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<trackbot> Date: 10 October 2013
<allanj> scribe: jallan
<allanj> scribe: allanj
open item 2
Announce Kim and Kathy Wahlbin will be co-facilitator
if anyone want to participate in the taskforce let Jeanne know.
close item 2
open item 3
<jeanne> Note: The unit of measure will vary by the technology. For the purposes
<jeanne> of UAAG 2.0, the font height should be considered to be equal to 1. The
<jeanne> font width of the character 0 (zero) (or other character commonly accepted in
<jeanne> the typography for that language) should be considered to be equal to 1.
<jeanne> Note: The unit of measure will vary by the technology. For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the font height should be considered to be equal to 1. The font width of the character 0 (zero) (or other character commonly accepted in the typography for that language) should be considered to be equal to 1.
References (for 1.4.3 in IER)
Table of all CSS properties
js: with the note, we do not need units
gl: unit will vary, but then we
define units in an independent manner
... first sentence should be removed.
<jeanne> For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the font height should be considered to be equal to 1. The font width of the character 0 (zero) (or other character commonly accepted in the typography for that language) should be considered to be equal to 1.
jr: font-width of zero character become the basis for all other measurements
<Greg> How about "Line spacing of at least 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, and 2.0 times the base character height"?
<jeanne> Note: For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the font height should be considered to be equal to 1. The font width of the character commonly accepted as the base character for calculating kerning in the typography for that language (e.g. zero character in English) should be considered to be equal to 1.
<Greg> Then the note could change slightly to something like "Note: The base character width is the font width of the character commonly accepted..."
Line spacing of at least 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, and 2.0 times the base character height
Character spacing of at least 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09 times the base character width
Word spacing of at least 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09 times the base character width
Text style (underline, italic, bold)
Justification - undo full justification
<jeanne> [N<]Text Spacing and Style (Globally):
<jeanne> The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text:(Level AA)
<jeanne> Line spacing of at least 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, and 2.0 times the font height
<jeanne> Character spacing of at least 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09 times the base character width
<jeanne> Word spacing of at least 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09 times the base character width
<jeanne> Text style (underline, italic, bold)
<jeanne> Justification - undo full justification [>N]
<jeanne> Note: For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the font height should be considered to be equal to 1. The font width of the character commonly accepted as the base character for calculating kerning in the typography for that language (e.g. zero character in English) should be considered to be equal to 1.
<jeanne> Note: For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the font width of the character commonly accepted as the base character for calculating kerning in the typography for that language (e.g. zero character in English) should be considered to be equal to 1.
justification (left, right, full)
<Greg> "Note: The base character width is the font width of the character commonly accepted..."
<Greg> Note: The base character width is the font width of the character commonly accepted font width of the character commonly accepted as the base character for calculating kerning in the typography for that language (e.g. zero character in English).
<jeanne> Note: For the purposes of UAAG 2.0, the base character width is the font width of the character commonly accepted as the base character for calculating kerning in the typography for that language (e.g. zero character in English).
js: UAAG doesn't care what you use as a unit, just that you use a consistent unit
resolution: use the text above for crafting 1.4.3
close item 3
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to add a sentence to the Intent that UAAG doesn't care what you use as a unit, just that you provide the multiples of the unit. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-904 - Add a sentence to the intent that uaag doesn't care what you use as a unit, just that you provide the multiples of the unit. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-10-17].
open item 4
close action-902
<trackbot> Closed action-902.
proposed definitions
A mechanism for presenting only part of a visual or tactile view to the user via a screen or tactile display. There may be multiple viewports on to the same underlying view (e.g. when a split-screen is used to present the top and bottom of a document simultaneously) and viewports may be nested (e.g. a scrolling frame located within a larger document). When the viewport is smaller than the...
scribe: view it is presenting, some of the view will not be presented. Mechanisms are typically provided to move the view or the viewport such that all of the view can be brought into the viewport (e.g. scrollbars).
