See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 13 February 2014
comments document:
1.4.1 MS03
1.4.3 SB06, WD02
Greg comments...
Main Comment Gateway -
JR: I sent to the list that I like GL's wording and where he has two versions I like version 1. See comments on the list.
GOL and JR talking about ignore
<Greg> (Version 3) 1.8.X Ignore absolute layout dimensions: The user can have the user agent *ignore* author-specified absolute layout dimensions. (Level AA)
GL and JR talking about overall goal of these proposal.
<Jan> 1.8.X Ignore absolute layout dimensions: The user can have the user agent override author-specified absolute layout dimensions in order to have the content fit to the horizontal dimensions of the top-level viewport. (Level AA)
<Jan> 1.8.X Ignore absolute layout dimensions: The user can have the user agent override author-specified absolute layout dimensions. (Level AA)
<Greg> Overriding author-specified dimensions has two benefits: allowing reflow, and adjusting content for changes in font size and viewport size, etc.
<Greg> After discussion, looks like we're back to (Version 2) 1.8.X Ignore absolute layout dimensions: The user can have the user agent override author-specified absolute layout dimensions. (Level AA)
GL walking through proposals from email.
Talking about item 1.
JR and JS and KF are fine with change.
GL asks what level.
<Greg> Approved 1.8.X Multi-Column Text Reflow: The user can specify that recognized multi-column text blocks each be reflowed into a single column. (Level TBD)
Group puts this at AA.
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to add greg's revision #1 " 1.8.X Multi-Column Text Reflow: The user can specify that recognized multi-column text blocks each be reflowed into a single column." [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-943 - Add greg's revision #1 " 1.8.x multi-column text reflow: the user can specify that recognized multi-column text blocks each be reflowed into a single column." [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-02-20].
<Greg> Jan notes that this is one of three new SC that replace 1.8.7 Reflow Text.
<jeanne> action-943?
<trackbot> action-943 -- Jeanne F Spellman to Add greg's revision #1 " 1.8.x multi-column text reflow: the user can specify that recognized multi-column text blocks each be reflowed into a single column." -- due 2014-02-20 -- OPEN
<jeanne> edit action-943
<Greg> Note benefits both for people who want to reduce horizontal scrolling and for people with cognitive impairments who would be distracted or confused by columns.
<Greg> (Reducing horizontal scrolling particularly when using large fonts.)
Now on to item 2
Resolved: Remove 1.8.7 and use IER in other SC as appropriate
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to remove 1.8.7 on text reflow [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-944 - Remove 1.8.7 on text reflow [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-02-20].
NBow to item 3
To recap, these points come from mail at
JS: Why are we talking about available printing devices. Why is that an accessibility issue.
<Jan> 1.4.4 Configured and Reflowed Text Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to the user's choice of available printing devices.
<Greg> The 1.4.4. Intent includes "Printing to virtual printer devices can also be a necessary step in converting the content to another electronic format that the user finds more accessible."
<jeanne> Chrome eventually opens to the system dialog for printers in Windows 7
<Greg> My concern was that a browser would simplify its UI by having a print button that only printed to the default printer, which would make it difficult to route the output to converters that are only used occasionally.
<Greg> We could clarify in a definition of "available printing devices" or in the IER that we are only talking about devices available through the platform; we don't expect the UA to provide its own device drivers.
Resolved: The group accepts the proposal for item 3 with the note that we will add a definition of available printing devices.
Group discussion centered on the fact that the point here was just to ensure that the browser didn't remove items that were in general available on the system.
<Jan> Possible defn: available printing devices: Printing devices that are identified as available to applications via the *platform*.
KF: I'm fine with that definition.
<Jan> JR: Me too
JR and GL fine too.
JS fine also.
Now to item 4.
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to add definition of available printing devices: Printing devices that are identified as available to applications via the *platform*. and link to 1.4.4 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-945 - Add definition of available printing devices: printing devices that are identified as available to applications via the *platform*. and link to 1.4.4 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-02-20].
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to revise 1.4.4 from meeting of 13 Feb 2013 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-946 - Revise 1.4.4 from meeting of 13 feb 2013 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-02-20].
Resolved: accepting item 4 to remove definition of reflowable content.
Item 5
JR: I like GL's change.
KF: I'm fine with it also as is JS.
<Greg> New global applicability note:
<Greg> 5. Vertical layout languages: When user agents render vertical layout languages (e.g. Mongolian, Han), success criteria normally relating to horizontal rendering should be applied to vertical rendering instead.
Resolved: Group good with proposed changes for item 5.
<Greg> (Or maybe that should be "instead applied to vertical rendering"...?)
Item 6
<Greg> Agreed earlier on the call to accept 1.8.X Ignore absolute layout dimensions: The user can have the user agent override author-specified absolute layout dimensions. (Level AA)
Resolved: accept proposal for 1.8.x, see last comment from GL.
<Jan> ACTION: JR to Write IER for the three new 1.8.X SCs [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-947 - Write ier for the three new 1.8.x scs [on Jan Richards - due 2014-02-20].
Item 7 now up
<Greg> 1.8.Y Linearize content: The user can have recognized content rendered as a single column, overriding formatting of columns and positioning specified by the author. (Level AAA)
<Greg> 1.8.Y Linearize content: The user can have recognized content rendered as a single column, overriding author-provided formatting of columns and positioning. (Level AA)
<Greg> 1.8.Y Linearize content: The user can have recognized content rendered as a single column, overriding author-specified formatting of columns and positioning. (Level AA)
Resolved: group making item here AA.
<Greg> 1.8.Y Linearize content: The user can have recognized content rendered as a single column, overriding author-specified formatting of columns, tables, and positioning. (Level AA)
<scribe> ACTION: JS to update document with last propsal from GL. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-948 - Update document with last propsal from gl. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-02-20].
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: kford Inferring Scribes: kford WARNING: Dash separator lines found. If you intended them to mark the start of a new topic, you need the -dashTopics option. For example: <Philippe> --- <Philippe> Review of Action Items Default Present: kford, Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Jan Present: Greg Kelly Jan Jeanne Regrets: Kim Jim WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 13 Feb 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne jr js WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]