See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 06 August 2014
<janina> Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference
<scribe> scribe: jcraig
js: interaction time with Events TF in WebApps WG at TPAC. Maybe the full group.
<jasonjgw> James: obtaining support and comments from implementors, including WebKit developers within and outside WebKit accessibility.
jc: webkit ax already on
... but need mainstream features to ship at the same time as
our already-prototyped ax implementation
<scribe> scribe: jcraig
js: late notice with Ben and
other participants, try to regroup in two weeks
... Encourage the conversation that started with Ryosuke's
comments. Keep the conversation going.
... It's clear there is interest in the broader perspective, so
not just limited to editing
jc: haven't heard back from Hans. should ask someone else.
js: Jason Kiss may be another
... but his W3C time is full too
jc: uitrigger and other physical
events for dismissrequest would be a manageable polyfill
... e.g. esc key or click on cancel button
... that is the uitrigger
<jasonjgw> James: it should be possible to develop a basic prototype of dismissRequest in a day; a more robust prototype would take longer.
<jasonjgw> Janina suggests the "proof of concept" basic prototype as a starting point.
<jasonjgw> James proposes finding someone to write polyfill for Events "dismissrequest" before TPAC.
jc: in time to demo at tpac
James to demo concepts of User Context at TPAC
action-79: stub for uimanipulator included most recent working draft
<trackbot> Notes added to action-79 Explore @uitrigger or @uicontroller (e.g. allows continuous event control for slider thumbs; clickables for dismissrequest, etc.).
<jasonjgw> James: Action 79 can be closed - UI triggers/UIManipulator included in most recent workign draft.
close action-79
<trackbot> Closed action-79.
js: reconsideration of call time
jc: wait for jason's move and other's status changes and then discuss again
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/management/manageable/ Succeeded: s/someone to do it before /someone to write polyfill for Events "dismissrequest" before / Succeeded: s/webkit ax already/jc: webkit ax already/ Succeeded: s/but need mainstream/jc: but need mainstream/ Succeeded: s/e.g. esc key o/jc: e.g. esc key o/ Succeeded: s/that is the uitrigger/jc: that is the uitrigger/ Succeeded: s/in time to demo at tpac/jc: in time to demo at tpac/ Found Scribe: jcraig Inferring ScribeNick: jcraig Found Scribe: jcraig Inferring ScribeNick: jcraig Default Present: janina, jasonjgw, kurosawa, jcraig, Michael_Cooper Present: janina jasonjgw kurosawa jcraig Michael_Cooper Found Date: 06 Aug 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]