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Dates & Times
Please travel to Timişoara on Sunday 15th March
Monday 16th Morning (Project Meeting, room 045C)
09:00 - 10:30
- Review feedback
- Methods for developing best practices (Chris and Noël)
10:30 - 12:30
- Preparation for the workshop
12:30 - 14:00
- lunch including networking time, registration and badge collection.
Monday 16th Afternoon (Workshop part 1)
Tuesday 17th
Wednesday 18th
- morning: project meeting (room 045C again)
- 09:00 Scribe duties
- 09:10 Reflections on the Timisoara event: what best practices did we capture? how will we develop them?
- Discussion: Experiences from the session
- event went very well, should be repeated with this mixture of presentations and workshop sessions in Krems/Berlin
- we have less contributions from external organizations that can be printed/published compared to the Samos workshop -> shall we request presentations and short papers? to make sure all material is made persistent.
- arguments against this proposal:
- but we do have papers for each session
- plus the notes
- plus the slides
- better to develop best practices from each session!
- decision:
- each session scribe + presenter shall create the best practices form their session in time for Phil to be used at Luxemberg meeting April 16.
- use template provided on Monday (template on web page)
- add best practices to the wiki
- we had over 80 registrations - 80 people is the goal
- integrating external participants in the workshop is essential. We did well on this aspect this time
- event promotion: Please put everything you do on the wiki. Don’t send it by email to Phil only! We need to collect this information for our progress reports to the EC.
- one issue is that our best practices are often not complete
- suggestion to have a collaborative writing session at the other workshops as well.
- Put stuff on the wiki where possible yourself instead of sending to Phil.
- If we have 10 best practices coming out of this meeting, how are we going to review those and decide if we agree/if we want to add to it?
- Do co-reviewing on the screen, go through it quickly together. Need to go through it as a group.
- When we gather in Krems the pre-workshop meeting. Johan will tell us how much time we will need to devote to that session.
- Discussion: Experiences from the session
- 10:00 Krems (Johann)
- Apologies for confusion in time. We start on 19 May (day when we have our internal meeting). Have to be there midday. Start at
20-21 May (comparable programme to Timisoara) will be the public event. On the 22 is the other internal meeting.
- Theme: Self-sustaining business model for open data
- Aims:
• Encouraging business people to present existing solutions that make use of PSI • Inviting policy makers to present planned or implemented actions in various areas of public sector policy making (legal, technical, organizational) • Attracting researchers to present their work in the area of usability aspects that constrain open/big data and PSI to unfold the touted economic benefits and identified means for mitigation.
- Start on 19 May at 2pm, 6pm social
- 20 May. Start 9.15am dinner between Share PSI and CeDEM people (between 40-50 euros)
- 21 May 9-5.30/6pm close + social
- Deadline for partipating: 20 April 2015 deadline. Please send papers to Johan.
- Can propose sessions. Tricider used for people on planning committee. Can vote on proposals.
- Google form for best practice for participants useful (we can use wiki if we want).
- 9 March – planning meeting. Draft programme fixed. Next workshop meeting 21 April to discuss status of submissions.
- Can we attract small start-ups as well as big businesses?
- 10:30 coffee
- 11:00 Berlin (Jens)
- 11:30 Future directions for the network, final meeting (Zagreb?)
- 12:00 (ish) - end of proceedings.
The 3rd Share-PSI 2.0 workshop will be hosted by the West University of Timisoara in Timisoara, the capital city of Timis County, in western Romania, with a population of +300,000 inhabitants. The venue will be West University (main building) located 10 minutes away from the city center. The facility offers an Aula Magna (400 seats), 9 large lecture rooms (120 seats), 9 small rooms for WG meetings (around 30 seats), a generous exhibition and coffee break area, all with fast WiFi coverage.
Timisoara can easily be reached by plain, car or train, its airport being directly connected to 12 destinations in Europe (France, Germany, UK, Italy and Spain) and easily reachable from any European city via Munich or Bucharest.
Accommodation is available in 3 and 4 stars hotels in a range of 15 min walk (e.g. Hotel Timisoara, Perla, Savoy, NH, Continental) with prices around 60 EUR / night.
More details about the venue, travel details and accommodation are available here.
