12:54:22 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-irc ←
12:55:07 <PhilA_> Meeting: DWBP Weekly
12:55:13 <PhilA_> chair: Hadley
12:56:06 <PhilA_> Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20140606
12:58:22 <Zakim> DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has now started ←
12:58:27 <Zakim> DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended ←
12:58:28 <Zakim> Attendees were
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were ←
12:58:31 <adler1> hi Phil
Steven Adler: hi Phil ←
12:58:40 <Zakim> DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has now started ←
12:58:47 <Zakim> +adler1
Zakim IRC Bot: +adler1 ←
12:59:23 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
12:59:36 <Zakim> +HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: +HadleyBeeman ←
12:59:36 <laufer> zakim, ipcaller is me
Carlos Laufer: zakim, ipcaller is me ←
12:59:37 <Zakim> +laufer; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +laufer; got it ←
12:59:45 <ivan> zakim, code?
Ivan Herman: zakim, code? ←
12:59:45 <Zakim> the conference code is 3927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 3927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ivan ←
12:59:56 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
13:00:04 <PhilA_> zakim, ipcaller is me
Phil Archer: zakim, ipcaller is me ←
13:00:04 <Zakim> +PhilA_; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +PhilA_; got it ←
13:00:12 <Zakim> +Recorder
Zakim IRC Bot: +Recorder ←
13:00:15 <Zakim> +??P21
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P21 ←
13:00:16 <Zakim> +??P20
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P20 ←
13:00:16 <HadleyBeeman> zakim who is on the call?
Hadley Beeman: zakim who is on the call? ←
13:00:21 <ivan> zakim, Recorder is me
Ivan Herman: zakim, Recorder is me ←
13:00:21 <Zakim> +ivan; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +ivan; got it ←
13:00:26 <cgueret> zakim, ??P21 is me
Christophe Gueret: zakim, ??P21 is me ←
13:00:26 <Zakim> +cgueret; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +cgueret; got it ←
13:00:29 <cgueret> I guess
Christophe Gueret: I guess ←
13:00:47 <cgueret> ok, I quite and re-join to see...
Christophe Gueret: ok, I quite and re-join to see... ←
13:00:50 <Zakim> -cgueret
Zakim IRC Bot: -cgueret ←
13:01:00 <Zakim> -??P20
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P20 ←
13:01:17 <Zakim> +??P20
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P20 ←
13:01:22 <PhilA_> zakim, who is here?
Phil Archer: zakim, who is here? ←
13:01:22 <Zakim> On the phone I see adler1, laufer, HadleyBeeman, PhilA_, ivan, ??P20
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see adler1, laufer, HadleyBeeman, PhilA_, ivan, ??P20 ←
13:01:22 <cgueret> zakim, ??P20 is me
Christophe Gueret: zakim, ??P20 is me ←
13:01:24 <Zakim> On IRC I see cgueret, HadleyBeeman, adler1, yaso, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ig_Bittencourt, PhilA_, laufer, ivan, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see cgueret, HadleyBeeman, adler1, yaso, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ig_Bittencourt, PhilA_, laufer, ivan, trackbot ←
13:01:24 <Zakim> +cgueret; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +cgueret; got it ←
13:01:38 <HadleyBeeman> zakim, pick a victim
Hadley Beeman: zakim, pick a victim ←
13:01:39 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HadleyBeeman ←
13:01:42 <Zakim> +??P21
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P21 ←
13:01:47 <HadleyBeeman> zakim, pick a victim
Hadley Beeman: zakim, pick a victim ←
13:01:47 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose cgueret
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose cgueret ←
13:01:55 <cgueret> ok
Christophe Gueret: ok ←
13:01:56 <Ig_Bittencourt> Zakim, ??P21 is me
Ig Bittencourt Santana Pinto: Zakim, ??P21 is me ←
13:01:57 <Zakim> +Ig_Bittencourt; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Ig_Bittencourt; got it ←
13:02:04 <PhilA_> The chair is always excused from scribing - can't do both jobs
Phil Archer: The chair is always excused from scribing - can't do both jobs ←
13:02:04 <Ig_Bittencourt> Zakim, mute me
Ig Bittencourt Santana Pinto: Zakim, mute me ←
13:02:04 <Zakim> Ig_Bittencourt should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: Ig_Bittencourt should now be muted ←
13:02:13 <Zakim> + +3539149aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +3539149aaaa ←
13:02:15 <HadleyBeeman> http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30
Hadley Beeman: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30 ←
13:02:27 <deirdrelee> zakim, +353 is me
Deirdre Lee: zakim, +353 is me ←
13:02:27 <Zakim> +deirdrelee; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +deirdrelee; got it ←
13:02:28 <cgueret> zakim, mute me
Christophe Gueret: zakim, mute me ←
13:02:29 <Zakim> cgueret should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: cgueret should now be muted ←
13:02:30 <PhilA_> PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30
PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30 ←
13:02:33 <Zakim> +Caroline
Zakim IRC Bot: +Caroline ←
13:02:34 <HadleyBeeman> +1
Hadley Beeman: +1 ←
13:02:34 <cgueret> zakim, I hate you
Christophe Gueret: zakim, I hate you ←
13:02:34 <Zakim> I don't understand 'I hate you', cgueret
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'I hate you', cgueret ←
13:02:50 <PhilA_> +1
Phil Archer: +1 ←
13:02:53 <cgueret> +1
Christophe Gueret: +1 ←
13:03:04 <Zakim> + +1.509.554.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.509.554.aabb ←
13:03:12 <Ig_Bittencourt> +1
Ig Bittencourt Santana Pinto: +1 ←
13:03:46 <ericstephan> zakim, aabb is me
Eric Stephan: zakim, aabb is me ←
13:03:46 <Zakim> +ericstephan; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +ericstephan; got it ←
13:03:59 <deirdrelee> +1
Deirdre Lee: +1 ←
13:04:00 <ericstephan> +1
Eric Stephan: +1 ←
13:04:01 <adler1> +1
Steven Adler: +1 ←
13:04:15 <cgueret> RESOLVED
Christophe Gueret: RESOLVED ←
13:04:19 <PhilA_> RESOLVED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30
RESOLVED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30 ←
13:04:44 <cgueret> Topic: use case document
13:04:53 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: what's the status ?
