014-11-03].
trackbot, status?
JC: I have an action item to build CSS isneeded for several prefereences
JS: The preferences should be wrtable that you can share across devices interoperable
RS: MS has put user profiles in the cloud so they are portablable across their platform
Joanie: typing echo use case?
JC: We have seperate - Google
Docs and pages for iCloud, they have to implement these apps as
self-voicing app at this point bc there is no API for it
... typing echo - It effects how the user types. There are two
implementation in Google Docs and pages for iCloud. Not
everybody has their typing echo set is consistant ways
... Google Doc uses the DOM and - anyway it is chunky - there
was never an intention of sharing this with just any
Joannie: Is it a possible an ARIA component could fullfill this need
JC: I think a JS API is the best
way to address this - ARIA does great things but not for
... Increment and Decrement and others...
RS: I prefer to not do anything device dependent at all for any of this kind of stuff
JC: Google has their own proposall. If we can make one API that works for everybody. I could just do an announce API
RS: I cannot submit any changes to the IndieUI actions - I need to change the date for my Action Item
JC: I have m2 topics I want to discuss
JC: There is this ability for authoring shorthand in CSS - myou can define custom media queries
<jcraig> @custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em);
<jcraig> @media (--narrow-window) {
<jcraig> /* narrow window styles */
<jcraig> }
JC: You can say my narrow window
media query matches my - it is basically a shorhand
... We could relate it to varioys user setting or style sheet
like aGPII setting
<jcraig> for example: GPII user style sheet:
<jcraig> @custom-media --gpii-transcript (screen);
<jcraig> @media (--gpii-transcript) { .transcript { display: block; } }
JC: This allowsa namespaced and propoerty - assign it to a media query screen. It is always going to
RS: It seems we have mediaqueries doing one thing and we are doing the same thing
JC: There is definitely
... The GPII could be implemented with custome media
<jcraig> window.matchMedia("--gpii-transcript");
JC: via matchmedia when the value
... as an implementation technique
AH: I though t it was what are we going to include in the User Context
JC: It is around what is
implemntatble in the major OSs at the current moment
... We have tactile graphic andtachtile graphic but dont know
if we should od thatow
JS: hat is for 2.0
RS: We want to determine for what is going to go into 1.0 to deliver in the spring
JC: Like full switch
... It seems that fullswitchcontrol would eb better implemented
as timeconstraightlenthened
JC; the UI isnt the limitation. Timing is the real limitation
JC: If the only way to move
something is a complex gesture
... If we could take the things thhan at are not OS checkboxes
- then we should talk about others
... We had the audio description/video desription - we
audio-described-video is what we have been using
JS: there are text files
AH: One reason for audio is also used to provide for performances
JC: The reason we audio-described-video becasue it doesnt include audio that does include video
JS: After lunch we will talk about Events and with Ben Peters from MS
JC: One of the features in
... Alot of the MathML WG are involved in a wikipedia' Chrome
and IE pulled out of MathML. But Firefox does and Apple
... You can interact with soem portion of it
... It is better for the screenreader users to mainuplate the
native MathML
... This is something that they wold be interested in...this
custom media feature may be one way to provide that
... First they have to determine if there is a need
... It highjacks the media queries to get the prefernces
<jcraig> So in the user style sheet: @custom-media --gpii-prefers-mathml (screen);
JC: you would have a user stylesheet, is there a GPII code for MathMl over images Rich?
RS: One sec I am pulling up all the GPII stuff
<jcraig> web author (for example: wikipedia) could do: @media (--gpii-prefers-mathml) { /* render mathml, not svg */ }
TK: customs media seems to be site specific preferences
AH: Will GPII be he only game in town?
JC: The custom media queries
would not be GPII specific, it is completely general
... It has ot been implemented yet
AH; The issue that concersn me is ow you get these things in and then how you ge t this stuff out
JC: They should not be
implemented as top level prefixes
... GPIIorka runs on device with a value - which makes it
JS: There needs to be a core set
JC: The core set the browser
should expose
... Audio descriptions would be one of those
RS: and things that can be programmatically determinable such as when using testing tools
JC: If you are using custiomisable media queries there is no additional security model - we could use that with user prompt
trackbot, status?
<scribe> Chair: Janina Sajka
RS: Let takes a look at the list for things for content that we have today; audio description, captions, high contrast audio, high contrast display, MathML, long description, printPageNumbers, sign language, tagged PDF, timing control, transcript, unlocked....