Note: In UAAG 1.0 viewports were defined as having a temporal dimension. In UAAG 2.0, this is not the case. Since audio content is inherently time-based, audio viewports are excluded.
top-level viewport:
A viewport that is not contained within another viewport of a *platform-based user agent*. Web-based user agents are always displayed inside another viewport, and therefore are never top-level viewports. A popular browser implementation is to provide a window that includes some user agent user interface elements (e.g., menus) and a series of tabbed panels, each of which contains additional...
scribe: user agent user interface elements (e.g., address bar, bookmarks, back/forward buttons) and a top-level viewport for rendering a view of the addressed web resource.
ja: +1 to new defs
<Jan> JR: +1
<Greg> GL: +1
ja: any objections
kp: +1
resolution: add the definitions above to the document
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to update glossary of viewport and top-level viewport with text above. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-905 - Update glossary of viewport and top-level viewport with text above. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-10-17].
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to review the use of 'container' in the document [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-906 - Review the use of 'container' in the document [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-10-17].
jr: viewport is visual or
... tactile is 2-d space
... perhaps we should use visual viewport
gl: leave a graphical, because some viewports may be both visual and tactile
resolution: search doc for 2 periods (..)
close item 4
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to their choice of available printer devices. (Level AA)
Applicability Note: The user must be able to print content as it is rendered for their video output, reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other modifications, but reflowed for the print margins.
Intent: The ability to print
content is important for users who have difficulty reading or
interacting with Web content directly in the user agent due to
software, hardware, or ergonomic issues. Printing to virtual
printer devices can also be a necessary step in converting the
content to another electronic format that the user finds more
accessible. It is also important that the user be able...
... to print content with modifications they have applied, such
as scaling or highlighting, or else they may find the printed
version unusuable. At the same time, they need to be able to
have content reflowed to fit the width of the page, or else
content may be cut off.
User agents are strongly encouraged to let the user print a portion of the document, such as a selection or specified range of pages, because otherwise printing won’t be a practical option for long documents.
* Ralph finds it moderately difficult to use the computer, so while he can operate the Web browser, he finds long documents much easier to read when he prints them out so that he can hold them in a more comfortable position. When a web page has small text, he enlarges it on the screen using his web browser’s Zoom command, which also makes the printed text large enough for him to read.
js: implementations - if you have a user style sheet, then the UA prints whats on the screen
jr: why not use the same cut off that we use for zoom
<Jan> We have this: reflowable content
<Jan> Web content that can be arbitrarily wrapped over multiple lines. The primary exceptions to reflowable content are graphics and video.
jr: if for some reason something can't be reflowed then it is exempt
<Greg> Per Jan's suggestion, change "but reflowed for the print margins." to "but reflowable content is reflowed for the print margins."
Note: The user must be able to
print content as it is rendered for their video output,
reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other modifications,
but reflowable content is reflowed for the print margins.
... The user must be able to print content as it is rendered on
screen, reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other
modifications, but reflowable content is reflowed for the print
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to their choice of available printer devices. (Level AA)
js: if the device doesn't support a mobile phone
jr: mobiles can print
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to their choice of available printing devices. (Level AA)
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to the users choice of available printing devices. (Level AA)
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to the user's choice of available printing devices. (Level AA)
Note: The user must be able to print content as it is rendered on screen, reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other modifications, but reflowable content is reflowed for the print margins.
js: level concern - AA or AAA
jr: keep at AA for now
gl: right, if pushback then AAA
ja: ok at AA
gl: in UA if zoom, then print I
still get 'regular' print, the the print print preview screen
allows its own zoom for printing
... is it sufficient that ua doesn't print the zoomed view, but
allow zoom when you print?
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to add the note and IER to 1.4.4 Printing as above. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-907 - Add the note and ier to 1.4.4 printing as above. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-10-17].
gl: this requires more steps
<Greg> My (minor) concern is that we feel the "fix it in the print preview dialog" is an acceptable alternative to automatically printing with the screen zoom, but the SC doesn't allow it as a viable alternative.
js: print preview zoom does meet all of the other requirements of the SC
ssagent, make minutes
js: this still does not cover the case where some other element that forces margins off of the page, or prevents reflow
jr: then it is not reflowable content and is OK
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to their choice of available printer devices. (Level AA)
Note: The user must be able to print content as it is rendered on screen, reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other modifications, but reflowable content is reflowed for the print margins.