Hadley Beeman: what's the status ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:04:57 <PhilA_> Here's a hint HadleyBeeman http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30
Phil Archer: Here's a hint HadleyBeeman http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2014-05-30 ←
13:05:05 <PhilA_> Sorry, I meant this http://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp-ucr/
Phil Archer: Sorry, I meant this http://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp-ucr/ ←
13:05:16 <HadleyBeeman> Cheers, phila_!
Hadley Beeman: Cheers, phila_! ←
13:05:38 <cgueret> deirdrelee: got published yesterday
Deirdre Lee: got published yesterday [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:05:50 <cgueret> ... announced on lists, twitter etc
Christophe Gueret: ... announced on lists, twitter etc ←
13:06:00 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
13:06:04 <cgueret> ... live document that will have new versions
Christophe Gueret: ... live document that will have new versions ←
13:06:06 <BernadetteLoscio> zakim, ipcaller is BernadetteLoscio
Bernadette Farias Loscio: zakim, ipcaller is BernadetteLoscio ←
13:06:06 <Zakim> +BernadetteLoscio; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +BernadetteLoscio; got it ←
13:06:12 <cgueret> ... use the issue tracker for this
Christophe Gueret: ... use the issue tracker for this ←
13:06:50 <cgueret> BernadetteLoscio: some issues still have to be resolved
Bernadette Farias Loscio: some issues still have to be resolved [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:06:50 <PhilA_> You can see the current raised issues at http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/raised - and each one is now associated with a 'product'
Phil Archer: You can see the current raised issues at http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/raised - and each one is now associated with a 'product' ←
13:07:13 <PhilA_> q+ to talk about tracker if you want me to HadleyBeeman
Phil Archer: q+ to talk about tracker if you want me to HadleyBeeman ←
13:07:27 <cgueret> ... please have a look at the issues
Christophe Gueret: ... please have a look at the issues ←
13:07:38 <HadleyBeeman> q+ to ask about the tracker and our weekly calls.
Hadley Beeman: q+ to ask about the tracker and our weekly calls. ←
13:07:39 <PhilA_> issue-4?
13:07:39 <trackbot> issue-4 -- Add a matrix table to summarize UCs vs challenges/requirements -- raised
Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-4 -- Add a matrix table to summarize UCs vs challenges/requirements -- raised ←
13:07:39 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/4
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/4 ←
13:07:43 <HadleyBeeman> ack phil
Hadley Beeman: ack phil ←
13:07:43 <Zakim> PhilA_, you wanted to talk about tracker if you want me to HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA_, you wanted to talk about tracker if you want me to HadleyBeeman ←
13:07:50 <cgueret> PhilA_: the tracker is the same system for issues and actions
Phil Archer: the tracker is the same system for issues and actions [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:07:55 <cgueret> ... useful for the editors
Christophe Gueret: ... useful for the editors ←
13:08:20 <Zakim> +??P5
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5 ←
13:08:26 <cgueret> ... minors issues can be tackled directly by editors, other may require discussions
Christophe Gueret: ... minors issues can be tackled directly by editors, other may require discussions ←
13:08:34 <CarlosIglesias> zakim, ??P5 is really me
Carlos Iglesias: zakim, ??P5 is really me ←
13:08:34 <Zakim> +CarlosIglesias; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +CarlosIglesias; got it ←
13:08:40 <cgueret> ... for this do the same as for actions, also for the mails on the list
Christophe Gueret: ... for this do the same as for actions, also for the mails on the list ←
13:08:53 <cgueret> ... we have three products
Christophe Gueret: ... we have three products ←
13:09:09 <cgueret> ... for the two vocabs the tracker is following the vocab list
Christophe Gueret: ... for the two vocabs the tracker is following the vocab list ←
13:09:25 <cgueret> ... one product for the BP as a whole or one product per BP ?
Christophe Gueret: ... one product for the BP as a whole or one product per BP ? ←
13:09:44 <cgueret> ... risk of mail flooding !
Christophe Gueret: ... risk of mail flooding ! ←
13:09:51 <Zakim> +??P28
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P28 ←
13:09:56 <ivan> q+
Ivan Herman: q+ ←
13:10:06 <PhilA_> zakim, who is noisy?
Phil Archer: zakim, who is noisy? ←
13:10:10 <ericstephan> data usage next generation
Eric Stephan: data usage next generation ←
13:10:15 <cgueret> :)
Christophe Gueret: :) ←
13:10:16 <Zakim> PhilA_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: BernadetteLoscio (65%), adler1 (25%), laufer (30%), HadleyBeeman (31%), Caroline (36%)
Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: BernadetteLoscio (65%), adler1 (25%), laufer (30%), HadleyBeeman (31%), Caroline (36%) ←
13:10:16 <Ig_Bittencourt> haha
Ig Bittencourt Santana Pinto: haha ←
13:10:29 <laufer> zakim, mute me
Carlos Laufer: zakim, mute me ←
13:10:29 <Zakim> laufer should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: laufer should now be muted ←
13:10:40 <BernadetteLoscio> zakim, mute me
Bernadette Farias Loscio: zakim, mute me ←
13:10:40 <Zakim> BernadetteLoscio should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: BernadetteLoscio should now be muted ←
13:10:49 <PhilA_> ack HadleyBeeman
Phil Archer: ack HadleyBeeman ←
13:10:49 <Zakim> HadleyBeeman, you wanted to ask about the tracker and our weekly calls.
Zakim IRC Bot: HadleyBeeman, you wanted to ask about the tracker and our weekly calls. ←
13:11:02 <cgueret> deirdrelee: happy to take advises on what to do for the BP document
Deirdre Lee: happy to take advises on what to do for the BP document [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:11:10 <BernadetteLoscio> q+
Bernadette Farias Loscio: q+ ←
13:11:24 <cgueret> ... lean towards having different deliverables in the tracker
Christophe Gueret: ... lean towards having different deliverables in the tracker ←
13:11:30 <cgueret> ... instead of versioning sections
Christophe Gueret: ... instead of versioning sections ←
13:12:14 <deirdrelee> q+
Deirdre Lee: q+ ←
13:12:17 <cgueret> ... what do you want editors ?
