See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 12 April 2013
<scribe> scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver
<scribe> scribenick: andisnow
Rationale provided in the survey question is just to provide background. This is not the text proposed for the TR introduction.
Although we have not submitted anything formal to the WCAG WG yet, they have been told of our intent and have provided no objection to us not providing guidance for AAA SC.
<Mike_P> The WCAG2ICT Task Force has, after careful consideration, agreed that it will not provide guidance on the application of level AAA SCs to non-Web documents and software
RESOLUTION: The WCAG2ICT Task Force has, after careful consideration, agreed that it will not provide guidance on the application of level AAA SCs to non-Web documents and software.
<Zakim> BBailey, you wanted to suggest expanding on "cost benefit analysis"
We will need to report to the WCAG WG our decision not to provide guidance on the AAA SC.
<BBailey> +1 to combine resolutions
RESOLUTION: Accept proposals for 2.2.1 as written for both documents and software
For next draft, we need to make sure all changes we have agreed to are captured clearly for Michael
The Google site is slightly out of sync with the published document now. Work should now move to W3C space.
<scribe> ACTION: Peter to collect all of the changes agreed to since last draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-92 - Collect all of the changes agreed to since last draft [on Peter Korn - due 2013-04-19].
should have a meeting to review all of the changes - would be good if Michael could attend
<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to make a counter-counter-counter suggestion
We found that this SC language applies to documents in a set of non-web documents and to software programs in a set of software programs. Our notes reference the important "set of" definitions, are helpful to developers, and encourage developers to consider going beyond the SC in ways that are helpful to people with disabilities.
<BBailey> nice, +1
<korn> M376 draft does not apply this SC to documents.
<korn> No change.
<korn> Rationale: We found that this SC language applies to documents in a set of non-web documents and to software programs in a set of software programs. Our notes reference the important "set of" definitions, are helpful to developers, and encourage developers to consider going beyond the SC in ways that are helpful to people with disabilities.
<korn> - 12Apr13
RESOLUTION: Accept TF resolution language for SC 2.4.1 as amended (Loic's edit, plus Judy's edit from the survey, and Peter's suggestion to change to present tense) for both documents and software
RESOLUTION: Accept TF resolution language for Document SC 2.4.5 as written
<korn> M376 draft does not apply this SC to documents.
<korn> No change.
<korn> Rationale: We found that this SC language applies to documents in a set of non-web documents and to software programs in a set of software programs. Our notes reference the important "set of" definitions, are helpful to developers, and encourage developers to consider going beyond the SC in ways that are helpful to people with disabilities.
<korn> - 12Apr13
RESOLUTION: Accept TF resolution language for SC 3.2.3 as amended (Loic's edit, plus Judy's edit from the survey, and Peter's suggestion to change to present tense) for both documents and software
- M376 applies this to all "documents" where WCAG2ICT restricts it to "sets of documents". WCAG2ICT also includes two Notes which support the "set of" use.
- No change.
-Rational: Since WCAG applies this requirement only to web pages that are within a set of web pages, we determined that applying it to all documents would be an expansion of the WCAG requirement. Our notes reference the important "set of" definitions, are helpful to developers, and encourage developers to consider going beyond the SC in ways that are helpful to people with disabilities.
RESOLUTION: Accept TF resolution language as amended (Andi's extra first sentence in the rationale) for SC 3.2.4 for both documents and software.
<korn> M376 draft does not apply this SC to software.
<korn> No change.
<korn> Rationale: We found that this SC language applies to documents in a set of non-web documents and to software programs in a set of software programs. Our notes reference the important "set of" definitions, are helpful to developers, and encourage developers to consider going beyond the SC in ways that are helpful to people with disabilities.
<korn> - 12Apr13
RESOLUTION: Accept TF resolution language for software SC 2.4.5 as amended
<greggvanderheiden> 1.1.1 Remove "or appropriate" from the RATIONALE
<greggvanderheiden> 2.2.2 add "of the success criterion" after "...Note 2"
<korn> M376 draft doesn't include the last sentence of Note 1 that begins "If they do not appear..."
