
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 27 January 2014

Alexandre Bertails, Andrei Sambra, Arnaud Le Hors, Ashok Malhotra, Cody Burleson, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Henry Story, John Arwe, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau
Cody Burleson
Arnaud Le Hors
Alexandre Bertails
  1. Minutes of 13 January approved link
  2. Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model link
  3. Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples link
  4. Remove all mention of non-member-properties and non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the Prefer header. link
  5. Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal link
  6. Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains link
  7. Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing link
14:57:11 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-irc

14:57:13 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

14:57:15 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be LDP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be LDP

14:57:15 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

14:57:16 <trackbot> Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
14:57:16 <trackbot> Date: 27 January 2014
15:00:06 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

15:00:13 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

15:00:56 <Zakim> +Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ashok_Malhotra

15:01:28 <JohnArwe> zakim seems under the weather today

John Arwe: zakim seems under the weather today

15:01:51 <Zakim> +JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: +JohnArwe

15:01:55 <JohnArwe> ...just dropped me w/o asking for a code, but second try worked

John Arwe: ...just dropped me w/o asking for a code, but second try worked

15:03:06 <Zakim> +Steve_Speicher

Zakim IRC Bot: +Steve_Speicher

15:03:24 <SteveS> zakim, Steve_Speicher is me

Steve Speicher: zakim, Steve_Speicher is me

15:03:24 <Zakim> +SteveS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveS; got it

15:04:27 <Zakim> +Matt

Zakim IRC Bot: +Matt

15:04:37 <betehess> Zakim, Matt is Andrei

Alexandre Bertails: Zakim, Matt is Andrei

15:04:37 <Zakim> +Andrei; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Andrei; got it

15:04:53 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

15:04:54 <betehess> Zakim, Andrei also has Alexandre

Alexandre Bertails: Zakim, Andrei also has Alexandre

15:04:54 <Zakim> +Alexandre; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alexandre; got it

15:04:57 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

15:04:57 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

15:06:05 <Zakim> +Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: +Roger

15:06:15 <TallTed> Zakim, who's here?

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here?

15:06:15 <Zakim> On the phone I see Arnaud, Ashok_Malhotra, JohnArwe, SteveS, Andrei, TallTed, Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Arnaud, Ashok_Malhotra, JohnArwe, SteveS, Andrei, TallTed, Roger

15:06:17 <Zakim> Andrei has Andrei, Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: Andrei has Andrei, Alexandre

15:06:17 <Zakim> On IRC I see nmihindu, JohnArwe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Ashok, SteveS, deiu, betehess, TallTed, jmvanel, Arnaud, sandro, Yves, ericP, thschee, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see nmihindu, JohnArwe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Ashok, SteveS, deiu, betehess, TallTed, jmvanel, Arnaud, sandro, Yves, ericP, thschee, trackbot

15:07:06 <betehess> scribe: Alexandre

(Scribe set to Alexandre Bertails)

<betehess> chair: Arnaud
<betehess> agenda: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.01.27
15:07:10 <Zakim> +ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: +ericP

<betehess> topic: Admin

1. Admin

15:07:57 <betehess> Arnaud: last week, because of not enough people on the call, we had an informal call

Arnaud Le Hors: last week, because of not enough people on the call, we had an informal call

15:08:15 <betehess> ... let's approve the minute from last meeting, 2 weeks ago

... let's approve the minute from last meeting, 2 weeks ago

15:08:28 <betehess> ... anybody looked at them?

... anybody looked at them?

15:08:38 <SteveS> look fine to me

Steve Speicher: look fine to me

15:09:06 <betehess> Resolved: Minutes of 13 January approved

RESOLVED: Minutes of 13 January approved

15:09:11 <betehess> ... next meeting is next week

... next meeting is next week

15:09:23 <betehess> ... Feb 3rd

... Feb 3rd

15:09:56 <Zakim> +??P2

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P2

<betehess> topic: Tracking of actions

2. Tracking of actions

15:10:28 <betehess> I guess you can close mine

I guess you can close mine

15:10:30 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

15:10:37 <nmihindu> Zakim, ??P2 is me

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Zakim, ??P2 is me

15:10:37 <Zakim> +nmihindu; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +nmihindu; got it

15:10:47 <betehess> Arnaud: anybody claiming victory?

Arnaud Le Hors: anybody claiming victory?

15:11:17 <nmihindu> Zakim, mute me

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Zakim, mute me

15:11:17 <Zakim> nmihindu should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: nmihindu should now be muted

15:11:26 <betehess> ... we can close ACTION-128

... we can close ACTION-128

<betehess> topic: Timeline

3. Timeline

15:11:57 <betehess> Arnaud: wanted to spend a minute speaking about timeline

Arnaud Le Hors: wanted to spend a minute speaking about timeline

15:12:08 <betehess> ... current charter expires at the end of May

... current charter expires at the end of May

15:12:23 <betehess> ... we should try having a PR before then

... we should try having a PR before then

15:12:34 <betehess> ... think it's possible

... think it's possible

15:12:44 <betehess> ... even if we close all issues today, still hard to get there

... even if we close all issues today, still hard to get there

15:12:55 <betehess> ... can't afford to discuss new things

... can't afford to discuss new things

15:13:04 <betehess> ... people need to accept that the spec won't be perfect

... people need to accept that the spec won't be perfect

15:13:20 <betehess> ... it's better if we don't have to re-charter

... it's better if we don't have to re-charter

15:13:37 <betehess> ... so we don't have to prove to the w3c management that we're ready to deliver

... so we don't have to prove to the w3c management that we're ready to deliver

15:14:02 <Zakim> +??P11

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P11

15:14:06 <betehess> ... also depends on the editors, but there are quite a few changes so it won't be done in one week

... also depends on the editors, but there are quite a few changes so it won't be done in one week

15:14:25 <JohnArwe> regrets: cody
15:14:31 <betehess> ... one big unknown: what we get during 2nd LC