Christophe Gueret: ... what do you want editors ? ←
13:12:45 <cgueret> deirdrelee: ok
Deirdre Lee: ok [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:12:46 <PhilA_> I would suggest that yes, a section on issues would be a good addition to the regular agenda
Phil Archer: I would suggest that yes, a section on issues would be a good addition to the regular agenda ←
13:12:49 <deirdrelee> ack deirdrelee
Deirdre Lee: ack deirdrelee ←
13:12:56 <PhilA_> ack ivan
Phil Archer: ack ivan ←
13:13:17 <cgueret> ivan: the tracker is intelligent enough to dig out specific issues in text
Ivan Herman: the tracker is intelligent enough to dig out specific issues in text [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:13:47 <cgueret> ... works in both text and subject of mails
Christophe Gueret: ... works in both text and subject of mails ←
13:14:27 <cgueret> ... don't forget that to publish a doc all the issues must be closed
Christophe Gueret: ... don't forget that to publish a doc all the issues must be closed ←
13:14:40 <cgueret> ... they all need to be closed or explained
Christophe Gueret: ... they all need to be closed or explained ←
13:14:53 <PhilA_> ack BernadetteLoscio
Phil Archer: ack BernadetteLoscio ←
13:14:53 <BernadetteLoscio> zakim, unmute me
Bernadette Farias Loscio: zakim, unmute me ←
13:14:54 <Zakim> BernadetteLoscio was not muted, BernadetteLoscio
Zakim IRC Bot: BernadetteLoscio was not muted, BernadetteLoscio ←
13:14:59 <nathalia> Zakim, yaso has nathalia
Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício: Zakim, yaso has nathalia ←
13:14:59 <Zakim> sorry, nathalia, I do not recognize a party named 'yaso'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, nathalia, I do not recognize a party named 'yaso' ←
13:15:10 <yaso> Zakim, Caroline_ is yaso
Yaso Córdova: Zakim, Caroline_ is yaso ←
13:15:10 <Zakim> sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'Caroline_'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'Caroline_' ←
13:15:11 <cgueret> BernadetteLoscio: talk about the BP document ?
Bernadette Farias Loscio: talk about the BP document ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:15:21 <yaso> Zakim, Yaso has caroline
Yaso Córdova: Zakim, Yaso has caroline ←
13:15:21 <Zakim> sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'Yaso'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'Yaso' ←
13:15:30 <yaso> Zakim, caroline has yaso
Yaso Córdova: Zakim, caroline has yaso ←
13:15:30 <Zakim> +yaso; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +yaso; got it ←
13:15:41 <yaso> Zakim, yaso has nathalia
Yaso Córdova: Zakim, yaso has nathalia ←
13:15:41 <Zakim> sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'yaso'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'yaso' ←
13:15:44 <cgueret> ... we have the ucr and several BP sections now
Christophe Gueret: ... we have the ucr and several BP sections now ←
13:15:45 <nathalia> Zakim, caroline has nathalia
Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício: Zakim, caroline has nathalia ←
13:15:45 <Zakim> +nathalia; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +nathalia; got it ←
13:16:04 <cgueret> ... we should group BPs to match requirements
Christophe Gueret: ... we should group BPs to match requirements ←
13:16:15 <cgueret> ... to organise all the information
Christophe Gueret: ... to organise all the information ←
13:16:26 <Caroline_> documents we are looking at as examples: Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data - http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-ld-bp-20140109/ Web Application Privacy Best Practices - http://www.w3.org/TR/app-privacy-bp/ Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies - http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-swbp-vocab-pub-20080828/ Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-mobile-bp-20080729/
Caroline Burle: documents we are looking at as examples: Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data - http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-ld-bp-20140109/ Web Application Privacy Best Practices - http://www.w3.org/TR/app-privacy-bp/ Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies - http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-swbp-vocab-pub-20080828/ Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-mobile-bp-20080729/ ←
13:16:33 <cgueret> ... worry that requirements and BP sections will be hard to link
Christophe Gueret: ... worry that requirements and BP sections will be hard to link ←
13:16:55 <PhilA_> regrets+ Martin, Eric Kauz, Newton, Flavio, Antoine, Ghislain, Makx, Jeremy, Mark
Phil Archer: regrets+ Martin, Eric Kauz, Newton, Flavio, Antoine, Ghislain, Makx, Jeremy, Mark ←
13:17:05 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: +1 to connect the bits and be sure they don't run off in all directions
Hadley Beeman: +1 to connect the bits and be sure they don't run off in all directions [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:17:54 <Caroline_> + to BernadetteLoscio concern about the BP document
Caroline Burle: + to BernadetteLoscio concern about the BP document ←
13:18:16 <cgueret> PhilA_: time fixed for vocab call
Phil Archer: time fixed for vocab call [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:18:24 <cgueret> ... Thursdays
Christophe Gueret: ... Thursdays ←
13:19:05 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: BernadetteLoscio / deirdrelee will you join this week ?
Hadley Beeman: BernadetteLoscio / deirdrelee will you join this week ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:19:17 <cgueret> ... would be good to see how to match up vocab and ucr
Christophe Gueret: ... would be good to see how to match up vocab and ucr ←
13:19:17 <PhilA_> Topic: Vocabulary calls
13:19:24 <PhilA_> See Group calendar https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Main_Page#Working_Group_Calendar
Phil Archer: See Group calendar https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Main_Page#Working_Group_Calendar ←
13:19:33 <PhilA_> Every other week
Phil Archer: Every other week ←
13:19:43 <cgueret> deirdrelee: may be able to make it
Deirdre Lee: may be able to make it [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:19:51 <PhilA_> Fixed to 12:00 Eastern (because Zakim is)
Phil Archer: Fixed to 12:00 Eastern (because Zakim is) ←
13:19:59 <BernadetteLoscio> q+
Bernadette Farias Loscio: q+ ←
13:20:08 <PhilA_> ack BernadetteLoscio
Phil Archer: ack BernadetteLoscio ←
13:20:22 <cgueret> BernadetteLoscio: need common terminology
Bernadette Farias Loscio: need common terminology [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:20:36 <cgueret> ... will be useful for best practices
Christophe Gueret: ... will be useful for best practices ←
13:20:46 <cgueret> ... why not make a glossary ?
