IRC log of svg on 2013-06-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

20:28:08 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #svg
20:28:08 [RRSAgent]
logging to
20:28:10 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
20:28:10 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #svg
20:28:12 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG
20:28:12 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes
20:28:13 [trackbot]
Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference
20:28:13 [trackbot]
Date: 13 June 2013
20:28:18 [ThomasSmailus]
ThomasSmailus has joined #svg
20:28:33 [Zakim]
GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM has now started
20:28:39 [Zakim]
20:29:01 [Zakim]
+ +1.425.373.aaaa
20:29:41 [Zakim]
20:29:42 [heycam]
Zakim, [ is me
20:29:42 [Zakim]
+heycam; got it
20:31:15 [Zakim]
+ +1.415.832.aabb
20:31:21 [nikos_]
nikos_ has joined #svg
20:31:29 [krit]
Zakim, aabb is me
20:31:29 [Zakim]
+krit; got it
20:32:13 [heycam]
20:32:15 [heycam]
Chair: Cameron
20:33:17 [richardschwerdtfeger]
richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg
20:33:35 [nikos_]
what's the code?
20:33:41 [heycam]
Zakim, code?
20:33:41 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7841 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, heycam
20:33:47 [Zakim]
20:33:51 [Tav]
Tav has joined #svg
20:34:18 [nikos_]
Zakim, P0 is me
20:34:18 [Zakim]
sorry, nikos_, I do not recognize a party named 'P0'
20:34:19 [Zakim]
20:34:22 [Zakim]
20:34:47 [nikos_]
Zakim, ??P0 is me
20:34:47 [Zakim]
+nikos_; got it
20:34:56 [Zakim]
20:35:18 [heycam]
Zakim, who is making noise?
20:35:37 [Zakim]
heycam, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: cabanier (14%), ??P3 (75%), Doug_Schepers (30%), +1.425.373.aaaa (44%)
20:35:45 [richardschwerdtfeger]
i am on mute :-)
20:35:52 [Zakim]
20:36:25 [krit]
ScribeNick: krit
20:36:27 [nikos_]
Zakim, mute nikos
20:36:27 [Zakim]
nikos_ should now be muted
20:36:56 [Zakim]
+ +
20:37:08 [heycam]
Regrets: Cyril, Erik
20:37:21 [Tav]
zakim, aacc is me
20:37:21 [Zakim]
+Tav; got it
20:37:28 [krit]
topic: Publication of Compositing and Blending
20:37:50 [krit]
cabanier: I added how to create layers in SVG to the spec
20:38:09 [krit]
cabanier: by defining the properties that create layers, like opacity, transforms
20:38:29 [krit]
cabanier: dirk said he wants to have just stacking context for SVG and rest of the world
20:38:37 [krit]
cabanier: I think we cann still go to WD for now
20:38:58 [krit]
heycam: stacking context should be in SVG, but no harm at the moment not t have it
20:39:18 [krit]
heycam: the defintion for stacking context is in z-index
20:39:45 [krit]
krit: the chapter is just call z-index, but stacking context is described independent of it
20:40:15 [krit]
cabanier: it is weired, that some properties create stacking context in CSS that don't apply to svg like position: fixed
20:40:30 [krit]
cabanier: fixed position just applied to HTML
20:40:48 [krit]
heycam: CSS thinks it applies to all elements
20:40:56 [krit]
cabanier: but position should be a no-op on SVG
20:41:19 [krit]
cabanier: it should be written somehwer globaly and not in each individual spec
20:41:37 [krit]
cabanier: yes, would be nice to have all in one section and referenced by all spec
20:41:37 [krit]
20:41:51 [krit]
heycam: do you have a link to the section?