... one big unknown: what we get during 2nd LC

15:14:47 <betehess> ... we may have significant comments and go to another LC

... we may have significant comments and go to another LC

15:14:59 <betehess> ... requires negotiations with the commenters

... requires negotiations with the commenters

15:15:09 <betehess> ... so the timeline I drafted is an idea

... so the timeline I drafted is an idea

15:15:29 <betehess> ... time will tell us

... time will tell us

15:15:49 <betehess> ... we've had a lot of comments after 1rst LC

... we've had a lot of comments after 1rst LC

15:16:07 <betehess> ... the time for next f2f could be in 2 months from now

... the time for next f2f could be in 2 months from now

15:16:08 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

15:16:34 <betehess> ... would give us a chance to meet after the LC

... would give us a chance to meet after the LC

15:16:59 <betehess> ... just wanted to tell people what to expect

... just wanted to tell people what to expect

15:17:24 <betehess> sandro: agree with general analysis, was wondering about tracking implementations/test suite for CR

Sandro Hawke: agree with general analysis, was wondering about tracking implementations/test suite for CR

15:17:38 <betehess> Arnaud: there is a wiki page tracking all that

Arnaud Le Hors: there is a wiki page tracking all that

15:17:41 <SteveS> http://www.w3.org/wiki/LDP_Implementations

Steve Speicher: http://www.w3.org/wiki/LDP_Implementations

15:17:44 <betehess> ... don't know how accurate it is

... don't know how accurate it is

15:18:03 <betehess> ... what's not clear is how long it will take for people to reflect last changes

... what's not clear is how long it will take for people to reflect last changes

15:18:27 <betehess> ericP: what you have to do is proving that your implementation do X, Y and Z

Eric Prud'hommeaux: what you have to do is proving that your implementation do X, Y and Z

15:18:39 <betehess> sandro: the test suite is just human readable

Sandro Hawke: the test suite is just human readable

15:18:41 <betehess> ericP: correct

Eric Prud'hommeaux: correct

15:18:44 <SteveS> Info on "Testing" http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Testing

Steve Speicher: Info on "Testing" http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Testing

15:19:14 <betehess> Arnaud: Raul has been trying to do that but couldn't keep up with all the changes (nobody can blame him)

Arnaud Le Hors: Raul has been trying to do that but couldn't keep up with all the changes (nobody can blame him)

15:19:26 <Zakim> -??P11

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P11

15:19:27 <betehess> sandro: maybe somebody will share his code

Sandro Hawke: maybe somebody will share his code

15:19:36 <betehess> ericP: problem is for non-generic triplestores

Eric Prud'hommeaux: problem is for non-generic triplestores

15:19:46 <betehess> Arnaud: yes, there can be domain specific constraints

Arnaud Le Hors: yes, there can be domain specific constraints

15:20:13 <betehess> ... will be mainly based on claims from people

... will be mainly based on claims from people

15:20:30 <betehess> ericP: we do the same in other WGs, when we give them the test suites

Eric Prud'hommeaux: we do the same in other WGs, when we give them the test suites

15:20:35 <nmihindu> s/Juan/Raul

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: s/Juan/Raul (warning: replacement failed)

15:20:49 <betehess> sandro: we can skip CR if we meet those criteria

Sandro Hawke: we can skip CR if we meet those criteria

15:20:59 <betehess> ericP: even better if we have that for LC

Eric Prud'hommeaux: even better if we have that for LC

15:21:17 <betehess> Arnaud: let's move on with the agenda

Arnaud Le Hors: let's move on with the agenda

15:21:31 <betehess> topic: Accept-POST

4. Accept-POST

15:21:40 <betehess> ... written by Erik Wilde

... written by Erik Wilde

15:21:52 <betehess> JohnArwe: erik will do some cleanup on the draft

John Arwe: erik will do some cleanup on the draft

15:22:11 <betehess> ... ask people with implementations, prototypes, intentions, to tell him

... ask people with implementations, prototypes, intentions, to tell him

15:22:20 <betehess> ... to have an implementation report

... to have an implementation report

15:22:30 <betehess> ... and give to IETF

... and give to IETF

15:22:52 <betehess> Arnaud: he asked several times people to give feedback

Arnaud Le Hors: he asked several times people to give feedback

15:22:58 <betehess> ... it's in our interest to support it

... it's in our interest to support it

15:23:07 <betehess> ... we also have dependency on it

... we also have dependency on it

15:23:32 <betehess> ... better sooner than later

... better sooner than later

15:23:38 <betehess> Arnaud: let's start with the issues

Arnaud Le Hors: let's start with the issues

15:23:54 <betehess> ... we've had plenty of discussions on these issues already

... we've had plenty of discussions on these issues already

15:24:12 <betehess> ... I want to limit conversations and vote directly

... I want to limit conversations and vote directly

15:24:20 <betehess> ... to know where people stand

... to know where people stand

15:24:32 <betehess> ... so let's try

... so let's try

15:25:14 <betehess> TOPIC: ISSUE-92

5. ISSUE-92

15:24:49 <betehess> Arnaud: start with issue-92

Arnaud Le Hors: start with ISSUE-92

15:25:07 <roger> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

Roger Menday: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

15:25:07 <betehess> ... last it was proposed, only one objection from Henry but everybody else agreed

... last it was proposed, only one objection from Henry but everybody else agreed

15:25:21 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by changing rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by changing rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model

15:25:27 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

15:25:30 <betehess> +1


15:25:34 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:25:41 <betehess> irc.w3.org


15:25:57 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:26:08 <bblfish> ok

Henry Story: ok

15:26:10 <sandro> -0.5

Sandro Hawke: -0.5

15:26:10 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:26:22 <bblfish> -1

Henry Story: -1

15:26:24 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:26:27 <roger> +0.5

