See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 28 August 2014
<scribe> scribe: allanj
RESOLUTION: Change the name of Implementing UAAG 2.0 to UAAG 2.0 Reference
close item 1
original change:
1.10.1 Access Related Information: The user can access information from explicitly-defined relationships in the content, including at least the following (Level AA):
* label for a control or image (e.g. HTML label element, figcaption and aria-labelledby attributes)
* caption for a table
* row and column labels for a table cell
discussion of 'control' in forms vs form control vs form fields
gl: change wording or add the parenthetical back in
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to add the (e.g. HTML label element, figcaption and aria-labelledby attributes) on 1.10.1 first bullet [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1025 - Add the (e.g. html label element, figcaption and aria-labelledby attributes) on 1.10.1 first bullet [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-09-04].
close item 2
user interface
For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the user interface includes both:
• user agent user interface: The controls (e.g. menus, buttons, prompts, native audio/video player controls, and other components for input and output) and mechanisms (e.g. selection and focus) provided by the user agent that are not created on the basis of the author-supplied content. The user agent user interface may include extensions that become part of the user agent user interface...
scribe: (e.g. toolbars, additional menus).
• content user interface: The user interface that emerges from the user agent rendering of the author-supplied content. It includes all rendered content (e.g. text, headings, enabled elements, disabled elements, author-supplied audio/video controls).
Note: There may be a mix of recognized and unrecognized user interface controls depending on the author-supplied content.
This document distinguishes user agent user interface and content user interface only where required for clarity.
user interface
The controls (e.g. menus, buttons, prompts, native audio/video player controls, and other components for input and output) and mechanisms (e.g. selection and focus) provided by the user agent that are not created on the basis of the author-supplied content. The user agent user interface may include extensions that become part of the user agent user interface (e.g. toolbars, additional menus).
user interface
The controls (e.g. menus, buttons, prompts, native audio/video player controls, and other components for input and output) and mechanisms (e.g. selection and focus) provided by the user agent that are not created on the basis of the author-supplied content. The user interface may include extensions that become part of the user agent user interface (e.g. toolbars, additional menus).
user interface
The controls (e.g. menus, buttons, prompts, native audio/video player controls, and other components for input and output) and mechanisms (e.g. selection and focus) provided by the user agent that are not created on the basis of the author-supplied content. The user interface may include extensions that become part of the user interface (e.g. toolbars, additional menus).
gl: ... should we put a note,
that 'user interface' is used only for the user agent user
interface and not anything created by the author.
... in content
js: written by the
author could write a User Agent such as a media player
... User Agent as noted in the conformance document....phrase
it so if you are looking at this as a browser it applies to the
browser, if a media player it refers to the media player
... because user agents can be nested, the term user interface
applies to the application seeking conformance
<Greg> "Note: In this document the term user interface is reserved only for controls and mechanisms of the user agent that is being considered for conformance. It does not include controls and mechanisms created by content or other user agents. For example..." (stuff about nested and hosting UA)
kp: use definition for user agent user interface, and refer to it in the document as UA user interface
js: sounds good to me
gl: can we just create an acronym
js: sure
<Greg> "considered for conformance" or "evaluated for conformance"?
ja: UI or UAUI? or UA user interface
js: keep existing User Agent User Interface and use UA user interface in the document
delete 'content user interface'?
use the following:
user agent user interface: The controls (e.g. menus, buttons, prompts, native audio/video player controls, and other components for input and output) and mechanisms (e.g. selection and focus) provided by the user agent that are not created on the basis of the author-supplied content. The user agent user interface may include extensions that become part of the user agent user interface (e.g....
scribe: toolbars, additional menus).
use the term UA user interface in the document to replace User Agent User Interface
delete: content user interface definition and its Note.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to revise definition user agent user interface [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1026 - Revise definition user agent user interface [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-09-04].
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to change user agent user interface to UA user interface in SC and GL to facilitate reading [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1027 - Change user agent user interface to ua user interface in sc and gl to facilitate reading [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-09-04].
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to delete definition of content user interface. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1028 - Delete definition of content user interface. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-09-04].
<scribe> ACTION: jim to fleshout note for conformance of nested UA user interfaces [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1029 - Fleshout note for conformance of nested ua user interfaces [on Jim Allan - due 2014-09-04].
close item 3
UAWG put non-desktop examples throughout Implementing UAAG and published a separate Note of Mobile Accessibility Examples from Implementing UAAG. UAWG chose to put most of their non-desktop examples in Implementing UAAG (a W3C Note), so it could be kept up to date without undermining the stability of UAAG success criteria. In addition, UAAG contains broad definitions of keyboard and a note...
scribe: under Principle 2 on
Modality independence which also includes references to Indie
UI. The term "keyboard" is not limited to physical keyboards,
or even the on-screen keyboards provided by the platform. In
our document the term also includes physical keyboards that can
be connected externally, third-party on-screen keyboards that
can add modifiers and navigation keys, and software...