Christophe Gueret: ... why not make a glossary ? ←
13:20:59 <PhilA_> Yes, there is a Linked Data glossary at http://www.w3.org/TR/ld-glossary
Phil Archer: Yes, there is a Linked Data glossary at http://www.w3.org/TR/ld-glossary ←
13:21:17 <cgueret> ... define things once for all documents
Christophe Gueret: ... define things once for all documents ←
13:21:26 <ericstephan> Is the Linked Data glossary a living document?
Eric Stephan: Is the Linked Data glossary a living document? ←
13:21:45 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: within one can go at the end of the doc, for across the docs there should be a separate page
Hadley Beeman: within one can go at the end of the doc, for across the docs there should be a separate page [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:21:59 <cgueret> ... will be used internally and as a communication
Christophe Gueret: ... will be used internally and as a communication ←
13:22:04 <cgueret> ... 1) we need now
Christophe Gueret: ... 1) we need now ←
13:22:11 <cgueret> ... 2) we may or may not need later
Christophe Gueret: ... 2) we may or may not need later ←
13:22:25 <CarlosIglesias> in addition to what Bernadette is proposing it would be good trying to adopt a more neutral discourse globally, avoiding Open/Linked data bias where not necessary
Carlos Iglesias: in addition to what Bernadette is proposing it would be good trying to adopt a more neutral discourse globally, avoiding Open/Linked data bias where not necessary ←
13:22:36 <cgueret> ... "living document" ? we can work on updating it
Christophe Gueret: ... "living document" ? we can work on updating it ←
13:22:53 <CarlosIglesias> otherwise this could start to be quite confusing for people
Carlos Iglesias: otherwise this could start to be quite confusing for people ←
13:22:54 <cgueret> PhilA_: it's a note and not a rec so it can be changed
Phil Archer: it's a note and not a rec so it can be changed [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:22:57 <BernadetteLoscio> q+
Bernadette Farias Loscio: q+ ←
13:23:01 <ericstephan> good point PhilA
Eric Stephan: good point PhilA ←
13:23:10 <cgueret> ... biggest problem here is that the topic is LD so it's narrower than our scope
Christophe Gueret: ... biggest problem here is that the topic is LD so it's narrower than our scope ←
13:23:25 <cgueret> ... but we could superseed it in a new version
Christophe Gueret: ... but we could superseed it in a new version ←
13:23:31 <ericstephan> +1 PhilA
Eric Stephan: +1 PhilA ←
13:23:35 <cgueret> ... repeat and extend the content in our new glossary
Christophe Gueret: ... repeat and extend the content in our new glossary ←
13:23:43 <cgueret> +1
Christophe Gueret: +1 ←
13:24:00 <PhilA_> q+
Phil Archer: q+ ←
13:24:08 <HadleyBeeman> ack bern
Hadley Beeman: ack bern ←
13:24:08 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: if we do that just be sure that's the thing we want to do
Hadley Beeman: if we do that just be sure that's the thing we want to do [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:24:38 <cgueret> BernadetteLoscio: there are many general concepts we can re-use
Bernadette Farias Loscio: there are many general concepts we can re-use [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:24:39 <PhilA_> ack me
Phil Archer: ack me ←
13:25:12 <Zakim> -BernadetteLoscio
Zakim IRC Bot: -BernadetteLoscio ←
13:25:24 <cgueret> PhilA_: support BernadetteLoscio and HadleyBeeman, we need to see if extending the doc is a good idea
Phil Archer: support BernadetteLoscio and HadleyBeeman, we need to see if extending the doc is a good idea [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:25:38 <cgueret> ... discussed extending/using that glossary for another work too
Christophe Gueret: ... discussed extending/using that glossary for another work too ←
13:25:49 <cgueret> ... so maybe interesting in a wider context to extend it
Christophe Gueret: ... so maybe interesting in a wider context to extend it ←
13:26:12 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: we need to list what we need to define
Hadley Beeman: we need to list what we need to define [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:26:22 <cgueret> ... can be derived from discussion
Christophe Gueret: ... can be derived from discussion ←
13:26:48 <cgueret> Topic: actions
13:26:49 <HadleyBeeman> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/open
Hadley Beeman: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/open ←
13:27:01 <cgueret> action-20?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-20? ←
13:27:01 <trackbot> action-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:27:01 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20 ←
13:28:02 <cgueret> ericstephan: initial discussions done during the f2f, home work now is to look at ucr to find data usage examples
Eric Stephan: initial discussions done during the f2f, home work now is to look at ucr to find data usage examples [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:28:14 <cgueret> ... also looking at csv on the web use-case document
Christophe Gueret: ... also looking at csv on the web use-case document ←
13:28:30 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: set due date next Friday
Hadley Beeman: set due date next Friday [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:28:35 <cgueret> ericstephan: +1
Eric Stephan: +1 [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:29:04 <PhilA_> action-20?
13:29:04 <trackbot> action-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:29:04 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20 ←
13:29:28 <ericstephan> A new link has been made off of the F2F1 Data usage Notes
Eric Stephan: A new link has been made off of the F2F1 Data usage Notes ←
13:29:30 <PhilA_> action-22?
