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<TallTed> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Date: 27 March 2013
<Guus> scribe?
<scribe> scribe: Arnaud
<AndyS> Will redial (I'm muted)
subtopic: Accepting minutes of last meeting March 20
<pfps> minutes are fine
guus: any objections?
resolved: minutes of March 20 accepted
subtopic: Review of action items
guus: anyone wants to declare
... none, moving on
guus: need to agree on proposed shortnames
<gavinc> +1 to short names
<ivan> yes
<gavinc> Yes
<gavinc> yes
<TallTed> +1
sandro: hyphens in both shortnames and mediatypes?
gavinc: yes
guus: would like gavinc to add to the wiki on n-quads
gavinc: not sure there is much to add
guus and gavinc talk about STOD and abstract sections
discussion on cvs access
talks about requirements for FPWD
manu: would like to talk about JSON-LD before Turtle
guus: status?
<ericP> Disp of CR Comments
guus: let's start with the status of the test suite
ericp: working on issues that
need to be closed to be done with test suite
... issues mostly around definition of the base when running a
... saw pushback on description of the algorithm
sandro: why not let them use the location they ask for?
ericp: will need to move stuff
out of mercurial into www space
... that will set the base to the directory it is put in
<gavinc> ericP, yes, once there are two LICENSE files that comply with the
sandro: wants to make sure the base isn't hardcoded
<gavinc> We should TAG the test suite after we agree we're done
<gavinc> +q
gavinc: think we should tag the
repository when we think we are done
... and state what license applies
... believe andy was fine with that
<Guus> can we have a publication request for test suite on the table?
ericp: gavinc can you ask that all contributors are ok with that?
<AndyS> Andy is fine - when text ready I'll change the copy in hg
gavinc: ok
ericp: presume we are going to
tell the world in April we're not going to change it
... there were several comments we will decline, like
normalization of bnodes
<Guus> proposal to publish?
ericp: another one was about ordering of triples
<gavinc> +q question for team... is the required grant for the test cases still?
<gavinc> +q to ask a question for team... is the required grant for the test cases still?
<gavinc> -q question
guus: apart from the location, is there any other issues stopping us from publishing?
ericp: one issue is about whether we test what is outside of NFC
andy: ???
ericp: suggest the answer is no
guus: can we have a proposal to publish?
<AndyS> AndyS: Test good practice and not do worry about non-NFC : tests are often examples as well conformance
guus: would like a link and a proposal
gavinc: it's not been tagged yet so we don't have a URL to share
guus: this has been lingering for weeks
gavinc: we have 2 contributors who are not members of the WG
<ivan> no idea:-(
<gavinc> "If the Contribution is to be published by a Group in a Recommendation Track document governed by the W3C Patent Policy, all parties must agree to the W3C Patent Policy License Requirements. Participants agreed to these Requirements by joining the group. Non-participants must agree to these Requirements either by joining the Group (if eligible) or by agreeing to the terms of Grant I."
gavinc: confident they will agree to the license but we need to make sure that's the case
<gavinc> -q
davidwood: I don't know what they have agreed to since they haven't joined the wG
<manu1> My understanding is that RDF WG wanted to publish LCWDs for all JSON-LD REC-track
<manu1> documents by end of March.
<manu1> JSON-LD CG agreed to publish the JSON-LD Syntax and Algorithms specifications as
<manu1> Final Community Group Specifications (FCGS) and prep the RDF WG Last Call (LC)
<manu1> documents for publication on April 4th 2013.
<manu1> The documents are available here:
<manu1> JSON-LD 1.0 (LCWD)
<manu1> JSON-LD 1.0: Algorithms and API (LCWD)
<manu1> This group will need to decide whether or not they want to publish those
<manu1> documents as Last Call WDs on April 4th 2013 with the caveat that the editors
<manu1> will integrate decisions made on the JSON-LD call yesterday, fix pubrule
<manu1> issues, as well as make any editorial changes requested by RDF WG before
<manu1> April 4th 2013.
manu explains what the status is from his understanding and asks whether they have to create WDs or what
scribe: does anybody disagree with taking these two docs to last call?
sandro: would expect the decision to be taken in a week from now
davidwood: agree with sandro, review is due in a week
sandro: haven't completed review of the syntax
manu: getting all review comments
in the spec, editors think they have done that
... but also some commenters haven't necessarily agreed with
the disposition
guus: we can wait one or two week for LC
<gavinc> Comments now, better then 2nd LC
guus: would prefer to have consensus on the comments
davidwood: won
't reach consensus though
<gavinc> No, thus the need for a grant ;)
manu: other thing is if we get another set of comments from sandro, this may push us back for a month
<davidwood> We will need to respond to all commenters, but may not agree
manu: want to make sure WG is aware
guus: always a possibility, we'll have to deal with it
manu: if sandro can respond to comments and I'll respond to David Booth comments
guus: in two weeks is fine, if ready in a week it's better
sandro: lists some implementations, we should have that on the w3c website
<gavinc> ... C. Relationship to RDF isn't normative?
manu: all of json-ld mercurial is on w3c website
<gavinc> It has MUSTs
<gavinc> and refers to JSON-LD-API
sandro: can you browse it?
manu: no
manu: but if you go to the link
markus just pasted you can get to it
... it's on the w3c website
sandro: a bit confusing, not sure
this is enough
... communication is important
manu: also have a link in the
... it's on the json-ld website though
sandro: really should have a link
to a page
... test suite results should also be there
manu: still working on that
<gavinc> Turtle's reports are in dvcs
<gavinc> no one complained yet
ericp: got some proposal
<ericP> .PROPOSED: accept tests-ttl revision 1bd3ae36aebf as the presumed final Turtle test suite.
