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<trackbot> Date: 13 June 2013
<nikos_> what's the code?
<richardschwerdtfeger> i am on mute :-)
<scribe> ScribeNick: krit
cabanier: I added how to create
layers in SVG to the spec
... by defining the properties that create layers, like
opacity, transforms
... dirk said he wants to have just stacking context for SVG
and rest of the world
... I think we cann still go to WD for now
heycam: stacking context should
be in SVG, but no harm at the moment not t have it
... the defintion for stacking context is in z-index
krit: the chapter is just call z-index, but stacking context is described independent of it
cabanier: it is weired, that some
properties create stacking context in CSS that don't apply to
svg like position: fixed
... fixed position just applied to HTML
heycam: CSS thinks it applies to all elements
cabanier: but position should be
a no-op on SVG
... it should be written somehwer globaly and not in each
individual spec
... yes, would be nice to have all in one section and
referenced by all spec
heycam: do you have a link to the section?
cabanier: here is the link
heycam: ok
cabanier: the SVG section does not talk about stacking contexrt
heycam: ok
... eventually we will define z-index for SVG and define
stacking context with it
... we should add it to SVG2
krit: I think that this is not a good idea to wait for SVG2, Filter Effects, Masking/Clipping, Blending and Transforms need it right now
cabanier: well, we change the defintion for BackgroundImage
krit: no we don't
... stacking context does not mean anything in SVG
cabanier: but nothing would change of stacking context
krit: right, that is why it is
not a problem to add it in 1.1
... other specification rely on it
heycam: don't think that ppl have probkems when it is just in SVG2
krit: in the meantime it is unspecified what it means for SVG
heycam: as it always was
shepazu: it is to much trouble to
get to the process
... we could do errata, but has no status and we need to the
process agains and it seems ....
... we worked so much on SVG1.1, we should put it by site and
move to SVG2
krit: ppl are confortable with leaving it unspecified til SVG2
heycam: well, it will be in SVG2 and it is a WD
shepazu: don't think that
implementations are necessarily concerned about not relying on
... we specify the behavior in SVG2
krit: just don't want to have an unspecified behavior in the meantime
cabanier: the only thing I changed was waht we discussed during F2F before the meeting with the CSS WG.
heycam: you think it is ok?
cabanier: yes
RESOLUTION: publish new WD for Compositing and Blending
no one disagree
heycam: was background-blend-mode in FPWD?
cabanier: no
heycam: there were concerns about background-blend-mode? Can you add a note?
cabanier: property will ship
prefixed in next Safari version
... it is not prefixed in chrome, but flagged
… prefix discussion
heycam: who is publishing?
cabanier: is CSS sites
… shepazu misses chris
krit: we have unfinished specs on SVG and would like to know if we follow W3C process and publish them as notes, or leave them unfinished?
shepazu: probably a good idea to add a note that we do not continue and publish them as notes
heycam: some are requests some
are realy unfinished once
... some were not supposed to get spec in the first point
shepazu: I think we agreed to split color from pagination
heycam: you are right, and put it into SVG2
shepazu: and pagination was … too
complex for comlplex and the simple stuff
... was initiziated by Canon but discontinued, so no
... why primers and reqs are specs anyway
... we shoudl call them notes
heycam: so we agree that they all should get notes
krit: I can probably help to prepare them for publication as note
shepazu: no big deal
krit: but you want to have a little sentence where authors should look at now
shepazu: yes
heycam: should have an intern in my house
<scribe> ACTION: heycam to write up a note text for discontinued specs [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3506 - Write up a note text for discontinued specs [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
shepazu: don't think that these specifications need to be noted on W3C blogs
heycam: we wanted to have a new
WD in June
... I want to add the stroke dashing thing
... we do have the hatching already in there
... think there is enough to publish now
all agree to publish now
<richardschwerdtfeger> +1
shepazu: I want that there is nothing stoping us to publish next month again if we want to
<richardschwerdtfeger> thought svg2 was to be pub'd in july but ok
heycam: oops, was for next month. However
<richardschwerdtfeger> +1 for July
krit: I am with shepazu t publish
again next month if things changed
... I am just worried that it takes to long to publish and new
things can not get in
heycam: there are ways around it, but yeah
shepazu: heycam if you can get it
ready for publication, then I can try to push it through
... we should not only publish, but tweet about it
... I even like to have a pressure of a dead lin
richardschwerdtfeger: will it be locked down?
heycam: will generate it, copy the files and send the corrected version
<scribe> ACTION: heycam publish WD [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3507 - Publish WD [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
<heycam> ACTION-3507: SVG 2
<trackbot> Notes added to ACTION-3507 Publish WD.
<scribe> ACTION: heycam work on his actions [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3508 - Work on his actions [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
krit: suggest to focus at this
spec more on current needs
... security and integration in secure way
shepazu: I agree with focusing
but disagree that list of properties and attributes is out of
... all the things that you say we don't need comes from use
... ODF did extend SVG in incompatible ways and asked us to
explain where they are wrong
... was relevant at that time
... I would be fine if you join as editor
... agree on priorites to referencing
krit: need to work on security model anyway, so I am fine with adding editor
general agreement
shepazu: some of the things might
go in into SVG2
... we may start with the security focus
heycam: what we talked about the last F2F?
shepazu: heycam should be an editor as well?
heycam: just did some changes
shepazu: still asking you to be an editor since you have done a lot of work
heycam: I am fine with being added
heycam and krit as editor of SVG Integration
... concentrate on refercing and property attribute index on
SVG Integration
trackbot, make minutes
<trackbot> Sorry, krit, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to <> for help.
heycam: —^ ???
<shepazu> trackbot, end telcon
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/shepazu: some/heycam: some/ Succeeded: s/power went out here!/power went out here!/ Succeeded: s/power went out here!// Found ScribeNick: krit Inferring Scribes: krit Default Present: Doug_Schepers, +1.425.373.aaaa, [IPcaller], heycam, +1.415.832.aabb, krit, Rich, cabanier, nikos_, +, Tav Present: Doug_Schepers +1.425.373.aaaa [IPcaller] heycam +1.415.832.aabb krit Rich cabanier nikos_ + Tav Regrets: Cyril Erik Agenda: Found Date: 13 Jun 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: heycam WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]