Roger Menday: +0.5

15:26:48 <betehess> Arnaud: so the situation hasn't really changed

Arnaud Le Hors: so the situation hasn't really changed

15:27:02 <betehess> ... still mostly in favor

... still mostly in favor

15:27:17 <betehess> ... there is an alternative: keeping rel=type

... there is an alternative: keeping rel=type

15:27:08 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model

15:27:17 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

15:27:18 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:27:22 <ericP> -.5

Eric Prud'hommeaux: -.5

15:27:25 <betehess> -.5


15:27:28 <deiu> 0

Andrei Sambra: 0

15:27:31 <SteveS> +0

Steve Speicher: +0

15:27:38 <JohnArwe> -0.5 [holds nose]

John Arwe: -0.5 [holds nose]

15:27:48 <TallTed> -.75

Ted Thibodeau: -.75

15:27:51 <roger> +0.5

Roger Menday: +0.5

15:27:59 <ericP> hold your nose and give up on other interaction modes

Eric Prud'hommeaux: hold your nose and give up on other interaction modes

15:28:08 <nmihindu> +0

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +0

15:28:12 <bblfish> nonsense, you can have other interaction modes

Henry Story: nonsense, you can have other interaction modes

15:28:18 <Ashok> 0

Ashok Malhotra: 0

15:28:30 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model

15:28:38 <betehess> Arnaud: thank you all

Arnaud Le Hors: thank you all

15:28:48 <betehess> ... I know it's not what the majority wanted

... I know it's not what the majority wanted

15:29:03 <TallTed> I think the option of multiple rel=type headers should be mentioned...

Ted Thibodeau: I think the option of multiple rel=type headers should be mentioned...

15:29:04 <betehess> ... Henry, you'll carry the burden of a decision nobody wanted

... Henry, you'll carry the burden of a decision nobody wanted

15:29:06 <bblfish> they'll thank me for it.

Henry Story: they'll thank me for it.

15:29:18 <betehess> TOPIC: ISSUE-89

6. ISSUE-89

15:29:28 <betehess> Arnaud: started with a conversation started by john

Arnaud Le Hors: started with a conversation started by john

15:29:41 <betehess> ... we agreed to add ldp:contains

... we agreed to add ldp:contains

15:29:47 <betehess> ... question was: should it be materialized?

... question was: should it be materialized?

15:29:57 <betehess> ... john looked into using the Prefer header

... john looked into using the Prefer header

15:30:12 <betehess> ... people had to read it and had enough time

... people had to read it and had enough time

15:30:33 <betehess> ... Prefer lets the client specify what triple it wants

... Prefer lets the client specify what triple it wants

15:30:50 <betehess> ... can request the server not to send certain triple with omit

... can request the server not to send certain triple with omit

15:31:02 <betehess> ... works at least with membership and containment triples

... works at least with membership and containment triples

15:31:07 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples

15:31:12 <betehess> +1


15:31:13 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:31:16 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:31:16 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:31:19 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:31:22 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:31:25 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:31:39 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:31:46 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

15:31:50 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

15:32:11 <bblfish> 0 did not have time to read it

Henry Story: 0 did not have time to read it

15:32:19 <betehess> Arnaud: ouf !

Arnaud Le Hors: ouf !

15:32:19 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples

15:32:35 <betehess> Arnaud: now, other things related to that

Arnaud Le Hors: now, other things related to that

15:32:51 <betehess> ... Alex proposed to improve the spec in an email

... Alex proposed to improve the spec in an email

15:33:13 <betehess> ... by dropping the non-member-properties resource

... by dropping the non-member-properties resource

15:33:24 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Remove all mention of non-member-properties and  non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the  Prefer header.

PROPOSED: Remove all mention of non-member-properties and non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the Prefer header.

15:33:33 <betehess> ... but you can to the "same" with the Prefer header

... but you can to the "same" with the Prefer header

15:33:41 <betehess> ... you can achieve the same thing

... you can achieve the same thing

15:33:50 <betehess> ... so this would make the spec simpler

... so this would make the spec simpler

15:34:13 <betehess> ... so it should be fine to remove it

... so it should be fine to remove it

15:34:14 <betehess> +1


15:34:23 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:34:38 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:34:40 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:34:50 <betehess> Arnaud: this is just house cleaning

Arnaud Le Hors: this is just house cleaning

15:34:51 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:34:52 <ericP> +.5 (sounds good but i haven't thought hard)

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +.5 (sounds good but i haven't thought hard)

15:34:59 <SteveS> +0.5 no strong preference

Steve Speicher: +0.5 no strong preference

15:35:03 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:35:12 <TallTed> +0

Ted Thibodeau: +0

15:35:19 <bblfish> +.5 sounds good but I have not thought hard. if it is just house cleaning then +1

Henry Story: +.5 sounds good but I have not thought hard. if it is just house cleaning then +1

15:35:20 <sandro> +0

Sandro Hawke: +0

15:36:12 <betehess> Arnaud: the spec today speaks about a special resource Link-ed from the container to avoid having some triples

Arnaud Le Hors: the spec today speaks about a special resource Link-ed from the container to avoid having some triples

15:36:21 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:36:39 <betehess> JohnArwe: the server is always free to ignore the Prefer header

John Arwe: the server is always free to ignore the Prefer header

15:36:51 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:37:13 <betehess> bblfish: used to be some kind of relation to link to the resource?

Henry Story: used to be some kind of relation to link to the resource?

15:38:02 <betehess> JohnArwe: instead of the server supplying the Link header for the subject of triples you're interested, now the client would ask to omit those triples with the Prefer header

John Arwe: instead of the server supplying the Link header for the subject of triples you're interested, now the client would ask to omit those triples with the Prefer header

15:38:11 <betehess> Arnaud: and you avoid one round-trip

Arnaud Le Hors: and you avoid one round-trip

15:38:23 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Remove all mention of non-member-properties and  non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the  Prefer header.

RESOLVED: Remove all mention of non-member-properties and non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the Prefer header.