<ericP> .ACTION: Gavin to provide license text, asking submitters of comments 21 and 28 if they are willing to share their submitted tests with no IP restrictions and under the proposed license.
<ericP> .ACTION Gavin to tag 1bd3ae36aebf as "TurtleCRtests2013"
<ericP> .ACTION ericP (with Sandro) to copy or proxy TurtleCRtests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be
<AndyS> .ACTION AndyS Update license statement on contributed files.
<AndyS> .ACTION AndyS Update license statement on his contributed files.
<gavinc> AndyS, magic text is: Distributed under both the <a href="">W3C Test Suite License</a> and the <a href="">W3C 3-clause BSD License</a>. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the <a href="">policies and contribution forms</a>.
<AndyS> So non-NFC in test suite?
guus: exactly the proposal I was asking for, any concerns?
<sandro> -1 on putting "CR" in the base
ericp: want to remove the non NFC test suite
<AndyS> 4 tests cause non_NFC warning (but I pass the test - it's a warning)
sandro: who has passed all these tests?
gavinc: greg
<ericP> .ACTION: ericP to remove #localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries
sandro: don't agree on CR in the base, this test suite isn't just for CR it will remain for the Rec
ericp: I think only greg and
myself have run those tests
... but anybody who've run them before should pass these
guus: sandro, is that enough?
sandro: if that is true, then yes
<AndyS> Jena passes with 34 warnings.
gavinc: having a single manifest was done on people's request, they shouldn't have a problem with it
<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask who has passed this test suite
sandro: ok approving it now and see if there are any complaints
<sandro> sandro: I guess I'm okay with approving these tests on Eric and Greg's reports of having passed all of them, provisionally, to see if anyone else complains.
andy: can we really still pretend people who passed the tests before pass the new ones?
gavinc: people were confused about where the tests were
<sandro> +1 gavin: let's make the cleaned up test suite clearly available for people to try
ericp: don't agree, comments indicate people know
guus: given all the editorial actions that have been listed, can we approve the proposal?
<ericP> ACTION: Gavin to provide license text, asking submitters of comments 21 and 28 if they are willing to share their submitted tests with no IP restrictions and under the proposed license. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-243 - Provide license text, asking submitters of comments 21 and 28 if they are willing to share their submitted tests with no IP restrictions and under the proposed license. [on Gavin Carothers - due 2013-04-03].
guus: eric can you put the proposal back with the updated URI
<ericP> ACTION Gavin to tag 1bd3ae36aebf as "Turtletests2013"
<trackbot> Created ACTION-244 - Tag 1bd3ae36aebf as "Turtletests2013" [on Gavin Carothers - due 2013-04-03].
<ericP> ACTION ericP (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be
<trackbot> Created ACTION-245 - (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2013-04-03].
<ericP> ACTION: ericP to remove #localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-246 - Remove #localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2013-04-03].
eric creating the actions first
<ericP> ACTION: Gavin to tag 1bd3ae36aebf as "Turtletests2013" [recorded in]
<ericP> ACTION: ericP (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-247 - Tag 1bd3ae36aebf as "Turtletests2013" [on Gavin Carothers - due 2013-04-03].
<trackbot> Created ACTION-248 - (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2013-04-03].
<ericP> PROPOSED: accept tests-ttl revision 1bd3ae36aebf as the presumed final Turtle test suite.
<AndyS> So we're going with some UNASSIGNED_UNICODE_CHARACTER in PATH depending in Unicode version?
ericp: I believe yes
<sandro> +1 assuming the licenses are added, and with the understanding that we can undo this if people don't like the tests
<ericP> +1
<TallTed> +1
<gavinc> +1
<Guus> +1
<davidwood> +1
<pfps> +?
<ivan> 1
resolved: accept tests-ttl revision 1bd3ae36aebf as the presumed final Turtle test suite.
<sandro> where is the table or turtle test results, gkellogg ?
<davidwood> -(i)^2
guus: aob?
... meeting adjourned!
<sandro> eric, pfps
<markus> bye
<TallTed> I think guus was asking for followup on the write-access to hg/cvs/whatever
<Guus> peter, who promised to help?
<pfps> someone said that they would help, but I'm not sure who
<pfps> ppatelsc
<Guus> trackbot, end meeting
<pfps> ppatelsc
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/done/due/ Succeeded: s/months/a month/ Found Scribe: Arnaud Inferring ScribeNick: Arnaud Default Present: Sandro, pfps, ericP, AndyS, Guus, davidwood, Ivan, markus, Arnaud, GavinC, TallTed, AZ, MHausenblas Present: Sandro pfps ericP AndyS Guus davidwood Ivan markus Arnaud GavinC TallTed AZ MHausenblas Found Date: 27 Mar 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: ericp gavin sandro with[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]