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W3C Workshop on the Web of Things

Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices

25–26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany


W3C gratefully acknowledges Siemens, for hosting this workshop.


Thanks also to support from the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n° 317862 - Compose. Compose

Important dates

10 May 2014:
Deadline for expressions of
interest or position papers
for possible presentation
(via email)

7 June 2014:
Program and position papers posted on the workshop website

13 June 2014:
Deadline for registration
(statement of interest required,
no participation fee)

25-26 June 2014:

Expressions of Interest and Position Papers

  • Tommy Håkansson, Beijer Electronics

    I am representing the company Beijer Electronics, that is developing and manufacturing control systems and HMI-panels for industrial automation. Our headoffice is in Sweden but we have offices and development all over the globe. When installed, our devices contain a lot of important production data that needs to be distributed, Therefore, we think it is very important for us to be part of this workshop, since the Web of Things will be essential for the future in Industrial Automation.

  • Holger Reinhardt, Layer 7 Technologies, a CA company

    I am responsible for Business Strategy and Emerging Technologies at Layer7 Technologies (now part of CA Technologies), the leading API Management Platform for SOA, REST and Mobile. My focus is on IoT, M2M and Big Data.

    I am maintaining an IoT blog and speak at various API and industry congresses, like the up coming http://apidays.io and http://nordicapis.com.

    We are looking at IoT as another step towards Service Oriented Architecture but at much larger scale and magnitude. Since the foundational element for SOA are APIs we are very keen to understand and influence the direction of future API design patterns as it pertains to IoT.

  • Lionel Médini, et al., LIRIS CNRS / IUT Lyon 1

    We thank you for your kind invitation to the workshop. Please find enclosed our position paper for the ASAWoO project. This is a 4-year research project that started on the 1st of January 2014 and funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR), in the context of the INFRA ANR program .

    The ASAWoO project has the objective to enhance appliance integration into the Web. Our project builds an architecture to provide users with understandable functionalities under the form of WoT applications, while enabling collaboration between heterogeneous physical objects, from the basic sensor to the complex robot.

  • Dave Conway-Jones, IBM UK Labs

    I'd like to propose this Expression of Interest for participation in the W3C Web of things workshop.

    Node-RED - a wiring tool for the Internet of Things

    The Web of Things is not a single choice of technology, approach or philosophy. Its very existence is the bringing together of multiple platforms, products and protocols, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

    One of the challenges of IoT is to make it as easy as possible to allow developers to make things, for play or profit, serious or whimsical, professional or hobbyist.

    Node-RED is an open-source visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things. Built on top of node.js, it provides a light-weight, browser-based editor that makes it easy to integrate different streams of both physical and digital events.

    It's novel approach, with instant deploy and run, allows users to get the job done faster, and the visual UI lets them easily rearrange how events interact, in a more intuitive and understandable manner.

    Its light-weight nature makes it ideal to run at the edge of the network, on devices such as the Raspberry Pi. And by making use of the huge module eco-system within node.js, it provides a framework for easily adding new nodes into its palette to extends its capabilities to take advantage of the web APIs offered by many devices and services.

    This 30-40 minute session would introduce Node-RED, discuss why we need new ways of programming, demonstrate what it can do, and how it can be easily extended."

    p.s. Node-RED is downloadable from GitHub - http://nodered.org

  • Jacek Chmielewski, Ubliko

    My company, Ubliko, is an SME with a strong academic background. We are focusing on cross-platform applications that interact with users via multiple end-devices. Our applications are based on Web standards and on our own cloud-based platform, which enables multi-device interactions and on-the-fly UI adaptation & distribution. Currently we are expanding our platform in two directions: 1 | supporting devices such as sensors (usually not involved in a 'traditional' application UI) and 2 | opening our platform for other developers. In both cases the adoption of standards and solutions related to the Web of Things could be highly beneficial. Therefore, we see the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things as a chance to interact with other organizations and developers working in this field and to gather knowledge and partners for our future developments.

  • Haythum A. Osman, SoftPlus Limited

    I would like to attend the event as we are a consultant/development firm on the IoT and M2M applications & services and will benefit from this workshop & the new ideas that we will share.

  • Amelie Gyrard, EURECOM - Mobile Communications Dept.

    My contribution is related to the semantic web best practices applied to Internet of Things to build the Semantic Web of Things and ease the domain knowledge interoperability.

    You can find enclosed two documents: Position paper
    and OneM2M Semantic Web best practices, OneM2M Working Group 5; Management, Abstraction and Semantics

  • Eric Kauz, Director Data Systems, GS1

    Attached please find a position paper for the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things for your consideration. I am interested in attending the workshop in Berlin and look forward to contributing our experience in the area of the Web of Things. If you have any further questions or require more detail in the position paper please let me know.

  • Richard Mark Soley, Industrial Internet Consortium and Object Management Group

    At the end of March 2014, AT&T, CISCO, General Electric, IBM and Intel formed http://www.iiconsortium.org/ (the IIC) with OMG managing the new consortium. The focus of the IIC is to promote the use of Industrial Internet approaches & technologies (Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine, Cyber-Physical Systems, etc.) to high-value, industrial systems -- in my terminology, the collision of the Internet Revolution with the Industrial Revolution. The IIC will develop and deliver use cases, testbeds built to test those use cases and finally priorities and requirements for standards organizations to address in their standards. Efforts will focus on industrial systems ranging from electrical generation & distribution, to jet engine performance monitoring and enhancement, to financial systems monitoring for systemic risk analysis, to medical device interoperability. So at the very least we are interested in Web of Things use cases and how they interact with the use cases that IIC and NIST are collecting.

    But there is a deeper, technical interest, and that is the ability of Webs of Things to self-organize and find new, disruptive opportunities based on automated discovery of services in a Web of Things. Having designed and built massively parallel systems in the 80's leading to my doctoral work on controlling parallelism in combinatorially explosive (primarily search) algorithms, I am personally interested in the scaling properties of a Web of Things and both manual and automatic generation of connected systems built on the Web of Things.

  • Thomas Scheerbarth, Deutsche Telekom

    I would like to announce my strong interest for participation in the WoT workshop 2014 in Berlin.

    We as Deutsche Telekom are very active in the field of M2M , IoT and Cypher physical systems . These activities have a high strategic impact for our business development - therefore we highly appreciate the initiative for getting attraction to start activities in W3C.

    We feel that W3C, which we actively support and where we have membership, can play an important role to make that topic business - wide successful by means of standardised ‘behaviour’, interfaces and protocols

    In that respect we would like to stimulate the discussion and take part in the first conference.

  • Thomas Amberg, Yaler.net

    As a software engineer and founder of Yaler.net I’ve been working in the field for quite a while. Yaler is a simple, open and scalable relay infrastructure enabling Web access to embedded devices behind a firewall, NAT or mobile network router. This solves a fundamental issue of the Web of Things in a pragmatic, secure, and manageable way. Current customers use Yaler for tele-medicine, configuration of sensor networks for environmental monitoring and integration of home-automation with 3rd party cloud services.

    Further, as an organiser of the IoT Zürich Meetup (440 members) and a regular at the MechArtLab hackerspace and FabLab Zürich, I could provide some insight on how the emerging DIY / Maker movement and new hardware startups build on an open IoT / Web of Things.

    Please let me know if participation is an option, so I can arrange travel as soon as possible.

    If our solution of the "firewall issue" is worth discussion I’m also very happy to provide a position paper.

  • Kemal A. Delic, HP

    Resilience of IoT Systems

    Attached here, please find position statement describing my interest to participate in this event. I would appreciate if you could please confirm acceptance/rejection, so that I can arrange my June schedule timely.

  • Mingqiu Sun, Intel

    I would like to express my strong interest in participating in this year’s W3C Workshop on the Web of Things in Berlin, Germany. As the embedded managed runtime architect and principal engineer in the Software and Services Group at Intel, I am responsible for setting the direction for our managed runtime products targeting the Internet of Thing devices and services. I have a keen interest in all aspects of runtime systems such as programming model and languages, communication middleware, security, trust and privacy, etc. With multiple competing initiatives and specifications emerging from companies and industry alliances, it is important that standard organizations such as W3C take the leadership role, and help drive our industry to converge to a common inter-operable framework in order to unlock the true potential of Internet of Things. I am willing to participate in the W3C workshop and start helping drive this vision.