15:38:27 <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Methods.html

Henry Story: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Methods.html

15:38:38 <betehess> bblfish: in early spec in HTTP, there was a SEARCH method

Henry Story: in early spec in HTTP, there was a SEARCH method

15:38:49 <betehess> ... we could add a SEARCH method

... we could add a SEARCH method

15:39:07 <betehess> Arnaud: don't know, but we can't afford to investigate in SEARCH

Arnaud Le Hors: don't know, but we can't afford to investigate in SEARCH

15:39:13 <betehess> ... maybe for LDP Next

... maybe for LDP Next

15:39:28 <JohnArwe> @henry: looking at header reg, not seeing SEARCH

John Arwe: @henry: looking at header reg, not seeing SEARCH

15:39:30 <betehess> ... on Friday, john proposed an extension for Prefer

... on Friday, john proposed an extension for Prefer

15:39:45 <SteveS> thinks instead of SEARCH verb, people would just expose a SPARQL endpoint

Steve Speicher: thinks instead of SEARCH verb, people would just expose a SPARQL endpoint

15:39:48 <betehess> ... we could also allow the other way around

... we could also allow the other way around

15:39:50 <bblfish> JohnArwe: it's at the end of http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Methods.html

John Arwe: it's at the end of http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Methods.html [ Scribe Assist by Henry Story ]

15:39:53 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal

PROPOSED: Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal

15:39:58 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:39:59 <betehess> ... where the client can ask triples to be included

... where the client can ask triples to be included

15:40:33 <betehess> +0.5  sounds ok but didn't have time to do a deep review of the proposal

+0.5 sounds ok but didn't have time to do a deep review of the proposal

15:40:39 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:40:42 <bblfish> Which issue are we looking at?

Henry Story: Which issue are we looking at?

15:41:01 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:41:07 <SteveS> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.01.27#ISSUE-89_-_Managed_Resources

Steve Speicher: ISSUE-89_-_Managed_Resources">http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.01.27#ISSUE-89_-_Managed_Resources

15:41:11 <JohnArwe> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2014Jan/0124.html is the link from the agenda

John Arwe: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2014Jan/0124.html is the link from the agenda

15:41:11 <betehess> ... still related to issue 89

... still related to ISSUE-89

15:41:51 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:42:52 <betehess> Arnaud: with this, we'd have 2 preferences, omit and include, both dual

Arnaud Le Hors: with this, we'd have 2 preferences, omit and include, both dual

15:42:59 <JohnArwe> +0.5 (merely because it's not bare-minimum ... LDP could live with omit only; but I agree with the view that it's more natural for clients)

John Arwe: +0.5 (merely because it's not bare-minimum ... LDP could live with omit only; but I agree with the view that it's more natural for clients)

15:43:28 <betehess> roger: too bad we can't reuse URL for the preferences in the Prefer header

Roger Menday: too bad we can't reuse URL for the preferences in the Prefer header

15:43:45 <betehess> JohnArwe: just following the syntax from the spec

John Arwe: just following the syntax from the spec

15:43:49 <betehess> ... has to be a token

... has to be a token

15:44:18 <betehess> ... one possibility would be to make it a URI, not sure if that would be allowed by the BNF

... one possibility would be to make it a URI, not sure if that would be allowed by the BNF

15:44:26 <betehess> TallTed: we should check that

Ted Thibodeau: we should check that

15:44:38 <betehess> Arnaud: yes, but that's orthogonal to this proposal

Arnaud Le Hors: yes, but that's orthogonal to this proposal

15:44:54 <betehess> TallTed: would be really good though

Ted Thibodeau: would be really good though

15:44:57 <bblfish> not sure of this as of the other, since I had not read it carefully

Henry Story: not sure of this as of the other, since I had not read it carefully

15:45:05 <betehess> Arnaud: I'm not stopping you from proposing that to happen

Arnaud Le Hors: I'm not stopping you from proposing that to happen

15:45:09 <JohnArwe> @Ted, would your pref for URI be met by the qname syntactic form?

John Arwe: @Ted, would your pref for URI be met by the qname syntactic form?

15:45:11 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal

RESOLVED: Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal

15:45:11 <betehess> ... would need a proposal

... would need a proposal

15:45:11 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:45:26 <betehess> ... who wants to take the action?

... who wants to take the action?

15:45:35 <betehess> ... maybe TallTed?

... maybe TallTed?

15:45:45 <betehess> TallTed: ok, we'll look into it

Ted Thibodeau: ok, we'll look into it

15:46:21 <betehess> ACTION: TallTed to investigate the use of URIs with the Prefer header

ACTION: TallTed to investigate the use of URIs with the Prefer header

15:46:21 <trackbot> Created ACTION-129 - Investigate the use of uris with the prefer header [on Ted Thibodeau - due 2014-02-03].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-129 - Investigate the use of uris with the prefer header [on Ted Thibodeau - due 2014-02-03].

15:47:06 <JohnArwe> @ted: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-http-prefer-18

John Arwe: @ted: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-http-prefer-18

15:47:20 <JohnArwe> the BNF refers back to bis however

John Arwe: the BNF refers back to bis however

15:47:20 <betehess> Arnaud: ok, now, more house cleaning

Arnaud Le Hors: ok, now, more house cleaning

15:47:22 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains

PROPOSED: Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains

15:47:44 <betehess> ... we have ldp:created for historical reasons

... we have ldp:created for historical reasons

15:48:02 <betehess> ... now we have agreed to have ldp:contains

... now we have agreed to have ldp:contains

15:48:15 <betehess> ... still didn't take time to get rid of ldp:created

... still didn't take time to get rid of ldp:created

15:48:22 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:48:23 <JohnArwe> ...that's why Prefer is still a draft w/o an RFC #, the normative reference on bis queues it behind bis on the IETF editor's queue.

John Arwe: ...that's why Prefer is still a draft w/o an RFC #, the normative reference on bis queues it behind bis on the IETF editor's queue.

