ISSUE-143: Is Data Preservation in the scope of the DWBP document?

Is Data Preservation in the scope of the DWBP document?

Data Usage Vocabulary
Raised by:
Carlos Iglesias
Opened on:
I feel quite uncomfortable with this section in general. I have some problems trying to understand the underlying principles for this BPs, but overall it looks to be about data archiving generally speaking instead about data persistence that is indeed the best practice IMO and also coherent with other BPs in the document (such as versioning). In fact data archiving looks more like a bad practice for me than a best one.
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. ISSUE-143: Is Data Preservation in the scope of the DWBP document? (Was "Re: My review of the DWBP 21st Jan editor's draft") (from on 2015-02-05)
  2. dwbp-ISSUE-143: Data Preservation BP should be reviewed [Best practices document(s)] (from on 2015-01-25)

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