  • Romain Bellessort, Canon Research France

    As a device manufacturer, Canon is strongly interested in the Web of Things. Currently, many Canon devices take advantage of Web connectivity, typically for exchanging data. Further advantages could be obtained, especially by enabling web apps to use and/or provide network services. In this context, Canon has been following Network Service Discovery (NSD) API activity and has provided some feedback to contribute to its progress; recently, Canon also made publicly available an implementation of NSD API for WebKit. In addition, Canon has been working in EXI WG for several years and believes EXI is an appropriate format for reaching WoT nodes with limited capabilities. By participating to this workshop, we hope that we can contribute to further extend the integration of devices in the Web and build a broader view of WoT technologies and issues.

  • Yusuke DOI, Toshiba

    I'd like to discuss on handling of data, format, and standards for WoT in industry. Infrastructure and durable goods should have longer lifecycle than many other things and the Web. At the same time, we cannot renew infrastructures and durable goods as often as we renew our smartphones or PCs. Thus, we need to make Things resilient for future evolution of the Web, to make industrial/infrastructure WoT. One topic I'd like to provide is schema-informed data format definition applicable for embedded devices communication.

    Here is our position paper

  • Charles Silver, Algebraix Data Corp

    My company Algebraix Data Corp, a W3C member , has built a fundamental, mathematics based platform for all data. We are applying our platform to build the first super high performance triple store, but can handle data in any format. Our vision is to become a platform for the developing Internet of Things.

  • Don Arnstein, MITRE Corp

    I am interested in participating in W3C Workshop on the Web of Things Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices 25–26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany.

  • Stefan Lüder et al., Siemens

    Please find attached our position paper for the "W3C Workshop on the Web of Things". Here is a shorter version of the paper.

    Title: "Leveraging the Web Platform for the Web of Things"
    Authors: Erik Wilde, Florian Michahelles, Stefan Lüder

    Abstract: Web Architecture provides a general-purpose way of establishing an interlinked network of resources, which are interacted with through the exchange of representations of their state. We argue that the "Web of Things" fits well into this general framework, and thus should be built firmly on the foundation provided by Web Architecture. We also argue that in order to allow an evolutionary path towards a "Web of Things", it is important to take small and incremental steps towards the final goal, instead of trying to establish a grand "Web of Things Architecture" in one monolithic step. One interesting first step could be to focus on Activity Streams as one way how streams of resource updates can be represented in a uniform, extensible, and machine-readable way.

  • Mathias Herberts, Cityzen Data

    I'm Mathias Herberts, cofounder and CTO of Cityzen Data, here is our expression of interest for participating in the WoT workshop to be held in Berlin on june 25-26.

    Initially born from the needs of the Smart Sensing consortium to collect, store and analyze data coming from sensors embedded in smart fabric, Cityzen Data built and now operates a platform for managing sensor data. Beyond the initial focus on smart fabric, our platform is used in multiple verticals among which Smart Cities, transportation, industrial and IT monitoring and connected objects which collectively form the Internet of Things. Our vision is to provide a data hub where objects owners wll be able to gather their data and make them available to third party applications. This vision makes it important for us to use open standards for communications and to stay informed and participate in any interoperability/standardization efforts, these are the reasons why we are very interested in participating in this WoT workshop.

  • Ricardo Morin, Intel

    Attached please find our position paper “Programming Device Ensembles in the Web of Things” for your consideration. We are very excited about the workshop and are looking forward to contribute to this important event.

  • Jonathan Ding, Intel

    I’m currently the Principal Engineer and Chief Architect of Web Technology and Optimization org of Intel. My interests in the past include performance and power of HTML5 & JavaScript applications, WebRTC, specs of W3C Web Performance WG, new programming models in asynchronous and remote environment etc.

    Web of Things covers a broad area of problem statements related to runtime, program language & model, services, data, security, and devices etc. Even though some of these topics might be touched and studied in other domains as well, it is really a brand new series of challenges by examining them from Web Platform point of view in IoT space. As a result, a lot of new innovations are emerging which open a lot of opportunities for business, along with a lot of potential for standardizing towards a basis for better interoperability. Due to my technical background, I’m in particularly interested in engaging with the sub-domains that would facilitate the JavaScript developers to implement IoT applications / services, based on standard-compliant Web technologies and APIs. Existing Web APIs / protocols are essential but not enough. Compared with nowadays mobile internet, where normally a browser is in place to normalize pretty much of typical usage cases, it is much more complex for WoT developers to describe and operate (both control flow and data flow) inside a heterogeneous and asynchronous “IoT platform”. The deployment of the application / service isn’t elegant B/S model either, because IoT is normally layered into devices / sensors (a few or many), edge, remote cloud and remote terminals. The discussions, proposals and conclusions from this workshop would greatly help shape the directions of these two topics, therefore benefit WoT developers in the future by presenting them with a set of clear programmable abstract objects that the industry is aligned to move on with reduced ambiguity.

    Put in short, according to my interests and experience, I’m eager to have a chance to join this workshop to share my views and contribute to standards opportunities in WoT. You consideration of my participation is greatly appreciated!

  • Satoru Takagi, KDDI

    We would like to participate in this conference. But, not me, somebody of the staff of KDDI will participate. The following is our simplified expression of interest for this activity.

    We are interested in the standard establishment that practical use is possible within about three years, rather than long-term academic things. Furthermore, we also expect the gradual standard establishment based on the standards that has been already well known and used widely.

    Therefore, the requirements of the standard will be as follows.

    • It should have good affinity with HTML5.x and the neighboring standards.
    • It should have good affinity with CommonJS.
  • Arnaud Braud, Orange

    IoT is a major subject for operators as it impacts both their business models and their infrastructure. Another issue for operators is that web technologies tend to act completely ignoring the underlying networks.

    For a new technology such as the web of things where scalability and security are going to be major issues we believe it is no longer the best strategy to act "on top of the network" and that "web of things" authors should find a way to interact with the networks they create services on.

    Some potential topics are the following:

    • Network requirements, impacts and potential interactions with the application layer
      • Overlap between real-time communications technologies such as WebRTC and Web Real-time Back-ends with the Web of Things
    • What are the needs for naming routing and addressing schemes?
    • Relevance of operators in providing security/trust/privacy to the Web of Things
    • Relevance of operators in providing managed carrier-grade Cloud services, similar to NFV, to the Web of Things
    • What are the key partnerships between vendors, operators and application developers?

    Here is my position paper.

  • Shigeru Owada, Sony CSL

    This is Shigeru Owada from Sony Computer Science Labs, Inc. We would like to attend your Berlin meeting. Attached please find the document showing our interest and project.

  • Jon Nordby and Henri Bergius, Flowhub

    Henri and I are two of the main developers of Flowhub[1], a flow-based programming IDE that enables programmers to make programs in a visual way using nodes and graphs. The IDE communicates with a runtime using a well-defined protocol[2], allowing to integrate both general-purpose and domain-specific targets, and to communicate between them. Runtimes exist for Javascript on node.js and browser[2] and microcontrollers[4], as well as desktop[5] and image processing[6].

    We believe this is a very powerful programming model for complex heterogenous systems; systems that span from sensors and actuators, to data-aggregation and domain-specific data-analysis, to web-based and mobile user interfaces; and we expect such interconnections to be the defining aspect of the Web of Things. We would like to come to the workshop to hear and share experiences developing systems that bridge the physical and virtual world; and to help build an interoperable web of things based on open standards.


    1. http://flowhub.io/
    2. http://noflojs.org/documentation/protocol/
    3. http://noflojs.org/
    4. https://github.com/jonnor/microflo
    5. https://github.com/djdeath/noflo-clutter
    6. https://github.com/jonnor/imgflo
  • Josiane Xavier Parreira, INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway

    Here is my position paper. The workshop will be a great opportunity to discuss with fellow researchers in the areas about the potential of open standards, like RDF/SPARQL, for Web of Things applications.

  • Cuno Pfister, Oberon microsystems AG

    I am interested in attending the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things in Berlin this summer. Over the last twenty years, I have been involved in various Internet of Things applications and infrastructure projects: from a hydro-power plant monitoring system with thousands of sensors to a teleaudiology project, from the design and implementation of a hard real-time Java operating system to the contribution of an open source port of the .NET Micro Framework to Cortex-M microcontrollers. For the maker market, I have written the O’Reilly book Getting Started with the Internet of Things, which actually focuses on the Web of Things. A current special interest is the integration of the Bluetooth Low Energy service architecture into the Web.