20:41:51 [cabanier]
20:41:59 [krit]
cabanier: here is the link
20:42:01 [krit]
heycam: ok
20:42:12 [krit]
cabanier: the SVG section does not talk about stacking contexrt
20:42:16 [krit]
heycam: ok
20:42:44 [krit]
heycam: eventually we will define z-index for SVG and define stacking context with it
20:43:01 [krit]
heycam: we should add it to SVG2
20:44:09 [krit]
krit: I think that this is not a good idea to wait for SVG2, Filter Effects, Masking/Clipping, Blending and Transforms need it right now
20:44:42 [krit]
cabanier: well, we change the defintion for BackgroundImage
20:44:46 [krit]
krit: no we don't
20:44:55 [krit]
krit: stacking context does not mean anything in SVG
20:45:45 [krit]
cabanier: but nothing would change of stacking context
20:45:57 [krit]
krit: right, that is why it is not a problem to add it in 1.1
20:46:03 [krit]
krit: other specification rely on it
20:46:32 [krit]
heycam: don't think that ppl have probkems when it is just in SVG2
20:46:54 [krit]
krit: in the meantime it is unspecified what it means for SVG
20:47:05 [krit]
heycam: as it always was
20:47:33 [krit]
shepazu: it is to much trouble to get to the process
20:47:56 [krit]
shepazu: we could do errata, but has no status and we need to the process agains and it seems ....
20:48:12 [krit]
shepazu: we worked so much on SVG1.1, we should put it by site and move to SVG2
20:48:38 [krit]
krit: ppl are confortable with leaving it unspecified til SVG2
20:48:50 [krit]
heycam: well, it will be in SVG2 and it is a WD
20:49:22 [krit]
shepazu: don't think that implementations are necessarily concerned about not relying on REC
20:49:29 [krit]
shepazu: we specify the behavior in SVG2
20:49:57 [krit]
krit: just don't want to have an unspecified behavior in the meantime
20:50:33 [krit]
cabanier: the only thing I changed was waht we discussed during F2F before the meeting with the CSS WG.
20:50:40 [krit]
heycam: you think it is ok?
20:50:43 [krit]
cabanier: yes
20:51:07 [krit]
RESOLUTION: publish new WD for Compositing and Blending
20:51:14 [krit]
no one disagree
20:52:17 [krit]
heycam: was background-blend-mode in FPWD?
20:52:22 [krit]
cabanier: no
20:52:51 [krit]
heycam: there were concerns about background-blend-mode? Can you add a note?
20:54:42 [krit]
cabanier: property will ship prefixed in next Safari version
20:55:02 [krit]
cabanier: it is not prefixed in chrome, but flagged
20:56:12 [krit]
… prefix discussion
20:57:29 [krit]
heycam: who is publishing?
20:57:35 [krit]
cabanier: is CSS sites
20:59:22 [krit]
… shepazu misses chris
20:59:32 [krit]
topic: publishing notes for old specs
21:00:30 [heycam]
21:00:38 [krit]
krit: we have unfinished specs on SVG and would like to know if we follow W3C process and publish them as notes, or leave them unfinished?
21:01:13 [krit]
shepazu: probably a good idea to add a note that we do not continue and publish them as notes
21:01:30 [krit]
shepazu: some are requests some are realy unfinished once
21:01:53 [krit]
s/shepazu: some/heycam: some/
21:02:17 [krit]
heycam: some were not supposed to get spec in the first point
21:03:11 [krit]
shepazu: I think we agreed to split color from pagination
21:03:20 [krit]
heycam: you are right, and put it into SVG2
21:03:54 [krit]
shepazu: and pagination was … too complex for comlplex and the simple stuff
21:04:14 [krit]
shepazu: was initiziated by Canon but discontinued, so no
21:04:34 [krit]
shepazu: why primers and reqs are specs anyway
21:05:03 [krit]
shepazu: we shoudl call them notes
21:05:12 [krit]
heycam: so we agree that they all should get notes
21:05:51 [krit]
krit: I can probably help to prepare them for publication as note
21:06:18 [krit]
shepazu: no big deal
21:06:35 [krit]
krit: but you want to have a little sentence where authors should look at now
21:06:37 [krit]
shepazu: yes
21:07:35 [krit]
heycam: should have an intern in my house
21:08:13 [krit]
ACTION: heycam to write up a note text for discontinued specs
21:08:14 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3506 - Write up a note text for discontinued specs [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
21:09:16 [krit]
shepazu: don't think that these specifications need to be noted on W3C blogs
21:09:21 [krit]
topic: WD SVG2
21:09:39 [krit]
heycam: we wanted to have a new WD in June
21:09:53 [krit]
heycam: I want to add the stroke dashing thing
21:09:53 [nikos_]
nikos_ has joined #svg
21:10:07 [krit]
heycam: we do have the hatching already in there
21:10:15 [krit]
heycam: think there is enough to publish now
21:10:26 [krit]
all agree to publish now
21:10:49 [richardschwerdtfeger]
21:11:02 [krit]
shepazu: I want that there is nothing stoping us to publish next month again if we want to
21:11:08 [krit]
21:11:22 [richardschwerdtfeger]
thought svg2 was to be pub'd in july but ok
21:11:50 [krit]
heycam: oops, was for next month. However
21:11:59 [richardschwerdtfeger]
+1 for July
21:12:46 [krit]
krit: I am with shepazu t publish again next month if things changed
21:13:11 [thorton]
thorton has joined #svg
21:14:33 [nikos_]
nikos_ has joined #svg
21:14:34 [krit]
krit: I am just worried that it takes to long to publish and new things can not get in
21:14:44 [krit]
heycam: there are ways around it, but yeah
21:15:25 [krit]
shepazu: heycam if you can get it ready for publication, then I can try to push it through
21:16:07 [krit]
shepazu: we should not only publish, but tweet about it
21:16:46 [krit]
shepazu: I even like to have a pressure of a dead lin
21:16:47 [krit]
21:17:05 [krit]
richardschwerdtfeger: will it be locked down?