1.4.4 Printing: The user can print any rendered visual, non-time-based content to their choice of available printing devices. (Level AA)
Note: The user must be able to print content as it is rendered on screen, reflecting user scaling, highlighting, and other modifications, but reflowable content is reflowed for the print margins.
gl: do we address linerizing the page anywhere (print and screen)
<Greg> Do we yet address the proposal about linearizing to a single column?
resolution: use above wording for 1.4.4
1.4.5 Configure text elements: The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for headings, main text, and other elements: (Level AAA)
Text style (underline, italic, bold)
Margins (for example, space above headings, indentation of lists)
kim's proposal
The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for text elements including main text and headings:
Text style (underline, italic, bold)
Margins (e.g. space above headings, indentation of lists)
<Greg> I'm still concerned about the ambiguity of whether "for text element" means select an element and adjust it, or select an element type and affect all elements of that type.
<jeanne> we have 1.4.2 version -- The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for at least headings and input fields.:(Level AA)
gl: text elements - does that mean individual elements or all elements of type X
<KimPatch> The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for text element types including main text and headings:
kp: text element types
gl: works for me
<jeanne> 1.4.2 The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for at least headings and input fields.:(Level AA)
<jeanne> The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for text element types including at least headings, main text and input fields:
jeanne will change 1.4.2 to be "text element types"
<KimPatch> The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for main text and fortext element types including at least headings and input fields:
* Text style (underline, italic, bold)
* Margins (e.g. space above headings, indentation of lists)
* Borders
<jeanne> Line Text Spacing, Capitalization and Hyphenation (Globally):
<jeanne> The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text:(Level AAA)
<jeanne> Line spacing between 0.7 and 3.0, at increments of 0.10 times the font height
<jeanne> Capitalization (undoing all caps)
<jeanne> Hyphenation
<jeanne> Margins (to clear clutter away from blocks of text)
<jeanne> Borders
Capitalization (uppercase, lowercase, author specified)
gl: overide all caps
js: if author specified all caps,
how do we override.
... if author typed in ALL CAPS and did not use a style, is
should not be up to the UA to apply heuristics.
kp: undoing all caps means removing all caps
gl: only those caps made with the style
js: there is more type ALL CAPS than one would expect
gl: so we are saying that the UA must reverse the style 'all caps' and text type as ALL CAPS
js: that is difficult and a
... and what happens to Acronyms and the like
Capitalization (override uppercase style
kp: should we have a note about uppercase style does not apply to text typed as ALL CAPS, and the font choice of small caps
<Greg> Small caps is a CSS styling, e.g. p.small { font-variant:small-caps; }.
Capitalization (override text-transform: uppercase style and font-variant: small-caps)
<Greg> Capitalization (override uppercase and small caps styles)
<Greg> Editorial: change "Line spacing between 0.7 and 3.0, at increments of 0.10 times the font height" to "Line spacing between 0.7 and 3.0 times the font height, at increments of 0.10".
<KimPatch> Note: this SC does not apply to apply to text typed as ALL CAPS. Content authors are encouraged to use style instead of typing text as ALL CAPS.
1.4.6 Configure text globally: The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text:(Level AAA)
Line spacing between 0.7 and 3.0 times the font height, at increments of 0.10
Justification (setting left, right, or full)
Capitalization (override uppercase and small caps styles)
Note: this SC does not apply to apply to text typed as ALL CAPS. Content authors are encouraged to use style instead of typing text as ALL CAPS.
1.4.6 Configure text globally: The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text:(Level AAA)
Line spacing between 0.7 and 3.0 times the font height, at increments of 0.10
Capitalization (override uppercase and small caps styles)
Note: this SC does not apply to apply to text typed as ALL CAPS. Content authors are encouraged to use style instead of typing text as ALL CAPS.
<KimPatch> Note: this success criteria does not apply to text typed as ALL CAPS. Content authors are encouraged to use styles instead of typing text as ALL CAPS.
js: scaling headings has been lost in these SCs, should be added into 1.4.1
gl: its preserving all size distinctions
<KimPatch> Note: this success criteria does not apply to text entered as ALL CAPS. Content authors are encouraged to use styles instead of typing text as ALL CAPS.
<Greg> Capitalization (apply all uppercase or all lowercase styles, and override upper case or small caps styles) ?
the more we talk the more complex it gets.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/width/height/ Succeeded: s/dialog/print preview screen/ Succeeded: s/amall/small/ Found Scribe: jallan Found Scribe: allanj Inferring ScribeNick: allanj Scribes: jallan, allanj Default Present: Greg_Lowney, Jeanne, Jim_Allan, Jan, Kim_Patch Present: Greg_Lowney Jeanne Jim_Allan Jan Kim_Patch Regrets: Eric kelly Found Date: 10 Oct 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]