  • Masaki Umejima, Smart House and Building Committee, Japan Smart Community Alliance

    I am Masaki Umejima, Deputy Chair of Smart House and Building Committee in Japan Smart Community Alliance. On behalf of authers, I attached my position paper for making discussion at WOT meeting in Berlin. Thanks

  • Andreas Harth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

    I am interested in participating in the WOT workshop. Please find attached my position paper on Scripting Problem-solving Agents in Decentralised Smart Grids.

  • Dong-Young Lee, LG Electronics

    As a device vendor, we are deeply interested in the Internet of things and web of things. In our view, the key objective of web of things is making sure that web services and applications can easily access and utilize “things,” to enhance the value of devices running a browser or web platform as well as that of the “things.” On the “things” side, it is challenging to identify technologies that are simple and lightweight as well as web-friendly. Also on the browser side, there may be missing features that would enable or facilitate interactions with “things.” Participating in the workshop, we hope to get insights on these questions.

  • Marko Vujasinovic, INNOVA S.p.A.

    Please find attached a position paper for the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices. The position paper is on the topic of WoT Open Markets, and sees/discusses Trust as an important enabler.

  • Markus Isomäki, Nokia (co-written with Teemu Savolainen and Art Barstow)

    Here is our input paper to the workshop titled “On interworking between rapidly evolving Internetof Things and Open Web Platform”. It discusses how browsers and Web applications could interact with smart objects, especially constrained ones, which may not be able to run and use mainstream Web protocols such as HTTP, Websockets, TLS or even TCP and IP.

  • Monika Solanki, Operations and Information Management Group, Aston Business School, Aston University

    Here is our position paper on Enabling Self Organising Logistics on the Web of Things. It outlines a standards based approach to enabling self organising logistics on the Web of Things by exploiting the technological framework of a Multi Agent System (MAS). Logistics items(containers and carriers of goods) tagged with RFID transmitters communicate with the MAS by transmitting data as events. The specification of event data is based on EPCIS a GS1 standard for 1 an event oriented representation of the location and state of material as it moves between organisational boundaries. Communication between software agents is facilitated via a data pipeline. Implementation of the pipeline is proposed using Semantic Web standards and linked data technologies which are key enablers of interoperable systems on the Web of Things.

  • Kensaku Komatsu, NTT

    I attached my position paper for the workshop ( technically, my interest is NSD api ). I'd be happy if you have an interest with my proposal.

  • Carlos A Velasco, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT

    We would like to attend and present a position paper to the workshop. The topic of our paper is "tools for the web of things and its accessibility changes".

    Unfortunately, due to some previous engagements this week, we were not able to put together the paper before today. We would like to know whether it will be possible to obtain an extension until the end of next week.

  • Benoit Herard, Orange

    My name is Benoit HERARD and I'm working in Orange Labs in France. Our current project is focused on connected Object and IoT for AMEA . In this project, we are developing a toolbox solution to be able to quickly set up connected objects and IoT and make POCs.

    It's for us a way to increase the maturity level of:

    • ideas of objects,
    • technical solutions and issues for connected objects,
    • what the IoT could be

    by manipulating and trying solutions in real life (and thus, not only for AMEA). It's also a way to think about was could be ant not be with IoT. This solution is called sensoNet.

    Please find as attached document a proposal of position paper about it. I would be happy to share this with others actors of IoT and to participate to this workshop.

  • Marcello Missiroli, Department of Engineering, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia.

    Please find attached my position paper on privacy-conscious Internet of Things.

  • Sharad Garg, Intel

    Attached is my position paper titled: Application, Challenges and Issues Related to Web of Things in Education.

  • Vagner Diniz, W3C Brazil Office

    Our names are Vagner Diniz, head of W3C Brazil Office, and Yasodara Cordova, Web Developer Relations at W3C Brazil Office. This is our expression of interest in attending the WoT Workshop. Our Organization is interested in realizing use cases for the Web of Things. We are currently designing a project on real-time garbage tracking. We aim to track the selective waste collection since it is disposed till its final destination. On-line real-time monitoring will show how much eco-sustainable is the collection and will provide information for social control of garbage routes within the city. The project is based on the use of sensors to collect data and on the web as a platform to share, combine and visualize data. Sensors will be placed inside the waste bags. It may be connected to satellites or 3G networks.

    Some challenges we should face to have a feasable design: how to encapsulate sensors in order to make it robust and impact-proof? what communication technology offers the best cost-benefit to collect data: satellite or 3G or any other?

    The WoT workshop will give us the ooportunity to exchange ideas and get insights to move forward the use case.

  • Robin Berjon, W3C

    As someone very much interested in the development of Web standards I would very much like to attend this workshop in order to get a better feel for this fascinating field, and exchange with domain experts to see what we can improve on the Web platform to enable the WoT.

  • Pablo Chacin, SenseFields

    'm the CTO of Sensefields, a company that develops solutions for Intelligent Transport Systems based on wireless sensors. In our roadmap, we have as a high priority move towards an open standards-based solution for managing the interconnection o large-scale deployments. In that sense, we are actively researching on the application or 6lowpan and COAP in real case scenarios.

    Our interest in not only learning about the technologies but also about the practical aspects and actual usage experiences. We are also very interested in having a first-hand impression of the future of this standards and the expectations of adoption in the industry.

    From our side, we can contribute with our usage scenarios from our experience in large scale deployments of connected sensors and also are willing to contribute with the future development of the standards, as an strategic element of our company.

  • Bernard Gidon, W3C

    As part of W3C, I am interested by the Web of Things concept as part of the Web everywhere for everyone. I see a lot of value to have the Web as the services umbrella on top of the Internet of Things world with standards that will help the industry to have the right basis to develop this market.

    As a business development person, I am supporting the W3C initiative to be the place where the industry will be able to develop this basis for development, interoperability and standardization requested by the market. Let's have a successful workshop

  • Gregor Schiele, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway

    I'd like to express my interest in participating in the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things, 25–26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany.

    I am currently working at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUIG, Ireland as a research fellow and lecturer. I am also the project manager of the FP7 project VITAL. One of my major research interests is the programmable physical world, possibly in combination with a back-end virtual world that reflects the physical world and provides a runtime environment for virtual artefacts and agents representing physical entities.

    We are also developing approaches to manipulate the physical world using web standards (i.e. in addition to receiving state updates from sensors we enable to configure sensors and send commands to actuators via linked data technologies). Finally I am cooperating with the Eclipse Ponte project to ease the development of web-based cyber-physical applications that access embedded sensors and actuators using different protocols (HTTP, CoAP, MQTT).

  • Pedro Reboredo and Bartosz Korajda, Bosch Rexroth AG

    we’d be highly interested in participating at the Workshop on the Web of Things, 25–26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany. Please find our Expression of Interest. We are looking forward to your positive reply.

    Bosch Rexroth is the world leader in the drive, motion and control technologies that power today’s most advanced manufacturing systems. We combine a passion for solving your complex engineering challenges with unmatched applications expertise across a broad range of industries and automation systems. Our proven machine and complete line automation products equip you to build and operate manufacturing platforms engineered to the highest levels of energy efficiency, productivity, flexibility and long-term value.

    In general, connectivity of machinery components and devices plays more and more a major role for different industrial applications. The Web of Things turn out to be very promising and beneficial paradigm to achieve throughout transparency and create added value services out of this connectivity. Meanwhile the abilities of self-configuration and cloud-based execution will become more important.

  • Claes Nilsson, Sony

    I am representing Sony and I am a member of the program committee of this workshop. Sony has a clear strategy towards web technology, where technology for “Internet of Things” is a fundamental building block for the Sony eco-system of devices and services. I envision a future where everyday devices and services are fully integrated with the web. A future where it is possible for web applications to simply and a securely find and interact with devices, objects and services located “anywhere”. In making this vision possible we should strive to use existing web standards and identify the gaps that need to be filled with new standards.

  • Laurent Tonnelier, mobiLead

    As a GS1 partner, member of AFNOR involved in ISO specification, the “W3C Workshop on the Web of Things” is a great place to be. I may submit a paper by the 10th May 2014.

  • Natasha Rooney, GSMA

    My colleague Istvan Lajtos will be the one to attend (this is just because of my move to Tokyo!), he knows a lot about the connected living programme here and works with the team frequently. He is also my co-chair for our GSMA web group. Istvan may bring someone from our Connected Living team (possibly not a technologist but a product or project manager) but we are still working out the details.