Rich to draft accessibility preferences from the three for accessibilityFeature and accessibilityHazard, and accessibiltyAPI - based on today meeting
RS: Looking at Safari's prefernece - we could easily add accessibility settings
JC: Not quite so easy
LC: The current recommendation is never to use flash components
JC: It is a setting that doesnt
actally make an changes on the system
... If that setting then disabled all aimations then that is a
... We have a reduced motions setting in iOS
RS: I went threw every preference that you have in iOS
AH; What about settings for external devices/things that you might plug-in
JC: A heart monitor is a good example, do you have any others
AH: I cant think of one off the top of my head
JS: Let go to lunch for an hour
<MarkS> scribe: MarkS
JS: Joanie, you have some questions about selector api
JC: You may want to send any
questions to the list
... computed role and computed label was a hot topic
JS: we're starting with content editable
JC: this is primarily about indie
ui events overlapping with ...
... we should leave this meeting to the overlap on those two
topics, editing, navigation events, dismiss, select next
... primary goal is to make sure whatever we decide doesn't
preclude them, and whatever they decide doesn't preclude
... If we want indie UI to succeed we have to frame it in the
context of mainstream
JS: I intend on the behalf of the group that it was never our intent to be accessibility, user context has a lot of accessibility specific stuff in it.
JC: user context isn't
necessarily accessibility specific. font stuff is just user
... I would probably phrase it in the context of accessibility
is a client of this
... CJK input methods often have a floating candidate window
that needs to know where the insertion point is, range of char
before and after, etc. a lot of other things that assistive
technologies are also clients of
JS: where I am coming from with
this is that we have an interest in continuing to participate,
especially in the results. Its not just accessibility work, but
that we had a finger in the development
... is this is going to get reconstituted under WebApps, we're
for that. we want to participate.
... they are interested in the events spec here.
... charters are expiring. this will be a bigger conversation
JC: I got the feeling that some
people were interested in events here, but that others were not
interested in expanding the scope of their work to include
... if we raise things int he context of a11y specific, some
people will plug their ears a bit. rather have an extensible
API that has more broad benefit
JS: when this gets to charter
review, it will be about deliverables. I think there is a lot
of good work there.
... maybe we want to raise user context along with events. the
user is prompted to share their location with the site whenever
they request that api. wouldn't want anything that could give
away some aspect of user privacy
JC: Should we plan an agenda for things we want to get through?
JS: our agenda is for an overview of how these pieces fit together moving forward. they will do a show and tell.
JC: invert colors is now
implemented in web kit
... i have a user stylesheet demo
... its implemented in CSS, not an indie UI solution, but CSS
display preferences
... if they use standard controls and enable high contrast,
safari will re-render those controls, but that might not work
for custom controls, so we put it in CSS
... we would like a general way to request a user specific
... potentially even whether or not a screen reader is
... opt-in or prompt basis.
KHS: do we want to bring up hazards at all?
JC: if we bring up hazards, there is no ui for ... closest thing we have is reduced motion
RS: we talked about putting those at risk. Could put it in the next release.
JC: we should aim for a general api for those
JD: a few weeks ago I was asked
to review the spec. If you read over the spec, it seems like a
FPWD. It seem so early in the process...
... apparently in the old days, there was support for multiple
non-contiguous ranges. Nobody is implementing it, the number of
ranges is only 1. Is it going to be deprecated? it may have
accessibility implications. In ATI and SPK2 we already support
non-contiguous ranges.
... now might me the time to let those platforms no.
... in the selection api there is support for multiple
non-contiguous ranges of selection.
... officially, the selection api spec leaves that support it
but says nobody is implementing it, so its limited to one
... if they're not going to deprecate, we need to know what the
chances are that it will be implemented so we can make it
JC: I thnk we have 3 topics for
today, events, user context and selection api. Its not
specifically related to Indie UI, but it is related to
... should we bring up computed roles and labels?
JD: right now the current
Selection API does not have any method for identifying
selectable or not selectable. before and after text do not
allow you to select that text. I as an assitive technology
might want to use that info
... CSS generated content, screen readers will read it. but
user agents do not allow you to select that text, it doesn't
come up in a find. We have a selection api that doesn't lety ou
know if its selectable or not
... if I have a case where a user needs to select that text,
the AT needs to know that certain text is selectable or
JC: is your UC limited to pseudo elements or also CSS selection.
JD: i think there should be a way
to programmatically determine if text is selectable or
... what happens if you start selection in a node that is full
selectable and end in a node that is fully selectable, but is
interrupted by a node that it is not selectable.
JC: what happens if you do something in a select range.
The IndieUI Working Group joined the Web Applications Working Group. See the selection, editing and user interactions topic in the WebApps minutes.