15:48:28 <betehess> ... so ldp:created is now obsolete

... so ldp:created is now obsolete

15:48:42 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:48:48 <betehess> +1


15:48:50 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:48:59 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:49:00 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:49:04 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:49:14 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

15:49:15 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:49:24 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains

RESOLVED: Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains

15:49:59 <betehess> Arnaud: looking at leftovers re: issues

Arnaud Le Hors: looking at leftovers re: issues

15:50:03 <betehess> TOPIC: ISSUE-86

7. ISSUE-86

15:50:08 <JohnArwe> "Ding dong, the witch-ssue is dead"

John Arwe: "Ding dong, the witch-ssue is dead"

15:50:24 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

15:50:32 <betehess> Arnaud: I think we can now just close this one easily

Arnaud Le Hors: I think we can now just close this one easily

15:50:36 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:50:54 <betehess> Arnaud: now we have a new term: containment

Arnaud Le Hors: now we have a new term: containment

15:51:01 <betehess> ... different from membership

... different from membership

15:51:11 <betehess> ... the editors will reflect that when they have time

... the editors will reflect that when they have time

15:51:17 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:51:38 <betehess> bblfish: say you keep membership triple, now you don't have membershipXXX anymore

Henry Story: say you keep membership triple, now you don't have membershipXXX anymore

15:51:45 <betehess> ... suppose it's ok to keep it

... suppose it's ok to keep it

15:51:53 <betehess> ... but you have problem with other relations

... but you have problem with other relations

15:52:00 <betehess> ... not in sync with membership triples

... not in sync with membership triples

15:52:24 <betehess> Arnaud: ah, talking about the name of rhte predicates

Arnaud Le Hors: ah, talking about the name of rhte predicates

15:52:33 <JohnArwe> s/rthe/the/

John Arwe: s/rthe/the/ (warning: replacement failed)

15:52:48 <betehess> ... I understand, but would be a different issue

... I understand, but would be a different issue

15:53:21 <betehess> I would let the editors free to propose changes during their rewriting

I would let the editors free to propose changes during their rewriting

15:53:37 <SteveS> betehess, I was going to suggest the same thing

Steve Speicher: betehess, I was going to suggest the same thing

15:53:59 <betehess> Arnaud: ok, still, I think we can close issue-86

Arnaud Le Hors: ok, still, I think we can close ISSUE-86

15:54:15 <betehess> ... but recognize Henry's point

... but recognize Henry's point

15:54:30 <bblfish> fine

Henry Story: fine

15:54:32 <betehess> ... lets have the editors make proposal for new names

... lets have the editors make proposal for new names

15:55:06 <TallTed> regretfully, I think we do need another round of naming for the membership predicates, given where we've settled with the model (ldp:contains + ldp:members) ... but I do think that's distinct from 86

Ted Thibodeau: regretfully, I think we do need another round of naming for the membership predicates, given where we've settled with the model (ldp:contains + ldp:members) ... but I do think that's distinct from 86

15:55:28 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

15:55:30 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:55:30 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:55:31 <betehess> +1


15:55:31 <deiu> +1

Andrei Sambra: +1

15:55:31 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:55:34 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:55:35 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:55:35 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:55:37 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

15:55:48 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-86 doing nothing

15:56:35 <betehess> Arnaud: I don't want to have 5 proposals for new names, so I'll let the editors choose

Arnaud Le Hors: I don't want to have 5 proposals for new names, so I'll let the editors choose

15:56:43 <betehess> ... let's have them fight together

... let's have them fight together

15:56:51 <SteveS> Editors were part of the original discussion on names and where we landed, we can use that same feedback again

Steve Speicher: Editors were part of the original discussion on names and where we landed, we can use that same feedback again

15:57:02 <betehess> TOPIC: ISSUE-93

8. ISSUE-93

15:57:15 <bblfish> Issue-93

Henry Story: ISSUE-93

15:57:15 <trackbot> Issue-93 -- Accept and Auth -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-93 -- Accept and Auth -- raised

15:57:15 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/93

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/93

15:57:41 <betehess> Arnaud: was raised by bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: was raised by bblfish

15:57:55 <betehess> ... might be expensive to determine what's really allowed

... might be expensive to determine what's really allowed

15:58:02 <betehess> ... and the client might not even care

... and the client might not even care

15:58:21 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:58:34 <betehess> ... and we don't touch on Authorization, Authentication, etc.

... and we don't touch on Authorization, Authentication, etc.

15:58:35 <betehess> ... so I don't think we should discuss that today

... so I don't think we should discuss that today

15:58:46 <betehess> ... so the proposal is to remove a section in the spec

... so the proposal is to remove a section in the spec

15:58:52 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:58:53 <betehess> ... and we completely rely on HTTP

... and we completely rely on HTTP

15:59:12 <betehess> bblfish: I tried to do something like that with WebACL

Henry Story: I tried to do something like that with WebACL

15:59:19 <betehess> ... using OPTIONS

... using OPTIONS

15:59:43 <betehess> ... was interested in people's feedback on that

... was interested in people's feedback on that

16:00:07 <betehess> Arnaud: the problem here is for the client to ask the server "what can I do?"

Arnaud Le Hors: the problem here is for the client to ask the server "what can I do?"

16:00:19 <betehess> ... and depending on authorization, it could be different

... and depending on authorization, it could be different

16:00:31 <betehess> ... so it can set the wrong expectation

... so it can set the wrong expectation

16:01:00 <SteveS> should be clear, it is not the Accept header but the Allow header

Steve Speicher: should be clear, it is not the Accept header but the Allow header

16:01:07 <betehess> ... so it can be expensive

... so it can be expensive

16:01:14 <betehess> non-issue for me

non-issue for me

16:01:52 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

16:01:52 <betehess> ... as always, it comes down on where you put the burden

... as always, it comes down on where you put the burden

16:01:58 <betehess> ... can be server or client

... can be server or client

16:02:12 <bblfish> I am ok with removing the HEAD/GET Allow. Just wondering if clients can rely on the server's setting the Allow: headers

Henry Story: I am ok with removing the HEAD/GET Allow. Just wondering if clients can rely on the server's setting the Allow: headers

16:02:17 <betehess> ... also, the server is free to lie

... also, the server is free to lie

16:02:24 <JohnArwe> I think clients will generally prefer responses that are as specific to its context as possible.  OTOH doing so can lead to perverse results; e.g. on some wikis, until you login you don't see an Edit button (b/c you're an unauthenticated client).  If a server said "GET/HEAD only" to an unauthenticated request, even though that's specific to the client's context that *does not* mean that the client could not "upgrade"

John Arwe: I think clients will generally prefer responses that are as specific to its context as possible. OTOH doing so can lead to perverse results; e.g. on some wikis, until you login you don't see an Edit button (b/c you're an unauthenticated client). If a server said "GET/HEAD only" to an unauthenticated request, even though that's specific to the client's context that *does not* mean that the client could not "upgrade"

16:02:24 <JohnArwe>  or find new capabilities available if it changed context (e.g. became authenticated).