13:29:30 <trackbot> action-22 -- Deirdre Lee to Work with bernadette to ensure that each requirement links back to a use case -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-22 -- Deirdre Lee to Work with bernadette to ensure that each requirement links back to a use case -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN ←
13:29:30 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/22
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/22 ←
13:29:38 <ericstephan> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_usage_notes
Eric Stephan: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_usage_notes ←
13:29:47 <cgueret> action-22?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-22? ←
13:29:47 <trackbot> action-22 -- Deirdre Lee to Work with bernadette to ensure that each requirement links back to a use case -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-22 -- Deirdre Lee to Work with bernadette to ensure that each requirement links back to a use case -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN ←
13:29:47 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/22
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/22 ←
13:29:48 <ericstephan> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_Usage_Vocabulary_Meetings
Eric Stephan: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_Usage_Vocabulary_Meetings ←
13:30:03 <cgueret> deirdrelee: can be closed
Deirdre Lee: can be closed [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:30:15 <cgueret> RESOLVED: action-22
13:30:24 <PhilA_> close action-22
Phil Archer: close ACTION-22 ←
13:30:24 <trackbot> Closed action-22.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-22. ←
13:30:28 <cgueret> action-23 ?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-23 ? ←
13:30:28 <trackbot> action-23 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Look up requirements documents for vocabularies such as prov-o, data cube, skos -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-23 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Look up requirements documents for vocabularies such as prov-o, data cube, skos -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:30:28 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/23
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/23 ←
13:30:57 <cgueret> action-28?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-28? ←
13:30:57 <trackbot> action-28 -- Eric Stephan to Write some other examples that are no open data -- due 2014-05-02 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-28 -- Eric Stephan to Write some other examples that are no open data -- due 2014-05-02 -- OPEN ←
13:30:57 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/28
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/28 ←
13:31:09 <nathalia> Zakim, caroline has nathalia
Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício: Zakim, caroline has nathalia ←
13:31:09 <Zakim> nathalia was already listed in Caroline, nathalia
Zakim IRC Bot: nathalia was already listed in Caroline, nathalia ←
13:31:16 <cgueret> ericstephan: on the backburner but should be complete by next week
Eric Stephan: on the backburner but should be complete by next week [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:31:22 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: still relevant?
Hadley Beeman: still relevant? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:31:41 <cgueret> ericstephan: willing to do it anyway, could be useful for later
Eric Stephan: willing to do it anyway, could be useful for later [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:31:43 <PhilA_> q+
Phil Archer: q+ ←
13:31:47 <HadleyBeeman> zakim, who is noisy?
Hadley Beeman: zakim, who is noisy? ←
13:31:57 <Zakim> HadleyBeeman, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: PhilA_ (4%), HadleyBeeman (39%), ivan (20%), ericstephan (55%)
Zakim IRC Bot: HadleyBeeman, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: PhilA_ (4%), HadleyBeeman (39%), ivan (20%), ericstephan (55%) ←
13:32:12 <PhilA_> q-
Phil Archer: q- ←
13:32:31 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: initial plan was to fit the content into the use-case doc but could go somewhere else
Hadley Beeman: initial plan was to fit the content into the use-case doc but could go somewhere else [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:32:40 <PhilA_> zakim, mute ivan
Phil Archer: zakim, mute ivan ←
13:32:40 <Zakim> ivan should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should now be muted ←
13:32:53 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: shift due-date on that one too
Hadley Beeman: shift due-date on that one too [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:33:12 <cgueret> PhilA_: closed data is an important aspect
Phil Archer: closed data is an important aspect [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:33:35 <cgueret> ... suggest ericstephan to scan through the use-case document
Christophe Gueret: ... suggest ericstephan to scan through the use-case document ←
13:33:56 <HadleyBeeman> +1 to phila_'s suggestion
Hadley Beeman: +1 to phila_'s suggestion ←
13:34:04 <cgueret> ... if covered ok, if not covered then important to do something
Christophe Gueret: ... if covered ok, if not covered then important to do something ←
13:34:10 <cgueret> +1 to PhilA_ too
Christophe Gueret: +1 to PhilA_ too ←
13:34:13 <deirdrelee> q+
Deirdre Lee: q+ ←
13:34:57 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: open a new action to keep track on this
Hadley Beeman: open a new action to keep track on this [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:34:57 <PhilA_> close action-28
Phil Archer: close ACTION-28 ←
13:34:57 <trackbot> Closed action-28.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-28. ←
13:35:38 <PhilA_> action: ericstephan to review UCR with closed data in mind
ACTION: ericstephan to review UCR with closed data in mind ←
13:35:38 <trackbot> Created ACTION-45 - Review ucr with closed data in mind [on Eric Stephan - due 2014-06-13].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-45 - Review ucr with closed data in mind [on Eric Stephan - due 2014-06-13]. ←
13:35:54 <cgueret> action-30?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-30? ←
13:35:54 <trackbot> action-30 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Come back with schedule to the wg -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-30 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Come back with schedule to the wg -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN ←
13:35:54 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/30
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/30 ←
13:36:16 <cgueret> action-31?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-31? ←
13:36:16 <trackbot> action-31 -- Carlos Iglesias to Do mapping between the best practices and challenges and the requirements and add concrete examples -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-31 -- Carlos Iglesias to Do mapping between the best practices and challenges and the requirements and add concrete examples -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN ←
13:36:16 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/31
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/31 ←
13:36:44 <cgueret> CarlosIglesias: still working on it
Carlos Iglesias: still working on it [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:37:01 <cgueret> ... the map is complete but not respect to the challenges so far
Christophe Gueret: ... the map is complete but not respect to the challenges so far ←
13:37:02 <Zakim> +??P1
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1 ←
13:37:13 <cgueret> ... remain to add statistics and map challenges
Christophe Gueret: ... remain to add statistics and map challenges ←
13:37:20 <MTCarrasco> zakim, ??P1 is me
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: zakim, ??P1 is me ←
13:37:20 <Zakim> +MTCarrasco; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +MTCarrasco; got it ←
13:37:26 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: still fit in UCR ?
Hadley Beeman: still fit in UCR ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:37:37 <BernadetteLoscio> Im sorry... I lost connections
Bernadette Farias Loscio: Im sorry... I lost connections ←
13:37:39 <cgueret> CarlosIglesias: the connection is on the document
Carlos Iglesias: the connection is on the document [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:38:08 <cgueret> ... but miss a bit seeing how everything will be together at the end
Christophe Gueret: ... but miss a bit seeing how everything will be together at the end ←
13:38:17 <BernadetteLoscio> No.. Internet connection :)
Bernadette Farias Loscio: No.. Internet connection :) ←
13:39:24 <cgueret> ... we just need to agree on a final format for the BPs
Christophe Gueret: ... we just need to agree on a final format for the BPs ←
13:39:43 <cgueret> ... otherwise we'll build many collection documents
Christophe Gueret: ... otherwise we'll build many collection documents ←
13:40:08 <cgueret> ... would like this agreement being made before spending further time on it
Christophe Gueret: ... would like this agreement being made before spending further time on it ←
13:40:43 <BernadetteLoscio> Yes... I agre
Bernadette Farias Loscio: Yes... I agre ←
13:40:53 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: close the action and create an issue to check is best practices and use-cases are correctly related
Hadley Beeman: close the action and create an issue to check is best practices and use-cases are correctly related [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:41:12 <PhilA_> close action-31
Phil Archer: close ACTION-31 ←
13:41:12 <trackbot> Closed action-31.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-31. ←
13:41:35 <cgueret> action-32 ?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-32 ? ←
13:41:35 <trackbot> action-32 -- Hadley Beeman to Write email on discoverable data vs data catalogues -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-32 -- Hadley Beeman to Write email on discoverable data vs data catalogues -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN ←
13:41:35 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/32
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/32 ←
13:41:36 <HadleyBeeman> action-32?
