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<trackbot> Date: 30 April 2013
<paulc> trackbot, start telcon
<trackbot> Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 30 April 2013
<adrianba> ScribeNick: acolwell
<scribe> done
<paulc> Tue F2F minutes (raw);
<paulc> EME Editor's Draft:
ddorwin: EME editors draft updated yesterday and last week
paulc: Discussed at the f2f meeting.
<paulc> EME candidate FPWD:
co-chairs are currently discussing over email
adrianba: Haven't updated the FPWD document yet. Will updated from the editors draft once we are ready to move forward
paulc: If we were to use the Editor's Draft would it also have the current issues outline in it.
adrianba: yes
ddorwin: Current fpwd only has one issue in it. The Editor's draft has 3 now.
<paulc> paulc: When the Chairs decide the next steps we may ask for an update candidate FPWD
paulc: I enumerated all bugs that were received after the EME CFC.
<paulc> Maciej's response:
Want to discuss Maciej's response
paulc: I want to know how people want to deal with each of these items'
adrianba: Already was resolved as WORKSFORME, but it got reopened. Concerned about worrying about how the bug was specifically resolved.
<joesteele> +1
paulc: Bug 20963 was resolved and then reopened without new information.
adrianba: The bug was resolved and reopened several times. Gave up on closing it. Would like the chair's help here
paulc: Taking an action to
resolve the bug as NEEDSINFO
... Will point out that the bug should not be reopened without
new information
ddorwin: I reopened this
adrianba: Objects to reopening
the bug since they are not actionable.
... I don't want to have to worry about which ones we need to
keep open just because we are going to address it later.
glenn: Agrees with adrianba
paulc: Do you have a concrete proposal for how to move forward.
<paulc> Proposal: File issue related bug Bug 21016 and mark 21016 as RESOLVED
adrianba: File an issue in the tracker that defers considering removing the clearkey section until later when we have implementation experience
<paulc> EME bugs:
paulc: Wasn't planning on going
into detail on there today. Just want to get a sense of where
we are.
... Currently 34
... Assuming editors are continuing to working on these based
on the f2f discussion.
ddorwin: Yes. adrian and I closed 10 or so since the f2f.
ddorwin: Later is related to not firing needkey if you already have the keys
joesteele: Is Bug 19788 resolved now?
<paulc> See
ddorwin: Was resolved yesterday. TODO was moved to ISOBMFF bug
paulc: Editors w/ keep processing bugs.
ddorwin: Event and state transitions bugs need to be addressed first. Many other bugs depend on them
<paulc> Editor's draft (Apr 30):
paulc: Only 4 bugs outstanding
<paulc> MSE bugs:
adrianba: Bug 21819 & Bug 21328 are just some terminology discussion.
acolwell: Thought dropping compressed was sufficient.
adrianba: It was clear that Pierre agreed.
paulc: Pierre do you with to comment.
pal: Concerned that MSE can applied to baseband signals so the use of coded is misleading.
<paulc> Glen proposed: ""A unit of encoded media data that has a presentation timestamp and decode timestamp."
<paulc> code frame -> essense frame is used in some places
<paulc> Pierre can live with just getting rid of "compressed". Editors will now deal with 21819 and 21328
adrianba: Just waiting on text from Glenn
glenn: Hope to get it posted today or tomorrow. Will definitely have it before next meetin
adrianba: Last one is how we deal with out of order appends. Discussed at f2f.
<paulc> F2F progress noted in
<paulc> Editors to propose new solution
<Zakim> adrianba, you wanted to comment on the other 2 bugs
paulc: There was discussion at
the f2f about creating the primer. Chairs will send out an
announcement sometime this week.
... Which spec do we want to discuss next week. Bug count
implies EME
ddorwin: Yes lets discuss EME next week.
<paulc> Doug's request: "I'm looking for people who can help create a reference article and tutorial, so that it is factual and informative, and adds to the discussion."
<paulc> Doug: Is there someone in one of the member companies represented here that could help produce such "reference article or tutorial"?
<paulc> Adrian: Maybe since MSE is more mature we could consider getting documentation on MSE on
<paulc> Doug: I am looking for material to help people understand 'content protection".
<adrianba> who is the "we" in "what we're looking for"?
<Zakim> adrianba, you wanted to discuss another topic before we run out of time
<pal> pal: MSE is a complex specification. Testing will be beneficial
adrianba: Discussed at F2F.
<paulc_> Paul to send out pre-LC notice with date out 3 weeks
adrianba: I want to get that process started.
<paulc_> The pre-lc notice is for MSE
<paulc_> Paul will announce a pre-Last Call with a deadline date out 3 weeks.
<paulc_> All bugs filed before the deadline will be processed BEFORE we enter LC.
<paulc_> All bugs bugs filed after the deadline will be process as part of the LC ie they become LC bugs
<adrianba> During the pre-LC period, bugs filed before the deadline will be processed before LC - there maybe a gap between the pre-LC deadline and the LC announcement while we address those bugs
<adrianba> At LC, the working group is supposed to declare that it is done, no new features should be added during LC
<adrianba> The pre-LC is to make sure the WG believes the document is complete
pal: Once last call happens. What is the next step?
<paulc_> This kind of pre-LC helps make the entry into LC more deterministic.
paulc_: When we go into LC we
have to raise the bar for how we handle bugs
... If we get minor changes then we proceed to call for
paulc: If we get major changes then we have to start another LC.
<glenn> time?
adrianba: Requesting that we add an agenda item to the next call discussing the process. Since we are out of time
<adrianba> ISSUE-1?
<trackbot> ISSUE-1 -- Consider moving the Clear Key definition into a separate specification -- raised
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/prorection/protection/ Found ScribeNick: acolwell Inferring Scribes: acolwell Present: Bin_Hu WARNING: Fewer than 3 people found for Present list! Agenda: WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 30 Apr 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]