<jcraig> scribe: jcraig
JD: re: user intent
benefit is that AT will understand the "why" behind various a11y events
for example, on Twitter, unmodified "j" and "k" move to previous and next tweets in timeline
so expected behavior is that AT will move to and read
but the list of events Orca receives is:
<joanie> KEYBOARDEVENT: type=0 id=106 hw_code=44 modifiers=0 event_string=(j) keyval_name=(j) is_text=True timestamp=8151288 time=1414453229.184978 keyType=printable shouldEcho=False
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:delete:system vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:delete:system ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:children-changed:add:system vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:children-changed:add:system ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:insert:system vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:insert:system ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: ^^^^^
<joanie> vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused vvvvv
<joanie> ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused ^^^^^
<joanie> KEYBOARDEVENT: type=1 id=106 hw_code=44 modifiers=0 event_string=(j) keyval_name=(j) is_text=True timestamp=8151389 time=1414453229.305007 keyType=printable shouldEcho=False
through this user intent goal, one of the outcomes is that the AT can know 1) user intends to "move to next", and 2) the web app has consumed this intent and updated the view
cyns: higher level events about your data set increasing or decreasing
<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention CSS.customMedia.set() and to
<Ryladog> Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea
<Ryladog> JC: I think that the need for table and list for data providers is very valid. We could have the tweet list subscribe to this general API for this thing as a data provider - but when you need to request more views it is this
<Ryladog> it could also provide higher performance
<Ryladog> So there is a need for that. I and other shave brought that up as a problem for webassp to solve
<Ryladog> I dont think you would need that to have thT DATA PROVIDERS
<Ryladog> trackbot, status?
<Ryladog> CS I like the idea of the object as well
<Ryladog> JC: You can request that in the view, the DOM or the JS controller doesnt have that data. Maybe with a coming up soon while waiting for the server to deliver th content
<Ryladog> CS: Something similat to document on laod for the next chunk'
<Ryladog> JC: insert and image elementt
<Ryladog> CS: I asked for a chunk, ny chunk is here ow. The scenario we started with is a 100 page document and I am on page 3 and I want to scroll down
<Ryladog> CS: You have to watch that aria changing thing
<Ryladog> JC: So this would be some kind of a notificaion that a web app could render
<Ryladog> CS; Yes
<Ryladog> JC: We called it screenchangeevent
<Ryladog> JC: post a notification
<Ryladog> CS; To ake it intentional - so that you are writing scrpts about what the user is trying to do
<Ryladog> JC: Maybe e could do this with out the webapps having to figure out all of the problems which couldtake years
<Ryladog> JC: Maybbe the way O introduced this is wrong. I see that there is alot of push for the editing events. I do not see that there was a lt of interest in the non-editing componnents
<Ryladog> JC: So maybe there could be an ARIA something to get move focus to a node that already has a pointer to the DOM ode, value change. You get 50 or more ev
<Ryladog> JC: We can do thT IN THE CONTEXT OF aria
<Ryladog> Discussion of Cynthia's WAPA.....
<Ryladog> JC: the complaints that I have heard from developers I do not want to load the Accessibility stuff until I know that there is a AT accessing it - for various reasons including performance
<Ryladog> CS: It is not a property that you check
<Ryladog> JC: But it is waiting for something to trigger
<Ryladog> RS: I would rather that it pass it is a property
<Ryladog> CS: Are we comfortable with provacy for that
<Ryladog> RS: But I could be a running an accessibility test tool
<Ryladog> CS: AT makes a property value request
<Ryladog> CS: what is the role of this object that is currently selected - if it doesnt catch...
<Ryladog> JS: everyone agree that ARIA reflected
role and aria-* should be reflected attributes
accessibility notifications are also needed
<richardschwerdtfeger> RESOLUTION: Group agrees that WAI-ARIA reflected attributes are a good thing.
<Ryladog> CS: would like folks to review the Use Cases in the Web Accessibility Properties and Actions (WAPA) Explainer
<Ryladog> JS: Janina says Adjourned for today
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Featiure/Feature/ WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/hishis Succeeded: s/his/This/ Succeeded: s/jmaes/james/ Succeeded: s/ Succeeded: s/Site specific/customs media seems to be site specific preferences/ Succeeded: s/two/three/ Succeeded: s/taht/that/ Succeeded: s/computer/computed/ Found Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea Found Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea Found ScribeNick: Ryladog Found Scribe: MarkS Inferring ScribeNick: MarkS Found Scribe: jcraig Inferring ScribeNick: jcraig Found Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea Scribes: Katie Haritos-Shea, MarkS, jcraig ScribeNicks: Ryladog, MarkS, jcraig Default Present: Monterey, Andy_Heath, Ponderosa, JasonJGW Present: Andy_Heath JasonJGW Janina Cynthia James Rich Michael Katie Takeshi Joanie Found Date: 27 Oct 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: rich rschwer[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]