<korn> RESOLUTION: remove the last sentence of note #1, that begins "If they do not appear..."
<korn> Rationale: this sentence isn't needed.
<korn> -15Mar13; updated 12Apr13 with change from WCAG WG
<korn> M376 draft changed the term "content" to "document" in their section 10 "Documents" (elsewhere they kept "content").
<korn> RESOLUTION: WCAG2ICT shall change "the content" to "non-web documents and software" in 2.2.1.
<korn> Rationale: Unlike elsewhere that we have retained content, using "non-web documents and software" here significantly adds clarity.
<korn> -12Apr13
<korn> M376 draft replaces "page" and "Web page" with "document" in Note 2 of the success criterion.
<korn> RESOLUTION: Change first paragraph of our guidance to say "This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above)" replacing "page" and "Web page" with "non-web documents and software' in Note 2 of the success criterion.
<korn> Rationale: we missed making this change.
<korn> -22Feb13; updated 12Apr13 with change from WCAG WG
<korn> 1.1.1. Software:
<korn> Same as above in Documents.
<korn> RESOLUTION: remove the last sentence of note #1, that begins "If they do not appear..."
<korn> -15Mar13; updated 12Apr13 with change from WCAG WG.
RESOLUTION: Accept WCAG WG edit to 1.1.1
<korn> 2.2.2 software:
<korn> Same as above in Documents.
<korn> RESOLUTION: Change first paragraph of our guidance to say "This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above)" replacing "page" and "Web page" with "non-web documents and software in Note 2 of the success criterion.
<korn> -15Mar13; updated 12Apr13 with change from WCAG WG.
RESOLUTION: Accept WCAG WG edit to 2.2.2 for both documents and software tables.
<greggvanderheiden> The overall result
<greggvanderheiden> For 23 provisions the language was essentially the same (and no change to WCAG2ICT was made)
<greggvanderheiden> For 10 provisions the language was different but WCAG2ICT stayed with the WCAG2ICT language
<greggvanderheiden> For 5 provisions WCAG2ICT changed its language in some way after reading the M376 language
<greggvanderheiden> (SC 1.1.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.2, 3.3.4 )
<greggvanderheiden> 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.2, and 3.3.4 were reviewed by the WCAG working group previously.
<scribe> ACTION: Andi to draft language for SC pages that this is not the latest language and refer to the latest draft [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Draft language for SC pages that this is not the latest language and refer to the latest draft [on Andi Snow-Weaver - due 2013-04-19].
still have a survey to discuss
Cross-cutting issues - we had command line interfaces on our list of topics there
there were some glossary terms still outstanding
<MaryJo> + 1 to having something for command line interface
<korn> FYI: for cross-cutting
<scribe> ACTION: Andi to draft proposals for deferred glossary terms [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Draft proposals for deferred glossary terms [on Andi Snow-Weaver - due 2013-04-19].
<korn> Also open issues:
open action items need to be reviewed - many will be OBE (overcome by events)
49 - close - OBE
55 - Andi to address as part of deferred glossary terms review
57 - close - OBE
66 - close
72 - close - completed action
79 - leave open until close on glossary term for "change of context"
81 - conformance survey will help with this
<greggvanderheiden> I just fell off
<greggvanderheiden> we don't use the word USER AGENT anymore in our definition of software
<greggvanderheiden> so Action 77 is OBE
<greggvanderheiden> and can be closed
77 - we don't use user agent anymore in definition of software, Alex to review before we close
77 - assign to Alex
<korn> bye all
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/WCAG WG has provided no objection to us not providing guidance for AAA SC/Although we have not submitted anything formal to the WCAG WG yet, they have been told of our intent and have provided no objection to us not providing guidance for AAA SC./ Found Scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver Found ScribeNick: andisnow Present: Mike_Pluke Gregg_Vanderheiden Judy_Brewer Peter_Korn Bruce_Bailey Andi_Snow-Weaver Mary_Jo_Mueller David_MacDonald Loïc_Martínez_Normand Alex_Li Regrets: Kiran_Kaja Found Date: 12 Apr 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: andi peter WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]