John Arwe: or find new capabilities available if it changed context (e.g. became authenticated).

16:02:45 <betehess> TallTed: the client has to deal with failure in any case, so don't make it more complicated

Ted Thibodeau: the client has to deal with failure in any case, so don't make it more complicated

16:02:50 <Arnaud> ack SteveS

Arnaud Le Hors: ack SteveS

16:02:53 <betehess> Arnaud: yes, agree

Arnaud Le Hors: yes, agree

16:03:05 <betehess> SteveS: wanted some clarity on the statement

Steve Speicher: wanted some clarity on the statement

16:03:30 <betehess> ... it means that they are not required for GET/HEAD?

... it means that they are not required for GET/HEAD?

16:03:46 <betehess> ... so a SHOULD could be better there?

... so a SHOULD could be better there?

16:04:05 <Zakim> -ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: -ericP

16:04:06 <betehess> bblfish: I think the MAY on GET/HEAD is ok

Henry Story: I think the MAY on GET/HEAD is ok

16:04:28 <betehess> ... if servers don't implement it correctly, then you can't rely on it anymore

... if servers don't implement it correctly, then you can't rely on it anymore

16:04:42 <SteveS> "4.3.2 LDPR servers must support the HTTP response headers defined in section 4.9 ."

Steve Speicher: "4.3.2 LDPR servers must support the HTTP response headers defined in section 4.9 ."

16:05:29 <betehess> JohnArwe: if you're un-authenticated, and you're trying to do stuff, then you can expect to be limited

John Arwe: if you're un-authenticated, and you're trying to do stuff, then you can expect to be limited

16:05:52 <betehess> TallTed: then if you don't see the OPTIONS, then how do you know it's supported?

Ted Thibodeau: then if you don't see the OPTIONS, then how do you know it's supported?

16:05:58 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

16:06:34 <betehess> JohnArwe: I know security people and for them, if you don't try to do something, you don't need to know if you can actually do it

John Arwe: I know security people and for them, if you don't try to do something, you don't need to know if you can actually do it

16:06:37 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

16:07:01 <JohnArwe> basically there are things pulling a server to respond in each direction

John Arwe: basically there are things pulling a server to respond in each direction

16:07:04 <betehess> bblfish: I think JohnArwe and TallTed are disagreeing

Henry Story: I think JohnArwe and TallTed are disagreeing

16:07:23 <betehess> ... have a feeling there is some unclarity there

... have a feeling there is some unclarity there

16:07:43 <betehess> ... is OPTIONS what I can do now, or if I'm authenticated?

... is OPTIONS what I can do now, or if I'm authenticated?

16:07:55 <betehess> ... depending on answer, we may not need Allow header

... depending on answer, we may not need Allow header

16:08:29 <betehess> ... so for me, it should tell you what you're allowed to do depending on if you're authenticated or not

... so for me, it should tell you what you're allowed to do depending on if you're authenticated or not

16:08:43 <betehess> Arnaud: we're not changing http OPTION

Arnaud Le Hors: we're not changing http OPTION

16:09:23 <betehess> ... so the proposal was just to remove section @@@

... so the proposal was just to remove section 4.3.2

16:09:39 <betehess> s/@@@/4.3.2/
16:09:59 <betehess> ... and Henry thinks we can use a SHOULD instead

... and SteveS thinks we can use a SHOULD instead

16:10:00 <bblfish> what is 4.3.2 now?

Henry Story: what is 4.3.2 now?

16:10:12 <betehess> s/Henry/SteveS/
16:10:16 <Arnaud> http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-20130730/#ldpr-4_3_2

Arnaud Le Hors: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-20130730/#ldpr-4_3_2

16:10:33 <Arnaud> 4.3.2 LDPR servers MUST support the HTTP response headers defined in  		section 4.9 .

Arnaud Le Hors: 4.3.2 LDPR servers MUST support the HTTP response headers defined in section 4.9 .

16:10:35 <betehess> Arnaud: that is a stable link to the section in question

Arnaud Le Hors: that is a stable link to the section in question

16:10:56 <bblfish> +1 I agree with Arnaud that this is too strong for GET/HEAD

Henry Story: +1 I agree with Arnaud that this is too strong for GET/HEAD

16:10:58 <JohnArwe> ...and 4.9 in same doc says...

John Arwe: ...and 4.9 in same doc says...

16:10:58 <JohnArwe> 4.9 HTTP OPTIONS

John Arwe: 4.9 HTTP OPTIONS

16:10:58 <JohnArwe> This specification imposes the following new requirements on HTTP OPTIONS for LDPRs beyond those in [HTTP11]. Other sections of this specification, for example PATCH, Accept-Post and Paging, add other requirements on OPTIONS responses.

John Arwe: This specification imposes the following new requirements on HTTP OPTIONS for LDPRs beyond those in [HTTP11]. Other sections of this specification, for example PATCH, Accept-Post and Paging, add other requirements on OPTIONS responses.

16:10:58 <JohnArwe> 4.9.1 LDPR servers MUST support the HTTP OPTIONS method.

John Arwe: 4.9.1 LDPR servers MUST support the HTTP OPTIONS method.