    The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Spanning more than 220 countries, the GSMA unites nearly 800 of the world’s mobile operators with 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem. Collaboratively with our members the GSMA runs and manages the “Connected Living” programme.

    Mobile networks are being used to connect all sorts of devices; automated reading of utility meters, intelligent connectivity of cars and commercial vehicles to enable drivers to access navigation, infotainment or breakdown services, traffic lights, home security and assisted living. The number of mobile connected devices is expected to increase by 100 per cent to nearly 12 billion by 2020. This is resulting in a huge new market opportunity, predominantly in the machine to machine (M2M) and consumer electronics sectors.

    The GSMA is supporting the growth in Internet of Things devices by working with its members to [1] improve the mobile network capacity [2] enable devices to connect to mobile networks seamlessly (evolution of the SIM) and [3] encourage the adoption of connected devices through the health sector, education and cities.

    The GSMA would like to deliver a position paper and attend the Workshop on the Web of things to both discuss its findings and current programmes with the web community, as well as discover ways in which the web can be part of the internet of things ecosystem in the vertical sectors and working with the operator network.

  • Saumitra Mukherjee, Professor of Geology Remote sensing and Space Sciences School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University

    I am interested to participate in the workshop including submission of paper.

  • Erik Albers, Free Software Foundation Europe

    I am a representative of the Free Software Foundation Europe, a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to the furthering of Free Software and Open Standards - online and offline. In addition, I am engaged in a project that aims at establishing a label system for hardware that is connected to the Internet of Things, including advanced consumer information. The label-system is consumer orientated, but at the same time it can help people to find trust in the IoT and its upcoming markets. I am especially interested in the workshop about "Security, Trust and Privacy".

  • Harry Halpin, W3C

    I'd like to understand how IoT could work (or not) with WebCrypto's future work in authentication. In particular:

    • Do we need devices to authenticate?
    • How do they do it now?
    • Does IoT use ECC to authenticate (I'm assuming there's a preference for ECC)?
    • Is there any connection between the WebCrypto's v.Next scoping/rechartering and whatever work comes out of Web of Things?
  • Kia Teymourian, Institut fuer Informatik, Freie Universitaet Berlin

    I am highly interested to participate to the "W3C Workshop on the Web of Things" in Berlin.

  • Chakib Bekara, Researcher in Computer Science, Network, Security and Multimedia Team, TELECOM Research Division, Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, Baba Hassen

    I am involved on a recently started research project untitled "Security Architecture for the Internet of Things: The Energy-Aware Smart Home Use Case". The project has two-fold objectives to:

    • Propose a security architecture for The IoT in general, with a focus on the Energy-Aware Smart Home (the back-end part of the Smart Grid)
    • Use the Web of Thing Paradigm based on open and interoperable standards (HTTP, CoAP, etc.) at the application layer to support/propose valuable services in the context of Energy Aware Smart Homes, amongst the different stockholders (smart meter, smart appliances, energy-management systems, electric vehicles, end-users, etc.). Services could be: secure plug-and-play devices integration on the Energy-awre smart home, secure service/resource discovery, secure service invocation (turn on/off a smart appliance, charge an electric-vehicle, etc.), distributed application logic development, etc.

    The topics of the workshop are highly tied to my research project, especially topics 3, 4 and 5. In addition, this 1st workshop organized by W3C is a unique opportunity for me to attend to world-class speakers, in addition to meet other researchers around the world working on the fields of IoT and WoT.

    For all these reasons, I wonder if it is possible to accept my request of expression of interest to attend and participate in the workshop.

  • Youngsun Ryu, Samsung Electronics

    Here is Samsung's position paper for the workshop.

    Samsung is the global leading CE company producing Smart phones, Wearable devices, Smart TVs, PCs, printers and home appliances. Samsung also provides the electronic components and the various services. Samsung has deep interest on the Internet of Things (IoT), because it can tie our all product and services. Recently, Samsung announced the SHP (Smart Home Protocol) which enabling the connection between devices. You can connect and control the washing machine, air-conditioner, vacuum cleaner and light by the smart phone outside. Because the SHP is connected to the cloud and based on the open platform, it can be applied various network. We believe this is one of advance on the IoT industry.

  • Alejandro Llaves, Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Please, find attached our submission for the workshop: "Towards Efficient Processing of RDF Data Streams"

    In the last years, there has been an increase in the amount of real-time data generated. Sensors attached to things are transforming how we interact with our environment. Extracting meaningful informa- tion from these streams of data is essential for some application areas and requires processing systems that scale to varying conditions in data sources, complex queries, and system failures. This paper describes on- going research on the development of a scalable RDF streaming engine.

  • Phil Archer, W3C Data Activity Lead

    My position paper for the WoT workshop: Building the Web of Data

    The rise and success of the open data movement has lead to many countries, regions and cities publishing their data through portals: data.gov, data.gov.uk, dados.gov.br etc. Scientific research and cultural heritage are among other areas where data is made increasingly available for reuse by others (e.g. dnadigest.org, europeana.eu) . The use of the Web as a data sharing platform by commerce is a little way behind this: manufacturers do not (yet) routinely publish their product data although exciting work at GS1, the standards body behind product bar codes and more, has the potential to change that. The Web of Things has the potential to radically change the way people think about data on the Web and to increase both its volume and variety.

  • Oliver Pfaff, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Research & Technology Center

    I would like to submit a paper for the forthcoming workshop in Berlin. Please find this submission in the attached pdf file: Authentication for the Web of Things

    Authentication is a generic need. It appears in ubiquitous manner whenever valuable resources are at stake. This is axiomatic and also holds for the Web of Things (short: WoT). This text examines authentication for WoT by considering functional roles in authentication systems and resulting patterns.

  • Christian Prehofer & Luca Chiarabini, fortiss GmbH

    In this paper (From IoT Mashups to Model-based IoT), we consider tools and methodologies for the development of application for the Internet of things. We compare tools for application mashup with approaches for model-based development. For this, we show an example and then identify several key differences. Based on these, we discuss how both approaches can benefit from each other. For instance, model-based approaches have more expressiveness to model different views and behavior and then to generate code from models for different platforms.

  • Angelo Corsaro, CTO PrismTech and OMG Architectural Board, OMG DDS SIG Co-Chair

    Please find attached my submission (DDS: Ubiquitous Data Sharing for the Web of Things) to the WOT Workshop.

  • Roger Menday, Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, London

    Please find attached a contribution (The Linked Data Platform to Address, Describe and Interact with Things) for consideration for the Berlin WoT workshop.

  • Charles Eckel, Cisco Systems

    I would like to officially express my interest in the W3C Web of Things workshop. I have attached a position paper (Application Enabled Open Networking -- AEON) on identification and treatment of application flows. It describes the importance of these capabilities to application providers and network operators, the challenges with existing mechanisms and practices in the face of emerging application usages, and a proposed solution.

    The paper speaks to the following workshop topics: domain challenges; security, trust, and privacy; and scalability. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to attend the workshop, and I would be happy to present my paper if deemed appropriate by you, the Workshop Program Committee.

  • Mme Kheira Bekara, Equipe Réseaux et Systèmes d’Information, Division Architecture Systèmes et Multimédia, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées (CDTA)

    Our paper for the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things / services for an open Web of Devices -- Our vision of services for open Web devices.

  • B. Helena Rodriguez, Shopedia SAS

    In attachment (The WoT for the Fashion Shopping Apps) the Expression of interest for our participation on the Web of Things Workshop. Shopedia SAS concentrates on the R&D of prospective web technologies. Focused on Signal Processing, Semantic Technologies and Fashion electronics, two of the key topics we focus on in our R&D activities are the user experience and wearable use cases.

  • Redouane Boumghar, Co-Founder Dacteev, Intelligent Embedded Systems and Robotics

    You'll find attached to this email our expression of interest (Open Standards for connected objects and services interoperability) to participate in the workshop for web of things (25–26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany)

    We provide marketing services and aim at understanding the needs and the uses of connected objects and all the services around.