13:41:36 <trackbot> action-32 -- Hadley Beeman to Write email on discoverable data vs data catalogues -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-32 -- Hadley Beeman to Write email on discoverable data vs data catalogues -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN ←
13:41:36 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/32
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/32 ←
13:41:48 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: did not do it yet
Hadley Beeman: did not do it yet [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:41:54 <cgueret> ... change due date
Christophe Gueret: ... change due date ←
13:41:57 <cgueret> action-33?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-33? ←
13:41:57 <trackbot> action-33 -- Phil Archer to Contact tomas carassoco re working on uri bps -- due 2014-05-16 -- CLOSED
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-33 -- Phil Archer to Contact tomas carassoco re working on uri bps -- due 2014-05-16 -- CLOSED ←
13:41:57 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/33
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/33 ←
13:42:17 <cgueret> PhilA_: has happened, action is closed now
Phil Archer: has happened, action is closed now [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:42:32 <HadleyBeeman> action-20?
13:42:32 <trackbot> action-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:42:32 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20 ←
13:42:32 <cgueret> action-20 ?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-20 ? ←
13:42:33 <trackbot> action-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:42:33 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/20 ←
13:42:48 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: BernadetteLoscio done ?
Hadley Beeman: BernadetteLoscio done ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:43:07 <BernadetteLoscio> Im sorry... I just can chat now
Bernadette Farias Loscio: Im sorry... I just can chat now ←
13:43:19 <cgueret> ericstephan: speaking for BernadetteLoscio, yep we'll adress this shortly
Eric Stephan: speaking for BernadetteLoscio, yep we'll adress this shortly [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:43:26 <cgueret> action-23?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-23? ←
13:43:26 <trackbot> action-23 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Look up requirements documents for vocabularies such as prov-o, data cube, skos -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-23 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Look up requirements documents for vocabularies such as prov-o, data cube, skos -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN ←
13:43:26 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/23
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/23 ←
13:43:36 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: suggest to close and turn into an issue
Hadley Beeman: suggest to close and turn into an issue [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:43:53 <BernadetteLoscio> Yes
Bernadette Farias Loscio: Yes ←
13:43:55 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: BernadetteLoscio +1 to that ?
Hadley Beeman: BernadetteLoscio +1 to that ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:43:56 <Zakim> -??P28
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P28 ←
13:44:10 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: what to do with action-20 BernadetteLoscio ?
Hadley Beeman: what to do with ACTION-20 BernadetteLoscio ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:44:20 <BernadetteLoscio> +1
Bernadette Farias Loscio: +1 ←
13:44:43 <cgueret> action-35?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-35? ←
13:44:43 <trackbot> action-35 -- Hadley Beeman to Contact bernadette and eric stephan to coordinate about the data usage effort -- due 2014-05-16 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-35 -- Hadley Beeman to Contact bernadette and eric stephan to coordinate about the data usage effort -- due 2014-05-16 -- OPEN ←
13:44:43 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/35
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/35 ←
13:44:57 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: taking place through the call...
Hadley Beeman: taking place through the call... [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:45:10 <PhilA_> close action-35
Phil Archer: close ACTION-35 ←
13:45:11 <trackbot> Closed action-35.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-35. ←
13:45:15 <cgueret> ericstephan: things are going ok at the moment
Eric Stephan: things are going ok at the moment [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:45:22 <BernadetteLoscio_> yes...
Bernadette Farias Loscio: yes... ←
13:45:29 <ericstephan> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_Usage_Vocabulary_Meetings
Eric Stephan: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_Usage_Vocabulary_Meetings ←
13:45:51 <cgueret> ericstephan: put together several content in the wiki
Eric Stephan: put together several content in the wiki [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:46:29 <PhilA_> q+ to talk about using IRC
Phil Archer: q+ to talk about using IRC ←
13:46:30 <cgueret> ... we agreed to take notes on GoogleDoc during the meeting and then transfer everything on the wiki at the end
Christophe Gueret: ... we agreed to take notes on GoogleDoc during the meeting and then transfer everything on the wiki at the end ←
13:46:43 <HadleyBeeman> ack deird
Hadley Beeman: ack deird ←
13:46:44 <PhilA_> ack deirdrelee
Phil Archer: ack deirdrelee ←
13:47:10 <cgueret> deirdrelee: there are UCR that are specificaly about closed data and other that can apply to both
Deirdre Lee: there are UCR that are specificaly about closed data and other that can apply to both [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:47:16 <HadleyBeeman> ack phil
Hadley Beeman: ack phil ←
13:47:17 <Zakim> PhilA_, you wanted to talk about using IRC
Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA_, you wanted to talk about using IRC ←
13:47:20 <ericstephan> Sounds great Deirdre
Eric Stephan: Sounds great Deirdre ←
13:47:32 <cgueret> PhilA_: ericstephan you are free to use the IRC channel whenever you want
Phil Archer: ericstephan you are free to use the IRC channel whenever you want [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:47:40 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
13:47:43 <BernadetteLoscio_> zakim, ipcaller is BernadetteLoscio
Bernadette Farias Loscio: zakim, ipcaller is BernadetteLoscio ←
13:47:43 <Zakim> +BernadetteLoscio; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +BernadetteLoscio; got it ←
13:47:45 <cgueret> ... you don't have to have a conference call associated to use it
Christophe Gueret: ... you don't have to have a conference call associated to use it ←
13:47:59 <adler1> me too
Steven Adler: me too ←
13:48:04 <BernadetteLoscio_> yes!