16:10:58 <JohnArwe> 4.9.2 LDPR servers MUST indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR�s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.

John Arwe: 4.9.2 LDPR servers MUST indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR�s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.

16:10:59 <betehess> ... several possibilities

... several possibilities

16:11:04 <betehess> ... we could do nothing

... we could do nothing

16:12:04 <betehess> ... soften 4.3.2 from MUST to SHOULD

... soften 4.3.2 from MUST to SHOULD

16:12:12 <bblfish> It is odd that LDPR MUST Support. It sounds like it says one has to have Allow

Henry Story: It is odd that LDPR MUST Support. It sounds like it says one has to have Allow

16:12:15 <betehess> ... remove 4.3.2 altogether

... remove 4.3.2 altogether

16:12:30 <betehess> ... (3 possibilities)

... (3 possibilities)

16:13:42 <betehess> Arnaud: also, I think we used it in response to one of Tim's comments

Arnaud Le Hors: also, I think we used it in response to one of Tim's comments

16:13:44 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

16:14:02 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

16:14:02 <betehess> SteveS: and he wanted to have as many MUSTs as possible

Steve Speicher: and he wanted to have as many MUSTs as possible

16:14:56 <betehess> bblfish: if you have an edit button on a webpage, then the client would do an extra round trip to know if it's editable

Henry Story: if you have an edit button on a webway, then the client would do an extra round trip to know if it's editable

16:15:16 <betehess> Arnaud: not the way the web works today

Arnaud Le Hors: not the way the web works today

16:15:24 <deiu> q+

Andrei Sambra: q+

16:15:31 <betehess> s/page/way/
16:15:32 <Arnaud> ack deiu

Arnaud Le Hors: ack deiu

16:16:02 <betehess> deiu: from my dev point-of-view, would be interested to have some kind of option for when you do the first request

Andrei Sambra: from my dev point-of-view, would be interested to have some kind of option for when you do the first request

16:16:10 <betehess> ... so that you don't need to do it later

... so that you don't need to do it later

16:16:24 <bblfish> Deiu it's the Allow header not Accept header

Henry Story: Deiu it's the Allow header not Accept header

16:16:59 <betehess> Arnaud: yes, we want to avoid having to do OPTION all the time

Arnaud Le Hors: yes, we want to avoid having to do OPTION all the time

16:17:06 <betehess> ... maybe it's a mistake removing it

... maybe it's a mistake removing it

16:17:29 <betehess> bblfish: it is a bit expensive to implement, but not a big problem

Henry Story: it is a bit expensive to implement, but not a big problem

16:17:46 <deiu> q+

Andrei Sambra: q+

16:17:49 <betehess> Arnaud: also the spec does not speak about auth*

Arnaud Le Hors: also the spec does not speak about auth*

16:18:14 <betehess> sandro: I understand it as a static field

Sandro Hawke: I understand it as a static field

16:18:41 <Arnaud> http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-20130730/#ldpr-HTTP_OPTIONS

Arnaud Le Hors: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-20130730/#ldpr-HTTP_OPTIONS

16:18:48 <betehess> bblfish: it sounds as if it was for that specific request

Henry Story: it sounds as if it was for that specific request

16:18:52 <Arnaud> 4.9.2 LDPR servers MUST indicate their support for HTTP Methods by 		responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the HTTP 		Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.

Arnaud Le Hors: 4.9.2 LDPR servers MUST indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.

16:19:01 <JohnArwe> This feels like a case for Prefer, honestly ... if the client's intent "potentially includes" update, then it might ask for specificity.  Since MANY clients are not interested in update (we usually use a RoT 10:1 read:write), and ErikW pointed out it's often a losing proposition if the computation is expensive.

John Arwe: This feels like a case for Prefer, honestly ... if the client's intent "potentially includes" update, then it might ask for specificity. Since MANY clients are not interested in update (we usually use a RoT 10:1 read:write), and ErikW pointed out it's often a losing proposition if the computation is expensive.

16:19:20 <betehess> ... then you could always return everything and people would realize later they can't do the operation

... then you could always return everything and people would realize later they can't do the operation

16:19:22 <SteveS> I wonder if this guidance is better for say, our guidance doc?

Steve Speicher: I wonder if this guidance is better for say, our guidance doc?

16:19:24 <deiu> q-

Andrei Sambra: q-

16:20:09 <betehess> Arnaud: today, the section is 4.9.2

Arnaud Le Hors: today, the section is 4.9.2

16:20:24 <betehess> ... just pasted current wording

... just pasted current wording

16:20:52 <betehess> sandro: uncertainty makes me nervous. would like to see a test case

Sandro Hawke: uncertainty makes me nervous. would like to see a test case

16:21:12 <betehess> Arnaud: as you said earlier, a static approach would make you compliant

Arnaud Le Hors: as you said earlier, a static approach would make you compliant

16:21:19 <betehess> ... question is whether you expect more

... question is whether you expect more

16:21:26 <betehess> sandro: depends on the use-case

Sandro Hawke: depends on the use-case

16:21:38 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

16:21:42 <betehess> Arnaud: we would have to add more requirements

Arnaud Le Hors: we would have to add more requirements

16:21:49 <betehess> ... don't know what to put at risk

... don't know what to put at risk

16:22:11 <betehess> sandro: Henry may not be the only one with those expectations

Sandro Hawke: Henry may not be the only one with those expectations

16:22:21 <Arnaud> ack SteveS

Arnaud Le Hors: ack SteveS

16:22:28 <bblfish> I was arguing if the point of Allow is to avoid clients doing a round trip,  then returning Allow: PUT, ... which is never related to the authentication level, then all servers will be publishing this info, and the client will have to do a few more round trips anyway. ( Say that we follow link acl that requires a lot more calls )

Henry Story: I was arguing if the point of Allow is to avoid clients doing a round trip, then returning Allow: PUT, ... which is never related to the authentication level, then all servers will be publishing this info, and the client will have to do a few more round trips anyway. ( Say that we follow link acl that requires a lot more calls )

