ACTION-203: Add an example with an sla as quality policy, trying to use the same dimensions as metrics and annotations

Add an example with an sla as quality policy, trying to use the same dimensions as metrics and annotations

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
Due on:
December 5, 2015
Created on:
September 24, 2015
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. New DQV example for Quality Policy (from on 2016-03-14)
  2. ServiceLevelAgreement, QualityPolicy and dcterms:Standard (ISSUE-184 and ISSUE-199) (from on 2015-09-25)
  3. dwbp-ACTION-203: Add an example with an sla as quality policy, trying to use the same dimensions as metrics and annotations (from on 2015-09-24)

Related notes:

Nandana has proposed himself as a volunteer to propose a design and an example on policies/SLA

Riccardo Albertoni, 6 Oct 2015, 09:56:50

This action is related to the issue

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, 9 Oct 2015, 13:24:33

Display change log.

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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