Bernadette Farias Loscio: yes! ←
13:48:04 <Zakim> -deirdrelee
Zakim IRC Bot: -deirdrelee ←
13:48:06 <cgueret> ericstephan: great, will use it
Eric Stephan: great, will use it [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:48:11 <Zakim> -adler1
Zakim IRC Bot: -adler1 ←
13:48:15 <cgueret> action-37?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-37? ←
13:48:15 <trackbot> action-37 -- Yaso Córdova to Start the process of creating a technical factors document with the other contributors -- due 2014-05-16 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-37 -- Yaso Córdova to Start the process of creating a technical factors document with the other contributors -- due 2014-05-16 -- OPEN ←
13:48:15 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/37
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/37 ←
13:48:29 <cgueret> yaso: started
Yaso Córdova: started [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:48:55 <cgueret> ... we need more people to contribute
Christophe Gueret: ... we need more people to contribute ←
13:49:32 <cgueret> ... need to get more information from, e.g., internet of things
Christophe Gueret: ... need to get more information from, e.g., internet of things ←
13:49:43 <cgueret> ... also data representation and privacy
Christophe Gueret: ... also data representation and privacy ←
13:49:47 <BernadetteLoscio_> zakim, mute me
Bernadette Farias Loscio: zakim, mute me ←
13:49:47 <Zakim> sorry, BernadetteLoscio_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, BernadetteLoscio_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you ←
13:49:48 <cgueret> ... so need more use-cases
Christophe Gueret: ... so need more use-cases ←
13:50:32 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: any volunteer ?
Hadley Beeman: any volunteer ? [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:51:02 <cgueret> yaso: I'll pick it up
Yaso Córdova: I'll pick it up [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:52:06 <PhilA_> action yaso to generate/collate further use cases concerning IoT, transport, privacy
Phil Archer: action yaso to generate/collate further use cases concerning IoT, transport, privacy ←
13:52:06 <trackbot> Created ACTION-46 - Generate/collate further use cases concerning iot, transport, privacy [on Yaso Córdova - due 2014-06-13].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-46 - Generate/collate further use cases concerning iot, transport, privacy [on Yaso Córdova - due 2014-06-13]. ←
13:52:24 <PhilA_> close action-37
Phil Archer: close ACTION-37 ←
13:52:24 <trackbot> Closed action-37.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-37. ←
13:52:33 <HadleyBeeman> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Technical_factors_affecting_potential_use_of_open_data_for_innovation,_efficiency_and_commercial_exploitation
Hadley Beeman: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Technical_factors_affecting_potential_use_of_open_data_for_innovation,_efficiency_and_commercial_exploitation ←
13:52:53 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: looking for use-cases on these topics
Hadley Beeman: looking for use-cases on these topics [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:53:17 <cgueret> action-39?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-39? ←
13:53:17 <trackbot> action-39 -- Carlos Laufer to Summarize the ideas (create categories) from the mailing list on the wiki page for guidance on metadata -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-39 -- Carlos Laufer to Summarize the ideas (create categories) from the mailing list on the wiki page for guidance on metadata -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN ←
13:53:17 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/39
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/39 ←
13:53:20 <laufer> zakim, unmute me
Carlos Laufer: zakim, unmute me ←
13:53:20 <Zakim> laufer should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: laufer should no longer be muted ←
13:53:31 <cgueret> laufer: can be closed
Carlos Laufer: can be closed [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:53:46 <cgueret> ... we have a list of categories in the guidance
Christophe Gueret: ... we have a list of categories in the guidance ←
13:54:02 <cgueret> ... asked for more links and content to populate the document
Christophe Gueret: ... asked for more links and content to populate the document ←
13:54:09 <cgueret> ... antoine sent some on licenses
Christophe Gueret: ... antoine sent some on licenses ←
13:54:36 <cgueret> ... we have a lot of information to put in the document
Christophe Gueret: ... we have a lot of information to put in the document ←
13:54:55 <cgueret> ... close this action and work on extending the content
Christophe Gueret: ... close this action and work on extending the content ←
13:55:10 <PhilA_> close action-39
Phil Archer: close ACTION-39 ←
13:55:10 <trackbot> Closed action-39.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-39. ←
13:55:25 <cgueret> ... this guidance is a kind of BP
Christophe Gueret: ... this guidance is a kind of BP ←
13:56:06 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: best to focus on finishing what you want to do and then think about where to fit in within other BP sections
Hadley Beeman: best to focus on finishing what you want to do and then think about where to fit in within other BP sections [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:56:16 <cgueret> laufer: ok
Carlos Laufer: ok [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:56:34 <cgueret> action-40?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-40? ←
13:56:34 <trackbot> action-40 -- Flavio Yanai to Start the versioning document/research with newton -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-40 -- Flavio Yanai to Start the versioning document/research with newton -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN ←
13:56:34 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/40
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/40 ←
13:56:51 <cgueret> action-41?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-41? ←
13:56:51 <trackbot> action-41 -- Mark Harrison to Add skos recommendations into controlled vocabularies -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-41 -- Mark Harrison to Add skos recommendations into controlled vocabularies -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN ←
13:56:51 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/41
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/41 ←
13:56:58 <cgueret> action-42?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-42? ←
13:56:58 <trackbot> action-42 -- Newton Calegari to Improve bp - uri document with new references -- due 2014-05-30 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-42 -- Newton Calegari to Improve bp - uri document with new references -- due 2014-05-30 -- OPEN ←
13:56:58 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/42
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/42 ←
13:57:01 <laufer> zakim, mute me
Carlos Laufer: zakim, mute me ←
13:57:01 <Zakim> laufer should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: laufer should now be muted ←
13:57:07 <cgueret> action-45?