    The freedom in the use of connected objects comes through a great interoperability between objects and services. This interoperability must be thought wisely. The W3C plays a ground role in gathering the different actors to think and build the open standards of the internet of things. The Open Web Platform already contains a lot of web technologies that now needs to be put in game for the internet of things. Our interest in the W3C Web of Things is to participate in the set-up of use cases for the Web of Things in order to eliminate the number of inconsistency between standards and their use in everyday life and also raise missing needed interactions. The role of standards for the web of things and their impacts on ambient intelligence and on users' privacy are also topics that matter to us. We believe the success of the web of things will come from the fulfillment of end-users' needs along with their acceptance.

  • Pete Rai, Technical Leader, Cisco – SPVSS

    Please find attached my position paper for the upcoming W3C Workshop on the Web of Things: Webs of Belief and Chains of Trust -- Semantics and Agency in a World of Connected Things. The goal of this paper is to shift the debate away from simple vocabulary standardisation and more towards underlying models of belief in the data, and trust in the actions.

  • Milan Milenkovic, Intel Corporation, Internet of Things Group

    Please find attached my position paper (Towards a Case for Interoperable Sensor Data and Meta-data Formats, Naming and Taxonomy/Ontology).

    While much attention in the Internet of things/web of things (IoT/WoT) community has been focused on designing sensing systems for dedicated infrastructure or for network of standalone sensors, enabling sensing capability that spans across domains and across devices has not been seriously addressed to date. The challenge for the community is to devise standards and practices that enable integration of data from sensors across devices, users, and domains to enable new types of applications and services that facilitate much more comprehensive understanding and analyses of the world around us and ultimately improve the quality of life.

    Useful elaborations of such systems can provide significant new business opportunities for services, big data, and analytics. In order to fulfil that promise, IoT/WoT systems need to be designed to support some level of processing commonality by defining interoperable sensor data and meta-data formats, naming, taxonomy and possibly ontology. This paper sketches some use cases that motivates this need and outlines the initial requirements.

  • Kosuke Nagano, ACCESS company

    We'd like to post our position paper for Web of Things Workshop at Berlin. ACCESS has provided the softwares, connecting the consumer electronics devices to the internet. To connect each device, dynamically, extensibly and safety, we needs standard specifications. W3C has contributed to the expansion of the internet, then all devices can collaborate and provide more efficient solutions for Smart home, Smart Grid, Vehicle, Building Automation and Industrials.

    The IoT and WoT are natural and important next steps for Web. However, they are not openly penetrated with the specific W3C web standards yet, because the connected device world is quite young. We are expecting initiative of Web of Things activities by W3C.

  • Tariq Samad, Corporate Fellow, Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions, President, American Automatic Control Council, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Press

    See position paper on The Web of Things and Cyberphysical Systems: Closing the Loop

  • Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa EVRYTHNG Ltd, UK and Co-founders @ Webofthings.org

    Here is our expression of interest for the WoT W3C workshop, shall you consider this relevant, we'll look very much forward to joining the workshop! As a side-note we worked on the dissemination of the workshop and are looking forward to report about it on webofthings.org.

    As early researchers of the Web of Things concepts (Towards Physical Mashups in the Web of Things -- 2009), from 2007 onward we've been promoting the use of Web standards to connect real-world devices and services either through the Web of Things community blog, through the International Workshops on the Web of Things or through the publication of research and white papers focusing on simple Web-inspired integration blueprints and patterns (From the Internet of Things to the Web of Things: Resource Oriented Architecture and Best Practices -- 2011 or A Web of Things Application Architecture -- Integrating the Real-World into the Web -- 2011, and Building Blocks for a Participatory Web of Things: Devices, Infrastructures, and Programming Frameworks -- 2011).

    We then co-founded EVRYTHNG, a Web of Things software company who's mission is to connect all products and things to the Web. EVRYTHNG is dedicated to give every object a Web API through a platform that serves as a global proxy and a set of target platforms tools.

    Besides sharing insights from several years of research and commercial experience in the Web of Things, our contribution to the workshop will be the presentation of Web of Things Friendly label. The idea of the WoT label is not to become a standard but a set of simple guidelines. The main goal of these guidelines is to ensure that new or existing IoT devices and services are designed with interoperability at the Web level in mind.

    Cutting short years of (slightly unfruitful) discussions to find a single holy-grail IoT standard, the Web of Things’ simple goal, we believe, should be about promoting the use of existing Web standards for building an interoperable and human-friendly Internet of Things. In a nutshell it says: at a minimum, smart devices and services should support Internet protocols for networking, Web protocols and languages for data and applications, no less, no more.

    The idea is that a smart device or smart service will be allowed to be labeled as “WoT friendly” if it respects a number of simple guidelines that we will propose and discuss at the workshop. A WoT friendly smart device will then be called a WoT Device, a WoT friendly cloud service, a WoT Service.

    Our proposal is that WoT Devices and WoT Services devices and services should not solely use Internet and Web standards at all levels. Actually, for many use-cases this does not make sense. What it simply means is that they must at least offer, at some level, access to their data and functionality through Web standards with underlying Internet connectivity. Access can be provided either natively, via a Gateway or via an open cloud service.

    Our idea is to present our vision of the WoT label both in theoretical and practical terms (with demonstrators) and confront it with the rest of the audience to improve it and make it a community label rather than the sole decision of a small group of people.

  • Nick Allott, UbiApps and webinos foundation

    Background: this submission paper has been prepared on the back of work undertaken within the webinos project. In this project a number of parties (including Samsung, Sony Ericsson W3C, Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, BMW, Fraunhoffer DOCOMO) collaborated on an a web framework for cross device communications, where Internet of Things devices were one of the device connected.

    This platform was/is implement on open source accessible code and specifications exist for all the external interfaces required for interoperability.

    Over 20 different have been adapted to this framework including heart rate monitors, thermometers, meter readers, blood sugar monitors, in vehicle sensors, thermostats, humidity monitors, etc. These device work over a variety of physical connections including, WiFi, 3G, Zigbee, 802.14, Bluetooth, ANT+, Weightless, serial port, and RF 868/4344

    In this paper we make no distinction between Web of Things and Internet of Things.

    Lesson 1: you cannot assume IP connections exist

    Many real world IOT devices do not have IP connections. IOT deployment are usually a careful balance of battery, network connection and physical cost. On all these three dimensions non IP connections (e.g. RF868, Weightless, 802.14) out perform technologies with an IP connection. A solution that allows a web developer to interwork with these technologies must be able to abstract over such issues

    Lesson 2: security is important

    For many IOT deployments security is more (not less) important than mobile or desktop scenarios. Many IOT/M2M deployments underpin business models. For example black box in vehicle solutions for both insurance and asset tracking, meter readers for utility charging, or simply the obvious health privacy issues.

    Lesson 3: but security is hard

    For the reason implied by lesson 1 (no IP) but also because even if you have IP on a small footprint IOT device, often you will not have TLS connection, some of the usual assumptions you might make about connectivity security do not exist. In order to implement moderate security over a web of things, work is required to establish a baseline set of secure foundation technologies that can be applied across a wide spectrum of device footprints.

    Lesson 4: device/service discovery

    From the web developers perspective the first problem they will have is physically discovering devices and understanding the data feeds that this device can make available. There are many “technologies” that can implement this, from Bluetooth, mdns, ussp etc etc. however the web developer needs this abstracted and accessible through easy to use JavaScript functions if to be of use.

    Lesson 4: JavaScript functional abstraction

    Similarly physically accessing the data and data stream on a device, irrespective of the physical connection that the IOT device depends on should be abstracted by JavaScript. Geolocation successes and failures are instructive to look at, is this in a single instances of a single device stream from a single device. IOT sensor attachment, is in reality an generalisation of this problem.

    Lesson 5: offline and historical data

    In the real world IOT devices are not always online. A strong WOT solution needs solutions for offline caching, synchronisation and handling elegantly offline scenarios

    This paper is draft only and can be extended with concrete examples and indicative solutions if successful.

    We are also able to provide running demos on a wide range of IOT devices.

  • Athanasios Karapantelakis, Ericsson

    Please find attached our position paper (Semantic Modelling of Smart City Data) for the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things.

    Recent advancements in communication technologies for providing ubiquitous Internet access as well as advancements on reduction of cost and form-factor of mobile devices and sensors are seen as an enabler for the Internet of Things (IoT). The industry predicts an interconnected world of 50 billion devices by 2020. The Web of Things (WoT) relies on the connectivity service of IoT to create services and applications exploiting the IoT data.