16:22:39 <betehess> SteveS: wanted to bring up the possibility to say something in the guidelines doc

Steve Speicher: wanted to bring up the possibility to say something in the guidelines doc

16:23:06 <betehess> ... or we could create variants of 4.9.2

... or we could create variants of 4.9.2

16:23:29 <betehess> ... depending on what the server wants to support

... depending on what the server wants to support

16:23:51 <betehess> Arnaud: this convinced me that at most, we should do nothing

Arnaud Le Hors: this convinced me that at most, we should do nothing

16:23:55 <bblfish> deiu: it's the Allow header

Andrei Sambra: it's the Allow header [ Scribe Assist by Henry Story ]

16:24:05 <deiu> sorry, the Allow header

Andrei Sambra: sorry, the Allow header

16:24:09 <betehess> ... people should make concrete proposals

... people should make concrete proposals

16:24:20 <roger> I'm heading off - I think we resolved some thorny issues today and made good progress.

Roger Menday: I'm heading off - I think we resolved some thorny issues today and made good progress.

16:24:29 <Zakim> -Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -Roger

16:24:55 <betehess> bblfish: we could ask TimBL what he thinks about it

Henry Story: we could ask TimBL what he thinks about it

16:25:01 <betehess> Arnaud: I want to close this now

Arnaud Le Hors: I want to close this now

16:25:15 <betehess> ... but I'm happy to investigate further

... but I'm happy to investigate further

16:25:25 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

16:25:29 <betehess> ... is that acceptable?

... is that acceptable?

16:25:33 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

16:25:45 <betehess> bblfish: what's the issue with keeping it open one more week?

Henry Story: what's the issue with keeping it open one more week?

16:25:51 <betehess> ... would save time

... would save time

16:26:09 <betehess> ... I'm implementing it and it's kinda important

... I'm implementing it and it's kinda important

16:26:23 <betehess> ... people reading the text don't know what they have to do with it

... people reading the text don't know what they have to do with it

16:26:52 <betehess> Arnaud: the difference is that if we close it, it means that if nobody does anything, we'd have a default decision

Arnaud Le Hors: the difference is that if we close it, it means that if nobody does anything, we'd have a default decision

16:27:06 <betehess> ... it's adminitrative

... it's adminitrative

16:27:07 <SteveS> an action on someone to do something before next week?

Steve Speicher: an action on someone to do something before next week?

16:27:16 <betehess> sandro: is somebody willing to take an action?

Sandro Hawke: is somebody willing to take an action?

16:27:23 <betehess> Arnaud: good point

Arnaud Le Hors: good point

16:27:23 <JohnArwe> fwiw, the "support" word is in HTTP Allow's definition itself.  we're not causing any new problems (nor are we solving any) by re-using the word.

John Arwe: fwiw, the "support" word is in HTTP Allow's definition itself. we're not causing any new problems (nor are we solving any) by re-using the word.

16:27:35 <betehess> ... if not, we could close it now

... if not, we could close it now

16:28:20 <SteveS> perhaps send to some http-discuss list?

Steve Speicher: perhaps send to some http-discuss list?

16:28:37 <betehess> Arnaud: we made good progress, we have this issue pending

Arnaud Le Hors: we made good progress, we have this issue pending

16:28:44 <betehess> ... let's let it be in this state (raised)

... let's let it be in this state (raised)

16:28:49 <betehess> ... and discuss it next week

... and discuss it next week

16:29:01 <betehess> ... I'm glad we went though almost everything

... I'm glad we went though almost everything

16:29:08 <betehess> ... hopefully we can get through this

... hopefully we can get through this

16:29:16 <betehess> ... anything else before we close?

... anything else before we close?

16:29:17 <JohnArwe> q+

John Arwe: q+

16:29:45 <Arnaud> ack JohnArwe

Arnaud Le Hors: ack JohnArwe

16:29:48 <betehess> ... we'll have other things to discuss: guidelines, test suites, etc.

... we'll have other things to discuss: guidelines, test suites, etc.

16:29:54 <betehess> JohnArwe: re: f2f

John Arwe: re: f2f

16:30:02 <betehess> ... we may want to set the date

... we may want to set the date

16:30:23 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

16:30:31 <betehess> Arnaud: don't know how strict the w3c is about setting this date, already gave some dates as a placeholder

Arnaud Le Hors: don't know how strict the w3c is about setting this date, already gave some dates as a placeholder

16:30:36 <betehess> ... let's close on this

... let's close on this

16:30:40 <Zakim> -Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ashok_Malhotra

16:30:41 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

16:30:43 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

16:30:44 <Zakim> -Andrei

Zakim IRC Bot: -Andrei

16:30:45 <Zakim> -nmihindu

Zakim IRC Bot: -nmihindu

16:30:48 <Zakim> -SteveS

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveS

16:30:49 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

16:30:51 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

16:30:59 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

16:31:31 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

16:31:33 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

16:31:33 <Zakim> Attendees were Arnaud, Ashok_Malhotra, JohnArwe, SteveS, Andrei, Alexandre, TallTed, Roger, ericP, Sandro, nmihindu, bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Arnaud, Ashok_Malhotra, JohnArwe, SteveS, Andrei, Alexandre, TallTed, Roger, ericP, Sandro, nmihindu, bblfish

16:35:39 <Arnaud> trackbot, end meeting

Arnaud Le Hors: trackbot, end meeting

16:35:39 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees

16:35:39 <Zakim> sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is

16:35:47 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes

16:35:47 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-minutes.html trackbot

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-minutes.html trackbot

16:35:48 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye

16:35:48 <RRSAgent> I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-actions.rdf :

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-actions.rdf :

16:35:48 <RRSAgent> ACTION: TallTed to investigate the use of URIs with the Prefer header [1]

ACTION: TallTed to investigate the use of URIs with the Prefer header [1]

16:35:48 <RRSAgent>   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-irc#T15-46-21

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/01/27-ldp-irc#T15-46-21

Formatted by CommonScribe