21:17:09 [Zakim]
21:17:30 [shepazu]
power went out here!
21:17:53 [krit]
heycam: will generate it, copy the files and send the corrected version
21:17:53 [shepazu]
s/power went out here!/power went out here!/
21:18:06 [shepazu]
s/power went out here!//
21:18:35 [Zakim]
21:18:48 [krit]
ACTION: heycam publish WD
21:18:48 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3507 - Publish WD [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
21:19:02 [heycam]
ACTION-3507: SVG 2
21:19:02 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-3507 Publish WD.
21:19:09 [krit]
ACTION: heycam work on his actions
21:19:09 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3508 - Work on his actions [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-06-20].
21:19:28 [krit]
topic: SVG Integration
21:20:22 [krit]
krit: suggest to focus at this spec more on current needs
21:20:38 [krit]
krit: security and integration in secure way
21:20:59 [krit]
shepazu: I agree with focusing but disagree that list of properties and attributes is out of scope
21:21:17 [krit]
shepazu: all the things that you say we don't need comes from use cases
21:21:42 [krit]
shepazu: ODF did extend SVG in incompatible ways and asked us to explain where they are wrong
21:21:48 [krit]
shepazu: was relevant at that time
21:22:03 [krit]
shepazu: I would be fine if you join as editor
21:22:11 [krit]
shepazu: agree on priorites to referencing
21:22:28 [Zakim]
21:22:48 [krit]
krit: need to work on security model anyway, so I am fine with adding editor
21:22:54 [krit]
general agreement
21:23:07 [krit]
shepazu: some of the things might go in into SVG2
21:23:13 [Zakim]
21:23:21 [krit]
shepazu: we may start with the security focus
21:23:23 [Zakim]
- +1.425.373.aaaa
21:23:42 [krit]
heycam: what we talked about the last F2F?
21:23:47 [krit]
21:24:47 [krit]
shepazu: heycam should be an editor as well?
21:24:56 [krit]
heycam: just did some changes
21:25:11 [krit]
shepazu: still asking you to be an editor since you have done a lot of work
21:25:27 [krit]
heycam: I am fine with being added
21:25:51 [krit]
RESOLUTION: add heycam and krit as editor of SVG Integration
21:26:51 [krit]
RESOLUTION: concentrate on refercing and property attribute index on SVG Integration
21:29:20 [Zakim]
21:29:23 [Zakim]
21:29:32 [Zakim]
21:29:36 [krit]
trackbot, make minutes
21:29:36 [trackbot]
Sorry, krit, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to <> for help.
21:30:01 [krit]
heycam: —^ ???
21:30:11 [heycam]
RRSAgent, make minutes
21:30:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate heycam
21:30:14 [shepazu]
trackbot, end telcon
21:30:14 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
21:30:14 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Doug_Schepers, +1.425.373.aaaa, [IPcaller], heycam, +1.415.832.aabb, krit, Rich, cabanier, nikos_, +, Tav
21:30:22 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
21:30:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
21:30:23 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: heycam to write up a note text for discontinued specs [1]
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: heycam publish WD [2]
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: heycam work on his actions [3]
21:30:23 [RRSAgent]
recorded in