  • Prabhakar Srinivasan, Video Technology Group (SPVTG) of Cisco

    I specialize as a Data Scientist providing solutions to WoT and Analytics teams within Cisco. I am really eager to participate in this upcoming W3C Workshop on the Web of Things. This would give me an opportunity to learn of the emerging trends and standards in the WoT domain which I am really interested in. Please find attached my position paper: A Web-of-Things solution to enrich TV viewing experience using Wearable and Ambient sensor data

    A combination of specialized sensors embedded in the form of ‘smart’ wearable or ambient devices and advanced pattern-recognition and predictive data-science models come together to form the ingredients of many Web-of-Things (WoT) applications. So too does this solution from Cisco's SPVSS group. Wearable technology is increasingly appearing in convenient form-factor and becoming more pervasive. Companies are packing more sensors into the wearable devices that perform highly specialized functions. These devices communicate with each other using Radio Frequency (RF) protocols like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Zigbee. We at Cisco, are evolving a unique WoT proof-of-concept that uses data from these wearable and ambient sensors to predict TV viewing behaviour and to enrich it. Modelling of TV viewing behaviour using biometric and ambient devices, cross-domain recommendations, user-content affinity mapping, portable user profile and comprehension of audience retention as a cognitive process are some interesting use-cases that this solution addresses.

  • Jan Mendling, ​Institute for Information Business, Vienna University of Economics and Business

    We are writing this email to show our interest in attending the Workshop. At the Information Business Institute at Vienna University of Economics and Business, we participate in two FP7 EU Research Projects, namely Sensor-Enabled Real-World Awareness for Management Information Systems (SERAMIS) and Green European Transport (GET) Service.

    The SERAMIS project aims at covering the entire causal chain from the initial investment in an RFID data collection infrastructure to the impact of data processing on firm performance and customer satisfaction. Therefore, scalable and robust but also privacy-preserving techniques are required to deal with the large amount of RFID data. The use of standards in these techniques is crucial to allow industry and researchers to cooperate openly and not be bound to vendor specific closed solutions.

    The GET Service project (http://getservice-project.eu/) aims at the enhancement of logistics processes, from the viewpoint of their ecological impact and efficiency. Within the project, our goal is to develop a component for the monitoring of multimodal transport chains. To this end, we rely on Complex Event Processing techniques, in order to capture and aggregate dynamic information at runtime coming from heterogeneous data and event sources, e.g., GPS coordinates, transponders, weather, traffic information, etc.

    Members of our institute are also involved in the W3C-RSP (RDF Stream Processing) group, aimed at extending RDF and SPARQL for the representation of streaming data and semantics. Some of the use-cases in the group stem from the GET Service project.

    ​From the description of the workshop, we believe that its topics ​could be of high relevance to our ongoing research. The participation in the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things would enable us to exchange emerging ideas and state-of-the-art between academia and industry. Therefore, we kindly ask you to accept our request for having one member of our team attending the workshop.

  • Michael J. Koster, ARM

    Attached is my position paper (Information Models for an Interoperable Web of Things) for the W3C Workshop in the Web of Things. I look forward to participating in the workshop.

    A Web Of Things will enable application level interoperability. Application software will make use of sensors, actuators, and other data sources, analogous to the way humans make use of information on the World Wide Web. To make this a reality, hypermedia driven APIs can be annotated with machine understandable hyperlinks. Standards developed in the IETF CoRE (Constrained RESTful Environments) working group provide for standard web object encapsulation of sensor data with appropriate semantic linking and protocols for web scale resource discovery. We are seeing the emergence of architectures for the deployment of IoT services. What is still needed for application interoperability is a common set of high level patterns for the creation, manipulation, and use of descriptive, machine understandable hyperlinks, built on underlying web standard mechanisms and protocols. Information models can be built on a base of reusable concepts, relations, and attributes.

    The W3C could become a venue for standardizing information models that accommodate existing information and data models, enhance the functionality of existing models, as well as standardize new information models.

  • Matthias Kovatsch, ETH Zurich

    Please find attached my position paper (Towards an End-to-End Web Experience in the Internet of Things).

    I am an IoT researcher at ETH Zurich, Switzerland with focus on Web technology for highly resource-constrained systems. I would like to participate in the WoT workshop this June. Please find my position paper attached to this e-mail. I am also active in the IETF CoRE working group as well as the Eclipse IoT Industry Working Group and would be very interested to learn about the visions and plans in the W3C. It would be great, if we could somehow coordinate our efforts to bring the Web of Things to reality.

    Abstract — The idea of the Web of Things (WoT) is to adopt the ubiquitous protocols and well-known patterns of the World Wide Web to build an Internet of Things (IoT) that is interoperable, easy to program, and intuitive to use. The WoT architecture must follow the end-to-end principle to get out of the current fragmentation of IoT devices, and hence must eliminate application-level gateways that simply hide vertical silos. For such an end-to-end Web experience, we also need to adopt solutions for resource-constrained devices, as they are expected to constitute the majority of the IoT. The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a promising candidate, since it implements the REST architectural style, while satisfying the constraints of low-power nodes and networks. We have shown in previous work that CoAP enables Web-like programming models for resource constrained devices and that users prefer theWeb-like interaction for networked embedded systems. While CoAP is already an open Internet standard, it is not a part of the Web ecosystem yet. We propose to push further and make it part of the set of contemporary specifications implemented by Web browsers and provide standardized APIs to make CoAP-based devices firstclass citizens of the Web.

  • John Mattsson, Göran Selander and Göran AP Eriksson, Ericsson Research

    Please find enclosed our contribution (Object Security in Web of Things) to the workshop. We are hoping and assuming that there will be a chance to polish the contribution before it is published on the W3C site.

    In case the contribution is not accepted, we would like to express our interest of participation. As per instructions, we therefore would like to describe some reasons for our participation.

    As individuals and as representatives for Ericsson, we have are involved in the development of the Web platform in both W3C and IETF. The matter of security in general and privacy in particular is important to the future where many billions of devices will be connected, most with wireless technologies, a future where Ericsson is one of many companies contributing. It is our whish and objective to contribute to problem definition and development of technologies to the best of our capability and we believe this workshop is an excellent opportunity to engage in discussions about how to take the next step in addressing the challenges described in the work shop scope.

    Abstract. The Web of Things brings new challenges that cannot be solved in a satisfactory way with only transport layer security. A more flexible solution is required, both to protect sensitive data and user privacy but also to distribute policies in a secure and standardized way. In this position paper we propose a base architecture and examine candidate open standards to provide security and privacy on the application layer. While this paper has an IoT focus, the same privacy problems arise in the general web setting with processing and storage more and more moving into the cloud.

  • Danh Le Phuoc, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway

    Danh Le Phuoc has been working for Internet of Things, sensor middleware and Linked Stream Data processing for 6 years. He is working towards using Linked Data as a unified data model to enable interoperability for Web of Things (WoT). He is also interested in combining RDF and Websocket to build a standardised protocol that enables ubiquitous computation for WoT. This protocol is a foundation of building a unified software service based Linked Data for WoT based on RDF Stream processing, Linked Stream/Sensor midleware and Semantic Webservice/Mashups.

  • Kazuo Kajimoto, Cloud Solution Center, Panasonic Corporation

    I'd like to express our interest on consumer electronics and the Web of Things, see slides.

  • Jean-Paul Calbimonte, EPFL

    The purpose of this email is to express my interest in participating in the WoT workshop organized in Berlin.

    The web nowadays is not just a place where documents and people converge, but it is also a natural environment for 'things' to interact in many different ways. It is clear that for this to materialize, we need to focus not only in the hardware, network and protocol challenges, but also -and for me most importantly- in the ability to agree on models, and meaning of the information that 'things' publish, use, or interchange.

    I believe that the Web of things workshop can be a starting point where research, industry and standardization can work together towards this goal. In particular, I have been participating in the RDF stream processing and Semantic sensor networks community groups, where some of these issues have been studied to some point. We have also launched and participated in several projects in this area, including SemSorGrid4Env, OpenIoT or OpenSense, where we dealt with several of the challenges presented here. The lessons learned in these years seem to indicate that semantics and the standards fostered by W3C will play a key role to enable the realization of the Web of Things. I am interested in contributing to this effort and learning from others in this path.

    Thank you very much for considering my participation in the workshop.

  • Alécio Binotto, IBM Research - Brazil

    Please, find enclosed a Position Paper in the scope of Preventive Healthcare at home and hospitals. I would be thankful to receive a submission confirmation.