Christophe Gueret: ACTION-45? ←
13:57:07 <trackbot> action-45 -- Eric Stephan to Review ucr with closed data in mind -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-45 -- Eric Stephan to Review ucr with closed data in mind -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN ←
13:57:07 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/45
Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/45 ←
13:57:39 <MTCarrasco> www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Best_Practice_for_Web_Data_URI
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Best_Practice_for_Web_Data_URI ←
13:57:54 <cgueret> PhilA_: has to go
Phil Archer: has to go [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:57:57 <Zakim> -PhilA_
Zakim IRC Bot: -PhilA_ ←
13:58:24 <Zakim> -BernadetteLoscio
Zakim IRC Bot: -BernadetteLoscio ←
13:58:38 <ivan> q+
Ivan Herman: q+ ←
13:59:15 <ivan> zakim, unmute me
Ivan Herman: zakim, unmute me ←
13:59:16 <Zakim> ivan should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should no longer be muted ←
13:59:38 <cgueret> MTCarrasco: looking around for a template to transform the wiki into an editor draft
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: looking around for a template to transform the wiki into an editor draft [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
13:59:57 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: best to leave everything in the wiki until we decide if we want to wrap everything up into one doc
Hadley Beeman: best to leave everything in the wiki until we decide if we want to wrap everything up into one doc [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
14:00:51 <cgueret> HadleyBeeman: wait until we have more content from all BP to vote
Hadley Beeman: wait until we have more content from all BP to vote [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
14:00:59 <BernadetteLoscio_> yes...
Bernadette Farias Loscio: yes... ←
14:01:26 <cgueret> MTCarrasco: will be useful to have a template to have some discipline for writting
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: will be useful to have a template to have some discipline for writting [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
14:02:22 <cgueret> MTCarrasco: we need to think about connecting the work on URI and preservation
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: we need to think about connecting the work on URI and preservation [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
14:03:08 <cgueret> ivan: we had a long discussions on URIs
Ivan Herman: we had a long discussions on URIs [ Scribe Assist by Christophe Gueret ] ←
14:03:26 <cgueret> ... HTTP URIs are the best or not, etc
Christophe Gueret: ... HTTP URIs are the best or not, etc ←
14:03:44 <MTCarrasco> Ivan +1
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: Ivan +1 ←
14:03:49 <cgueret> ... lot of people in the data publishing world pick, say, DOI instead of HTTP
Christophe Gueret: ... lot of people in the data publishing world pick, say, DOI instead of HTTP ←
14:04:10 <cgueret> ... currently the document speak only about HTTP URIs
Christophe Gueret: ... currently the document speak only about HTTP URIs ←
14:04:15 <laufer> +1 not to take side
Carlos Laufer: +1 not to take side ←
14:04:20 <ivan> http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12145-011-0083-6
Ivan Herman: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12145-011-0083-6 ←
14:04:22 <cgueret> ... gives the impression we do pick a side
Christophe Gueret: ... gives the impression we do pick a side ←
14:04:41 <HadleyBeeman> q+ to move this to the mailing list — I'm afraid we're out of time
Hadley Beeman: q+ to move this to the mailing list — I'm afraid we're out of time ←
14:04:48 <ericstephan> It is a very good paper
Eric Stephan: It is a very good paper ←
14:04:55 <ericstephan> I recommend reading it
Eric Stephan: I recommend reading it ←
14:05:01 <cgueret> ... this paper gives a nice overview over schemes
Christophe Gueret: ... this paper gives a nice overview over schemes ←
14:05:07 <MTCarrasco> Two schemes: http + file
Manuel Carrasco Benitez: Two schemes: http + file ←
14:05:13 <Zakim> -MTCarrasco
Zakim IRC Bot: -MTCarrasco ←
14:05:14 <Zakim> -ericstephan
Zakim IRC Bot: -ericstephan ←
14:05:14 <Zakim> -HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: -HadleyBeeman ←
14:05:14 <cgueret> bye!
Christophe Gueret: bye! ←
14:05:16 <Zakim> -ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: -ivan ←
14:05:19 <Zakim> -Ig_Bittencourt
Zakim IRC Bot: -Ig_Bittencourt ←
14:05:19 <nathalia> bye
Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício: bye ←
14:05:23 <Caroline_> bye bye!
Caroline Burle: bye bye! ←
14:05:26 <Zakim> -Caroline
Zakim IRC Bot: -Caroline ←
14:05:32 <yaso> Bye!
Yaso Córdova: Bye! ←
14:05:38 <laufer> bye
Carlos Laufer: bye ←
14:05:41 <Zakim> -cgueret
Zakim IRC Bot: -cgueret ←
14:05:43 <Zakim> -CarlosIglesias
Zakim IRC Bot: -CarlosIglesias ←
14:05:52 <Zakim> -laufer
Zakim IRC Bot: -laufer ←
14:05:52 <Zakim> DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended ←
14:05:52 <Zakim> Attendees were adler1, HadleyBeeman, laufer, PhilA_, ivan, cgueret, Ig_Bittencourt, +3539149aaaa, deirdrelee, +1.509.554.aabb, ericstephan, BernadetteLoscio, CarlosIglesias, yaso,
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were adler1, HadleyBeeman, laufer, PhilA_, ivan, cgueret, Ig_Bittencourt, +3539149aaaa, deirdrelee, +1.509.554.aabb, ericstephan, BernadetteLoscio, CarlosIglesias, yaso, ←
14:05:52 <Zakim> ... nathalia, MTCarrasco
Zakim IRC Bot: ... nathalia, MTCarrasco ←
14:06:05 <BernadetteLoscio_> bye!
Bernadette Farias Loscio: bye! ←
14:14:45 <PhilA_> rrsagent, make logs public
(No events recorded for 8 minutes)
Phil Archer: rrsagent, make logs public ←
15:35:01 <PhilA_> zakim, bye
(No events recorded for 80 minutes)
Phil Archer: zakim, bye ←
15:35:08 <PhilA_> rrsagent, bye
Phil Archer: rrsagent, bye ←
15:35:08 <RRSAgent> I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-actions.rdf :
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-actions.rdf : ←
15:35:08 <RRSAgent> ACTION: ericstephan to review UCR with closed data in mind [1]
ACTION: ericstephan to review UCR with closed data in mind [1] ←
15:35:08 <RRSAgent> recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-irc#T13-35-38
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-dwbp-irc#T13-35-38 ←
Formatted by CommonScribe