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From Share-PSI EC Project
Please use this page to record every effort made to promote the Timisoara workshop
Date | Action taken | Partner |
2015-02-24 | Email announcement to OGC Membership | OGCE |
2014-12-09 | Presentation to Polish Government + stakeholders in Warsaw | CTIC |
2014-12-10 | Presentation to Lithuanian Government in Vilnius | CTIC |
2014-12-12 | Presentation to Estonian Government in Tallinn | CTIC |
2014-12-18 | Added to W3C Endorsed Events listing | W3C |
2014-12-20 | Published on ePSI Platform | CTIC |
2015-01-07 | Tweet from Share-PSI account | W3C |
2015-01-12 | Tweet | DUK |
2015-01-12 | Promoted (retweeted) Twitter message originally by DUK about workshop call for participation | IMCS |
2015-01-12 | Promoted (retweeted) Twitter message originally by DUK about workshop call for participation | CTIC |
2015-01-20 | OKFN-CZ mailing list | UEP |
2015-01-20 | COMSODE project mailing list (private) | UEP |
2015-01-27 | Tweet from Share-PSI account | W3C |
2015-01-28 | Tweet from OKFN account | OKFN |
2015-01-28 | Tweet | DUK |
2015-01-28 | Promoted (retweeted) Twitter message originally by OKFN about workshop submission deadline | IMCS |
2015-01-28 | Post to LinkedIn Groups EGOV researcher community, European Data Forum, Future of Government, Major Cities of Europe IT Users Group, Open Data Research Network, Open Data Support, Open Government Europe, PSI4PROFIT, SEMIC, Share-PSI 2.0, W3C eGovernment Interest Group, eGov Community | DUK |
2014-12-25 | Promotion of the event at Serbian government institutions (Serbian Business Registers Agency, Serbian Statistical Office) | IMP |
2015-1- 2015-2- | Mails to government and municipal contacts in Latvia | IMCS |
2015-1- | Promotion of the event through the mailing lists (lod2, GeoKnow), Retweeted DUK | IMP |
2015-2- | Mails to professional contacts in Bulgaria, Bosna and Herzegovina, Serbia | IMP |
2015-3-09 | Promotion of the event at the ICIST conference, Kopaonik, Serbia | IMP |
2015-02-05 | West University of Timisoara Newsletter | UVT |
2015-02-06 | Tweet from Share-PSI account | W3C |
2015-2-17 | Promoted event at semantic wiki community [1] | KIT |
2015-2-17 | Promoted event at Publishing Statistical Data community [2] | KIT |
2015-2-17 | Promoted Lisbon workshop and Share-PSI to people from re3data.org project [3]. The project fosters the publication of research data which fits well with Share-PSI objectives. | KIT |
2015-02-19 | Tweet from Share-PSI account | W3C |
2015-02-24 | Blog post | CTIC |
2015-02-24 | Tweet on registration | CTIC |
2015-02-24 | Tweet | CTIC |
2015-02-24 | Tweet from SEMICeu account | PwC |
2015-02-24 | Publication on Joinup | PwC |
2015-02-24 | Slovenian Open Data portal | MNZ |
2015-02-25 | Open Data Coalition Romania mailing list | UVT |
2015-02-25 | West University of Timisoara internal mailing list, SEED project mailing list | UVT |
2015-02-27 | Tweet from OKFN account | OKFN |
2015-03-03 | Tweet from OKFN account | OKFN |
2015-03-04 | Share PSI 2.0 will be mentioned within a presentation for international patent information experts at the European Patent Office Raw Data Day in Vienna on 18/03/2015, http://www.epo.org/learning-events/events/conferences/raw-data/programme_de.html | ]init[ |
2015-02-18 | Invitation during presentation at BOK meetup | SZTAKI |
2015-02-26 | Personal contact to Ministry of National Development | SZTAKI |
2015-03-05 | News in the website of the Agency for Digital Italy [4] | AgID |
2015-03-06 | Retweets by W3C Hungarian Office and Andras Micsik [5] | SZTAKI |
2015-03-06 | Facebook event in opendata.hu group | SZTAKI |
2015-03-06 | Press release translation as news item on w3c.hu [6] | SZTAKI |
2015-03-06 | Tweet from the RNDT account [7] | AgID |
2015-03-06 | News in the Italian Catalogue for Spatial Data (RNDT) [8] | AgID |
2015-03-06 | [http://www.agid.gov.it/notizie/agid-al-workshop-europeo-sullopen-data-share-psi-20-0 AgID’s institutional web site | AgID |
2015-03-06 | posted a note on our Open Platform 3.0 Forum web page, sent mail to Forum members, and re-tweeted the tweet | TOG |
2015-03-09 | Invitation post to members of BOK meetup | SZTAKI |
2015-03-07 | "Open Data and Big Data–The Impact on Digital Society and Smart Cities" [9] | ULL |
2015-03-01 | Retweets [10] | ULL |
2015-03-12 | Post on Italian Open Data community - Spaghetti Open Data [11] | POLITO |
2015-03-12 | Facebook Master GIS | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Radio Timsioara | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Press Alert | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Tion | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Ora de Timis | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Sursa de Vest | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Pentru Timsioara | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Banatul meu | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Ziua de Vest | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Timis Plus | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Timsioara Online | UVT |
2015-03-16 | Press release on Radio West | UVT |
2015-03 | Published on Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administration Platform | PwC |
2015-03 | Spanish Government's PAe | CTIC |
2015-03 | Rede Comum de Conhecimento | AMA |
2015-03-16 & 2015-03-17 | The link to the workshop live streaming was shared on Twitter and on LinkedIn. The tweets related to the event were favorited and/or retweeted to increase their visibility. | TUDOR |
2015-03-17 | Tweet from the SEMICeu account | PwC |