  • Hyojin Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Here we submit a position paper that briefly express our interest on this workshop on Web of Things. If we get a chance to present at the workshop, different presentation material will be prepared for more explanation.

  • Brian Ratcliff, Your Internet of Everything

    Please find Your Internet of Everything's position paper (Process orchestration and control across Your Internet of Everything Why connectivity is not enough) regarding Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices for your review. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me.

  • Janina Sajka, Linux Foundation & Michael Cooper, Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

    This position paper outlines accessibility implications in the Web of Things from two perspectives:

    • Users who are persons with disabilities that affect how they interact with web technologies;
    • Public and private organizations which provide products and services to persons with disabilities.

    It offers important considerations for the web standards community to incorporate accessibility consistently throughout the stack of web technologies and applications built using these technologies.

  • Yongmin Jung, ETRI

    This is a position paper for W3C workshop on WoT from Media Networking Section of ETRI. It describes the ETRI project: Smart home Web of Objects Architecture (SWOA) We hope challenges and viewpoints are of help to the workshop.

  • Ryuichi Matsukura, Fujitsu

    The attached is my expression of interest for the Web of things. It describes service platform with Web based interface to control devices.

  • Walter Waterfield, Software AG

    On behalf of Software AG I express my interest to participate in the W3C Internet of Things workshop 2014 in Berlin. As a long serving W3C member Software AG is interested to enable the deep integration of IoT functionality and data within services especially within enterprise software and for the industry 4.0 vision. This includes communication mechanisms and data formats for real-time stream processing with corresponding pub/sub middleware. I will be also able to represent positions of one of the larger European IoT research projects iCore, which focuses on utilizing cognitve technology for IoT with up to 20 European companies and research organisations.

  • Björn Brecht, Kieback&Peter GmbH & Co. KG

    Kieback&Peter concentrates on building automation. We manufacture automation and efficiency hardware, software and solutions. For our customers we integrate automation technology and help them to safe energy with highly efficient automation solutions for their buildings and premises.

    The internet of things will open new possibilities for our customers and redefine the way we do business.

    Having the chance, to discuss this within your workshop, would be a great opportunity. Being responsible for Building Management Systems and Energy Management Software, I would highly appreciate to be invited to your workshop and hope, that my late expression for interest is accepted. Looking forward being part of the workshop.

  • Roland Gueye, EDF

    I am senior project manager in the EDF IT Department, where I am in charge of the Enterprise Architecture capabilities. The EDF Group is a leading electricity player, active in all major electricity businesses: generation, transport, distribution, marketing and energy trading. I currently assist lines of Business in the realization of strategic transformations like Smart Grids , through the use of Enterprise Architecture principles and methodologies. I am interested to participate in your workshop because of the importance of the Internet Of Things for a utility company like EDF : use cases, IT and Operational Technologies, Smart Grids, ...

  • Martin Schäffler, Bosch

    Bosch Software Innovations is the Software and System House of Bosch for internal and external IoT projects for many domains e.g. energy, mobility and industry. We enable Bosch internal partners and technology for the Internet of Things and Services and work on Industry 4.0 related projects closely together with the Bosch plants and machine manufacturers.

    On top of that we are involved in the I4.0 Platform as member of the bitkom association and are part of the Bosch I4.0 internal initiatives. The representative at Bosch for this committees is Mr. Martin Schäffler who would participate in the workshop of the W3C.

  • Charalampos Doukas, CREATE-NET

    Please accept on behalf of COMPOSE project the Position Paper about bridging Web with M2M technologies.

  • Robert Kleinfeld, Fraunhofer FOKUS - Research Institute for Open Communication Systems

    We as Fraunhofer-Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) are interested to participate in the W3C Workshop on the Web of Things – Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices.

    Based on its vision of a user-centric ubiquitous computing and communication environment, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) researches and develops mobile communication systems in wireless and wired networks by engineering the elements that enable the complete seamless integration of technology with end devices and the deployment of open flexible communication services and applications. FOKUS fields of research are all tailored to the expectation that future applications in IT and communications technology will need more flexible and universal technological bases with the seamless convergence of infrastructures, services, end devices, and content. FOKUS works on the provision of intelligent, adaptive communication and information infrastructures that implement self-management features to seamlessly adapt to changing conditions and application demands.

  • Rohit Pasam, Xaptum

    Hello, I am interested in attending the workshop to understand the direction leaders are taking. We are a start-up in the IoT space currently incubated at 1871 in Chicago. Looking forward to your response.

  • Jens Haupert, DFKI

    Here is my position paper (OMM: A Structure Model for Digital Object Memories).

    Abstract—In this paper we address the research question, how an structuring model for digital object memories (DOMe) has to be designed. Primary goal is to identify and develop components and processes of an architecture concept particularly suited to represent, manage, and use digital object memories. In order to leverage acceptance and deployment of this novel technology, the envisioned infrastructure has to include tools for integration of new systems, and for migration with existing systems. Special requirements to object memories result from the heterogeneity of data in so-called open-loop scenarios. On the one hand, it has to be flexible enough to handle different data types. On the other hand, a simple and structured data access is required. Depending on the application scenario, the latter one needs to be complemented with concepts for a rightsand role-based access and version control.

  • Laurent-Walter Goix, et al., Telecom Italia

    Please find attached our position paper on smart social spaces: opportunities and challenges of the social web of things. In our vision, the social web could become the main driver of adoption of the web of things into people's everyday lives just as social networks onboarded millions of new users to the web, they may do the same with things by leveraging their popular communication and relationships paradigm. In this context we intend to promote the creation of means for gathering and growing the social web of things community through networking and joint research activities, with the objective of identifying and leading future standardization opportunities in that space.

  • George Arriola, Monohm Inc.

    Please find attached our position paper on our observations on how to realize the potential for the Web of Things. Note that if accepted, Jason Proctor will be the attending participant from Monohm.

  • Joerg Heuer et al., Siemens

    Please find attached our position paper: Web of Things Technologies for Embedded Applications.

    Abstract: Web of things beyond controlling embedded devices with smart phones – this contribution raises the question what motivates making embedded devices full citizens of the web, what is required to integrate them, and provides examples for relevant technologies which starts to enable such an integration. Concretely we discuss based on the application domains of smart home and smart grid motivation, use cases and requirements for a web integration. To stimulate a discussion on the different means of integration we evaluate some web technologies which already today enable such integration and share thoughts about the balance between adaption of web technology for the use in the embedded domain and the integration into today’s web.

  • Mike Bergman, Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)

    The Consumer Electronics Association, an ANSI-accredited standards development organization, has an interest in the Internet of Things and the standards which may impact some of our thousands of member companies. In addition, we believe there may be opportunities for joint standards development. CEA would like to offer a short (target 15 minutes) presentation on related standards activity at CEA and considerations for joint efforts with W3C.

  • Stefano Marzani, DQuid

    The Web of Things is here to come: we have technologies that enable our everyday objects to expose real-time data over the Internet and there are plenty of already connected objects. On Thingful[1], a discoverability engine for The Public Internet of Things, you can see where things are, who owns them, and how and why they are used. The increasing availability of connected devices and apps is already changing the way people and things cooperate.

    In DQuid, we believe that the deployment of smart objects is only the initial step towards the Web of Things, that is a full network of connected devices capable of interacting with other devices and with humans, and possibly involving some intelligence hosted in the cloud. For such a vision to become practical, there is the need for a set of software solutions for building applications that exploits smart objects, enable the interaction between objects and engineer the generated data. In this paper, after briefly summarizing the current scenario for the IoT, we identify some open challenges and detail the DQuid approach to tackle a specific challenge: the easy of application development for connected objects.

  • Joachim Lohkamp, JOLOCOM

    Please find attached our expression of interest on the distributed social web and its relevance to the web of things.

  • Nicholas M Barry, Boeing

    Please find attached my expression of interest on the web of things: a multimodal web culture.

  • Marc Benhaïm, GS1

    I am the new person in charge of web of things at GS1 France. I am interested in attending to better understand the work of W3C and how GS1 standards could fit in this initiative.

  • Emmanuel Baccelli, INRIA

    I am interested in attending the workshop and could talk about our experience with IoT network stacks and RIOT (The friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things). Here is my position paper on Interoperable Services on Constrained Devices in the Internet of Things.

  • Meng Chee & Gene Becker, Samsung

    In this paper we encourage the W3C and the web community to embrace a re-framing of the idea of a “web of things” to encompass a broader mission around people, places and things as first-class citizens, personal data ownership, service composition and harmonious user experiences built on the principles of today’s successful web model.