... interfaces that can be used by assistive technology
software. UAWG has updated Conformance and success criteria to
improve the clarity that UAAG applies to mobile and many forms
of input and navigation.
gl: change Implementing UAAG to UAAG20 Reference
<Greg> Might change "In our document the term" to add a reference to the fact that the glossary makes this clear.
<Greg> E.g. "In our document the glossary clarifies that the term..."
<Greg> We could even go so far as to add a poke such as "If a platform cannot accommodate an on-screen keyboard or third-party software that provides navigation commands, that is a flaw which is likely to prevent compliance."
UAWG put non-desktop examples throughout UAAG20 Reference and published a separate Note of Mobile Accessibility Examples from Implementing UAAG. UAWG chose to put most of their non-desktop examples in Implementing UAAG (a W3C Note), so it could be kept up to date without undermining the stability of UAAG success criteria. In addition, UAAG contains broad definitions of keyboard and a note...
scribe: under Principle 2 on
Modality independence which also includes references to Indie
UI. In our document the glossary clarifies that the term
"keyboard" is not limited to physical keyboards, or even the
on-screen keyboards provided by the platform. In our document
the term also includes physical keyboards that can be connected
externally, third-party on-screen keyboards that can
... modifiers and navigation keys, and software interfaces that
can be used by assistive technology software. UAWG has updated
Conformance and success criteria to improve the clarity that
UAAG applies to mobile and many forms of input and
If a platform cannot accommodate an on-screen keyboard or third-party software that provides navigation commands, that is a flaw which is likely to prevent compliance.
<KimPatch> If a platform cannot accommodate an on-screen keyboard or third-party software that provides navigation commands, this is a flaw that is likely to prevent compliance.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to add "UAWG put non-desktop examples throughout UAAG20 Reference and published a separate Note of Mobile Accessibility Examples from Implementing UAAG. UAWG chose to put most of their non-desktop examples in Implementing UAAG (a W3C Note), so it could be kept up to date without undermining the stability of UAAG success criteria. In addition, UAAG contains broad definitions of... [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1030 - Add "uawg put non-desktop examples throughout uaag20 reference and published a separate note of mobile accessibility examples from implementing uaag. uawg chose to put most of their non-desktop examples in implementing uaag (a w3c note), so it could be kept up to date without undermining the stability of uaag success criteria. in addition, uaag contains broad definitions of... [on Jeanne F Spellman
<trackbot> ... - due 2014-09-04].
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: keyboard and a
note under Principle 2 on Modality independence that also
includes references to Indie UI. In our document the glossary
clarifies that the term "keyboard" is not limited to physical
keyboards, or even the on-screen keyboards provided by the
platform. In our document the term also includes physical
keyboards that can be connected externally, third-party
on-screen keyboards...
... that can add modifiers and navigation keys, and software
interfaces that can be used by assistive technology software.
UAWG has updated Conformance and success criteria to improve
the clarity that UAAG applies to mobile and many forms of input
and navigation. If a platform cannot accommodate an on-screen
keyboard or third-party software that provides navigation
commands, this is a flaw...
... that is likely to prevent compliance." to the Disposition
document for MS07
close item 4
close Action-1018
<trackbot> Closed Action-1018.
Close Action-1019
<trackbot> Closed Action-1019.
close item 5
proposed: While it is customary for authors to compress stylesheets and scripts to save load time, it would be highly beneficial if the user agent saved the stylesheets in a user understandable formatted manner to facilitate authoring by users.
<Greg> "in a format that facilitates reading and editing by users (e.g. without stripping out line breaks)"?
While it is customary for authors to compress stylesheets and scripts to save load time, it would be highly beneficial if the user agent saved the stylesheets in a format that facilitates reading and editing by users (e.g. without stripping out line breaks) to facilitate authoring by users.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to add "While it is customary for authors to compress stylesheets and scripts to save load time, it would be highly beneficial if the user agent saved the stylesheets in a format that facilitates reading and editing by users (e.g. without stripping out line breaks)." to the Reference document for 1.7.4 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1031 - Add "while it is customary for authors to compress stylesheets and scripts to save load time, it would be highly beneficial if the user agent saved the stylesheets in a format that facilitates reading and editing by users (e.g. without stripping out line breaks)." to the reference document for 1.7.4 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-09-04].
close Action-987
<trackbot> Closed Action-987.
RESOLUTION: Publish a draft of the guidelines document.
gl: wants a resolution to funding for F2F, as to who will actually attend.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: allanj Inferring ScribeNick: allanj Default Present: Jeanne, Jim_Allan, Kim_Patch, Greg_Lowney, [Microsoft] Present: Jeanne Jim_Allan Kim_Patch Greg_Lowney [Microsoft] Regrets: Jan Eric Found Date: 28 Aug 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne jim[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]