Timeline for CfP
Proposed timeline (to be discussed in Samos):
- 1st CfP publication: beginning of December 2014
- Proposals submission deadline: 1 February 2014
- Notification of authors: 11 February 2015
- Workshop date: 16-17 March 2015
Target group and plan for dissemination
- For national, regional and local: we have good connections with local municipalities in the West area (Timisoara, Arad), the spin-off research institute (Institute e-Austria Timisoara) is member of Regional ICT Cluster, we are planning to contact and involve West Region Development Agency and use our contacts in Education Ministry and ICT Ministry at national level; also recently created Open Data Coalition Romania has been contacted for further co-operation
- For international: we are planning to use traditional channels used for dissemination of scientific events organized or participated by our institution and, of course, we are going to rely on Share PSI partners specific channels to disseminate the CfP
Presentation on developing best practices - Chris Harding.
Project Meeting on 18 March
(Notes by Chris Harding)
General Points
There were over 80 registrations for the Timisoara SHARE-PSI meeting, so that the registrations target was met. All participants contributed constructively to the workshop.
It is a contractual obligation of all partners to attend the meetings, and partners who have not attended the Timisoara meeting will receive less funding as a result.
Notes from all sessions should be put on the wiki or uploaded to the web and linked to from the wiki.
People promoting SHARE-PSI meetings should post information on the promotion they have done to the wiki, rather than sending it to Phil for him to post.
Best Practices
Most of the workshop sessions from the previous two days had generated some best practice material. The facilitator and scribe of each of these sessions should post the output using the web form created by Johann. This should be done so that Phil can summarise the output in the report which he has to deliver on April 16.
The meeting broke into teams and started developing best practices from their notes of the workshop sessions. They did not complete any best practices, but did enough to verify that the method seems to be okay.
Where there is a W3C best practice, we should still create a SHARE-PSI best practice that references it.
In the first session in Krems, we should go through each of the draft best practices and make a quick pass/re-work decision.
Krems Meeting
Johann presented arrangements for the Krems meeting.
Everyone should use their contacts and invite people to come to the Krems workshop.
Berlin Meeting
Jens presented on arrangements for the subsequent meeting in Berlin. There was a discussion on whether that meeting should in fact be at Berlin or should be at Luxembourg to co-locate with the European Data Forum (EDF).
The estimated attendance at the meeting is 100 people.
The only reason to move the Berlin meeting to Luxembourg is that there is an EDF meeting there the previous week. If we were to move the SHARE-PSI meeting then we would hold it on Wednesday and Thursday of the week of which EDF are meeting on the Monday and Tuesday, so that the SHARE-PSI meeting would be moved forward by a week.
If we held a session during or immediately after the EDF meeting, then it would get good attendance. An alternative possibility would be to keep the SHARE-PSI meeting in Berlin but have a session at the EDF meeting in Luxembourg.
It was agreed that we should stick with the current plan to hold the meeting in Berlin, and stick with the current advertised meeting topic.
Follow-On Activities
Jens talked about possible follow-on activities. The pan-European Data Portal project, which runs until the end of 2017, would be interested in ideas for continuing the SHARE-PSI network. Another possibility would be to apply to the EU for funding for a new version of the SHARE-PSI network, perhaps combined with LAPSI. The objective would be to check that the implementation has been done and report on national experience. Peter Winstanley said that there is a real need for this. He pointed out that SHARE-PSI is not just about data; it is also about textual assets held by libraries, universities etc.
If there were a continuation of the project, it is unlikely that W3C would wish to play leading role. If it was set up at a new consortium, The Open Group or the PSI Association might be able to host it.
A proposal that simply said that the participants wished to continue to meet without clear objectives would be unlikely to get funding.
It was agreed that Phil should discuss the possibilities with the sponsors, including the possibility of a continuation of SHARE-PSI, the possibility of establishing links with other big projects such as the pan-European Data Portal, and the possibility of looking outside the EU for funding sources.
Proposed Final Project Meeting
Phil proposed that the project should have a 2-day project meeting – not a workshop – in about a year's time, to look at the localised guides and the W3C best practices. Neven would be able to host it in Zagreb, and will make a suggestion as to the date. March or April are the likely months.