  • Adrian Paschke, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universitaet Berlin

    I’m heading the Corporate Semantic Web group at Freie Universitaet Berlin which has a research focus on Semantic Complex Event Processing (SCEP). I’m co-chair of the steering committee of RuleML and lead the Reaction RuleML technical group, which is a standardized rule markup/serialization language and semantic interchange format for reaction rules and rule-based event processing. I’m founding member of the Event Processing Technology Society (EPTS) and chair of the EPTS Reference Architecture and Meta-Model working group, which developed the EPTS Reference Architecture (EPTS-RA) for Event Processing and the joint RuleML/EPTS CEP Standards Reference Model (CSRM). I was also involved as co-editor in the W3C Rule Interchange Format (W3C RIF) recommendation and specifically in the Production Rules Dialect (RIF PRD). I’m chairing the Pragmatic Web community and run several open source projects such as Prova, which is a rule engine for rule-based event processing and RuleResponde, which is a ESB middleware for RuleML based agent architecture. I was involved in several international and national projects in this field, such as the EU Network of Excellence“Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics” (REWERSE, 2004-2008) and currently coordinate and lead projects in the area of event processing such as the BMBF project Corporate Semantic Web (CSW, 2008 - 2013), the Transatlantic BPM Education Network (BPM EduNet, 2010-2013), and the BMBF project Corporate Smart Content (CSC, 2013-2016). I organized several conference and workshops in this field such as the RuleML conference, the ACM DEBS conference, the series of workshops on Event-Driven BPM and I gave several tutorials, invited talks wrote books and papers in this field, see also SWADPASC.

    Here is my position statement:

    From Semantic Complex Event Processing to and Ubiquitous Pragmatic Web 4.0

    Detection, prediction and mastery of complex situations are crucial to the competitiveness of networked businesses and the efficiency of dynamic distributed enterprise infrastructures in manifold domains such as Finance/Banking, Logistics, Automotive, Telco, Life Sciences. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is an enabling technology to extract actionable, situated knowledge from large amounts of event data in near real-time. This real-time behaviour is considered as one of the main prerequisites for many highly relevant technology trends such as predictive business, real-time adaptive enterprise or autonomic systems. CEP is now one of the fastest growing segments in (distributed) enterprise middleware software, with products provided by major software vendors and many start-up companies around the world.

    The prospect of combining event processing and semantic technologies in the area of Semantic Complex Event Processing (SCEP) is this: Event processing engines will have (1) a description of what is happening in terms of events and (process) states / situations and (2) a plan for the re/actions and processes they can invoke (often leading to follow-up events). Novel rule-based Event Processing Languages (EPLs) for the Web such as Reaction RuleML employ reaction rules, which have evolved from existing rule-based technologies such as production rules and Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules. They can use SCEP-generated knowledge to derive further decisions and trigger automated reactions. Moreover, EPLs can exploit the declarative expressiveness of semantic rules as a means to specify knowledge in a way that is understandable by 'the business' and is executable by CEP rule engines.

    The notion of “event” is also becoming more and more important in Information Systems and in Business. Real-Time-Enterprise (RTE) takes the role of timeliness to its logical extreme: zero latency, that is, all parts of the enterprise can respond to events as soon as they become known to any one part of the enterprise or extended enterprise. The Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) can support increased agility: to respond to exceptions and unanticipated events at any time, even when business processes are already under way. Complex Event Processing (CEP), often related to as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), includes tools that monitor the events in the enterprise and are not only able to aggregate data into higher-level complex events but also to detect unusual event patterns that may need an alert.

    Besides many existing ontologies for events, time, space etc. and industry standards for event communication, there have been also many different approaches for rule-based event processing and reaction rule languages. For an overview on standardizations see the RuleML/EPTS Standards Reference Model [6]. As defined in the EPTS Event Processing Reference Architecture, events are picked up by monitoring functions, aggregated, evaluated and responded to; all these activities are steered by rules. While standards such as OMG Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR + OMG DTV), OMG Production Rules Representation (UML modeling for production rules), and W3C RIF Production Rules Dialect (Semantic Web interchange format for production rules) focus on specific types of rules such as business rules or production rules, Reaction RuleML is an overarching standard for all types of reaction rules, including rule-based CEP.

    Semantic Web technology can play an important role in the further development of the Internet of Things. Given the enormous amounts of data that will be produced in this kind of things and applications, a purely syntactic approach is too limiting in the long run. However, not only semantic but also pragmatic aspects such as dealing with context should be taken into account. The event-driven approach separates the social aspect from the physical aspect, but the social aspect, e.g. the authorization structure, still needs to be addressed, e.g. an authorization structure, or authorization governance, in terms of rules, is therefore indispensable.

    This real-time event processing logic of SCEP and the real-time behavior of decision and reaction rules needs to be embedded into intelligent end-user programmable smart agents on the Pragmatic Web [8]. Such smart Web agents, with their internal and external semantic knowledge and their pragmatic rule-based decision and interactive reaction logic might lead to a transformation of the current passive Web to an ubiquitous active Pragmatic Web 4.0, in which an eco-system of pragmatic agents actively supports the human and machine consumers (smart service, smart things) in their desires and needs. This new Web will be inherently event driven with loosely-coupled and decoupled interactions, but with adaptive and real-time behavior.

  • Kent Spaulding & Reza B’Far, Oracle

    Oracle, an enterprise cloud software provider, has recognized the potential for connected sensors and actuators. Wearable devices are becoming popular, as is the quantified-self movement. Enterprises are beginning to focus on their employees’ general wellness, and beginning to strongly encourage a Work/Life balance (WLB) among employees as healthy and happy employees are more productive and less likely to change jobs. Oracle is creating products that address these trends. The “Employee Wellness” product brings consumer-oriented wellness-related wearables into the enterprise in a manner that benefits both employees and the organization itself. More details are given in our position paper.

  • Jonghong Jeon, Minkyo In, Seungyun Lee, Protocol Engineering Center, ETRI

    Ubiquitous computing which has been extensively studied for many years, is experiencing radical changes recently as the physical world devices, e.g., home appliances and industrial machines, are becoming smart thanks to the progress in computing technology development. In parallel, the communication techniques also make much progress recently. Internet access will very likely become commonly accessible by those “smart things”, motivating the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). Before progressing W3C standardization activity, we need to consider in several perspectives, e.g. web technologies for small devices, lightweight protocol, architecture model, lightweight application model, device APIs, and privacy/security model. The Web of Things could be defined a set of technologies how to access/control/management the Things by the web. Though now cannot define the general requirements in detail, W3C seems necessary to consider further for the under standardization issues. For more details, please see our position paper on Considerations on Standardization of WoT.

  • Steven Pemberton, CWI

    In order to minimise the cost and resource requirements of attached web-of-things devices, the devices themselves should not be required to do much more than the task they are designed for; user-interface tasks in particular should be outsourced to external devices with sufficient spare resources. XForms is a particularly flexible way of doing this, with an added advantage of the speed with which applications can be built, in comparison with traditional methods. More details are given in my position paper.

  • Dr. Peter Friess, Scientific Officer Internet of Things, Directorate General CONNECT, European Commission

    The Internet of Things perspective, together with Cloud technologies and Big Data approaches, needs certainly to include the services perspective. Services will play the intermediary role between the sensors/actuators/objects and the applications. At the same time services will be needed on all levels where information processing and decision making based on sensor data will take place. Examing the potential for open standards as a basis for services, either in and between devices, at the network edge, in home hubs, or in the cloud is crucial for the implementation of services. The goal should be to stimulate the creation of open ecosystems with open APIs and a basic set of standards for allowing a broad implementation of innovative services.

  • Dave Raggett, W3C

    The real World consists of physical things that computer software can interact with through sensors and actuators. This can be combined with rich descriptions, e.g. of devices, people, places and events. There is a huge potential for services, and most of the work to date has focused on communication technologies for the Internet of Things. It is now timely for an increased focus on how to create services, and the importance of standards for realizing the potential.

    The Web of Things extends the Semantic Web into the real World for an open ecosystem of value added services based upon physical sensors, actuators and tags, together with rich descriptions of physical and abstract things. This paper presents an architecture for a scalable services platform for the Web of Things with APIs for services layered on top of HTTP and Representational State Transfer (REST).